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Multiple Settings ::getting back on the wagon:: mxm roleplay search


New Member
Hello all. I am starcross. I’m 26, married, with a son and two dogs. I work full time Monday thru Friday. I’m always doing something, which younger me would’ve hated, but it’s my life now and it’s pretty sweet.

I haven’t roleplayed in two years, give or take. I may be a little rusty but I’ve gotten an itch to start writing again. I have been role playing since 12-13, where I started out with some cringy Neopets roleplaying. I’m currently only willing to take on 1-2 partners, and I will try to post about every other day.

Also, MxM only. I do have one MxF pairing I will do. Only one.

I like to write a minimum of three paragraphs. I enjoy lengthy responses, so do not be afraid to write until your fingers bleed. I do not like gore; I do enjoy adult themes within scope of the story. I adore romance and angst and slow burns.

I’ve rambled long enough. I’m currently just writing this on my phone so I apologize for its plainness and curtness. I’m pretty fun and goofy otherwise.

Also, side note, I have this starter from awhile back that is medieva-esque, Captive Prince-esque in nature. Some arranged marriage. If that piques your interest, we could plot our world together and I could alter my intro before I send it to you. Just an option. I was ghosted immediately after typing it so I figured someone else might enjoy it.

My favorite topics to play are:
Witcher (books or Wild Hunt)
Dragon Age Inquisition (my favorite pairings are Solas and male/female Lavellan, Dorian and Cullen, and more)
Tales of Symphonia
World War I/II
Princes, knights, the like
Angels and demons
Rival writers or artists

Feel free to shoot some ideas.

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