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Multiple Settings Getting back into the swing of it


One Time Luck

Thought I would start here first. I'm an old timer roleplayer and my life the last ten years has just been not friendly towards finding the time for this creative outlet I used to love so much. I'm looking to start up a fairly casual 1x1 so if you're looking for a frequent back and forth, hardcore roleplay please understand that may not be possible for me. Possibly in time as I get my feet back in the water but for now I'm just looking to to keep it casual and obviously fun.

Here are some of the genres I like:

Fantasy - I like nearly every take on Fantasy stuff and am open for discussions here
Harvest Moon - I hadn't even thought of this until I saw a group thread made of it here, and I think it would be super fun
Pokemon - For as long as I've played Pokemon I haven't ever actually done (successfully) an RP of this, but am open to it
Other video games - I actually have a lot of games I may be interested in roleplaying. Just ask I'm friendly.

There may be more here that I couldn't think of, hopefully I can expand later. If there's anything information-wise I forgot to include please feel free to let me know.

I'm not illiterate and I don't do one-liners and would prefer someone who reciprocates. I'm a nice guy just feel free to leave me questions/comments/requests below! Thanks!
Mind going a little deeper into detail about the random ideas/storylines, pairings and specific settings you might have an interest in?
Mind going a little deeper into detail about the random ideas/storylines, pairings and specific settings you might have an interest in?

I'm terribly sorry I didnt see this before. Thank you for asking this. I knew I had probably not put enough in and your suggestion really made me realize how unprepared I am.
I'm terribly sorry I didnt see this before. Thank you for asking this. I knew I had probably not put enough in and your suggestion really made me realize how unprepared I am.
It’s okay! Sometimes we just wanna do something and don’t think it through all the way because of the excitement of it all

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