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Multiple Settings Getting back into roleplaying [Partner Search]


Ma'am, please don't eat the cash register.
This is not a finished post by far, as I'm planning to make this place kind of a hub for those who wish to do 1x1 with the characters, and in the universes that I have.
I am posting this with the characters that are currently most urgent in terms of who I want to play right now, of which are a hyena and an alien.

If you wish to wait until I have more than just those two up, or are simply not interested in those then I understand entirely!

(I do of course encourage you to read a little more into them, though, as they might not be what you expect!)

Hello hello! Please, feel free to call me Mel!

So... it's been a long while, but I'm finally getting up on my feet and trying to get back into hobbies, which means finding some people to roleplay with!
And I have some characters and universes that I would welcome you to check out and see if you might be interested!

I've known myself to be a confidently literate writer, often exceeding 500-700 words to some extent (I know, puny compared to the common college essay) and in the past I've been pretty good with words, though it may be rather rusty nowadays.
I do enjoy a slow ramp up for a story, but being thrown into the fray can be equally as fun, so just tell me your pace and I'll usually try my best to cater to it.
I enjoy playing a wide variety of characters, and in that same vein, I do also enjoy many genres. (Although my focus on genres can, and will shift every once in a while, so beware!)

The only thing I'd really ask from you is the kindness of common roleplay courtesy. (No metagaming, not being cripplingly OP, etc.)


Now I know you might be asking, what could I provide on characters or universes?
Well... why don't I show you?
(And before someone asks, yes, I did produce the artwork of all of these characters, it is mine.

  • What is this? Welcome to all of the characters who can basically fit anywhere, anytime!
    They may have some suggested settings or genres, but they are free-range characters able to be pulled in anywhere. Have an idea you think they might fit well in or a story you want to make with them? Then go right ahead, these guys are our fodder.
    (Just don't force em out of their element, heheh.)

    S a l e h e
    Salehe - Striped Hyena - Male


    Salehe was originally made for a roleplay that mixed basically anything dog-like in a world where such animals weren't so separated, where they had to work together if they actually wanted to survive their spiritually and magically harsh environment.
    You can go with this for him, or you can request a different setting, I do not mind either.


    The basic rundown of this absolute bastard is that he's kind in his own strange way until he most definitely isn't.
    Salehe is normally a rather friendly and polite individual and known for being incredibly perceptive, often trying to present himself with a little bit of charm. It would seem he has a rather deeply ingrained sense of importance of pack members, even if he is not of high opinions of them. Though, it is to be noted that he often experiences a good amount of detachment from many, more focused on structure than on individuals. If he does actually attach to another, he's notably altruistic and generally quite benign. Though this often shows itself in its own odd ways such as silent acts of dropping a bird at one's feet before trotting off without a word, an off-handed compliment that comes from absolutely nowhere, or interest in involving someone in an otherwise strange or unconventional activity with no sign of technical importance.
    This isn't to be mistaken, however. There is much, much more than meets the eye for him when it comes to his relentless but silent anger and his nasty habit of using information one has given to him on themselves.

    Take that how you may ;)

    Final note: If you decide you want something to do with him, just be warned that he can turn to be a rather intense and violent character. He's not the absolute greatest in terms of morality, you know?
    Otherwise, that's Salehe for you!

    Y a h y r
    Yahyr - Almikyan (Alien) - Male-ish


    Yahyr is an alien who's basically betrayed his species need for survival and rejected his culture's xenophobic views in favor of humans, one of the most advanced sentient species of their kind that the universe has seen.
    I'd suggest playing a human for him, as I reckon that'd probably get the best story out of this dork, but you absolutely don't have to! I'm always up to ideas or story-twists with him.


    Yahyr, as a person, is usually pretty calm and collected, but he’s very easily excitable when you mention anything new to him. He’s always looking for information to take in, and it can lead him into trouble. He can handle himself, but he’s still not entirely steady when it comes to talking with humans in a way that won’t come off as abrasive or unsettling. He sometimes has no filter for what he says or does when he’s focused on trying to do something, and it can often lead to him severely harm someone or something. And it may not occur to him at all that he did something harmful until it is too late. Despite this, Yahyr is incredibly sensitive to emotion (when he sees it) and the world around him and will generally break his limbs to make sure those around him are happy and safe, even if they may be stranger to him.
    He’s also one to take on any problem he’s faced with head-on and with confidence but has been known to be gentler in how he handles things when it comes to human emotion and social situations.

    However, sadly, he is also (sensibly) wary of actually showing himself to them, still unsure of possibly traumatizing a human or getting himself hunted. So often, he keeps himself to the out-of-the-way wilderness, occasionally watching humanity from afar.
    This is bound to change.


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