Story Get Off (A Fanficiton)


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Jeff walked along the sidewalk, his hood pulled over his head and his jet black hair falling over his pale white face. He didn't make eye contact with any of the humans nearby, but as he walked less and less humans were around him. His destination was the Slender forest, so not many humans would be around at night, or even in the daylight. Jeff still made sure to keep low so he didn't attract any... unwanted attention. He hunched over as he walked, dragging his feet on the concrete. He had his hands tucked into the pockets of his hoodie as well. He didn't like being out here this early. It was only 8 o'clock, and humans were still roaming the streets. However, his surroundings were fairly dark despite the early hour. He had gone to fetch some supplies, groceries to be exact, which were stuffed in a bag slung over his shoulder. Not all of them were fine with eating raw human flesh, or cooked. He looked up to see a kind of short male with scruffy black hair just standing in the middle of the sidewalk. He was just standing there, looking at the sky. Most of the humans had places to be or homes and families to get back to. Jeff paused for a moment, staring at the male figure to see if he would leave, but he did not. Jeff shrugged, it wasn't that big of a deal. Jeff caught a glimpse of his face as he walked past, but all he could make out in the growing darkness was that he had a rather pale white face. Jeff hurried into the forest, skillfully scaling the wire fence around it. Once he got into the forest, he removed the hood from his head and walked calmly towards the mansion. He felt better in the forest than the noisy city. 
Chapter 1

Masky sat at the table with Hoodie as they shared the cheesecake on the table. Eyeless jack scrolled casually into the dining room holding a half-eaten piece of what was supposably human flesh. His mask was slightly tipped back, revealing his mouth full of bloodstained sharp teeth. He took a seat near Masky and Hoodie, kicking his feet up on the table. Masky and Hoodie didn't turn to look at him so they didn't have to watch him eat, but they had to listen to the sickening rip as he tore his teeth through the flesh. Masky shivered, trying to get the gross image out of his head. In the battlefield he wouldn't have been so disgusted, but he was eating. It's similar to listening someone talk about maggots and worms while eating spaghetti. The image was sickening and Masky lost his appetite quickly. Hoodie looked up at him and asked "Are you okay?"

Masky nodded "Yeah... just..." He held back vomit.

Hoodie nodded "Yeah I understand, how about we put the rest in the fridge?" Hoodie offered

Masky looked up "There aren't any organs in the fridge right?"

Hoodie turned to look at Jack and said loudly "There shouldn't be." Hoodie grabbed the remaining cheesecake with one hand and arm, and used the other to open the fridge. He sighed in relief when he saw that Jack had followed Slender's orders and stopped putting them in the fridge. Hoodie stuffed the cheesecake on the top shelf, having to stand on the tips of his toes to reach it.

Jeff walked in with the groceries slung over his shoulder "Hey, are there any new pastas in town?"

Masky looked over "Not that I know of... why?"

Jeff shook his head "Nah, It probably nothing."

Masky walked towards him "Jeff, you know we should investigate if you think you saw a new pasta. This could be serious."

Jeff scoffed "Fine."

Jeff and Masky walked down the sidewalk that day, staying away from any humans. Masky borrowed one of Hoodie's hoodies to wear so he didn't draw attention. They reached the spot Jeff saw the stranger, and Jeff muttered "This is a waste of time..."

Masky shot him a stern look "This is wear you saw him, yes?" Jeff nodded. Masky walked up to a nearby bench and sat down.

Jeff stood there and looked at him "You're kidding... right?" Masky crossed his arms and looked at him. "Come on! This is b******t!" After an hour of Jeff's whining, he finally took a seat next to Masky. Hours passed, and around sunset they saw a man standing a little ways away, leaning against the lamp post.

Masky turned to Jeff "Is that him?"

Jeff looked at the male figure. He could see his scruffy, short black hair, and the setting sun reflecting off his pale white face. "I think so." Masky got up off the bench and walked towards him, and tapped on his shoulder

The man turns to face Jeff and Masky, and it's now clearly visible that he doesn't have a pale face, but is wearing a rather strange white mask with cat ears. He's wearing a baggy white sweater with a black heart in the center of the chest area. He pauses then says "Got any spare credits?"

Jeff tilts his head "Credits?- never mind. Uh... Are you a... um?" Jeff stutters, trying to put it into words that a stranger could understand.

Masky interrupts Jeff, saving him from looking like a fool "What's your name?"

The man smiles through his mask and replies "Zacharie."

Masky shook his hand firmly "I'm Masky, and this is Jeff. May I ask what you're doing here?", he asks.

Zacharie responds coolly "I'm a merchant, I sell things to people for credits."

Masky nods "So, do you um... have you heard of the Creepypastas?"

Zacharie shakes his head "'fraid not, I've only just gotten to this zone."

Masky tilts his head "Zone... So you're not from here?"

Zacharie shakes his head "Nope."

Masky continues to ask questions "Where are you from?"

Zacharie looks at Masky "Can we just cut the chatter? I'm just a merchant, not an important character that you have to slug through excessive dialog for."

Masky rubbed the back of his neck "Sorry... anyways will you always be here at sunset?"

Zacharie smiles "I suppose, unless I find another place I'm needed. Don't worry, one always find the merchant to be in rather convenient places before they arrive."

Masky just shrugs, not understanding a word, and walks back towards the mansion.

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