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Fandom Genshin Impact: Scars of Inazuma (Mid-Level Or Higher Writers Wanted)


New Member
I have no idea how to make this all neat and fancy because the BBCode stuff hurts my head and the stuff I'm used to using with it is just like spoilers or putting an image in the post... so instead to begin, here is a little prologue to the story of the RP:

"I remember when I awoke. I could see rain, but I could not feel it on my face. I looked to the sky and beheld darkness, broken only temporarily by flashes of light. A storm was sweeping across Inazuma, and not only the one that thundered above, but another across its land. I could feel, such sorrow, such fear. I could hear it, as fire spread, shouting, crying... my home, was being torn apart, just as it was back then. But the assailants were not of Abyssal Tooth and Claw, but wore the colors of the very land they called home. I had awoken to a land beset by its own people, ruled over by a Usurper, who had proclaimed suffering to her own people. And they called it..."

"...The Vision Hunt Decree, all citizens of Inazuma in possession of a Vision are hereby ordered to relinquish them into the custody of the Tenryou Commission, by order of the Almighty Shogun. Failure to comply with this Decree will mark you as fugitive to the law, and enemy to Eternity. Those who harbor fugitives of this Decree, will likewise be considered criminals."

The Tenryou Officer closed the scroll in his hands, looking over the gathered people of the town he had been sent to. He looked from one to the next, as two more Tenryou Soldiers stepped forward with baskets, but none of them expected it would be as simple as waiting for the people to do as they were told. There was a long silence, before a voice rang out from the crowd.

"You can't do this, Visions aren't yours to take away!"

Another voice echoed theirs.

"Yeah, this is absurd! My Vision isn't even an Electro Vision! The Archon may rule over Inazuma, but they aren't even the one who gave me this Vision!"

More voices cried out in protest, until the Officer's voice yelled over them.

"This is not up for discussion! This is a direct Decree from the Raiden Shogun, you will turn in your Visions, or be branded an enemy of Inazuma. I have been sent to enforce this Decree, and one way or another, I will see it enforced. Whether that means each of you stepping forth and turning in your Visions, or me sending soldiers to chase you down, drag you to prison, and confiscate your Vision by force... that is ultimately up to you."

The people became quiet, only a few mumblings between them, before one person stepped forward, and held out their Vision. A long pause with silence hanging in the air, before they slowly turned their hand, allowing the Vision to slide from their palm, and into one of the baskets held by the soldiers. Soon another followed, and another. It seemed as though this would go more simply than the Officer had hoped. Until...

"You will never take my Vision from me, I don't care if the Shogun came her personally to take it, you can't have it!"

Someone from the crowd turned and ran, rushing to their home and slamming the door behind them. More people did the same, turning to run, to hide, to go wherever they could. With a long, heavy sigh, the Officer raised a hand, and made a motion forward. Soldiers started to march into the town, going after those who had fled.

Doors were kicked in, people were dragged screaming from their homes. People tried to reason with the Soldiers, begging them... Some, even fought back, causing Soldiers to back off only long enough for specialist Soldiers with visions of their own to step forward and subdue them. From afar, it looked no different than as if the town was being raided by bandits.

On a hill nearby, a fox statue glowed with energy, watching over the town. Rain washed down over the land, and as the water trickled over the statue, one could almost mistake the drops of rain for tears.

Story/Character Expectations:

Simply put, this will be a RP 'mostly' set in Inazuma, and will focus on the fallout of the Vision Hunt Decree. That being said, the way in which it will focus on this is in the form of a fully AU story complete with original characters. I myself will be acting as DM, controlling NPCs (Which I guess technically they aren't NPCs, really I'm just a player and they are my characters but you get the point-) and setting up the general story. The story will in places be very combat heavy, and we won't be using any sort of RPG systems, I just expect everyone to understand the character they are playing, their abilities and limitations,

Your part in this RP, as a potential player, is to take on the role of a chosen canon character. Chosen by you that is, within a limited set of options. That is to say, you are free to choose your character to play, so long as it makes sense for the character you pick to be involved in the story. While arguments could be made for the Knights of Favonius to send support, perhaps even Jean herself, it's less likely to suggest they would send someone like Klee. Likewise Fontaine is much less likely to officially get involved, and the story made it pretty clear that locals of Natlan simply don't really tend to leave the nation. And I really don't see a nation like Liyue sending someone like Ningguang to directly aid another nation rather than her staying home to prepare for the worst.

Any and all Inazuma Characters are open to being played. That being said, it goes without saying that if you pick an important character, they are going to have an important role. If you choose to play as Ei, then you are setting yourself up for a more important role in the story, a sort of leader within the RP, and you'll need to work with me privately to ensure you don't accidentally derail the story. Other characters who are important but not quite THAT important but are characters I will be taking control of if nobody else chooses to play them, include Kujou Sara, Yae Miko, Arataki Itto, and Zhongli. The Traveler (Aether or Lumine) is also open to being played (With or without Paimon) but, as you would expect, will also have a slightly larger role than other characters, but in this case at least, they are completely in the dark about things. And Childe is also allowed to be played, but would have a, again, slightly more important role than a normal character.

While this RP is a story of my design, with original characters of my design, that does not mean this is necessarily just you tagging along while I tell my story and gush over my own creations. The players within this RP will be able to make their own choices within the story, discover things for themselves, and ultimately pick what side they take. What sides will there be to take? Well that's the question isn't it? It should go without saying that certain characters already have predisposed loyalties. That is to say, if for example the choices were to come down to supporting the Shogun or not, Yae Sakura and Kujou Sara are pretty much already unwaveringly on her side no? So they will likely always choose supporting the Shogun regardless of what is being asked. But at the same time, this has to be a group effort to write this story. So it would be unfair if the whole group was forced down a specific path just because one character is already aligned in a certain way. So to that end, I simply ask that anyone playing a character like those examples play them more open minded than they would likely be written by Mihoyo.

RP Expectations/Requests:
I am looking for probably 3-4 players for this RP. If there is very little interest, I'd be comfortable doing it with as few as 2, and if there is more interest, I would only go as high as 6.

It should go without saying that Genshin Impact lore is expected. You don't have to still be playing to this day or keeping up with every single bit of lore. But there is an expectation that you have at least played through Inazuma, and you know the character you choose to play well enough to portray them. Knowledge of the main storylines through Sumeru is probably for the best, but not absolutely required. Inazuma as a basis is fine.

I would prefer writers who are interested and dedicated in the idea and the story and are sticking around for the long-term. Too often do RPs fall apart because players just drop off the face of the earth, never to be heard from again.

I would also prefer people who are active and available. I myself am often available all day every day. Even when I am working, I tend to have a lot of free time to check in here and there. And I can most certainly post regularly. I am not demanding that every single person has to post every single day without fail or even multiple times each day. But I hope that everyone understands how it feels when a month goes by in a RP and you're still on the first scene because people are only posting once every 3-4 days. It would be much more fun for everyone involved if the story actually moved forward and we got to keep writing. Nobody wants to be the last person in line in a post order who has been waiting 4 days for the next person to post, knowing that even more people after them have to post before it's even your turn to write something. Let's put it this way. If a RP has 5 people in it, and each person on average only posts once every 2-3 days... that means each person only gets to write a post once every couple weeks. We all understand that IRL comes first, and things happen. But please just be open and honest about your ability to post, and if you aren't able to commit to the RP then that's fine.

I don't necessarily have a post size/quality requirement specifically. I am not going to tell you that you need to post x amount of words per post or anything like that. I will simply ask this: Please be fluent in English, please write more than one liners, and show some dedication to the story. This is not a RP for beginner writers, but also does not require you to be an advanced writer. If you can manage a paragraph or two, then you'll be fine. Grammar mistakes and the like happen, it's not the end of the world. Fluency in English suggests you won't be making regular, repeated mistakes as if you actually just don't know any better. So I guess I did sort of set post size/quality requirements there but, you get what I mean. I'm asking for average and above here, and not demanding anything advanced.
Just to clarify, this interest check in purely looking for people to play cannon characters, and not OCs, right?

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