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Magic Eight Ball
Hey y'all!

As the title implies, I'm itching for a Genshin rp, preferably with semi-frequent/quick replies but open to slower.

Not sure this will get many , if any, dings but I figure it's worth a shot.

Little bit about me:

I'm 23, currently reside in the Alaskan timezone and have been writting for roughly 11+ years now. He/Him Pronouns.

My writting style and length generally depends on the flow of the rp.
(I generally write anywhere from a paragraph per character to basically novel.)

I also love character analysis and trying out new characters so I'm down to write for most anyone.

Now for writting preferences:

☆ will NOT write with anyone under 18.
Purely as a saftey precaution as well as my own personal comfort as this will be a private thing revolving around romance.

☆ Descriptive and 3rd person only
I have a hard time immersing myself otherwise

☆ Oc x canon writers please! But I'm open to oc x oc if I feel our ocs would vibe well.
I tend to lose interest if you don't have an oc to write with. Sorry.

☆ ^ That being said, I only do double ups.
As in, I write for my oc & your chosen love interest and vice versa.

☆ Prefer writting over Discord in a private server as it's easier to organize stuff (and I'm still not too familiar with this site just yet)
My Discord user is: Krischaoz

☆ 1x1 rps only
Roleplaying in groups can be hard for me to follow and pretty overwhelming.

☆ MUST be LGBTQA+ friendly!!
Most of my ocs are somewhere in the community and I'm NOT willing to negotiate on that. so this a definite must.
I will just straight up block you if you can't be respectful about it.
Just here for a good/fun time, not to get into heated debates.

☆ Characters (oc/choosen canon ones) must be adults.
Side characters are fine but I ask we keep focus on adult characters, reguardless of content.

☆ please space your paragraphs!
My dyslexia tends to act up pretty bad with longer/run-on paragraphs and I'm not a huge fan of having to re-read stuff 50 times to make sense of it
(That being said, please let me know if my typos make something unreadable. My autocorrect doesn't always cooperate with me).

☆ ^ also, for me personally, I prefer you put something at the end of the reply to signify completion.
Sometimes we may need to go over the character limit (not necessarily asking you to do so but I often do so deoending on the scene), and I'd hate to accidentally cut you off if you're having to send multiple replies to get through your response.

☆ I dont expect you to be 100% in character all the time or to write a full novel every response but I just ask you at least *try* to stay in character to the best of your ability.
1 paragraph per character should be enough at the very least. As long as I have enough to go off of we should be fine! Just no 1 liners please.

☆ please inform me of any triggers you have or writting accommodations you may need upfront!
This will generally be the first thing I ask about before we get started. I will do my best to accommodate said needs and I ask you do the same.

☆ If I haven't replied to you, I just ask you give me at least 3-4 days before pinging me if I haven't let you know I'd be unavailable.

Chances are Discord ate my reply or your notification / I got distracted and forgot to reply.

Please let me know your preference for pinging!

☆ oorp talks highly encouraged!
I'd love for us to gush about our ocs together and such! I feel rps flow better when we can form a bond.

☆ Ghost friendly!
Although I ask you please let me know if you're not feeling the rp anymore, I totally understand how anxiety inducing bringing it up can be.

☆ Although I prefer frequent roleplays, PLEASE take care of yourself and your needs first!!!

Please don't feel like you need to apologize/explain yourself if you don't reply right away and please don't feel the need to put our roleplay before everything!
We're both adults. We both have responsibilities and a life. All of which should come first before anything. So I totally understand If you need to put our rp on pause.
I've waited for a year for a reply if that tells you anything about my patience/leniency.
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What kind of story would you have in mind? I've been craving a genshin-based rp for a while but it also depends on what the story progression would be like. Are we in an AU? Simply taking over the role of traveller? etc.

Otherwise, I'd love to rp with you! (If you'd have me that is lmao)
What kind of story would you have in mind? I've been craving a genshin-based rp for a while but it also depends on what the story progression would be like. Are we in an AU? Simply taking over the role of traveller? etc.

Otherwise, I'd love to rp with you! (If you'd have me that is lmao)
I generally tend to loosely follow the canon timeline and base our story on our ocs and the backstories and such!

For example, my main oc is a harbinger and his story tends to revolve around a curse that was put on him (which is a metaphor for grief!)
And I have a side/background character (who is a sort package deal with my main) who's story also revolves around my main's but also a sort of murder mystery revolving around the fatui and an old college friend of hers!

Or another oc (unrelated to the previous two) who's story revolves around their amnesia and searching for clues about their past.

But I'm totally open to any AUs or ideas you may have :)
I see, so things like the decree in Inazuma would still be going on. Also, that harbinger oc sounds cool! I have a few ocs myself, but they're from an AU, I could rewrite them to fit in a timeline similar to the main one though. As for my own AU's, I don't really have any in particular but if you would like to flesh out one that suits the needs of our story/characters we could. I'll pm you my discord if you'd like to discuss there.

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