Genius twins - Kano and Kenji Neverth (DC universe)


Obsessive Writer
Roleplay Type(s)
Characters are originally meant for the DC universe, can be adapted to many modern-esque fandoms.

Updated to a brand sheets on 6/13/2017

Kenji and Kano Neverth.
Age: 13-15 depending on requirements of RP.
Race: Japanese
Appearance: Brown skinned, dark eyes and dark hair. Kenji's hair is short, though his bangs are a bit long, often casting over his eyes. Kano's hair is a tad longer and messier, with his bangs parted and strands of hair sticking out occasionally. Both have thin, almost-lithe body structures, with thin arms and legs. They reach the height of about 5'5, truly physically they are nothing too special.
Clothing will vary depending on their situation, but normally they favor dark-colored clothing.
Kenji would often wear a dark coat over a plain T-shirt, with long pants. He doesn't care about what he wears, and it usually shows in his very minimalist outfit. More important are the gadget(s) he wears... Always he will wear a device on his wrist that very much resembles a watch. Usually the screen on this device is blank, though he still uses it with ease as he doesn't need a visual screen to see what he's doing. Along with his pants he'd wear a belt, which he'd use to strap various devices onto it. All of which usually resemble ordinary objects, such as clip-on cell phones or pedometers, which are more than what they appear.
Kano cares a little bit more about what he wears. Usually a striped shirt that could sometimes be black and white, or blue and white, or silver and yellow. Over this shirt he'd always wear a black vest with large, zip-up pockets. His shorts would be cargo shorts, ones that he doesn't bother tying the strings up thus lets strings dangle from his shorts willy-nilly.

Kano is the social, 'nice' one of the duo. Though both of them tend to have poor social skills due to their independence (history) and unusual interests (and intelligence), Kano can often still come off as charismatic and friendly. He does a very good job at appearing that he enjoys your presence, when in reality he probably would prefer to be left alone. He is never rude or mean unless someone else warrants the behavior, and can often be considered a good listener. Most of the talking between the two is done by Kano.
Despite his capability to interact smoothly with others, Kano has a distinct lack of understanding when it comes to truly comprehending human behavior. He is very literal, often missing sarcasm, and can lack common knowledge. As a basic example of his confusion toward morality, Kano fails to understand why a police man is allowed to not only carry a gun, but also shoot people, while a common citizen is not quite allowed to carry fire arms and will be held under much harsher judgement if they shoot a person. Many times Kano has to remind himself that harming others physically or emotionally is wrong, even though he doesn't understand why. Despite this lack of understanding, Kano wants to understand, a feeling that ties in with his desire and thirst for knowledge. Kano wants to learn many things, as much as he could, as often as he could, forever. He has a raw craving for knowledge and information, just like his brother Kenji does, although this craving is not an obsession, and he can put this aside for more important things if the matter comes up.

Kenji is much more subdued, and a more of a... jerk, to be frank. He has no desire to empathize or socialize with others, deeming most people as idiots (even his brother, despite that they're both genius's), and this conclusion may be based more on ego than anything else. Kenji is smart, and he knows it. Like his brother, he has a thirst for knowledge, but it is a much more intense thirst. He is the embodiment of obsession, he must learn, he must build, he must invent. He will work for hours and hours, forgoing sleep or food or bathroom breaks just to keep working on his inventions and studies until he passes out.
Considering this obsession is a large part of what makes his brain tick, Kenji has very little patience for others or communication, so much so to the point that Kenji simply chooses not to interact. He doesn't like confrontation or fights because they're a waste of his precious time, so often another person will be met with a hard, disinterested stare rather than being given a proper answer to whatever they may or may not say. On the outside, Kenji just seems like someone who... doesn't really talk, unless he's telling someone to stop or get out of his way.
Morality is something Kenji actually understands better than Kano, but he doesn't care about this. If people are in his way, he will remove them, usually by simply disarming them. He takes no joy from hurting others, he just wants to get back to his damn work.
Kenji's habits include; building, inventing, building, studying, building... He loves to create things and invent them. Even when he finishes a project, he'd toss the invention aside carelessly to begin work on the next one... Often Kenji could build things that vary from handheld game consoles, to weapons (types of guns are something he builds often), to cell phone devices, to... just about anything he can, really.

Abilities: The twins are weak, physically. They aren't trained in combat, they aren't especially fast or gifted by any means, they're just normal teenagers who don't really work out and aren't very active. Their claim to fame is their intelligence.
At the age of seven years old, Kenji easily learned and understood college-level algebra, with his brother Kano following close behind him. Both boys are extremely gifted in learning, and their thirst for knowledge means they will seek out something to learn as often as they can, even from a young age. Easy access to even the most basic of textbooks will allow them to learn fundamentals from that textbook extremely quickly, and their intellect only continues to grow. They are genius's, plain and simple.
Kenji tends to dive into topics such as mathematics, fundamentals such as electricity and geology (to understand how to work with metal and build things), and science in general, though he isn't so much interested in geometry or psychology.
Kano is more into the latter two, geometry and psychology (especially psychology), as well as quantum mechanics and the like. They both understand all these topics just fine, but have their own interests and emphasis.

History: Where did they come from?
Originally, they were products of the Cadmus project. One of many science experiments, though they were the product of a more minor experiment. Scientists attempted to create advanced brains, specifically for psychic powers and telepathy. Both boys are test tube babies (genes donated by scientists that worked on the project), but they came out as 'failed' experiments due to various reasons. Instead of getting rid of them, or continuing to house them, the twins had gotten lucky and were dropped off as toddlers in an orphanage (originally in Gotham). Unfortunately, their apparent intellect wasn't noticed or cared for by the scientists, so they missed out on a couple of genius's.

Raised in an orphanage, the twins sought out their textbooks and learned all they could, quickly making their intellect apparent. Vultures looking to use their intellect for profit made themselves known, and as seven year olds, the two boys decided to run away. They lived on the street, using their cleverness to thrive easily with shelter and food (usually by relying on abandoned warehouses). They are definitely not above stealing what they want for building, often taking electronics from stores to use the parts to build their own creations.
A very basic history, but their history had changed so many times... Originally they were patients of Arkham Asylum due to varying reasons, kept hidden from the public (seeing as obviously minors do not belong in Arkham) or righteous doctors as the more twisted psychologists at the hospital had idea's for the kids. But the Asylum version of their history isn't really needed unless it interests you and we can think up idea's for them.
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