Generic Introductory Post!


that wasnt very nico-nico-nii of you
Hi, I'm Isobel! I used to be really into RPing a few years back, but I haven't found anywhere to do it for a while. So I'm hoping that this website will be useful.

I like anime/manga and video games. My favorite anime series are Kaiji, Monogatari, and Madoka Magica. My favorite games are Mass Effect, Fallout, Elder Scrolls, and Bioshock. It's hard for me to choose just one favorite!

As for RPing, I'm open to just about anything. I especially like original settings (rather than based off of a fandom), and I enjoy sci-fi, fantasy, cyberpunk, and especially city noir!

It's nice to meet you all!
Generic introductory post!

Hehehee -- just kidding. (: Welcome to RpNation. I was just taking a peek at your art thread. You are quite talented, if you don't mind me saying! (: You also made some good choices in games. *highfives*
Mordecai said:
Generic introductory post!
Hehehee -- just kidding. (: Welcome to RpNation. I was just taking a peek at your art thread. You are quite talented, if you don't mind me saying! (: You also made some good choices in games. *highfives*
Thanks! I'm glad you like my art, I'm not always so confident with it so it's great to hear praise.

So far everyone on here seems really nice, I'm looking forward to spending more time here!
We have some similar tastes in our roleplay I think. Welcome to the land of Roleplay and I hope you find what you're looking for! :D

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