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Realistic or Modern Generic Average Superheros

Midnight Peace






Alignment (Hero, Villain, Anti-Hero, or independent?):








Note: Please feel free to edit this template as you feel necessary. Adding or omitting tabs is alright if you need the bio to suit your character better.
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Name: Ilabelle Darren

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Alias: Gaia

Alignment: Hero

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.e522051273a81179a79f7bfd1d22d9b8.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="135359" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.e522051273a81179a79f7bfd1d22d9b8.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Powers: Terrakinesis

Abilities: Intelligent, agile, can keep a secret

Weaknesses: Emotional, shy, powers linked to emotions

Personality: A quiet, shy, and generally introspective person; Ilabelle rarely realizes the world around her. She lives in her own mind. Her grades are sub-par, but her writing makes up for it. Ilabelle's essays, poems, and songs are profoundly insightful and philosophical. She's intelligent, but not in the way that will get her into a good college. Her intelligence is the type that would make her historically significant if she chose to pursue any specific career. Ilabelle struggles with bipolar depression and her parents' divorce. Custody is being debated in court and Ilabelle wants all the hostility to end. She keeps her issues to herself, refuses to discuss her family to anyone, and generally is reserved.

History: The only history Ilabelle ever lets anyone know of is that her parents are divorcing. She never mentions the sexual and physical abuse she suffered at the hands of her father to anyone. Her life is riddled with secrets and taboo, so she keeps to herself.

Other: often talks to "Joshua" when she's talking to herself. This was the name of her son before he was killed by her (and his) father.



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Name: Evelyn (Eve) Hawthorn

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Asexual

Alias: Tesla

Alignment (Hero, Villain, Anti-Hero, or independent?): Independent, for now, but leaning towards Anti-Hero


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8cae9e496d_evetesla.jpg.bf8eacee5a83e1cbc80e238c00fcebea.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="135363" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8cae9e496d_evetesla.jpg.bf8eacee5a83e1cbc80e238c00fcebea.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Powers: Manipulates electricity (causing power surges and black outs), lightning bolts out of her hands. She can also manipulate lightning into shapes and aim it during a storm (though she has to stay out of the water).

Weaknesses: Tesla's weakness is water. She can "fizz out" so to speak if drenched in water and if submerged in water for long periods of time, she can be weakened. Growing up she always hated baths and swimming, though she didn't understand why. She learned to take quick showers and avoid the rain as much as possible.

Personality: In her regular life she is quiet and reserved, despite her crazy hair. She's very self conscious and prefers the company of a good book. Her super alias is bold, brash and full of witty comebacks.

History: Eve inherited her powers from her father, but she doesn't know that. She was raised with a single mother and her mother hid her father's powers from her because her father was a famous villain and Eve's mother worried she would follow the same path. When Eve went off to college in NYC by herself, she was tracked by a small group of people dedicated to finding supers and learning to control them (dubbed "The Agency"). They put Eve through extensive, rigorous tests which sparked her powers to develop. Eve was enraged by how they treated her and they were supposedly the "Good Guys" which is why she ran off on her own. She's currently living on her own, though she's not hiding since she knows she could fight the group of people if need be. They taught her how to use her powers, after all, even though it was through force and manipulation.




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Name: Allen Sweetwater

Age: 23

Gender: Cis Male

Sexuality: Homosexual

Alias: Shift (or the "ReaRanger" if he's feeling fancy)

Alignment: Independent


Powers: Allen has the ability to manipulate objects on a molecular level, meaning not only can he levitate objects, but he can change their state or shape to his liking.

Abilities: N/A

Weaknesses: Allen cannot use his powers on people. Well, technically he can, but the potential for it to backfire far outweighs his desire to attempt it. The intellect which humans hold makes it very likely that their brainwaves will scramble his attempts to rearrange their molecules, which at best could morph their surroundings, and at worst morph his own body. Allen actually has a large deformation in his left side from when he attempted to use his powers on a human.

Personality: Allen is a... Complicated man. Depending on when you see him (and what he's ingested recently) he can either be calm and disinterested, bouncing-of-the-walls-havin-a-good-time-by-freddy-murcery, or crying whilst angrily shooting multiple rounds out of a glock at the floor of an alleyway. Yeah... uh... Very complicated. But, the last one on the list is a rare sight, and chances are he'll be a generally ok guy whenever you get the chance to meet him.

Allen doesn't have a specific moral alignment that he sticks with. At core, he lives only to sustain and satisfy himself. He will often act heroically, but usually he only works by assisting efforts made by other heroes, and he really only performs such acts to fill his spare time. Despite this, he has committed (well, let's be honest he commits it on the regular) petty theft, though this is really only to sustain his habits. Allen is unemployed, which is mostly due to his unpredictable emotional states, which can turn explosive at any minute.

History: Allen's past is shrouded in ~~~mystery~~~. All that's known about him is that he was alright (if a little quirky) up until he graduated high school, tried to get through college, quit college, and became a drug-addict and part time vigilante.

Mitchy "Thorne" Price

Gender: Female

Ethnicity: Half white, half Egyptian

Height: 5'0"

Weight: 82 lbs

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Name: Thorne

Powers: Plant manipulation

Villain Type: Murderer

Equipment: One scalpel, a lot of carbonic acid, a rope, and a rose garden by her hideout.


Upon first meeting Mitchy, you will notice certain ticks. She fidgets incessantly, usually with the end of her rope. Whenever she stops to think, her eyes flick around randomly. Mitchy is twitchy. It seems like at all times she has to be doing something. Mitchy is quiet, speaking only when spoken to. Her words are carefully chosen, as though she is scared to say the wrong thing. The topic of violence seems to deter her. That is, until violence actually breaks out. Then a switch in her is flipped. She always ends her battles in a death, and so far it never has been her death. She seems to enjoy watching someone beg for their life.


Mitchy comes from a small family. She has an older sister, an older brother, and two parents. They were loving and providing. The three children were happy. But the joy faded when Mitch's brother died. He was buying drugs from a dealer and the deal went south. He was shot in the head twice. Mitchy vowed revenge, and she got it very soon after. The dealer's body was found under a car, his neck slit ear to ear. Upon examination, the medical examiner found a rose petal inside the mouth of the body. After committing first degree murder, Mitchy ran. She never returned home. For all her family knows, she is dead also. But that isn't the case at all. Mitchy found a thrill in killing, a thrill she couldn't have found anywhere else.

Strengths: Mitchy is careful, cunning, charming, agile, and perceptive

Weak Points: Terrified of guns, hates doctors, Scared of police. Physically fragile. Depressed.
Martin Blanc

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Aliases: Butcher; Wendigo during psychotic breaks

Alignment: Villain

Analysis power [detect strengths and weaknesses, both mental and physical - limited to biological entities]; ability to absorb traits of animals he consumes and incorporate them into his own body for a length of time proportionate to the quantity consumed.

Intelligent, with a ruthlessness that sometimes even disturbs himself. Due to his powers, he possesses a superb, if purely instinctive, medical skill. In a similar vein, he is a highly competent chef, though that is more an effort to make his power more palatable to himself than anything else.
If he indulges his power too much or too little, he enters a murderous fugue state. This usually concludes with him hunting down and devouring the nearest solitary person to where he suffered the psychotic break. When he regains awareness, he is invariably covered in the blood of his victim, though no body is ever evident. His deepest secret is that once he has performed such an action, he retains the ability to shift into his victim's form, and none of them have shown any signs of fading despite their frequent use. He fully expects to be hunted down and killed should that secret and its implications ever reach the ears of the authorities.
To anyone outside of Martin Blanc's head, he would appear more than a little insane. Seemingly alternating between a polite and dignified young man of independent means and a terrifyingly amoral sociopath at a moment's notice; his bloodshot eyes not so much undressing as dissecting the subject of their attentions. He believes that the dehumanization of the targets of his analysis is part of his power, a safety mechanism to prevent it getting in the way of the predatory instincts his other power imposes. He might be correct, or that might just be an excuse to salve what remains of his conscience.

As it is, he receives an almost visceral pleasure whenever he allows himself to act in the fashion of a predator. It becomes very difficult sometimes not to see normal humans as prey, indeed that attitude slinks into most of his interactions with entities that he considers weaker than him; a judgement that his first power makes exceedingly easy. On his better days he worries that he is being conditioned to act in the fashion of his alter ego without the need for induced psychosis. On his worst days, he welcomes it.
Martin was a perfectly average human being until a day last July, the peak of what had been an unreasonably hot summer. He spent the day famished, no matter how much he ate, and the night tossing and turning, haunted by tastes and sensations that even now he cannot bring himself to remember. He awoke amid blood and the ruins of his flat. Despite the gore splashed throughout each of the rooms, there was not a single trace of his partner, only claw marks and splintered doorways as if something too large for the frame had forced their way through.

Half out of his mind with fear, he fled, bloodstained, into the night. He ran until he didn't recognize where he was, in the thin pre-dawn light. He saw few people, and he always knew just the thing to say to get them to leave him alone. It was only later that he was able to force his mind into action, where he realised two things. First, that he had ran rather than call the police, and how guilty that would have made him look. Two, he realised what he had said to the people he had passed. Infidelities and shameful secrets mentioned as casually as the weather, neuroses and fears so deep-seated their bearers could barely bring themselves to name them, and he could not make himself feel even a trace of guilt over a single one.Nobody would be forgetting him any time soon. He had burned any bridges back to his previous life quite completely.

For a while, he was a blackmailer, his ability to weigh the weaknesses of his targets at a glance a very profitable money-maker. But any criminal of power and sense was rarely, if ever seen in public, mostly due to powers like his, and the predatory instincts that were beginning to make themselves known in him prevented him from growing comfortable in his little niche. Besides, during this time, several more faces were added to his repertoire, though he was unaware of how to draw upon them just yet.

It was the aftermath of the last time he succumbed to a hunger fugue that he came into his true power. Something occurred that had never happened before, he was discovered while he was cleaning himself up from the latest bloodbath. His discoverer, drawing the correct conclusion from what he saw before him, took the sensible precaution of attempting to fill Martin full of bullet holes. Fortunately for Martin, aside from his previous 'meal' he had consumed a quantity of beef the previous day. However bastardised it had been, meat was meat, and so when he felt something give way deep inside him, his frame swelled with muscle enough to stop the pathetically undersized rounds that perforated his chest. The witness died, and so did Martin in a way, for what stepped out of that room that day was nothing like anything that had come before it.

Due to the nature of his power, he has not told anyone it's true nature; instead, he maintains that his powers are based on biokinesis, with an ability to alter his own body, and the ability to perfectly understand biological structures, but only on line of sight. Given his name, it is still a rather disturbing powerset, but a believable lie needs to contain some truth, even if it is intended to cause the wrong conclusions to be drawn.

The murders and disapearances linked to his fugue states are attributed to a superpowered serial killer known as Wendigo. Butcher has named himself as a tentative point of contact with the non-existent monster, acting as a supposed messenger for 'commissions' that act as a nice supplimentary income for himself.
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Daniel Rodrick Jackson

Nickname(s): Danny(preferred), Dan

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Homosexual

Alias: Maestro

Alignment: Anti-Hero

Appearance: 5'5'' 119lbs


Clothing Style: -here-

Disguise: -here-

Powers: Musical Weaponry

Abilities: Can learn how to play any instrument in 12 hours.

With his power, the instrument he uses shoots red lightning.

Weaknesses: He's still only human. He can die easily.

Personality: Loyal, Aggressive, Reserved, Quiet, Untrustworthy

History: Grew up between different orphanages as he caused too much trouble. When he was 12 he found out he could play any instrument and turn it into a weapon. His preferred instrument are guitars. He became a mercenary when he was 15 so he could live.​
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