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Realistic or Modern Generation 8

Ian fell forward into Brax's grip, his fingers closing in around his bicep as he laid his head on Brax's chest, sniffling every now and then. Once he was done and the tears gathered in his eyes were gone, he pulled himself upwards to be able to hug him properly, "I need to get you out of here," he mumbled, standing up on his weak feet leaving the cell and going straight to his room where he plucked up his hoodie and slipped it on to hide the gash on the back of his neck. He went back over to Brax holding a handgun to make it seem real. There was surveillance everywhere and it was only a matter of time before Dr. Peter found out what Ian did and sent meant after him. "Just put your hands behind your back, and I'll get you out, you can go back to the group. Tell them I'm sorry," he said pressing the battle of the gun to Brax's lower back, with no intentions on shooting it.
"Great. Brought in like a prisoner and now leaving as one." Brax said under his breath. He walk with Ian throughout the area calmly. As they went on, Brax noticed someone in a lab coat who was entirely too familiar. His mother...in a lab....what the hell? His eyes widened at the sight of her. He wanted to attack...to kill her...to fucking destroy her.
Ian was too oblivious to see that Brax's attention had caught on something -or in this case someone- else. He saw a few of the Trackers giving them a longer glance than what they should have, and he was starting to sweat. Ian took the smallest step closer to Brax, but hopefully not a noticeable one. "I'm going to let go, and when I do you're going to run, go down the stairs at the end of the hall, take a left and you'll be at the back doors. Once you're out run, and keep running, don't look back," Ian whispered to him.

"Hey, boss, are you alright? You're bleeding," a tracker had finally approached and pointed to the back of his neck. "I thin Dr Peter would like to take a look at that," he said moving the bloodied collar of his hoddie down to see the device had been cut out of him. He turned and went to sound the alarm of escaped mutants.

Ian slipped the gun into Braxton's hands, pushing him forward, "Run," he said with another push, turning back around in Tim to give a clean, hard punch to the trackers face.
Brax fired the gun, shooting the Trackers in sight in the head. He then took the gun from his waist and gave it to Ian. "Let's go, soldier!" He commanded, taking Ian by one hand and dashing away from their location. He followed Ian's directions, taking him with him. Once they approached the back doors, the alarm had sounded. The two boys were outside and running fast, their endurance and speed paying off.
Ian wanted to get Brax out, that was his mission. However, Brax had different plans. And now they were out and runnin, probably with Trackers following them. Ian kept up as best he could, what with the blood leaving his broken nose, and the back of his neck. All of that was ignored however, with his new healing he tended to heal a lot faster. Once they were far enough out of range and the moon was starting to light the sky, Ian had to stop. He didn't know where they were, but it was far from New Genesis, that's all that mattered. "We need to find a place to stay for the night," Ian said. North. They went north. "Shit," he mumbled looking around, the cold air starting to irritate him. North was the wrong way, if they wanted to get back to the others they had to go west. God only knows how far away from them they were...
Brax looked around with his eyes, looking for somewhere to stay. An idea came to mind. "I...I think my house is a couple miles north. We could crash there...I wouldn't have a problem bashing my parents' skulls in for a bed." He said, all too furious that his mother was a scientist at New Genesis.
Ian was tired, there was no escaping that fact. And he looked and felt in utter pain because of what New Genesis did to him. All the after effects were defiantly showing. "How far north?" Ian asked - mainly to get an idea of how far back they'd have to go to he to the others, and also just how far in general, he didn't have much energy left in him.
"About 3 miles...if we run, we can make it in about 5 minutes or so." Brax answered. He gestured for Ian to come on and follow him to his house.
Ian stood upright and nodded following Brax. He'd pull through, he always did. He was the immortal snake boy -or at least, that's what it seemed. "Lead the way," Ian said.
Brax led Ian to his old house in about 2 minutes, thanks to their speed. Odd...Brax's house had been abandoned. It was empty and vacant, this much was obvious from the outside.
Ian stood outside the clearly abandoned house in silence, before walking up behind Brax only imagining what was going through his head. He slipped his hand into Brax's very dubiously. "We can deal with your parents another day," he said quietly, making his way inside the old house. Hopefully the heating works.
Brax nodded, bot relieved and upset his parents were gone. No revenge...no bloodshed. He kicked down the door that had been locked for ages. It released a small army of dust as it fell to the ground. After walking inside, Brax "slipped" the door back into place.
Jonathan was no longer a hero...he was longer a leader either. He let Brax take down Ian on his own. He allowed them to be taken retaken to New Genesis. Harley was wounded and Dr. Peters would come back for them. He had to move them and leave get out of Dan's house. Jonathan packed three duffle bags. The first bag held Clothes, a couple of the pictures of him Dan had taken, and a few of his favorite comic books. The second bag had Harley's clothes and her few belongings. The third and final bag included some gear that they'd stolen from the guards at New Genesis. This bag included the few guns the group had stolen, a couple survivals knives, and a few canned food goods and bottles of water.

Jonathan tried to help Harley the best he could but the supplies were running out and he had to think fast.

Jonathan went back to selling himself on the street not knowing how else to get money to help Harley.

One night he left the shitty apartment they'd been staring with a couple other hustlers/runaways all of them paying a portion of the rent. Jonathan went out to work that night and was picked up by a John. He had a nice car which meant he was probably loaded so Jonathan got in expecting him to be able to pay through the roof for Jonathan's services. Sadly that didn't happen. The John was one of Dr. Peter's men and had learned that Jonathan was back to his old hustling game. He was taking to a nice hotel to keep him unaware until he was drugged and taken back to the facility.

When he returned to New Genesis he was beaten to almost death and tortured. Dr. Peters locked him in solitary confinement. To show the other prisoner's what would happen if they tried to escape Dr. Peter's personally cut off Jonathan's wings with nothing but a dull kitchen knife. The pain was excruciating and Jonathan's white and brown speckled wings were left in a pool of his blood as Jonathan was dragged barely alive and covered in his own blood back to his cell. He had been left their to die. Somehow Jonathan had the will and determination to live and he did. His stumps healed over and his wings against all odds had started to grow back. Jonathan is now Dr. Peter's personally punching bag. His body is now covered in multiple scars ranging from whip lashings, cigarette and cigar burns, to knife slashes and stabs, and even a few gunshot wounds.

Jonathan worries about Harley. He worries about were Brax and Ian are. He wants them to stay away from the facility but he he dreams Ian and Brax will swoop in and save him like two nights in shining armor. Then they'd both love him and mend and heal his broken heart, spirit, and body. Sadly that was impossible. They didn't know he was here. Nobody did. He was doomed to be a walking skeleton with regrown beautiful wings.
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Times had been tough for Harley, she couldn't walk on her own for the longest time, and now that she could it didn't mean that she wasn't healed. She had suffered from a lot of internal bleeding an even with her abilities, she wasn't immortal. However, Johnathan had taken care of her and watched over her, he almost felt like a brother to her. The night he left and never ended up coming back left her in years and a pile of vomit from drinking so much. She couldn't afford rent, and there was no way that she was doing what John did. So it left her no choice but to leave. And where she went is the last place anyone actually expected to see her. The cabin where they first took refuge. It was burnt, and most of it was left as charcoal, but she put in a few touch ups, healed off from her wounds but not back to her full potential. It was so hard for her to get by on her own, but she managed. Things got lonely, they were rough, but she didn't know where Johnathan had gone off too, or even if Brax and Ian were alive. How was she expected to just find them out of the blue?

The home wasn't much, but it was better than nothing. And even with no food, or recourses, Ian still saw the good. After finding a way to live, everything got easier; Ian felt free for the first time in his life. He liked it at Brax's old house, it was cozy and after a fire was able to get started he was never as cold anymore. Everything was lifting up despite how little they had, it all seemed to be enough. Though lately Ian was growing sluggish, and slow. Something inside of him was shutting down. A poison in his bloodstream that had been killing him since the first experiment. It was something injected in case a situation like this had happened, if Ian got out of the loop, it wouldn't matter, he would still die. Though his abilities made him immune to poisons, this was different and whatever was in it was laced throughout his body and slowly killing him from the inside out. It was all just a matter of time before he droppe like a deadweight. He never told Brax about how he felt physically because the only cure was back at New Genesis, and to go bac there was death. So a loose loose situation. Pulse he didn't want him to worry.
(Already I'm scheming a way to go back to NG and rescue John and cure Ian and find Harley before that xDD)

Brax felt horrible being back in his old house. He sat in his old, unfurnished and dusty bedroom alone in the middle of the floor. Glancing around he noticed the room was filled with memories of being beaten, neglected and shamed. He threw on a brave face, even though he was alone he'd never cry, and shuddered at the memory of the room. He began to wonder if John and Harley were alright, not knowing if they escaped Dan's house and not knowing if he and Ian would ever find them. Speaking of Ian, he didn't know if he was okay. Ian was recovering from serious shit...Brax couldn't imagine what was going on in his head. Brax sat up in his old room's floor and paced around the empty space. He was going to go crazy just sitting in this house...in this room...he slammed his foot into the floor, making a loud 'thump!' upstairs in the room above Ian's head. Brax went on a frenzy, punching the wall and busting holes in it, kicking around and growling, causing massive destruction in his old bedroom he grew up in, now turning it into a wasteland. He was so stressed with his thoughts: What was he going to do? How would he get back to the others? What is Trackers showed up to surprise him? Was Ian actually Ian again? Going crazy in thought, Brax punched himself in the face...accidentally breaking his own nose, blood gushed out. He sighed and popped it into place...ouch.
Jonathan cried out in pain as the club came down striking him in the stomach. He was blindfolded by a torn piece of red cloth wrapped around his eyes. He was forces into his knees as his cuffed hands were pulled over his head and connected to two chains dangling from the roof. His wings hung down draping on the ground. He didn't have the energy to lift them up. He was so weak. His body was practically broken everywhere. Jonathan wanted to survive and get out but he knew that was going to be impossible. He was tortured on a daily basis for no reason other than to prove he wasn't human. To further that notion was the fact that since his return he was stripped naked and has a dog's shock collar locked onto his neck like a wild animal or a slave. Jonathan couldn't see because of the blindfold but he tries to lunge at the general area where the man who just clubbed him should have been. Sadly the man had moves to his left and when Jonathan lunged he was struck again from the back. His legged buckled under him and his body fell to the floor his arms dangling above his heads from the chains. Jonathan felt something enter his mouth. It was some sort of rubber nipple. "Drink," Jonathan heard a woman's voice order. Jonathan sucked on the nipple and soon realized he was being fed with a baby bottle like an animal at the zoo or a useless child. He had no pride left so he drank from gone bottle unashamed. The water was room temperature crap from the tap but Jonathan didn't care. To him this liquid was gold. He hadn't been given anything to eat or drink in he didn't know how long. His head tilted backwards and Jonathan finished the bottle's contents in barely any time at all. He groaned in pain as he tried to pull himself back up to his knees. He barely held himself up for a second before falling down again. The collar around his neck sent a surge of electrify through him and he thrashed and kicked in hopes of weakening the pain. He gasped for air when it stopped and he just laid on the cold concrete floor. Jonathan was in so much pain. Every inch of him was sore and beaten. He felt soft hands touch his calf (he assumed they belonged to the woman). He enjoyed the skin on skin contact for barely a second before a needle was jammed into his calf. The plunger was pushes down and some sort of drug was pumped into Jonathan's system. He passes out again. When he woke up again it was night. His hands were cuffed behind his back and he felt something touching his lower regions that hadn't been there since his return. someone had covered up his private areas with a pair of black briefs. He looked down at his chest and if was now covered by and unzipped black hoodie. The shock collar was gone from his neck and he was in a nice room. It wasn't one of the cells. He was in one of the doctor's dorms at the facility. A man entered the room and Jonathan saw that it was the doctor who given him the water, he just didn't know it yet. Jonathan struggled to roll off the doctor's bed but he didn't have the energy. He didn't have the energy to do anything anymore. The doctor walked over to him and undid his handcuffs. Jonathan rubbed his wrists and looked terrified at the woman in the labcoat fearing he had some weapon on him and planned on killing Jonathan on the spot.

"W...what are you going to do to me?" Jonathan asked fearfully.

"Nothing...my name is Dr. Amelia Grey," the woman said extending her hand,"You're file just has a first name in it. It's Jonathan. A Jonathan who looked just like you used to date my son, Lucas. He was about 5' 3" when you were together. He has blue eyes and freckles on his nose. You two got caught making out at your place and your mother freaked out. Everyone knew you ran away but no one went looking for you. Lucas wonders about you. Do you still wonder about him?"

Jonathan leaned into the woman ignoring the hand and she wrapped her arms around him carful not to hurt his new fixes wings.

"Yes...I wonder about Lucas," Jonathan said. He looked up at the woman and asked,"When you were away on business were you really here."

The woman nodded,"The only reason I'm still here is because we get paid better than the president and if I tried to leave I'd be killed because I know too much."
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Ian heard the stomp and went running, he didn't know what happened but obviously something did and Brax was either in trouble or in a frenzy. Either way he ran. Finding his way up the stairs he saw it all happen, Brax letting out his rage on the walls. He had to stop it; Ian ran into the room behind Brax and gently placed his hands on both of Brax's arms turning him around so he would be facing him. Gently touching Braxton's cheek with one hand, Ian pulled his head closer and kissin the top of his forehead, wrapping his other arm around his body bringing him in for a hug. "It's okay," was all he said and just stood there in silence with Brax in his arms. He had to be there like Brax was always there for him.
Brax froze as Ian acted. He just exhaled slowly, letting the frenzy die out. "How is it okay? I'm worried sick about Harley...and Johnathon...what if the Trackers finished 'em off? What if they survived but are hurt? What if--" Brax cut himself off right there, not wanting to think of further possibilities. He glanced around at his old and now-destroyed bedroom, letting out a tiny sigh. "What the hell are we gonna do?" He asked himself, not taking a moment to rest, just think more. As temporary leader of this temporary duo, it was stressful to him...jeez, what's John go through in the past?
Jonathan fell asleep in Mrs. Grey room. He didn't know why or how she was helping him. Dr. Matthews had a bone to grind with him but maybe this was some way to prove that he had been broken and beaten back into submission. Jonathan was at the point where he would do anything to survive and live even if he was to become a tracker and go after Brax and Ian. He knew he wouldn't be able to kill them but he could take them down and drag them back to New Genesis if he had to. He was awoken by a guard that had entered in the room earlier. Dr. Grey stood in the room by the door wearing her lab coat and a clipboard in her hand. The guard threw a pile of clothes at him and was ordered to put them on. Jonathan put on the clothes which included a pair of camouflage military pants, a black muscle shirt, and a pair of black combat boots. Jonathan's wings slid through the two cuts in the shirt. Jonathan was handcuffed by the guard and and was forcefully led to a training room. He was left there alone and the doors clothes. The doors locked and the floor slid open and a metal table raised from the floor. On top the table was a row of weapons. From right to left they included a machete,a roman gladius, a butterfly knife, an assault rifle. At the end of the table were two dual pistols the same make and model of the ones he'd stolen from the facility. Doors and platforms open from the floor, the walls, and even the ceiling. Trackers entered the room sliding down ropes, running out of the walls, and entering the room through trap doors in the floor. Jonathan did a flip towards the table and grabbed his pistols and firing 4 shots at the trackers.
"Look at me," Ian demanded, holding either side of Brxtons face. "It's about time you started to listen to me. We are mutants, not soldiers. We are not invincible and even though we don't have the problems of normal people, we do have our own problems. Right now I expect you to listen and follow orders. We've been through hell and survived, we have been through so much shit that anyone else would have died right now. We are strong, we have the will to go back and find the rest of our team; not like this though. Not when we are so broken on the inside. Don't use that upset and rage now, wait until we get there and use it on them."

Harley was sleeping soundlessly, the cabin being illuminated by a small fire so she wouldn't freeze to death. There was a crack outside the cabin and her eyes opened imediatly. She was on her feet, claws out and ready to fight whatever tracker came through that door. Another twig snapped and her head snapped to the door as it started to slowly open. A low growl could be heard coming from her, readying her stance to fight. However in the door was the last person that she could have expected. "Jack?" and just like that she was trapped in the warm embrace of his arms. (CS to come)
Brax was taken back by Ian's dominance in this situation. He stood baffled, lightly swiping Ian's hands off the sides of his face. He turned away, ashamed and exhausted. To Brax, it didn't matter how broken he was inside...as long as the outside was movin', he'd keep going and fight on. But he was so fucking tired of arguing...he simply nodded. "Yeah..okay, I get it. We've got to do what we can," he turned to Ian, "but you know me, Ian. I'm a soldier to the core. Don't tell me I'm otherwise...just a mutant." He said. Brax was being so stubborn, which was his way of "coping" in the situation. He walked out of the room and headed downstairs.
The first shot hit it's mark. The bullet pierced the Tracker's neck and it let go of the rope and fell lifeless to the floor with a grueling crunch. The second bullet missed it target and lodged it's self into the wall.

Jonathan turned his body when he fired third shot from his pistol. It lodged itself into a tracker's heart exploding the chest open into an burst of red. Jonathan heard the Tracker he'd missed growl as it jumped into the air in an attempt to pounce on it's prey. Jonathan whipped around and fired two rounds (one from each gun) into it's chest. In mid air it blew back and thudded to the ground.

There were three trackers left in the tall room and they all lunged at Jonathan. Jonathan shot up into the air on his giant wings and flew up, thank god this room was a giant cylinder with a ridiculously high ceiling. The trackers dug there claws into the wall and jumped up toward him. In the heat of the moment Jonathan unloaded the clips of the both pistols into there bodies. They all fell to the ground and Jonathan landed gracefully on his toes and lowered himself onto his heels. The trackers were all dead and the guns were out of ammo so he threw them onto the grey concrete floor. He walked over to the table of weapons and grabbed the sling tied to the assault rifle and he swung it over his shoulder. He pocketed the butterfly knife and attacked the machete to his belt by the loop on the stealth.

Jonathan pushed the table over onto its side and ducked behind it as cover. Dr. Peters would sent some guards in to test him now that he had killed the Trackers. Jonathan had preformed this test a million times and he always passed.
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Tony had followed Ian and Brax as they had entered the facility, creeping after them through the shadows that he loved. He only lasted a few minutes before he was caught on camera, and almost instantly he was captured and thrown into a cell like room. It was a while before he saw Johnathan again, and he really wished he hadn't. He turned away as he watched his friends wings be removed, and curled back up in his own cell. Even later he was trying to think of a way to escape. He hadnt talked since he was free, and his voice was practially mute now, meaning he wouldn't have to worry about making noises

(Only have 5 mins to type this)
Ian sighed as Brax left the room. It was hard, watching him go like that, no where else to go but in further to the haunting house that held so many memories. "Brax," he don't know why he said it, maybe because he didn't want him leaving, maybe he didn't like the feeling when he was pushed away. And he didn't. It's true, Ian is not a leader, and it's hard for him to be a leader, but when he tries hard enough, he can smack some sense into his leader. Ian turned and walked out of the bedroom, ignoring the black spots that splattered his sight, "Brax, come here," it was the last thing he had said before he seized up and fell to the ground, passed out and body shaking.

Harley had a lot of surprises in her life, most of them were bad, but for once in her life this one was good. Despite the fact that she hasn't seen Jack for over three years due to him leaving to fight for the US marines. She still remembered the day he left.


"Promise me something," Harley asked as she kept her arms wrapped around his torso.

"Anything," he smiled at her.

"Promise me you won't leave. You will come back no matter how long it takes.

Jack leaned down, that smile still on his lips as he kissed her gently.

"For you, anything."

"And grow your hair back out too," Harley added with a laugh.


"You came back," Harley said clutching onto her old boyfriend tightly.

"I came back for you. I didn't expect to find you here...why are you here?" He asked.

Harley just laughed almost pathetically, urging him to come in and sit by her small fire, "well you see it's a long story..."
Brax had reached the bottom of the stairs as Ian passed out. He didn't hear him fall to the ground. He walked into the kitchen, or at least what was left of it, and sat on the counter, memories flooding his head. After about 15 minutes of this, he had enough and hopped off, walking back up the stairs and finding Ian. He knelt down beside him quickly. "Ian?!"

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