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Drinker of coffees
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Hello! Feel free to put all your talking and discussing here! You can also make separate threads if you'd like to just communicate one on one with someone, or you can make PM's. 
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Yay! I have the rules up, and the character sheet will be coming up next, so keep an eye out!
I am in this location!

Not sure how much longer I'll be up, but the app will be coming through. Already have a decent idea of the character I want.
Ah good, a rule page, I love it when there is a rule page. Trust me I'm being dead serious about that
Yup yup. I always try to have a rule place, so the rules aren't all scattered about. The cs will be coming soon.
It may take me a while, I have to work at the coastal labs today and idk when they'll let us go, all I know is I'm gonna be on a boat for a good amount of time.
Quick question what type of culture are playing since the story is based on anime? Western or Japanese or other?
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Thanks will make character tomorrow (gmt). A police cadet deciding to join the police soon after the disappearance hoping to find missing people. Whather the friend or others,   and who are responsible. Is it possible the missing character is a sibling to mine?
@ThatGuyWithSouvlaki It's totally okay for your character to be the sibling of the missing character, but note that the missing character went missing eight years before the start of the rp.
Done, my character is also heavily influened by @The Mechanist soon to be created char. In the case one of us doesn't get accepted, we'll find someone else to have that relation with :)

Also, my character is kind of white-washed, but she isn't from around here so if it does take place in japan, that should explain it. :)
Alright boss I got my CS up, I thinks it's appropriate but if you feel that it needs some changes or anything please tell me and I'll make them. ^-^

Aight cap - I just posted my CS, left the "wip" tag in because I'm toying with a couple changes but the general idea is there. Hope it's all okay, if there is anything you need me to change ect please let me know and I'll be on it  :D  @Noivian
Probably not my place to decide, but I reaallly love all the characters so far. I think @Uxie made an excellent spirit too :)

Will you be joining in, @Noivian ?
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I'm waiting to see who we have main character wise before making my own characters.

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