

New Member
Well, hello there!

I'm Monochromatic, but you can just call me Mon (Or any other variation you decide on). I'm not exactly new to this site, as I'm a full blown lurker and have only just decided to come out of the shadows. I haven't roleplayed in quite some time, but I have forum roleplayed before so I'm not really new to this, just this site. (So I may or may not ask real stupid question, and/or make silly mistakes. Please excuse me when I do!)

Hm, I wear glasses, learn Spanish, German and Japanese at my school and surf. I'm right handed for most things, except for using a knife and fork and chucking stuff, because you know, I have to be different don't I? I love reading just about everything, and have accumulated a few nicknames for that at my school. Um, I'm quite anxious and shy, even in the online world and suffer from social anxiety disorder (with panic attacks) and an inferiority complex. I'm fine talking about it if you have any questions, and most of they usually won't bother me here in the online world. I love music, and am quite creative.

I have a cat as well, who thinks he's a dog for some unknown reason. He's a cute lil' Moggie with dark grey and white fur and pretty green eyes, and he enjoys catching the snakes that sun themselves in the yard. His name's Bender.

(I'm also from 'Straya if you can't guess from the title!)
Hello there and welcome to RpN! ^.^ I'm sure you will find lots of people willing to RP with you.

If you have any ideas, post them in the Roleplay Recruitment or the Roleplay Ideas thread.

And don't forget to pop into the Shoutbox and say hi. We're a friendly lot there.

In case of any problems, do PM our staff. They are the awesomest kind there is!

Well, that's my welcome to ya. Have fun and hope I see you around~



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