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Multiple Settings Gay people? Horror?? Aliens??? What more could you want


New Member
Roleplay Type(s)
I've been wanting to start something new, so I thought I'd make a post with some ideas I have! I've been really into slashers recently so tbh if you have any ideas revolving around that throw them at me!

  • I'm 21 and use he/they pronouns
  • I've been writing for 8+ years on and off, I'd consider myself semi-adv. to adv. lit.
  • I try to reply as much as possible, but I do work and y'know, do stuff outside of roleplay lol. I usually will reply anywhere from daily to at least weekly
  • EST
  • I love chatting OOC about our characters, plotting, or even just daily life!
  • I'm ghost-friendly although I would appreciate a heads up, especially if we've really gotten into the roleplay itself
  • I prefer mxm, mxnb, or nbxnb pairings
  • 18+, just because I am an adult myself
  • Good grammar & similar writing level. Some mistakes are expected of course and I won't mind!
  • Generally responding at least once a week, but I understand life happens and sometimes it takes longer
  • OOC chat is not a must but it is definitely a bonus for me
  • LGBTQ+ & POC friendly of course
  • Time zone doesn't matter to me, I'm awake & active at weird hours so we'll probably have some overlap! :p
A New World--
(Sci-fi, adventure, human x alien, could be dark)
Character A is a human scientist sent to research an alien planet. Perhaps they're looking for resources to take, or an entirely new planet for humanity to inhabit, or some other reason entirely. Character B is an inhabitant of said planet, and happen to be the first to come across A and their crew. Will this be a strange meet-cute, or a war of the worlds with a turbulent affair in the middle?

I could see this going a few different ways-- maybe Character A's higher ups planned to invade/steal resources from the planet by force, but Character A is unaware of this. They're just a curious scientist, excited to be the first to explore a new planet. This could be a more angst/fluff angle with A & B gradually learning each other's cultures, then a betrayal moment when B finds out the humans' intentions . . . and then A regains their trust and helps them form a coup against the would-be invaders. Or for a darker angle if that's your thing, perhaps the native inhabitants of the planet are more hostile, and start hunting A's group as they explore; somehow, through a combination of skills and dumb luck, A manages to survive all this. But now, they're stranded alone on an alien planet . . .

(Isekai, horror, could be villain x 'hero' or other pairing)
If you've seen The Final Girls, that was the inspiration for this one lol. If you haven't-- basically, a group of friends get transported into their favourite horror movie, and have to use their knowledge of the tropes/plot to try and survive. We would probably have to double to make this plot work! Like I mentioned, I could see playing this as a villain x hero pairing, or with a pairing of two of the friends. Or potentially no pairings, but I typically only do romance RPs so that might be a harder sell for me

I might add more later but I've been really craving these recently!
If neither of those specific plots caught your eye but you think we'd be good as writing partners, here are some other tropes and plots I'm always down for!

  • Vampire x human***
  • Royalty x commoner/bodyguard** (ESPECIALLY if either one of them is some kind of supernatural creature)
  • Enemies to lovers**
  • Roommates (particularly if one or both has some kind of secret that they're trying to hide from the other, though I'm not very big on superhero stories)
  • Seasoned apocalypse survivor x newbie apocalypse survivor*
  • Mad scientist x their creation*

If you're interested in writing with me, please PM me rather than commenting on this thread! And please feel free to add your own ideas and concepts onto any plot or trope I listed, I love plotting and world-building with my writing partners!
I love the idea of Vampire x Human or Royalty x Commoner/Bodyguard, and I was wonder if you preferred to play the supernatural character or if you wanted your roleplay partner to
I love the idea of Vampire x Human or Royalty x Commoner/Bodyguard, and I was wonder if you preferred to play the supernatural character or if you wanted your roleplay partner to
I have a slight preference for playing the human character but I'm down to do either!
I have a slight preference for playing the human character but I'm down to do either!
Im fine with either role as well, so I'd definitely be down for playing a vampire or some other type of monster!
Heya! Im down for
  • Royalty x commoner/bodyguard
  • Roommates (particularly if one or both has some kind of secret that they're trying to hide from the other, though I'm not very big on superhero stories)
  • Mad scientist x their creation*

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