Gathering the Congregation


New Member
Does this socialize charm work on Exalts? I had a situation where I allowed its use on a Solar and Dragon Blooded, and I was wondering if I screwed up. Any help?
If you are the ST, your decision is the final interpertation of the rules. As long as your players are having fun, don't worry too much if you think you got one little rule wrong. This also applies to situations where you change the rules to help your story.

That being said, I read the rule to apply to "everyone who can hear" the Exalt. Further the "Charm organizes all characters whom the Exalt successfully persuades into a social group under the Exalt’s direction." So there is still a chance for resistance to the Charm if the Exalt rolls fewer successes than the MDV of any of the individual targets.
I have a set of general rules I apply:

- Solars can generally do anything the Charm even vaguely suggests it can do. If you find yourself hunting for limitations, you're either Doing It Wrong or the Charm is broken and you should probably houserule it.

- Lunars can generally do anything the Charm suggests they can do, but you should spend time paying attention to the specific limitations.

- Abyssals and Infernals I treat the same way as Lunars, apart from Abyssals in the Underworld or with Spectral keywords and Infernals when acting within mileu, in which case I treat them like Solars.

- Sidereals - does it involve fate, destiny, the Loom, samsara or anything similar? Treat as Solars. Otherwise, treat like Dragon-Bloods with pretensions.

- Dragon-Bloods: If the Charm doesn't express the specific capacity to do something, they can't do it, except perhaps with a very clever stunt explaining how they use their limited specific capacity to a given end.

- Alchemicals: Treat as Dragon-Bloods. The Charm mechanics are remarkably specific in their power level and limitations, so there's little reason to try and estimate their potential.

In general I find it works very well and greatly improves the flow and feel of the game. So in the case of Gathering The Congregation, I would (and have) rule that it works fine on Exalts, as it fits within the described effect of the Charm and trying to limit what a Solar can do within the remit of a Charm is Doing It Wrong in my opinion. If other Exalts want to resist, they can use Charms or stunt their MDV to do so.
These circumstances are specifically why one of the ways Limit is accrued is by avoiding unnatural mental influence. Exalts CAN be affected by stuff such as this, and often, as they are Exalts and only do what THEY want, spend the WP to ignore it. And get a point of Limit.

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