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Fantasy Gates of Tirath - A Sword and Planet Adventure [Open]

Morgaine Kri Chya

Call me Mogz!~
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
I'll post this for a group first but if not much interest, I'm fine doing this 1x1. I'm wanting this to feel like a bit of a sandbox RP where the characters' own backgrounds and interests may also take them exploring through different areas other beyond their origin - while the 'main plot' is a quiet driver in the background and not railroading the path of the story. I, myself, will probably be able to post once a week, so I'm fine with a slow build slow burn over time group. Open for questions/suggestions/discussion on what fellow players may like to bring into this world!
(Initial inspiration is lifted directly from CJ Cherryh's Morgaine Saga books).

The Story and Setting:​

Step into a world where time itself is shattered, and the remnants of the ancient Qhal civilization have left reality fractured. In this world of temporal distortions, entire regions exist in different eras—medieval kingdoms border futuristic cities, and ancient forests conceal forgotten Qhal technology. As the mysterious figure Morgaine returns through a long-dormant Gate, the delicate balance of the planet is at risk once more. Whether you’re a scholar seeking lost knowledge, a warrior fighting for survival in a world of chaos, or a nomad navigating the dangers of shifting time, your choices will shape the fate of this broken world. Will you uncover the secrets of the Final Gate or be swept away by the forces threatening to unravel time itself? The story begins now, and your role in it could change everything.

The Qhal Gates

Centuries ago, the Qhal (or Qujal in some dialects) civilization ruled an empire that spanned both space and time, built upon the power of their great Gates. These Gates, scattered across countless worlds, allowed instantaneous travel not only between distant stars but across different eras. For millennia, the Qhal used this power to dominate the universe, experimenting with worlds, bending time to their will, and gathering riches and knowledge from every corner of existence. But their insatiable use of the Gates came at a price.

In their arrogance, the Qhal ignored the dangers of tampering with the fabric of time. Though they obeyed the law of never traveling backward in time, something—or someone—eventually broke that rule. A time-implosion followed, unraveling the Qhal empire, collapsing their worlds, and leaving entire regions of space shattered. The once-great civilization fell into ruin, leaving behind only relics of their power, haunted Places of Power, and the dangerous, flickering remnants of the Gates. Time itself fractured, and reality across the universe was forever changed.

A World in Distortion

The planet upon which the story unfolds is one such world, left deeply scarred by the collapse of the Qhal empire. For hundreds of years, it has existed in a state of temporal distortion, with entire regions trapped in different times and places. The Gates may be dormant or destroyed, but their lingering effects have caused pockets of time anomalies to dot the landscape. Villages from the distant past coexist alongside futuristic cities, ancient tribes wander near fields of alien technology, and the very fabric of reality warps unpredictably.

Time flows inconsistently here—weeks pass in hours in one region, while in another, centuries seem to stretch on unending. Temporal storms occasionally sweep through, dragging people, creatures, and objects from far-off times into the present. The world is an unstable patchwork of eras and cultures, constantly shifting and full of hidden dangers.

The Historical Collapse and Legacy of Morgaine

The collapse of the Qhal is well known to those who study the ancient past, but it is wrapped in myth and confusion. Most of the surviving records speak of the Gates as dangerous relics, capable of bringing ruin to any who attempt to use them again. Scholars debate the nature of the catastrophe that destroyed the Qhal, with most agreeing that it was the result of tampering with time. The Union Science Bureau, long ago, sent expeditions to close and seal the remaining Gates, fearing that their power could one day reignite the disaster.

One such expedition became legendary—led by a mysterious woman known as Morgaine. Her mission, as history recounts, was to close the Gates from within, sealing them one by one to prevent further chaos. Morgaine was a figure both feared and revered, often described as cold and relentless in her task. Her fate, however, was lost to time. She disappeared through a Gate many centuries ago, and most believe her to be dead.

Legends of Morgaine linger across the land. Some call her a savior, others a curse. In the year 1431 of the Common Reckoning, she rode with five strangers to the stronghold of Hjemur, ruled by the sorcerer-lord Thiye, and led a failed assault against his forces at Ivrel. Afterward, Morgaine and the strangers vanished, and the ruins of Ivrel were left haunted by mysterious forces. Many believe Morgaine perished in the battle, though rumors of her tomb, curses, and even sightings of her pale figure continued to circulate. In some regions, the people even leave offerings at Morgaine's Tomb, hoping to keep her spirit at rest.

The World Before the Return

[Before the start of play] The world remains in a fragile state. Factions of survivors have formed in different regions, adapting to the strange mix of times and places that now define the planet. Medieval lords rule over kingdoms with patches of futuristic technology scavenged from the ruins, while tribal nomads avoid the ancient Places of Power where Qhal magic still hums. The scholars of Ivrel and other learned factions seek to understand the fragments of Qhal knowledge, though many fear the consequences of tampering with such forces.

For the people, life is survival. The temporal distortions create unpredictable dangers, and the Places of Power—runes and stones left by the Qhal—are avoided by most. Myths of Morgaine and her deeds have long faded into legend, with few believing that any of the ancient Gates remain functional.

But everything changes when Morgaine returns. Emerging from a Gate thought long dormant, she steps into a world that has changed beyond recognition. For her, no time has passed—but for the world, it has been centuries. The Final Gate, long hidden and untouched, stirs once more, and with it comes the possibility of salvation—or the complete collapse of reality.

Now, the fragile balance of this fractured world is under threat. As Morgaine’s return brings old fears and ambitions to the surface, factions, scholars, and power-hungry lords scramble to gain control of the mysterious forces at play. The stakes are higher than ever, as the Final Gate could hold the key to restoring order—or plunging the world into complete and irreversible chaos.


  1. Vaegir Plains
    • Description: A vast expanse of rolling grasslands, dotted with ancient ruins. Once home to nomadic tribes, the Vaegir Plains are now a land of conflicting eras, where villages from the past exist alongside futuristic wreckage. The temporal distortions here are mild but ever-present, warping the landscape unpredictably.
    • Notable Feature: The Runecarven Stones, ancient Qhal monoliths etched with glowing symbols, feared by locals for their lingering sorcery.
  2. Ryndorra Wastes
    • Description: A barren desert where the remnants of Qhal technology lie half-buried in the sand. Temporal anomalies here are more severe, with whole sections of the region shifting between centuries, creating a hostile and unpredictable environment.
    • Notable Feature: The Fallen Spire, a massive Qhal tower that periodically flickers between the present and an unknown past, rumored to house lost knowledge.
  3. Tarnaal Woodlands
    • Description: A thick, ancient forest seemingly untouched by time. The Tarnaal Woodlands are known for their eerie stillness, where time flows slowly, and the dense canopy keeps out both light and change. The people here live in harmony with the land, following ancient rituals to keep the temporal forces at bay.
    • Notable Feature: The Heartwood, an ancient tree at the center of the forest, said to have been present before the Qhal’s arrival. It is revered by the locals as a symbol of stability.
  4. The Shattered Highlands
    • Description: A mountainous region split by jagged cliffs and deep valleys, the Shattered Highlands are riddled with temporal rifts. Entire villages can disappear for decades, only to reappear untouched by time. The lords who rule here blend medieval traditions with fragments of advanced technology.
    • Notable Feature: Ivrel Keep, once the stronghold of the witch-lord Thiye, now a haunted ruin where strange fires are said to burn eternally, marking the place where Morgaine vanished.
  5. Eidria Expanse
    • Description: A coastal region home to the few remaining pocketed cities of advanced technology, where futuristic infrastructure coexists uneasily with surrounding medieval towns. The Eidria Expanse is a hub of trade, conflict, and intrigue as different factions vie for control of the region’s resources.
    • Notable Feature: Aether’s Rest, a gleaming city of towering spires, where Qhal technology has been preserved and used to maintain a semblance of order and prosperity.

Major Cities per Region:​

*Each of these cities or towns serves as a central hub for their region, offering players a place to gather, trade, and delve deeper into the mysteries of the world’s temporal distortions and Qhal relics.

Vaegir Plains

  • Sunreach
    • Description: A growing town built at the edge of a major temporal anomaly, where the surrounding villages are locked in different time periods. Sunreach serves as a hub for trade and diplomacy between nomadic tribes and settled peoples, mixing medieval traditions with bits of salvaged Qhal technology.

Ryndorra Wastes

  • Flintbarrow
    • Description: A rough, scavenger town built from the remnants of long-lost civilizations and Qhal ruins. Flintbarrow is known for its lawless nature, where traders, outcasts, and scavengers gather to barter over the salvaged relics of the desert. The town itself often experiences slight temporal shifts, making it a dangerous place to stay for too long.

Tarnaal Woodlands

  • Tal’korun
    • Description: A secluded village deep within the Tarnaal Woodlands, where the people live in harmony with the forest and its timeless nature. Tal’korun is known for its reverence of the Heartwood and the spiritual practices that keep temporal disturbances at bay. It is one of the few places untouched by the temporal chaos afflicting other regions.

The Shattered Highlands

  • Gathmar
    • Description: A fortified town located on a plateau at the heart of the Shattered Highlands. Known for its towering stone walls and advanced defense systems powered by salvaged Qhal technology, Gathmar is the central base for expeditions into the Vale of Irien and the surrounding rift-torn landscape. It is ruled by a feudal lord who balances medieval governance with technological prowess.

Eidria Expanse

  • Aether’s Rest
    • Description: A gleaming coastal city built atop an ancient Qhal foundation, Aether’s Rest is one of the most advanced locations in the region, with towering spires and a thriving economy based on Qhal technology. The city is a major hub for trade and scientific inquiry, where scholars and power-hungry lords alike come to study the mysteries of the Qhal. It stands in stark contrast to the medieval towns surrounding it.

Locations of Interest:​

  1. Morgaine’s Tomb (Reomel)
    • Description: Located in the village of Reomel, Morgaine’s Tomb is a hill of stones where locals believe the legendary figure was buried after fleeing from Aenor. Every year, villagers bring offerings to keep her spirit at rest, believing she is cursed and will rise again if angered.
    • Cultural Significance: Feared as a site of both death and magic, it is said to be cursed, with locals avoiding the area unless performing the yearly ritual of gifts and curses.
  2. The Vale of Irien
    • Description: A haunting valley near Ivrel, where the Runecarven Stones and strange forces from the Qhal era remain. It was the site of the ill-fated battle where ten thousand soldiers mysteriously perished, and to this day, no one dares approach for fear of the unseen powers that still linger.
    • Cultural Significance: The Vale of Irien is considered a place of death, with whispers of souls trapped and temporal anomalies swirling through the area. Few venture here, except for those seeking lost knowledge or testing their luck.
  3. The Monastery of Baien-an
    • Description: A quiet retreat nestled in the mountains of Baien-an, where survivors of past tragedies seek solace in prayer. The monks here study the events of the Qhal collapse and the sorcery of the Gates, offering counsel to those who dare approach the unknown.
    • Cultural Significance: Known as a place of refuge and reflection, the monastery is also home to historical records like the Annals of Baien-an, detailing the fall of Ivrel and Morgaine’s disappearance.
  4. The Runecarven Stones of Aenor
    • Description: These towering Qhal monuments, etched with ancient runes, stand in the plains near Aenor. Though their purpose has been forgotten, they are still believed to house dangerous magic and are avoided by most locals.
    • Cultural Significance: Seen as both a warning and a curiosity, the Runecarven Stones draw in those seeking power or wisdom from the Qhal, though few return unchanged.
  5. The Fallen Spire (Ryndorra Wastes)
    • Description: A crumbling tower of Qhal origin that flickers in and out of time, it is believed to house lost Qhal technology. Scavengers and scholars alike search its ruins for relics, though many are lost to the temporal storms that swirl around it.
    • Cultural Significance: The Fallen Spire is both a lure and a danger, representing the shattered remnants of the Qhal’s power. It is a frequent target for expeditions, though none have fully explored its secrets.

Character Types​

*These are just suggestions to act as inspiring templates, you can use them or jump off of any of the information here. Happy to soundboard and discuss options!

1. The Wanderer

  • Summary: Born to a nomadic tribe or a displaced survivor, you’ve spent your life navigating the unstable world. You’ve traveled across regions where time flows inconsistently, learning to adapt and survive in this fractured reality.
  • Role: Guide, scout, or resourceful survivor with knowledge of the land’s dangers and secrets.

2. The Scholar of Ivrel

  • Summary: A member of a secretive order, you dedicate your life to studying the Qhal and their lost technology. The recent reactivation of a Gate has rekindled your quest for understanding the powers that once shaped the world.
  • Role: Researcher or academic, seeking Qhal relics and forbidden knowledge.

3. The Knight of the Iron Holds

  • Summary: A loyal soldier of one of the feudal lords in the Shattered Highlands, you are sworn to protect your region’s interests, balancing medieval values with salvaged technology from the Qhal ruins.
  • Role: Skilled fighter and tactician, defending your land while navigating the political intrigue of your lord's ambitions.

4. The Tribal Seer

  • Summary: Born with a deep connection to the land’s temporal anomalies, you are part of a tribe that lives in the Vaegir Plains. Your visions and strange abilities, shaped by these distortions, have given you insight into the past and future.
  • Role: Mystical guide or spiritual leader, interpreting the shifting flows of time and warning of coming dangers.

5. The Mercenary

  • Summary: As a hired blade in a world of chaos, you’ve made a living by offering your skills to the highest bidder—be it protecting scholars on expeditions, scavenging relics, or battling creatures warped by time.
  • Role: Versatile combatant or bodyguard, loyal to coin but increasingly drawn into the mysteries of the world.

6. The Displaced Heir

  • Summary: A noble from a medieval kingdom or futuristic city, your family’s lands or fortunes were lost to the world’s shifting timelines. Now, you seek to reclaim your birthright and restore your legacy amidst the chaos.
  • Role: Diplomat or leader, maneuvering through alliances and rivalries to rebuild your family's power.

The current year in the Common Reckoning is 1823, marking nearly 400 years since Morgaine's disappearance through the Gate in 1431.

To most of the inhabitants, the planet is simply known as Tirath, a name passed down through generations and rooted in the earliest recorded histories of the Common Reckoning. For the majority of its people—whether in the medieval kingdoms, nomadic tribes, or advanced cities—the name reflects the world they have known and lived on, fractured by the aftermath of the Qhal.
However, certain scholars, particularly those who study the Qhal ruins and relics, refer to the planet by its Qhal name, Cyrith, found inscribed in Qhalish records and ancient monoliths. Among these circles, the name Cyrith is used in formal studies and discussions, but outside of these academic or occult groups, the common people rarely acknowledge it, seeing it as part of the Qhal’s mysterious, dangerous legacy.

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