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Fandom Gargoyles, Clone Wars, Zootopia and more!

Miss Silver Lining

Unlucky Member
Updated 2023-01-30 Soooo, it´s been a long while. I deeply apologize to anyone I left hanging, life happened, a pandemic happened....however, now I´m back and ready to get into some good ol´ roleplaying.

Updated 2019-09-03 ^33^

Why hello there! I´m honored you decided to drop by :3:

While I have your attention, let´s get an introduction out of the way.

My name is Anna, age 26, from Sweden. I may be new here, but have been in the swing of roleplaying on and off for about 10 years now, consider myself a fairly decent writer. When it comes to the lovely art of roleplaying, I´m a pretty chill partner, though one rule I´m firm with is that my partner must be 18+ , that´s just what I´m most comfortable with. I also only roleplay through PM´s on this site, for now.

My post length may differ from 2 - 5 paragraphs, sometimes more, depending on what´s going on in life, what happens in our story, how my muse is doing, ya know? All I´m asking, is something to work with from my partner....preferably no one-liners, please?

I tend to aim for granting one post per day, at the least every few days, and would love if you could grant me that in return. Of course, sometimes life happens, I understand completely, I have recently picked studies back up and we all know how that can get hectic at times. Communicate with me, that is the key! Also adore OOC chats, where we can share our ideas and work on the plot, as well as get to know each other, no need to be shy ;D

Some romance in our story would be amazing btw....I´m experienced with MxM, MxF, FxF, whatever you might fancy. Also more than willing to double!

Now then, with that said, let´s get to the good stuff!

As you probably can guess by my bizarrely mixed title, I´m on the lookout for some good ol´ fandom role plays. I have some ideas for plots, but would love your in-put of you´re interested.

I don´t know if anyone remembers this little animated 90´s disney gem, but it is truly marvelous. This show had it all, action, comedy, romance, angst, complex characters...I can go on and on. What I had in mind for this one is inspired by another Gargoyles thread here. A few young and adventurous members of the Avalon clan (our OC´s perhaps) leaves the island to explore what´s out there in the great beyond. Going on all sort of adventures, with drama, romance, horrors, you name it. I am open to other ideas and some in-put here. I’m also more than willing to try out anything canon with the OG gang. Brooklyn has always been my favorite so anything revolving him would be love <3 Anyone familiar with the Time Dancer spin-off?

Clone Wars:
I am a massive fan of the Clone Wars and Star Wars in general, however, I haven´t attempted a roleplay of this grand franchise before, let´s change that! What I had in mind here is heavily inspired by a fanfic I read looong ago and takes place during the Clone Wars. Ahsoka gets captured during a mission in the outer rim. Now a slave/servant to General Grievous, Ashoka must obey his every whim, or die. Can she live long enough to see the next day , or will she be able to turn him towards a better path? It´s up to her.
If anyone could take on Grievous and let me be Ashoka, that would be marvelous. Am of course open to other ideas here.

Try Everything! Seriously, this movie is great. I do not have a specific plot in mind here, would really like some in-put and am very open to suggestions. Some Nick x Judy slow-brun romance perhaps? Cop action, solving crimes and that jazz.

My Little Pony:
While I´m not a massive fan of the show, I do really enjoy the world they have created, along with the characters. Just put some darker themes in this sugary sweet magical haven and we´re talking! Like Zootopia, I do not have a specific plot here per say. But I have always been very interested in Sombra, the crystal empire, dark magic. I’m a total sucker for Discord x Fluttershy....If you´re interested in this fandom with some darker themes, let´s hear it so we can come up with something!

Puss in Boots: The Last Wish:
Ok, hear me out. I admit never really having been much for this particular fandom but.....then a certain wolf came along and I am craving him. So if anyone out there is aboard the same hype train and wanna hatch and plot some ideas for this, hit me up!

I am of course not only interested in fandoms, themes such as Fantasy, Horror, Mythological Creatures etc is always welcomed! You have a specific craving? Hit me up, love!

Well, I believe that´s all for now, let me know if any of the above catches your interest! :angelD: I´ll be waiting...
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I am interested and would like to play a clone trooper.

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