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Fantasy gangs of BlueBay city-- character page



More toxic less flow
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
The cs below is the minimum I need but feel free to add more if you deem it necessary. Know I might ask you change or edit something if it doesn't fit the narrative or seems to OP/bullshit. I am open to discussion on any matter if you are civil about it. My goal is for everyone to have fun including me so know I'm willing to compromise but I'm not up for arguing.

(picture and description, things someone would notice like appearing male or female, hair or eye colour. What they wear etc etc)

Talents: (be it fighting, cooking, singing, whatever)

Flaws: (for every two talents list a flaw.)

Power: (whatever it is explain how it works so other players and myself can be on the same page)
((This can be some ability you were born with or acquired somehow, this could be technology you wield or a physical mutation. Feel free to take inspiration from marvel, DC and other fiction))

Background: (explain a bit in detail how your character came to be, this does not need to be a life story but give an idea of how this character wound up fighting for the entertainment of BlueBay's elite criminal underbelly.)
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Name: Lalo Bostar
More likely known as: Ambush
Age: 25
Appearance: 5ft10 brown hair, short messy beard, green eyes. Athletic build
Would look/dress similar to this picture wearing ordinary clothes that are easy to move about in. Usually always carrying a metal baseball bat. The only visual cue that would suggest Lalo as a super villian is a custom designed helmet used for protection and hiding his identityrBVaWFwTeeyAApnaAALIWvVrS6E425.jpg

the teleporting helps the most but Lalo has taken many self defense classes and trains in MMA three times a months. (Or at the very least tries to)

Confident, be it speaking to anyone and lying in someone's face, or walking around like the biggest badass in the room.

Practice makes perfect and Lalo has spent his life throwing/shooting shit at things or people, he usually hits his mark.

Lalo needing to eat and drink enough to continue using his ability, teleportation is a huge drain on energy which requires Lalo to sustain his body. In a few cases Lalo has become dehydrated/gotten malnutrition from overuse of teleporting.

Lalo is cocky ass of a indvidual, quite sure in himself and his abilities to pull off whatever he desires or at least escape safely. The many scars and bruises over the years would suggest he was not always on top of things like he imagined so. The many times a bottle or bullet drew blood is most likely the reason Lalo coughed up the money for a custom helmet.

Alcoholic/high functioning addict
I mean, he worked for the Mario crime family so he and some others could buy property from them. Lalo's reasoning being owning a bar sounds great!
Lalo is usually in some sort of altered state, if not he is most likely very irate and easy to instigate.

Power: Teleportation,
Able to dissapear and reappear in a puff of smoke, Lalo is able to instantly teleport anywhere his eyes can see but the amount travelled will take its toll. Meaning Lalo could easily over reach and collapse due to moving to far to quickly. Like any muscle/activity lalo practices and trains with his powerpower of teleportation.
Lalo is able to teleport people and objects but only if he is able to physically hold or touch said thing.
That said he is unable to use his power on objects/people to heavy for him to lift.

if he tried to teleport a car for example, it would not work or the action would cause Lalo to pass out.

Lalo Bostar was not born in the United States of America. Raised in Australia Lalo was your average child until the age of eleven when he found himself able to teleport. A secret he kept from his family and friends as he continued to practice and discover his power. After his sixteenth birthday Lalo's parents divorced and he was taken to America with his father. After a year of fighting with his dad Lalo moved out convinced he could survive on his own, he could teleport after all... It started rough and only got better as Lalo became a criminal whose only concern was his own well being and enjoyment. Moving across America like a cross country road trip of crimes until he reached BlueBay city at the age of nineteen.

After pissing off some made men in the Mario crime family Lalo found himself working for men with much more power than he could comprehend. Men with the ability of connections, money and a ruthless mentality.
Lalo worked as a drug runner for the Mario family for six months before he was forgiven by Don Luigi.
As luigi was impressed by the young super he offered him a job. A job Lalo was able to perform successfully, it was the Mario's who turned Lalo from a criminal to a super villain. After killing a number of Luigi's enemies, rivals, even his uncle Giorno... The name Ambush was infamous in BlueBay as a teleporting hitman who bashes his victims to death with a bat.

Lalo and some friends eventually bought a bar/apartment block from the Mario family, renaming this bar The place and having decent success despite being in Mario turf.
These days Lalo earns money as a super villian. Working any job paying decent money and recently participating in fights for cash prizes with the Lombari family. A easy enough gig to find if one is apart of the underbelly.
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Name: Vicktor Blackwell
Villain name: Pestilence
Age: 46


my boi.jpg

Description: 7'2 and lith Viktor is still quite fit even for someone of his age. Under his cloths his body is covered in scars. When he is out in the feild he dons a plague doctor suit exceptthe gloves. His cane is secretly a sword.

Talents: Human anatomy-He knows the human body inside and out including all it's weak points.
Chemist-Know how to mx chemicals to make different things, sometimes explosive other times toxic.
Genetics-Knows how to tinker with dna
Swordsman-Knows how to use a sword
Medic-Knows how to fix up wounds.

Flaws: Magpie-He loves pretty things no matter if it's gems, paintings, gold, or an exotic car. He wants it all and will try his best to get it no matter the risks.
Stubborn-once he makes up his mind almost nothing will change it.
Vengful-if someone crosses him he will make them pay no matter how many bridges he has to burn or how much pain he has to endure.

Bio: Viktor grew up in Germany and was 'raised' by his father. His father was a drunk and abusive. At school Viktor was tormented by his class mate for the old cloths he wore and his meek tendencys. His life was hell until his 15th birthday. His father was drunk and he was locked in the basement as he was on all of his birthdays. He was banging on the door screamingto be let out when he noticed it seemed to actually starting to give. He took a step back and noticed that the places he'd been hitting were decayed and blackened. He put his hands on the door and it started to rot. Once he made a hole he reached through and let himself out and headed towards the living room where his father was sitting drunk and nearly asleep. The screaming only lasted for a few moments before his father fell silent. When police arrived the house was ransacked and all that was left of the body was a black sludge. He spent the rest of his life on the streets as muscle for hire as even a young super was useful. He eventually made his way to America where he has started to make a name for himself, but before he makes any big plans he's gonna need some cash.

Powers: Rotting touch-He can rot/decay anything he touches but must have skin contact. The only thing his powers fail to work on is synthetic material like plastic, rubber, or plether and metal.
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As I'm not sure this will pick up enough for me to even need to play a designated hero character I figure I may as well post rough draphts of characters with powers I'd normally decline from players but as GM I use to move plot and introduce threats.

All my "important" hero characters will be put here, once multiple are there I'll put them in spoilers or something.
Name: protected by the government.
Hero name: Slip-Speed
Age: 19
Black hair but regularly dyes it different colours, 5ft8 with a fit body one gets from running at super speed

Talents: Running,
Even before her power kicked in Slip-Speed was winning races.

Positivity, girl is hard to bring down yo.

Naive, believing in good and that everyone can turn their life around to be awesome people who contribute instead of hurt.

Hopeless romantic, she can't help but get a crush on super villians who match her type, going easy on those who she thinks is cute/hot/sexy.

Easily stressed, despite being able to dodge bullets or outrun a car, Slip-Speed still gets overwhelmed at times. Things like choosing who to save first, which target out of many is the most dangerous at a given moment... Snow and ice cause anxiety attacks.

Power: Speed,
Able to move fast, Slip-Speed can run as fast or faster than most cars. With effort she has even been able to dodge bullets or catch arrows in flight.
Despite moving faster than most humans on the planet she is not able to utilise said power to a diabolical degree, using tools or "safe techniques" to take down the baddies.
if Slip-Speed was to say punch someone repeatedly with her speed she would definitely hurt herself and that someone. In fact most actions peformed at full speed would be harmful to herself, always taking great care to keep herself and the people safe.

Her metabolism also runs at super speed meaning she requires more than most girls her age to keep energy up etc etc

Background: born and raised outside the city of BlueBay a young girl lived with her mother and step father on a farm, this young girl became slip speed after the parents took their recently super ten year old girl to star island for Hero Inc to find out what happened. With monthly check ups and training routines at age sixteen Slip speed became the youngest hero to ever be employed by a hero agency in America,
only in BlueBay I guess...
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Nightshade logo 1.7.png
Name: Jett Clair
Alias: Nightshade
Age: 21

Jett maintains a lean build, avoiding being too bulky while also having enough strength to fight hand-to-hand. His natural hair color is red. On most days, he layers a jacket over a hoodie, allowing him plenty of places to carry his mask, gadgets, and small weapons. Under all that is his stealth suit, which is made of materials that better absorb radar waves and has thin layers of polymer armor to insulate versus attacks. If he does wear gloves, they must allow him to use small gadgets and tech, so they're very thin.

Jett has a silvery voice, his tone pushing honeyed if he really wants something. It's easy to tell if he's distressed, as his voice can shift to breathy or even tight in such instances.

  • Thievery: Nightshade excels at stealing. He is nimble and precise when climbing and running, and can pack valuables quickly.
  • Weaponry: Nightshade is proficient with firearms, short blades, clubs, and some energy weapons.
  • Hacking: If he can't retrieve something manually, he can find other ways, such as bypassing electronic locks, disabling cameras, and stealing data.
  • Deceit: Nightshade is a guileful trickster, capable of masking lies or even attacks as accidents or even someone else's fault.
  • Asian Cooking: Espionage isn't his only skill set. His neighbors taught him their culinary secrets when he was a teenager.
  • Show-off: While he could get by more easily by covering up his acts, he likes to occasionally leave calling cards, a reminder that Nightshade is back.
  • Paranoid: He avoids crowded places because he is a Nightshade and isn't in good standing with other supervillains and heroes. He constantly monitors his devices and online accounts for signs of tampering, and it takes time away from other things.
  • Human: Without his gear, he is cowardly and weak. He only retains his skills, with far lower durability hindering him.
Power: Photographic reflexes
Nightshade possesses a sharper procedural memory; he can absorb visual information and comprehend it quickly, allowing him to imitate the motions and thus the technique a person uses when performing tasks such as fighting, drawing, and knitting. This gives him an edge in combat when paired with some weapons. However, he can ONLY copy the technique, not any superpowers; if a feat requires any other superhuman abilities, then he can't perfectly mimic it.

  • Stealth suit: A tight-fitting suit made of special synthetic materials, woven with fine layers of polymer insulation and shock absorbers. This allows him to pull off stunts with a bit more peace of mind and less risk of breaking his legs.
  • Combat knives: A pair of high-strength, single-edged blades for taking out goons in close quarters.
  • Shock pistol: A high-tech pistol that fires bolts of electricity, which can stun most people or disrupt electronics.
  • Timed mines: Small, disc-like explosives that can be set for as low as three seconds or up to one hour. They can be placed normally or thrown like frisbees from hell. In emergencies, they can be remotely detonated.
  • Surveillance camera: A camera that can be attached to a surface, so Nightshade can keep an eye on a location and execute his contingency plan with the mines, if need be. He can watch the camera's feed via a small screen mounted on his wrist.

"Nightshade" was a title originally held by Judith Clair, a French-Canadian super-spy and Jett's mother. She made a career of selling secrets to villains and occasionally to heroes hunting her mutual enemies. As with many of her kind, karma caught up to her and she was killed in action. Jett never met his father, who was supposedly an American operative of Irish descent.

Most women of intrigue don't have the luxury of cultivating a long-term relationship or staying with their families for extended periods. Judith Clair left Jett in the care of Eileen Heffernan, a retired supervillain who was still quite sharp in her old age. Eileen, a long-time friend, inherited Judith's arsenal and took custody of the boy, who was 12 at the time. From there, the old villainess taught him underhanded tactics. He learned quickly and recently made his debut at the age of 20. When he left his first calling card after stealing some gadgetry, it rocked both worlds and left a simple message: Nightshade was back.
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Name: Aurelius
Nickname(s): Aura, Flower, Gold
Villain name: La muerte dorando
Age: 21
Credit to Relseiy on Society6
Unless using her powers; her hair remains a dark brown. She has golden yellow eyes, and a terrible scar that spans on the left side of her face. She stands at the height of 5’2, with a lean build. She can be seen typically wearing a sweater (no matter the time of year) and some shorts or pants. She also always has boots on.

She was raised to be a warrior. She has been training in all types of hand to hand combat. She is ready and skilled enough to face the toughest of challenges.

She can cook a mean meal, whether is be for lunch dinner or desert. She has got you covered. Even if she may not have the best ingredients; she can still make something delicious.

Masking emotions
Aura was raised in a state that she believes her life has no value. Her opinions do not matter, and she will get no where with anger or sadness. She fails to let herself feel.

Book dumb
I’m not saying she’s stupid; she’s really smart street wise. Now when it comes to solving puzzles or combing chemicals. Aura is not the person to go to.

Unorganised Aura is very unorganised so much so to the point of not often knowing what’s she’s going to do.

Aura often does things on the fly and never stops to think how they might affect things. She often blocks out anything that would be a challenge to what she’s doing or believes.

When Aura focuses gold drips from her hair. She forms this gold into many things. Like masks, daggers, and even guns (although it will take a little longer). She simply has to pass the gold through her hand (the bigger or more complex the object she’s making the longer it takes) and it makes practically whatever she wants out of gold.

Because of her power she was valuable. She was stolen from her parents at a young age, or at least that was what she believes. Her parents had sold her to a gang for money. She was stolen, sold, and passed along different gangs or high paying people. Because of this she believed that her life had no value; this made her all the more dangerous. She would jump into a situation head first, not caring at all the consequences. When she was thirteen a villain stole her. He raised her until the present; training her how to harness her abilities and how to fight. As her abilities grew and grew she found it easier and easier to kill. The villain that had kept her started to use her as a ‘side kick’ of sorts. Even sometimes letting her go off and do stuff on her own.

When using her powers she puts on a handcrafted mask. She often switches it out for a new and better one that she made.
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Name: Rhys Vandermere
Villain Name: Inferno
Other Names: Arsonist, Monster, the Terror of Bluebay City

Age: 20


Without a shirt, one could see that his body’s covered in scar tissue from his violent lifestyle. His eyes are amber-gold, and when Rhys is about to use his powers the skin around them blackens and burns.

Dirty yet efficient fighting skills

Immense willpower

Wisecracking and clever


Outside of his dragon form, is just a human

Needs to eat a huge amount of food to maintain his powers


Rhys, when cornered or otherwise forced to act, can explosively transform into a bear-sized dragon. This form is quite powerful, but suffers from a number of drawbacks in turn.

Rhys can breath fire, but via a hard-to-light organic napalm derived from his blood. Thusly, every time he fires a blast Rhys weakens his body through blood loss. He also can have his breath shorted out by electromagnetic pulses.

He can fly, in a way, by jumping and gliding on his wings. But Rhys lacks more than a few hundred feet in each jump (unless he uses a vantage point like a bridge or skyscraper).

Rhys is also strong and armored, but conversely slow to adjust his course. His armor is brittle as well, and can be broken or cracked with sufficient force. Due to his sparkly scales, Rhys also has a hard time hiding or evading persistent foes.

Rhys grew up under the thumb of his violent father and siblings, and learned from a young age that fighting earned him respect. He also learned that jokes and good humor made him friends, and as a result became the class clown. When he turned fifteen, he awoke his powers after a mugging, and swiftly avenged himself on his attacker.

As he grew older, Rhys began to exploit his powers as a way to escape nearly any situation, and became a famed thief. Eventually he fell in with less than savory folks, and ended up hearing about the Lombari fight. With a little cajoling, Rhys decided to jump in and have some fun.
Name: Iz Morgen
900+ Fantasy Art - Men ideas in 2021 | fantasy art, fantasy, art

Alias: Rocket

Age: 24

Has a number of scars, mostly on his chest and forearms due to his beatings and his attempts to block blows. Iz's wardrobe consists of plain T-shirts, hoodies, and jeans; the only thing he cares about is anonymity when in a crowd. He stands at 5' 4".

  • Evasion - really good at moving aside
  • Blades - prefers knives over swords, but can do well with both
  • Stealth - can hide from others quite well
  • Tunnel vision - Will focus on a single thing in tense situations, not noticing the bigger picture
  • Fragile - Not emotionally or physically good at taking beatings
Power: Thruster

Can release blasts of air out of his hands, feet, or any object that he sticks it to, that can knock foes away or propel him forward. If he comes into contact with an object, he can create a small propulsion, of sorts, that can propel that object. It can make a rocket-propelled knife and other such projectiles. The thrusters on Iz's hands can be quite effective, knocking others away from ten feet away or so. A direct hit from close up can even break through walls. If he were to use it close up on a person, however, it'd just send that person flying. They can be used in this manner but they do really help in increasing his speed, changing direction, and even "flying."

(WIP) Background: Iz's dad had mysteriously died, giving his mom all of his money. She raised him with the expectation that he would repay her for the inconvenience, hammering in the message with beatings and whippings. When Iz turned fifteen, he ran away from home in the hopes that he'd find a better lifestyle.

Iz found his way into underground fighting rings, and over the course of many beatings and fights, honed his fighting skills very high, which all culminated in Iz defeating a strong fighter that a lot of people had bet for. Iz was ambushed on his way back to his "home" (an abandoned warehouse that he'd found) for payback by some criminals of one of the larger gangs, and, while he managed to get away, he sustained heavy injuries. Right now he's looking for a place to lay low.
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Name: Hyun "Hana" Haneul
Alias: Kumiho

Age: 23
Appearance: A tall woman with a pallid complexion and unusual pink eyes, she is very thin and somehow even lighter than she looks. She rarely wears much in terms of practical clothing, seemingly unbothered by the reactions her obscene dress draws, and it's always black and red without exception. She doesn't care much to hide her identity, but if she does feel the need she'll put on some form of mask, the exact shape will be unique but always black and red.

  • Sailor's Dictionary - Hyun is usually pretty quiet, but once that Pandora's box called a mouth of hers decides to open up you'd better hope there are no children within that half of the city, else they're about to be learning some French that day.
  • Selfless - Or perhaps reckless? Hyun doesn't hesitate to throw herself into bad situations. She can always protect herself, but not everyone can say the same.
  • Solid Intuition - She regularly makes guesses or has "feelings" that end up being correct. There's a good chance this is just her making predictions based on past experiences that she's uncaring or unwilling to explain further.
  • Berserker - Since she relies on her power for defense, Hyun's fighting style is entirely dedicated towards diving into the heart of a melee and shredding apart everything around her. The phrase "I don't do allies" is more of a warning that if a person doesn't want to lose a limb or head they should keep at least a hundred sword-lengths from her in a fight (and her sword is very long).
  • Physical Weakness - Hyun's body is far more frail than her personality and actions would lead one to believe. She couldn't manage to lift her own body weight, let alone the massive weapons she waves around. The trick to that is she keeps her weapon weightless until the moment of contact.
  • Fear of Water - She is terrified of being submerged in water. Forget boats, forget pools, forget even a nice soak in the bath, she'd rather wade through a sea of blood than the kiddie pool. Even rain is enough to send her running for cover. It shouldn't be surprising then that she dislikes bathing and showers, but she also dislikes being filthy and stinking, so she will take a quick shower after a fight (but only after she's 120% certain she's safe and alone).
  • Dislikes Physical Touch - Hyun is very sensitive to touch of any kind, and in the rare occurrence of another person touching her she'll jump through the ceiling before retreating to somewhere safer, give or take removing the hand of the person who dared touch her.
  • Possibly an Idiot - Her life hasn't fit in much time for learning, so while she could tell you all about the economics of running a brothel or how best to fillet a person so they live longest, basic facts and what most consider mundane knowledge can completely blow her mind.
  • Forgetful - Hyun has a terrible memory. She's liable to completely forget anything she doesn't put effort into remembering, from minor details to entire people or events. This is somewhat a learned trait as forgetting made it easier to survive her living situation.

Power: Solid Smoke
Hyun's body produces a black smoke-like substance (it's something in between smoke and fine black sand if examined closely) that she can have take any shape she desires. It can take on the properties of just about any solid from stone to metal to the soft silky textures of the clothes she wears. The "smoke" can only maintain its solid shape so long as it remains in contact with Hyun, quickly returning to smoke as soon as it's separated from her. A major weakness of her power is water: her solid creations dissolve when wet. Anything more than a light drizzle is enough to leave her naked and unarmed. For some reason this doesn't apply to blood however. There is a soft limit to the amount of "smoke" she can use before it starts to weaken her body, and continuing to use more past that point can cause her to pass out or worse. A side-effect of her power is that anything she touches will gradually (no in-combat use) break down into this unnatural "smoke" she creates, leaving her little choice but to create everything she needs using her power.

Hyun was wandering the streets in search of... what? She was so hungry and lost that she'd forgotten. Right, food. The hunger that made her forget made her remember with its next sharp pain. Her mother had overdosed again and this time hadn't moved in a few days, so Hyun had been forced to go out in search of food to bring back home for her and... who? A man was looking at her strangely. She looked at herself. Oh. Her clothes had dissolved again. But food was more important right now. The man got up and walked over to her. "...

"Damn, the exotic one's broke!" A man slammed the door as he left unsatisfied. Hyun traced the irregular pattern in the door's wood through her distant pink eyes. "...

Hyun's breathing was even and slow, in contrast with the ragged breathing from the man lying on the bed. He was familiar. He was always complimenting her about how light she was. Had she remembered to say thank you this time? The man pulled her down towards him so her face pressed against his chest. She could feel his breaths, his heartbeat. Light? Then why did her body feel so heavy? Hyun closed her eyes and immediately forgot the face belonging to the heartbeat pressing against her ear. The man was speaking, but she didn't care anymore, so she didn't listen. She was busy listening to the heartbeat and imagining the sound came from her own chest. The man started flailing, yelling and squirming beneath her. His fingernails scratched against her back, only to break against her unyielding black skin. His hands grasped for her long black hair, only for it break apart between his fingers. He fought to get Hyun off of him until his bones cracked and his organs were crushed beneath her increasing weight. The bed breaking was what finally awoke Hyun from the most peaceful sleep she'd experienced in the years since... when? She pushed herself up from atop the flattened corpse. At some point after being crushed, black spikes had grown from her skin and left the man barely recognizable. The side of her face was covered in blood. She cared about the blood as much as she cared about the man. Without bothering to wash it off, she walked out the door, down the hall and stairs, and out the front door of the brothel she'd called prison and home for years. The fresh blood on her as she left through the front door belonged to every person she passed on the way out. "...

"What the fuck do you want here?" The man glared at her. "Money," was her flat response. "Like hell I'm gonna give you money. I wouldn't even pay for you after what you did to the last guy!" Hyun looked around the room. Her first thought was, this place is dirty. Her second thought was that she might remember some of these men if she'd bothered remembering faces at all. That made it easier. She swung her hand back, and the tip of the massive black and red blade that appeared out of nowhere in the hand effortlessly cut through the neck of a random man that happened to be standing where her cold gaze had lingered. "What the fuck! Fucking bitch!" The man in front of her didn't hesitate to pull a gun and fire five bullets into her chest. The black armor that appeared out of nowhere over her body protected her, but the force still knocked her back. His eyes were filled with horror as she slowly got back up. "One... two... three... four... five." With each calm count a black spike pierced through one of the men in the room. Everyone was screaming except her and the man in front of her as he finally reached for the money she'd asked for. He didn't know how much she needed, and she didn't count until long after she'd left, but it was enough. She only needed enough to pay her way into the game, after that she could cover the rest of her tab with blood.
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Name: Lakota

Age: 27

Lakota isn't the most...subdued in appearance. Solid black skin with his hair, nails and body markings all a silvery color. He is undoubtedly male in appearance, with middle length shaggy hair and surprisingly intense eyes, as if he is just observing everything someone does. He doesn't wear a shirt and the only reason he even wears pants is because someone once pointed out that it was necessary, a logic he didn't really question.

Heightened Mind: Lakota is exceptionally intelligent and capable of large amounts of thinking and logical processing beyond normal humans.
Perfect Recall: Lakota has an infallible memory, capable of storing and organizing his memories with incredible precision.
Parkour: He's good at getting around, regardless of the obstacle.

Emotionally Damaged: Due to some circumstances, Lakota is incapable of expressing much emotion, though he does attempt to fake it based on the observations he's made of other people. These leads him to be quite awkward around people.
Distracted: Despite his increased intelligence and perception, it is as if he is experiencing the world for the first time. Every little thing distracts him and often leads him off course. Unattended, he is often drawn to new experiences.

Power: Nanite Manipulation: Lakota's body is absolutely filled with Nanites which adds to his unique appearance. His nanites are used to augment his physical capabilities, making him stronger, faster, more durable. They even enable him to sharpen the edges of his body, though currently his nanites are limited in what they can do at any one point. They can be shifted around his body to increase the durability of specific locations, strengthen his arms and harden his fists into incredibly dense blunt weapons, form the edges of his skin into a thin yet strong nano blade.

Background: Lakota was originally very different. He was entirely human but it wasn't an accident that made him the way he is now, it was criminal experimentation with untested technology. Nanites designed to breakdown materials for their basic components were introduced to his body. It was a cheaper method to fixing some medical issues with his brain. The nanites did their jobs...and killed him. They accidently interfered with the electrical impulses that sent information throughout his body, halting the signals to his heart, lungs, liver, ect. It essentially caused complete organ shut down.

Except for his brain. They kept his brain alive even as his body was unceremoniously dumped into the local landfill. As his body died, his nanites consumed the material left behind, replicating themselves rapidly before they reached some internal limitation. Once that point was reached, the nanites instead rebuilt his body from the inside out, changing him over time until almost all of his nanites were used up in fixing himself.

When he woke up, he found that large portions of his memory were missing, such as his name or why he was there. His awareness was beyond what it has been before, his mind racing with thoughts and curiosities. He also had a need. A need to find more nanites, to enhance himself to restore his missing memories. It was during his search that he found out about the ongoing event and the potential for nanite infused machines or individuals to be there. Naturally, he found a way to enter.
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