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Gangs from within 1x1

Role needed: Female

This RP is set in Venice Beach, California in Modern Times. My character will be Michael Summers, the leader of a fast growing white supremacist gang.

Tensions are brewing and everyone knows Venice Beach is on the verge of exploding into a bloody gang war, the D.O.C (White supremacist gang) has recently stolen alot of the heroin and methamphetamine trade from the vicious African american gang known as the Crips. Law enforcement doesnt know how to stop the brewing war as Michael is an extremely intelligent and brutally cold leader, he knows how to hide his gangs activity from the gang task force.

The female role can be a friend, a girlfriend of Michael, in another gang or really ANYTHING you want! undercover cop? idk.. up to you. Things can definitely develop romantically but there is no set structure to the RP!
-Character Skeli-



Appearance: (real pic or gif ONLY)




-Character Skeli-

Michael Summers

Age: 23


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/132276-004-D454BC44.jpg.15158100a79a6330f851f3ec55ed7593.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="32567" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/132276-004-D454BC44.jpg.15158100a79a6330f851f3ec55ed7593.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Michael holds family dear, protecting them at any costs, but his enemies he will trick, deceive and eliminate them by any means necessary, he holds a deep hatred to anyone who is non-white and is also extremely intelligent and cunning.

Bio: Michael was born and raised in Venice Beach, Throughout highschool he grew increasingly angry of the African American gangs bullying and robbing white highschoolers, in his opinion they didnt deserve to be in America in the first place. He quickly and easily formed the D.O.C, It grew with Venice Beach High quickly due to the vast number of kids who were sick of being beat up by the black gangs. He continued to grow the gang outside of school to where they are involved in extortion, robberies, murders, gun running, drug trafficking and absolutely any crime you can name.

Other: N/A



  • 132276-004-D454BC44.jpg
    20.1 KB · Views: 35
Sounds interesting.

Here's the CS~

Name: Candace Hart

Age: 20



Candace is a sweet, bubbly kind of a girl who loves to have many friends. She was extremely loyal towards those she cared for, and would do anything for them. She liked to party and also had a secret desire to learn fighting.

Bio: Candace was born to rich parents who always lived away from her in different countries. Tired of living like that, she runs away from them to start a new life Venice Beach where she joins a high school. During one moment where a black kid was trying to bully her, Michael saves her from them, and from then on she sticks by his side all the time. She has a tiny crush on him but is too shy to admit it.

Other: NA
[QUOTE="Nyssa Al Ghul]Sounds interesting.
Here's the CS~

Name: Candace Hart

Age: 20



Candace is a sweet, bubbly kind of a girl who loves to have many friends. She was extremely loyal towards those she cared for, and would do anything for them. She liked to party and also had a secret desire to learn fighting.

Bio: Candace was born to rich parents who always lived away from her in different countries. Tired of living like that, she runs away from them to start a new life Venice Beach where she joins a high school. During one moment where a black kid was trying to bully her, Michael saves her from them, and from then on she sticks by his side all the time. She has a tiny crush on him but is too shy to admit it.

Other: NA

Accepted, great character! Ill start :)  
"This doesnt feel right"

Michael didnt reply, he just scanned the deserted basketball court for any signs of movement. They were supposed to have arrived five minutes ago to deliver the heroin in exchange for cash, it wasnt like the AB to be late. Michael could see out of the corner of his eye that Toby, the man standing next to him was shaking.

After a few more minutes standing in silence on the deserted basketball court in a rather shady part of town Michael finally spoke

"They're not coming le-"

There was a loud screech of tires, He jolted his head to the road that was to the left of the courts to see a blue empalar fly around the corner. There was suddenly a deafening sound of gunshots. Michael jolted into action, running to the side of the basketball court and into the bushes while pulling out his glock pistol, followed closely by Toby.

(been a while since i've RPed, sorry if i suck lol)
I don't think we can RP here? ._. I mean this is the recruitment section.

We'll move it to the 1x1 roleplay section?

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