Gang life

Karci Clest

Serious rper!
hey everything is in the review so go there to post your character sheet!
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Gang member


Age: 21

Name: Daniel Fuoco

Gender: Male

Bio: Born to a rich politician, Daniel learned young the tricks of lying and deceiving others. He also picked up how to be charming, charismatic, and learnt the ins and outs of the law, and thus how to get around it.

Whilst inherently pleasant and well-meaning in nature, he had several family issues at home that brought about a rebellious streak. That rebellious streak escalated to him being kicked out of the house, and subsequently getting mixed up in the gang. He's so far proved an intelligent and capable member, though he's too junior to have earned much respect through it. He's been kept out of the dirty work so far, and is still far too naive about what being in the gang actually means...



Age: 19

Name: Madison Samael

Gender: Male

Bio: Mads knows he's good looking. It's one of the few things in life he's sure about, and thus he knows how to use it. He might be a slave, but he's just as manipulative and conniving as any gang member. Whilst he projects a facade of seductive calm and amusement, underneath he has a great deal of resentment to the situation he's been forced into, and towards people who abuse others. To those he deems degenerates, he can be spiteful, cruel, and amoral. He's difficult to win over, and slow to trust, though those who earn his affection also win his fierce loyalty and dedication.

His parents were killed by the same gang he is now associated with when he was six, and he has since been dragged through various shady areas, from prostitution to drug dealing. He briefly severed his contacts with the gang, but found it impossible to cope in the real world. His return was resentful, and possibly harbouring the idea of revenge. He's still working that last part out.

Extra: Not really the boyfriend of any single gang member, more their general go to whenever they need that sort of company. Commonly referred to as the gang's whore, though he detests the term.
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Name: George Gregory Galant (Just call him G.)



Bio: A well known smooth talker and a compulsive liar by trade. When caught in a bad situation you can bet anything that G will find a way out of it, he's quite intelligent in that way. He's not very gullible and can see right away if you're bullshiing him or not. He wears a mask of kindness and friendliness but in reality, he would love nothing more to find a way to use you somehow for his own devices. He could care less that he's a slave and care even lesser about the consequences of thinking this way. He's very rebellious which gets him in quite a lot of trouble within the gang itself.

Being raised in the Ghetto, you had to be street smart, live Under the radar, and know as many connections as you possibly could. If you didn't do any of those things, then you would end up dead. Plain and simple. Either in the broad of daylight for a gang to make an example out of you
or maybe in the dead of night.

G knew how bad his city was and how
terrible it could get if he didn't join a gang. He didn't have the slightest interest in joining at first, because his mother strictly advised against it. But G had a family of four younger sisters still in elementary school and a mother dying of cancer. He would be damned if any of them got hurt during his watch. He's still only a lowly slave in the gang, but he's trying to climb to the top of the food chain inside the gang, even if it means that it will get his hands dirty.

He's quite humorous and witty. He's always joking around with the other gang members which causes people not to take him very seriously at times.
Gang member

Age: 21

Name: Nichola 'Nicky' Haleson

Gender: Female



Nicky, being the oldest of two sisters, was the first to join. Wanting to make a statement, to show where she was, and where she belonged. Amongst the top that was. Her parents were quite the opposites of each other, her father an earlier gang member, and her mother an earlier model. How did they meet? No one really knows, especially not Nicky. Already from her childhood she was a daddy's girl, her father spoiling her, while training her in things he liked. Which would say guns, fighting, and when she reached her teenage years, her father let her smoke pot and drink already at a young age.

Not at a dangerous amount that was.

So she grew up as the tough girl, never the victim, always the bully. For who would well dare to bully the girl who talked back to her teachers before everyone else in her class? Not many would do that. Especially not when her father was always the one to pick her up after school on the bike (A harley davidson that was), nor was she the girl they would want to bully when she was the first one in class to sneak sigarets with her to smoke back on the corner.

In the beginning of her gang-time, she used to just be the girlfriend of one of the members, but when he tried to push her further than she was willing to go, she beat him up, and the like that, she got his place. For who would want to have a guy in there, that got beaten up by a girl?

Extra: Older sister of Leanne and lives with her, is smarter than what she pretends to be, as she prefers to play on her beauty and violence.


Age: 16

Name: Leanne Haleson

Gender: Female



Unlike her older sister, Leanne walked a different path, her mother having more controll over this girl. Early on the girl was introduced to being a model, to singing on stages and being a doll. The perfect grades, and friends here and there. Yet something was missing for this girl. She never felt right with the world of models.

She wanted to be free. To dance like she wanted, to do as she pleased.

Her sister had moved out the day she turned 18. Why wouldn't she? Leanne was only 13 at that time. not able to move like she pleased.

So the day she turned 16, Leanne moved out and into her sisters appartment. She got to be free there. To dance at night, to drink and watch late night movies. She got to be herself when she moved.

But there was a catch. She had to join her sisters gang, to act more or less like a slave for her sister, to do whatever she wanted.

That was a small price to pay for freedom, wasn't it?


younger sister of Nicky, quite good at singing. Quite innocent.
ColdHarem said:
Gang member

Age: 21

Name: Daniel Fuoco

Gender: Male

Bio: Born to a rich politician, Daniel learned young the tricks of lying and deceiving others. He also picked up how to be charming, charismatic, and learnt the ins and outs of the law, and thus how to get around it.

Whilst inherently pleasant and well-meaning in nature, he had several family issues at home that brought about a rebellious streak. That rebellious streak escalated to him being kicked out of the house, and subsequently getting mixed up in the gang. He's so far proved and intelligent and capable member, though he's too junior to have earned much respect through it. He's been kept out of the dirty work, and is still far too naive about what being in the gang actually means...



Age: 19

Name: Madison Samael

Gender: Male

Bio: Mads knows he's good looking. It's one of the few things in life he's sure about, and thus he knows how to use it. He might be a slave, but he's just as manipulative and conniving as any gang member. Whilst he projects a facade of seductive calm and amusement, underneath he has a great deal of resentment to the situation he's been forced into, and towards people who abuse others. To those he deems degenerates, he can be spiteful, cruel, and amoral. He's difficult to win over, and slow to trust, though those who earn his affection also win his fierce loyalty and dedication.

His parents were killed by the same gang he is now associated with when he was six, and he has since been dragged through various shady areas, from prostitution to drug dealing. He briefly severed his contacts with the gang, but found it impossible to cope in the real world. His return was resentful, and possibly harbouring the idea of revenge. He's still working that last part out.

Extra: Not really the boyfriend of any gang member, more their general go to whenever they need that sort of company. Commonly referred to as the gang's whore, though he detests the term.
Alright you're accepted I just need one thing clarified. What is the sexuality of your character?

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Nat said:
Gang member
Age: 21

Name: Nichola 'Nicky' Haleson

Gender: Female



Nicky, being the oldest of two sisters, was the first to join. Wanting to make a statement, to show where she was, and where she belonged. Amongst the top that was. Her parents were quite the opposites of each other, her father an earlier gang member, and her mother an earlier model. How did they meet? No one really knows, especially not Nicky. Already from her childhood she was a daddy's girl, her father spoiling her, while training her in things he liked. Which would say guns, fighting, and when she reached her teenage years, her father let her smoke pot and drink already at a young age.

Not at a dangerous amount that was.

So she grew up as the tough girl, never the victim, always the bully. For who would well dare to bully the girl who talked back to her teachers before everyone else in her class? Not many would do that. Especially not when her father was always the one to pick her up after school on the bike (A harley davidson that was), nor was she the girl they would want to bully when she was the first one in class to sneak sigarets with her to smoke back on the corner.

In the beginning of her gang-time, she used to just be the girlfriend of one of the members, but when he tried to push her further than she was willing to go, she beat him up, and the like that, she got his place. For who would want to have a guy in there, that got beaten up by a girl?

Extra: Older sister of Leanne and lives with her, is smarter than what she pretends to be, as she prefers to play on her beauty and violence.


Age: 16

Name: Leanne Haleson

Gender: Female



Unlike her older sister, Leanne walked a different path, her mother having more controll over this girl. Early on the girl was introduced to being a model, to singing on stages and being a doll. The perfect grades, and friends here and there. Yet something was missing for this girl. She never felt right with the world of models.

She wanted to be free. To dance like she wanted, to do as she pleased.

Her sister had moved out the day she turned 18. Why wouldn't she? Leanne was only 13 at that time. not able to move like she pleased.

So the day she turned 16, Leanne moved out and into her sisters appartment. She got to be free there. To dance at night, to drink and watch late night movies. She got to be herself when she moved.

But there was a catch. She had to join her sisters gang, to act more or less like a slave for her sister, to do whatever she wanted.

That was a small price to pay for freedom, wasn't it?


younger sister of Nicky, quite good at singing. Quite innocent.
Accepted but what Is the sexuality of your character? Sorry that I didn't add that in the character sheet.

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FujoshiStar said:

Name: George Gregory Galant (Just call him G.)



Bio: A well known smooth talker and a compulsive liar by trade. When caught in a bad situation you can bet anything that G will find a way out of it, he's quite intelligent in that way. He's not very gullible and can see right away if you're bullshiing him or not. He wears a mask of kindness and friendliness but in reality, he would love nothing more to find a way to use you somehow for his own devices. He could care less that he's a slave and care even lesser about the consequences of thinking this way. He's very rebellious which gets him in quite a lot of trouble within the gang itself.

Being raised in the Ghetto, you had to be street smart, live Under the radar, and know as many connections as you possibly could. If you didn't do any of those things, then you would end up dead. Plain and simple. Either in the broad of daylight for a gang to make an example out of you
or maybe in the dead of night.

G knew how bad his city was and how
terrible it could get if he didn't join a gang. He didn't have the slightest interest in joining at first, because his mother strictly advised against it. But G had a family of four younger sisters still in elementary school and a mother dying of cancer. He would be damned if any of them got hurt during his watch. He's still only a lowly slave in the gang, but he's trying to climb to the top of the food chain inside the gang, even if it means that it will get his hands dirty.

He's quite humorous and witty. He's always joking around with the other gang members which causes people not to take him very seriously at times.

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[QUOTE="Karci Clest]Accepted but what Is the sexuality of your character? Sorry that I didn't add that in the character sheet.
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Well, Nicky is straight, though she can be willing to make out with girls to confuse people.

Leanne pretty much just doesn't care what's in peoples pants.
Nat said:
Well, Nicky is straight, though she can be willing to make out with girls to confuse people.
Leanne pretty much just doesn't care what's in peoples pants.
Awesome thanks!
[QUOTE="Karci Clest]Alright you're accepted I just need one thing clarified. What is the sexuality of your character?
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Both of them operate on 'if it's hot I'll bang it' policy. They're classy gentlemen like that.


Soleil Lucine Anastasia Armani


Age: 20

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Hetro.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/image.jpg.94a3c727341c3c6c92c5e7c6a4b70b7c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="30276" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/image.jpg.94a3c727341c3c6c92c5e7c6a4b70b7c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/image.jpg.02da522056812e9cf6b389ac3344958b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="30277" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/image.jpg.02da522056812e9cf6b389ac3344958b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/image.jpg.168e3998405eb1d94b47924bac3db2d3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="30278" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/image.jpg.168e3998405eb1d94b47924bac3db2d3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/image.jpg.19638558494ec487bd182b2b252d5a58.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="30279" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/image.jpg.19638558494ec487bd182b2b252d5a58.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/image.jpg.426ebdd298ad7a1025305761d5ce27c2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="30280" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/image.jpg.426ebdd298ad7a1025305761d5ce27c2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/image.jpg.75e28488413d1bcb381e66c40dfa4bf5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="30282" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/image.jpg.75e28488413d1bcb381e66c40dfa4bf5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/image.jpg.31878bfcb2ddf336ff322d1c8c99678a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="30283" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/image.jpg.31878bfcb2ddf336ff322d1c8c99678a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/image.jpg.550a6503c0959c3f616dec4bda0bb9ef.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="30284" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/image.jpg.550a6503c0959c3f616dec4bda0bb9ef.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/image.jpg.2e13a9faca08e5aca67647939d5af53b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="30285" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/image.jpg.2e13a9faca08e5aca67647939d5af53b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


The young woman was on the streets since day one. Fighting to survive. Her mother was a kind French woman with long blonde hair and strong steel grey eyes. Her mother tried her best to take care of Soliel but her life came to a end too soon, unable to save the young girl from the dark path ahead. Soliel lived in the world of blood, crime, money, and prostitutes. The girl had to grow up fast and learn how to live quickly because in the fast moving city of Brooklyn, the city waits for no one. She stole food and money for several years and began to sell drugs at age 10. By age 12 she discovered she had a father and a brother who were living the rich and classy life. Since the day she learned of his existence she despised him. Her half-twin (her half-brother born into the world the same time, day, and year by a different mother) lived in a world where everything was handed to him on a silver platter while she had to suffer. When her father received information about Sol and how she was living he took her in and commanded her to never speak of her past again and for her to just play along with the past he made up for her. She agreed only to help her live a better life. The day she turned 17 the girl took the money she received from her father for 4 years and left home. She couldn't live that type of life anymore especially if she was going to be forced to marry someone. She repaid her past debts and lived in a small apartment out in the Bronx. She hid her money under mattress and live comfortably for half a year when bad luck strikes again and her apartment building burns down along withe her money only to become pure ashes. She soon is offered a chance to earn money she takes the chance and sells herself off to a member of a large gang.


Coming Soon

(Has two middle names, one from her mother, one from her father, her first name was chosen by her mother, her last name was from her Italian father.)


((Will post her brother l8r hope you accept.))​

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/image.jpg.efd3c6ff0cf1fd65e1bde71b7d4e8ce3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="30281" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/image.jpg.efd3c6ff0cf1fd65e1bde71b7d4e8ce3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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BlackRose said:


Soleil Lucine Anastasia Armani


Age: 20

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Hetro.


View attachment 78796 View attachment 78797 View attachment 78798 View attachment 78803 View attachment 78800 View attachment 78801 View attachment 78804 View attachment 78805 View attachment 78806 View attachment 78807


The young woman was on the streets since day one. Fighting to survive. Her mother was a kind French woman with long blonde hair and strong steel grey eyes. Her mother tried her best to take care of Soliel but her life came to a end too soon, unable to save the young girl from the dark path ahead. Soliel lived in the world of blood, crime, money, and prostitutes. The girl had to grow up fast and learn how to live quickly because in the fast moving city of Brooklyn, the city waits for no one. She stole food and money for several years and began to sell drugs at age 10. By age 12 she discovered she had a father and a brother who were living the rich and classy life. Since the day she learned of his existence she despised him. Her half-twin (her half-brother born into the world the same time, day, and year by a different mother) lived in a world where everything was handed to him on a silver platter while she had to suffer. When her father received information about Sol and how she was living he took her in and commanded her to never speak of her past again and for her to just play along with the past he made up for her. She agreed only to help her live a better life. The day she turned 17 the girl took the money she received from her father for 4 years and left home. She couldn't live that type of life anymore especially if she was going to be forced to marry someone. She repaid her past debts and lived in a small apartment out in the Bronx. She hid her money under mattress and live comfortably for half a year when bad luck strikes again and her apartment building burns down along withe her money only to become pure ashes. She soon is offered a chance to earn money she takes the chance and sells herself off to a member of a large gang.


Coming Soon

(Has two middle names, one from her mother, one from her father, her first name was chosen by her mother, her last name was from her Italian father.)


((Will post her brother l8r hope you accept.))​
[QUOTE="Karci Clest]Accepted!
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Thanks! Should I clarify the sexuality of my character also?
[QUOTE="Karci Clest]Sure you can! That would be helpful!

G doesn't exactly care what you have. He doesn't like labels, but I guess you could consider him bisexual.


Roxy Laroze


18/ Female/ Heterosexual


Roxy was raised by a struggling single mother as the product of a one night stand. She didn’t know much about her father or anything else for that matter. Her mother was working two jobs just to keep them afloat and in existence so Roxy rarely got to see her but she was surviving despite the rough neighbourhood and school.

But her life went tits up when she was thirteen because, effectively, her mother became dead as a door knob to be blunt. Roxy didn’t particularly feel like getting caught up in the system so bolted before that could happen and took to living on the streets. She decided to do the only think she could think to do… find her father. But that one turned out to bear no fruit except the knowledge that she had a half-brother. Now Roxy’s on a mission to find him.


She has the words Lost Girl tattooed on the back of her right shoulder blade.​
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LittleWolfie said:


Roxy Laroze


18/ Female/ Heterosexual


Roxy was raised by a struggling single mother as the product of a one night stand. She didn’t know much about her father or anything else for that matter. Her mother was working two jobs just to keep them afloat and in existence so Roxy rarely got to see her but she was surviving despite the rough neighbourhood and school.

But her life went tits up when she was thirteen because, effectively, her mother became dead as a door knob to be blunt. Roxy didn’t particularly feel like getting caught up in the system so bolted before that could happen and took to living on the streets. She decided to do the only think she could think to do… find her father. But that one turned out to bear no fruit except the knowledge that she had a half-brother. Now Roxy’s on a mission to find him.


She has the words Lost Girl tattooed on the back of her right shoulder blade.​
Gang Member

Name: Marcus DeAndre Jones

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/images-65.jpeg.44d0402eae9df7da52bc4e4e1ef5aa1f.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="30986" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/images-65.jpeg.44d0402eae9df7da52bc4e4e1ef5aa1f.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: Marcus was born in Compton, L.A., California, a place known for its rough violence and high crime rates. He was lucky to make it out when was 12, but was forced to come back after being framed by some stuck-up rich white kid at his boarding school. He started getting into trouble and soon lost his little sister at the age of 14, when he was 17. He often looks at white "thuggish" guys as just wannabes, as they don't really know what it's like fighting for your life since day 1. White people in the ghetto just doesn't seem right to him, and where he's from... the motto is (or at least one of them),"If there black, dub some crack (cocaine), if there white, somethin' ain't so right...". It's not really a matter off racism, because it's not. It all about avoiding anything that can take you down, and taking down anybody who gets in your way between that.

Extra: Nope!!!

(Sexuality: Straight)



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noobysubstance14 said:
Gang Member

Name: Marcus DeAndre Jones

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Appearance: View attachment 80316

Bio: Marcus was born in Compton, L.A., California, a place known for its rough violence and high crime rates. He was lucky to make it out when was 12, but was forced to come back after being framed by some stuck-up rich white kid at his boarding school. He started getting into trouble and soon lost his little sister at the age of 14, when he was 17. He often looks at white "thuggish" guys as just wannabes, as they don't really know what it's like fighting for your life since day 1. White people in the ghetto just doesn't seem right to him, and where he's from... the motto is (or at least one of them),"If there black, dub some crack (cocaine), if there white, somethin' ain't so right...". It's not really a matter off racism, because it's not. It all about avoiding anything that can take you down, and taking down anybody who gets in your way between that.

Extra: Nope!!!

(Sexuality: Straight)

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