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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck RP)


The Wizard
WARNING: MASSIVE INFO DUMP! I know it's a pain, but please make sure you know all of this before proceeding!

Every character in this RP is a player of a game called Sburb. This game allows one player to connect to another and manipulate their environment. In order to properly begin the game, the "Server" player must deploy several devices (see "Devices" below), which the "Client" player must use to create an artifact and enter "The Medium", or the game world. From this point, the player is following the game's story.

The Medium is a solar system composed of the core, Skaia, and many planets. The innermost planet, Prospit, and the outermost, Derse, are at war over the power stored within Skaia. Prospit defends Skaia, while Derse seeks to destroy it. The war remains a stalemate until the players enter. From that point, Prospit will lose the war, and the players must protect Skaia from Derse.

Prospit is populated by white-skinned Prospitians, and ruled by the White King and Queen. Derse, on the other hand, is populated by monstrous Underlings and ruled by the Black King and Queen. In addition, both planets are home to the players' dream selves (see "Dream Selves" below).

The Sylladex is a player's inventory. Every item picked up is stored in a Captchalogue card in the Sylladex. These cards show a code on the back, which can be used with the Punch Designix (see "Devices" below) to create a punched card. In the comic, players needed to use a Fetch Modus to retrieve their items (usually in very complicated ways), but for the sake of convenience, we will not be using those.

A Strife Specibus is a special type of Captchalogue card that grants proficiency in a weapon type. A weapon cannot be wielded without the proper Strife Specibus. These cards are labeled "____kind" and stored in the "Strife Portfolio".

There are four devices that players must use in order to enter the Medium, as well as create items. The "Cruxtruder" generates Cruxite dowels, which can be carved by the "Totem Lathe" into totems. The Lathe uses cards punched by the "Punch Designix" as blueprints for carving. The Designix uses codes from the back of Captchalogue cards to punch cards. Carved totems may then be scanned by the "Alchemiter" to produce items.

Upon activating the Cruxtruder, a "Kernelsprite" is produced. This Sprite can be "Prototyped" with any object or being, living or dead. Sprites must be Prototyped once before entering the Medium, and may be prototyped once more after entering. Prototyping a Sprite for the first time alters the appearance and abilities of the monsters a player will fight; therefore, it is beneficial to Prototype with a useless object at first.

The Queens each possess a Ring of Orbs. Likewise, the Kinds possess a Scepter of Orbs. These rings and scepters allow the holder to be Prototyped alongside the Underlings, gaining abilities based on what the players have Prototyped their Sprites with. However, their effects do not work on humans or trolls.

Skaia, the core of the Medium, is home to the Battlefield. This is the location of Prospit and Derse's war, as well as the most important location in the game. The Battlefield evolves every time a prototyped Sprite enters the Medium. If all players enter with a prototyped Sprite, the Battlefield reaches its final form. In this form, the Genesis Frog can be born, and a new universe can be made. Players may then enter the new universe and rule over it. However, if any Sprites enter the Medium unprototyped, the game cannot be won. This is known as a null session.

In addition to Prospit and Derse, a planet exists for every player in the session. These planets' features are determined by the player's class and aspect, and are home to the Consorts, amphibious creatures, as well as the Denizen of the aspect. Players must gather resources and seek out their Quest Bed in order to ascend to their God Tier (see "God Tiers" below).

Every player has a Dream Self on the moon of either Prospit or Derse. The dream self wakes up every time the "real" self sleeps. Some players can awaken their dream self even before entering the Medium, and others' do not awaken until long afterwards. However, every player's dream self does awaken.

Once a player reaches the highest level, they may ascend to God Tier. In order to do this, they must find their Quest Bed on their own planet, and sleep on it. Then, their real body must be killed on the bed. This allows the dream self to ascend to God Tier and gain the abilities of their class and aspect.

There are twelve classes in the game. Only one of each may be present in a session of the game. They are as follows.

Thief: Steals their aspect for their own benefit

Rogue: Steals their aspect for the benefit of their allies

Heir: Protects themselves by manipulating their aspect

Maid: Protects themselves and others with their aspect

Page: Creates their aspect

Knight: Uses their aspect as a weapon

Seer: Benefits from knowledge of their aspect

Mage: Helps others with knowledge of their aspect

Sylph: Heals using their aspect

Witch: Manipulates their aspect

Bard: Enhances themselves with their aspect

Prince: Destroy using their aspect

There are also twelve aspects in the game, and similarly, only one player controls each. They are as follows:

Time: Time, duh XP

Space: Physics

Void: Nothingness

Light: Luck, fortune

Mind: Thought, consequences of actions

Heart: Soul, conscience

Rage: Anger

Hope: Belief

Doom: Death

Life: Life force

Blood: Relations

Breath: Wind, motion

Every character must have a distinct way of typing. It can be as simple as TYPING IN ALL CAPS, or Capitalizing Every Word. Alternatively, you could use a substitution, such as r3pl4c1ng l3tt3rs w1th numb3rs. Or, you could preface your messages with some sort of emoticon. Really, the sky's the limit.

Trolls are the inhabitants of the planet Alternia. They are gray-skinned humanoids with yellow-orange horns. Trolls have very different biology than humans, as well as different terminology. You can read up on troll terminology here.

Please let me know if I'm missing any crucial information here!
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Now that most of us are in the game, here's some more information that will be useful from this point onward.

Ectobiology is the science of creating living beings utilizing paradoxes. The APPEARIFIER machine is normally used to teleport objects or creatures from elsewhere in time and space to that location and time. However, if this would cause a paradox, what appears instead is a pile of PARADOX SLIME in the shape of the object or creature, known as a GHOST IMPRINT. The ECTOBIOLOGY APPARATUS is used in conjunction with the Appearifier to contain paradox slime and use it to create PARADOX CLONES. To read more on ectobiology, click


The Genesis Frog is, in essence, the goal of Sburb. In every session, the goal of the game is to breed the Genesis Frog. This responsibility falls upon the Hero of Space, who must utilize ectobiology to breed the legendary frog.

The Genesis Frog is worshiped by Prospitians, who call it the "Speaker of the Vast Croak". Temples in the Frog's honor can be found all across the Medium. Dersites, however, detest it, and in fact will kill frogs on sight.

If players find themselves in a null session, there is a way to start over. The Hero of Time has a SCRATCH CONSTRUCT in his/her land, which, when activated, will reset the universe, beginning the timeline anew prior to the players entering the game. In order to activate the Scratch, the Construct must literally be scratched by a very sharp, powerful weapon. The Quills of Echidna are the intended tool for this purpose, but any similar weapon may be used.

In the Medium, beyond the farthest orbit of Derse, lies an area known as the Furthest Ring. Within this space exists the HORRORTERRORS, also called the OUTER GODS. They are massive eldritch beings with an unknown purpose. If one's dream self dies, whenever that person sleeps, they will be visited by the Horrorterrors. If one comes into direct contact with the Horrorterrors, either through a message or an actual encounter, they will be consumed by the darkness and become GRIMDARK. In this form, the affected individual gains incredible dark magic powers, but loses the ability to speak English, instead speaking in the Horrorterrors' tongue.

Trickster Mode is a powerful, but extremely unstable, power-up that exists within the game. Hidden away within our session of the game are two giant lollipops, one red and one green. When the two are brought together, they fuse, and licking the resulting swirly lollipop engages TRICKSTER MODE. Affected individuals exhibit intense, forced cheeriness and hyperactivity, and will often speak aloud rather than thinking to themselves. Their clothing changes into a bright, garishly colored outfit, and their hair becomes brightly colored as well, with some sort of sugary treat stuck in it. In addition, their skin changes to a peach color.

Trickster Mode gives extremely powerful abilities to the trickster, including flight, energy manipulation, and even reality warping. Tricksters tend to use their powers in a silly and foolish manner. Tricksters can engage Trickster Mode in others through touch. However, in order to remain in Trickster Mode, one must periodically lick the spiral lollipop. Failure to do so for several hours results in reversion to normal, with symptoms similar to withdrawl. It should be noted that only humans can engage Trickster Mode.

Death within the game is permanent. However, if one's real self dies, if their corpse is kissed within a certain amount of time after death, that person will live on as their dream self, assuming it is still alive. This does not apply to characters ascending to God Tier; upon dying on the Quest Bed, they immediately awaken as their dream self and ascend.

We're coming up to the endgame! Here's a little last-minute info.

Once a player ascends, they continue gaining levels. However, they do not receive Boondollars for god tier levels. Instead, every few levels, you obtain an ACHIEVEMENT BADGE. These badges give special powers to god tier players. Obtainable badges are as follows:

Gift of Gab: Allows for conversation with non-English-speaking creatures, such as Prospitians and Dersites

Skeleton Key: Allows the player to bypass any locks

Universal Specibus: Allows the player to use any weapon without need for the proper specibus

Ectobiology Major: Allows the player to extract paradox slime from any object using an Appearifier, without the prerequisite of a paradox.

Alchemist's Soul: Gives a POCKET ALCHEMITER, allowing the player to alchemize on the go

Third Eye's Mouth: Allows the player to speak telepathically with others, but not receive responses

Bag of Holding: Removes limits on Sylladex space, granting infinite inventory space

Utility Belt: Allows the player to store some objects in the UTILITY BELT, which will activate them automatically when needed

Unobtainium: Items in the player's possession never break

Mobile Catwalk: Allows the player to change outfits in an instant

Polymorph: Allows the player to shapeshift for short lengths

Wings of Icarus: Grants the player more efficient wings, and the ability to change how they look (cosmetic changes only)

(If you have any more ideas for badges, please let me know! :3)

Fraymotifs are special abilities that can be purchased with Boondollars. They are music-based attacking schemes which can be overlapped to create dual and triple Fraymotifs. Each player can hold up to three Fraymotifs and switch between them, but only one can be active at a time. Therefore, several players must use their Fraymotifs at once in order to create a dual or triple Fraymotif. Use of these is optional, but will greatly boost a player's power in battle.

If a player fails to complete their given task in a timeline, the course of events will veer off of the path of fate. This creates a DOOMED TIMELINE. Players in a doomed timeline cannot interact with other universes, and their existence will eventually cease. However, if a player can travel or contact through time, they can contact the past selves of the players and prevent the doomed timeline from ever occurring. This is, in its very nature, paradoxical: the doomed timeline must exist to ensure its nonexistence.
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