

Magic Eight Ball
Hello forum. I'm not really sure how to go about this or if I'm ready yet but here we go.

I would like to play a game of Exalted here, and honestly I'm kinda picky. Since I haven't really been able to play I'd like a pretty traditional game where I can be a Solar. If an interested ST would welcome more players and was cool with it, I'd also be cool with someone else playing a Lunar. Not sure about other character types right now though. I'd like to see how different they are. I have a pretty specific aesthetic preference but I always feel like it would be too mean if I said I didn't like someone else's character.

The 2E books I have are: 2ECore, Lunars, GWM, SoFR, RoGD: I, RoGD: II, B&W Treatise, SotM, DotFA, Wyld, Blessed Isle, South, East, West, Scavenger Lands, and I hope to get SoH and the North book soon.

Even with all those books I'd still prefer a 2nd Age game with Solars and Lunars as PCs. I'd also like to avoid extra BP or XP at chargen since I'm already so slow at it. Relaxed pace would be best since I should be in school in a few weeks. I should also warn you that I'm horrible with the rules so if you can deal with everything else I said it would also be cool if you could help with that.

What else would be good for people to know? I'd be glad to post game ideas and character concepts.

I feel like this post is really incoherent.
I'd welcome you to one of my games, except I tend to give bonus BP. :mrgreen:

anyway, look in the game thread to see which game is sill open for players, and PM the storyteller with your interest and a character concept.
Thank you for the reply. I have checked out some of the games and I will continue to do so. Some of them don't appeal to me or I am unqualified. The others just have a lot to go through.

For now I will attempt to find an existing game to join, but I will also be watching this thread like a hawk in case anything else becomes an option.

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