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Fandom Game Overview

Ian Temero

Knight of Swords


Character Sheet




Color/Relation of Name to Color:

17-19 (If you want to be younger or older, talk to me about it)


Human or Faunus:

Type of animal*:
(Faunus Only. Also mammals only unless I give you the okay)



Color of Aura:
As Aura is a manifestation of the soul, its color should be a reflection of themselves. A hotheaded character might have a red or orange Aura, while a tactical character might have a blue or grey Aura. Color Symbolism











Deja Vu:
Leave this blank for now. Once I have excepted your character I will give you a scene to type out and put here. Consider it an "example post". (Note: These scenes are of a possible future and not a guaranteed one, so it should not dictate how you play your character.)

Other*: This would be a good place to put a theme song if you want.



May Whittier,

Danube Trojan,

Sevag Schwarz

Kerria Luxton

LAMB : (Team LAMB)

Lilith Falciani

Azure Snow

Melania Rosenberg

Bonnie Ecgtheow


Dusk Leonfeld

Celia Candy

Ao Cobalt

Finch Hawthorne

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Lilith Falciani

(Lilith meaning "of the night")





Faunus Type:



Unlike most Huntsmen/Huntresses, Lilith doesn't use a complex compound weapon. Instead she uses a variety of basic weaponry. She primarily duel-wields a dagger called Fang and a hand cannon called Talon. However she also uses Dust crystals, grenades, C4, other guns, etc.


Aura Color:




Lilith's semblance allows her to teleport short distance in an instance (short being relative). The longest distance that she can travel with a single "jump" is about 100 ft.

She is also able to create portals, using a special Dust Crystal, that changes her range from "feet" to "miles", although there are two restriction to this. 1) She is only able to create portals to places she has been or can see. 2) The Dust Crystal is destroyed after one use.

Her Blink also works with any item that is both in range and that she has touched allowing her to "summon" her weapons.




Cold, secretive, and quiet, Lilith doesn't talk much and it's rare to get more than a few words out of her. She prefers to keep to herself and it's really hard to gain her trust, but once you have it you'll never lose it. Despite her loner attitude she works surprisingly well with a team. In battle she always keeps a cool head. She has a tendency to quite literally disappear at night, hardly ever sleeping in her own bed.


- Peace

- Quiet

- Ice Cream


- Bigots

- Spiders


- Losing her little sister

- Her greatest secret being discovered

- Caves (only slightly)


- Lilith barely makes any noise when she walks. She doesn't mean to be sneaky, it's just a habit of hers. Now imagine how quiet she is when she's actually trying...

- She is very agile and very hard to hit, even without her Semblance

- Night vision, claws, and enhanced hearing

- Has an incredibly strong healing Aura

- Specializes in fighting humans/faunus


- Has difficulty being open with her team

- Has a weak defensive Aura


Lilith's father was a member of a wealthy family until he was disowned for marrying a Faunus, while her mother was born and raised outside the kingdom walls. A year after Lilith's little sister Peggy was born, their mother was murdered by human extremists. Four years later while the family was camping they were attacked by an unknown type of Grimm. Lilith and Peggy managed to escape, but not unscathed. Lilith was left with a scar over her eye while her sister was poisoned, a poison that still remains in her system today. After Peggy was admitted to a hospital Lilith vanished off the face of Remnant, returning five years later to take the Beacon entrance exam; and passing it with flying colors.


- Roger Falciani- 4th Gen Human Huntsmen - Father- Went missing on a camping trip at age 31

- Valeria Falciani- 1st Gen Faunus Huntress - Mother- Killed by human extremist at age 27

- Lilian "Peggy" Margret Falciani - Faunus - Sister - Age 11



Lilian "Peggy" Margret Falciani


11 (looks 7)



Faunus Type:



(To be revealed)




(To be revealed)


- Extremely powerful Aura and Semblance


- Deathly ill

- Using her Semblance could kill her

Kumiho Nogitsune - 1st Gen Faunus Huntsmen - Legal Gaurdian - Age 39

Deja Vu:

In the end, I just couldn't do it. Lilith thought to herself as she watched the Vytal Festival Arena floating above the city. Even from the roof she was standing on the cheers could be heard as the final round of the tournament was underway, mixed with the sounds of festivities in the streets below. She looked down at the black box she held in her hand, turning it over a few times. It was probably better this way she told herself. This was not the way to get her sister back.

"Wait for me a little longer, Peggy," she said, pulling her arm back and chucking the box off the roof and towards the lake. "I'll rescue you soon. I promise."

Turning her back to the arena Lilith dug into her pockets, searching for an Amp Crystal. She knew every location the fox might have hidden her sister and thanks to these crystals, she could search every one long before he realized what was happening. But as she wrapped her fingers around the Dust, an explosion shook the very air itself.

"What?!" Lilith cried out, spinning around. Smoke was pouring from the base of the arena. A second explosion blew a chunk off of the giant crystal that kept the stadium afloat. Then a third explosion and a fourth. Explosion after explosion Lilith watched in shock as the arena began to fall from the sky.

"What the hell..."

Role on Team:

Ren (silent, agile), Blake (dark and mysterious), Pyrrha (kick-ass fighter)

Theme Song:


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Name: Melania Rosenberg

Nickname: Mel

Color/Relation of Name to Color: Black

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Human or Faunus: Human


Weapon: Jotunham- A Mallet that can act as a lightning rod and can turn into a harpoon gun once the head for the hammer flips down...

Color of Aura: Lavender.

Semblance: Smokescreen (Can produce a black smokescreen for easy escapes and can also be used to channel Dust attacks for a storm effect)


Personality: Melania is a very Driven person, She known for pushing herself and her team beyond their own limits. She tends to come across as a very strict and somewhat condescending person, but that does not shy away from her true intentions. She doesn't socialize often and that leads to many viewing her as a very cold person. Although when she does try to socialize, she comes across as either a creep or a prick

Likes: Faunus

Dislikes: Bigots

Fears: Rejection from her peers

Weaknesses: Her Over Confidence.

History: Melania was an orphan that was taken in by a family of Faunus. She was often teased by her old classmates for being "Raised by a pack of animals". Eventually the teasing got to her and she left for Vale to attend Beacon academy in hopes that it'll be different... And perhaps she may find love... (She loves Faunus Girls)

Deja Vu:

She Betrayed you...

Melania tried to ignore the voices as she fought the shadows of her friends...

She said that she was your friend!

"SHUT UP!" the Young Huntress shouted at the shadows, refusing to listen which caused her to lose her fighting stance and stumble over.

Look around! How many of your friends- How many of her 'friends' now lie dead because of her?

"I-i-it's not true..." Melania stammered as tears begin to form in her eyes.

"Now her kill count is in the thousands! And I'll be adding one more..." said a silver haired faunus in a Fox-Grim mask leaping through one of the shadows at her.


Role on Team: Ruby (The Heart of the Team), Weiss (Strict One), Velvet (The Shy one)
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Finch Hawthorne


Character Statistics

Name: Finch Hawthorne

Age: 17

Color: Violet

Gender: Male

Human or Faunus: Human

Aura Color: Yellow

Background: Finch was born to a small and regular family in the Vale and with them he had a pretty normal childhood. His mother and father ran a small tea shop where he even worked for a small period in his life before he became confronted with the question all people are faced with when they are young and starting to grow up. Where was he going and what was he going to do with his life?

Finch decided that, with his semblance he had a natural talent which made him applicable for combat. He had no true motives or real passions other than truly fighting against creatures of Grimm and using what he was best at to help people. The adrenaline, reward of doing good in the world and ability to put himself through programs that would truly make him something drove him to apply for and be accepted into Signal, where he went through the regular regimen of practice and training until the age of 17, where, out of being primed for battle and now possessing his new weapon Chastiefol he made himself, he decided to go to Beacon to finally fulfill his dreams of becoming a hunter.

Personality: Finch is a loving and carefree individual who happens to work well with others. His moreover sweet and friendly extroverted personality allows him to make friends easily and also brighten up a mood. He is slightly childish out of this however, making it rather difficult for him to deal with complicated or serious situations where he isn't very well versed. He tends to keep happy and very loyal to his friends in his own bubbly way, allowing his friendships to become the very thing which drives him to succeed and have the purpose that he sometimes struggles with as well.


Semblance: Containment- Finch's Semblance 'Containment' allows him to create small spheres at the tips of his fingers which can float, being able to withstand as well as hold moderate amounts of pressure until they pop, which makes them very reliable for storing objects which Finch can carry around without the need to exert any physical energy, however this is just one side of his abilities. Finch's 'Bubbles' don't just hold physical objects as they can also hold amounts of invisible pressure which attacks give up. To avoid taking damage, he can just contain it into a Sphere, nullifying the attack until he simply hurls it back at his opponent, turning it into an explosive full of painful energy or literally an explosion which he can also contain. However, these Bubbles are not indestructible and if the attack if great enough, they can be popped.


  • Kittens
  • Books
  • Tea
  • Pink
  • Blue
  • The Outdoors
  • The Indoors
  • Rain
  • Animals (In General)


  • The Rude
  • The Arrogant
  • The Color Yellow
  • Losing


  • Losing
  • Isolation
  • Death
  • Snakes
  • Losing a Friend/Loved One

Appearance: Finch is a young and slender boy who stands at a not at all intimidating height or standing of 5'2. He has a full head of dyed violet purple hair as well as a pair of brown eyes. His skin is rather pale enough to mimic that pf porcelain and he often wears a collection of simple hoodies, jeans and converse wherever he goes.


  • He is no particularly physically strong
  • Relies on his Semblance
  • Not Good in Close Quarters or Hand-to-Hand combat

Other: Theme Song:




Weapon Appearance: Chastiefol ~ The Infinity Bow ~ As the name would suggest, the weapon itself is a simple bow which has a metallic makeup, coming with no arrows or quivers the bow comes equipped with a variety of Dust within the bow itself, dispensing at will with a variety of dust including Water, Fire, Wind and Electricity which can be shot at an opponent in the form of a simple vial with the help of a dispensable metal chord from the top, which is attached manually to the other end.

Weapon Abilities: It can be used to dispense Dust against opponents from a far distance as well as be used for defense with its metal body when in close combat.

Deja Vu:

"Ah~" Finch exclaimed as he finished his last bowl of ramen. It was always good to participate in the other aspects to the Vital Festival, such as the many wonderful foods vendors had prepared, which seemed to be running a bit dry after Finch paid them a visit with a bottomless stomach. He giggled a bit, looking at the other patrons while everyone seemed to be having a good time. But then, a small and unsettling sound crackled from above in the sky.

Finch looked up, his attention fixed upon the arena now bathed in a flickering and glowing, nay, illuminating fire. Washed among a burning red and yellow which merged, hellishly consuming the arena as thundering eruptions, explosions caused them. The sky further above seemed to be covered in smoke, choking the light which the stars and moon gave plentifully once before as the fire demanded his and all of the other patron's attention. And, as he stood, shocked and standing in awe of its beautiful, cruel and taunting horror, he began to hear the screams of the other people around him.

Soon then, the Arena began to fall, plummeting in a fiery blaze down onto the buildings, causing an even larger, grander fire which consumed everything below as panic ensued all around him, and citizens began to scream and panic in fear and outrage. People pushed past him, but Finch just stood there, tears racing down his cheeks as he looked on in horror.

All he heard were their piercing screams.

Role in The Team: Nora (The Comic-Relief & Slight Loose Cannon), Jean (Down to Earth and Compassionate) and Ruby (The Lovable yet Socially Awkward One)



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Azure Snow

Color/Relation to name: Navy blue & white/ Azure is a shade of blue, Snow is white


Gender: Female

Human or Faunus: Faunus

Type of Animal: Canadian Marble Fox


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.4b3ff7ee81ab1edcfc0c6f006471c4bc.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="111232" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.4b3ff7ee81ab1edcfc0c6f006471c4bc.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Height: 4'5 (small like a fox :D )

Faunus Traits: Ears (white), long fluffy tail (white), enlarged canine teeth, canine behavior, heterochromic eyes (as seen in le pic)

Body Type: Feminine, mature, curvy, and flattering. Just short.

Body Structure: Thin and seemingly delicate


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.fc05d135e2cf6cc374d87958029affa5.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="111233" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.fc05d135e2cf6cc374d87958029affa5.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​

Top Left: dual pistols. Made to look old but work like a modern one, shooting semi-automatically. Shoots dust bullets, resulting in different effects.

Bottom Left: the pistols can be extended into short swords; dust isnt used in this stage.

Right: when the short swords are combined, they build a trident (this is her favorite form). The trident, unlike the swords, can use dust but minimally (it doesnt store a lot).

Color of Aura: Navy Blue (same color as text)


Azure's semblance is nothing magnificent. It cant manipulate metal or mimic the weapons of others. Its not offensive, nor defensive, but rather...supportive. The fox faunus has been granted with an extra gift of sight. She can see normally like you and eye (ha get it) but she can see more. She can see auras and energy. Even though some auras can be seen when activated, she can see them at all times. The colored hue that surges with energy when activated, pulsing, thumping, or scrambling around its angered owner. Or a tranquil, subtle, waving tint of color, when the hunter/huntress is calm or asleep.

Azure is hyper sensitive to auras and other energies around her. The pressure and atmospheric density they emit pricks at her skin. Her detection for auras is so keen, she recognizes a person by their energy before their scent or even the sight of them. Making it near impossible to sneak up on her, since aura's surround a person at all times (for the exception of those that may be able to supress their auras).

Along with aura, she senses negitive energy. Grimm, as its known, do not hold auras, instead they are attracted to and release negitive energy. Her semblance isnt able to switch on or off, its always there, she cant exactly control it, only amplify it, expanding the distance at which she senses them. Think of a radar, they usually have a set radius at which they detect things, but she can shrink or expand that radius as she pleases (expanding it usually eats up more of her aura). Its easy for her to locate and keep track of her opponents, even opponents she may not see in front of her. Azure is very hard to catch surprised.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.0f287c80d299a953a95f0c2a54ce0132.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="111234" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.0f287c80d299a953a95f0c2a54ce0132.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Very, very, very quiet. Much like a fox, who doesnt have much to say. Shes more of a thinker than a talker. Shes quite clever and witty at times. Some take her lack of speech as being snooty, but truth be told she has trouble keeping a conversation going. Her lack of words only come from her shyness and insecurities about being a faunus. She keeps her composure on the surface, seeming tranquil and graceful, but on the inside shes totally different: dynamic, sarcastic, or ecstatic.

Shes a very kind and giving being, and has a special place in her heart for the ignored, the ridiculed and the broken. Although her timidness keeps her from speaking to others, she'll take the first step in talking to someone if she feels they need the company or care. Of course, once she opens up, shes hyperactive, energetic, and positive (like a dog). Shes also quite naive, it may come off as clueless.

There is another side to her. Her canine side....at certain times (or when seeing certain things) she gets excited...like a dog. Shes loyal and will always have your back even when it puts herself in danger. Shes eager to please and will do anything to make others happy. A good companion, who would never leave your side in the face of danger.

Azure can also be a little...dreamy. She spent most of her time alone and because of that, shes always in her own little world. She slips from reality in the most inconvenient times and soon finds her self lost or distracted. Another biproduct from growing up in isolation is her speech. She talks a lot like a logical computer would. Its choppy and fragmented at times but she can get her message across. She doesnt have much experience in conversation with people...

Shes a bit odd...


-Food (who doesnt)

-Being petted

-A happy leader/alpha

-Gentle, happy type of people

-Pleasing others

-Quiet time


-Loud, sudden noises (sensitive ears)

-Dissapointing others

-Being teased by her height

-Strangers (shes easily intimidated)

-People that put down others

-When her canine instincts/behavior comes out at an unwanted time

-Arrogant, rude, insensitive people


-Socializing (because she talks funny, so shes a little insecure)

-Thunder (like most dogs)


Skills and Talents:

Most are aquired from her Faunus genes...

- stealthy: a mixture of her silence and small stature makes her easily over looked, which proves to be an advantage on the field...

- keen senses: such as her sense of smell and hearing

-speed: her small body frame makes her quite hard to catch, small person, small target. Just slightly quicker than the average person, nothing fancy.

-agility: as a child, she took part in a lot of activities, her favorites were gymnastics or acrobatics, making her quite nimble from years of practice.



-Long ranged attacks (she can handle medium and short range)

-Forceful, heavy blows

I'll try to think of more


A life like almost every other Faunus. The outcast, looked down upon, tossed aside, ignored, etc. However, unlike most of the faunus population, she didnt grow up in poverty. She wasnt especially wealthy either. Just an average family. Well....an average faunus family. But the torment and hurtful words she recieved from the outside world kept her from being outside too much by the word of her parents. She spent her time in doors, avoiding the teasing and taunting of other human children (sometimes adults). This resulted in a very naive girl, knowing not much of the outside world. Im some ways shes like an alien, there are things she hasnt seen or experienced first hand, like eating ice cream for example (sad right?)

Her mother was a huntress and every now and then returns to her former profession when help is needed. Azure liked that. Her mom was like a hero to her. Ridding the world of grimm and other foul things. She wanted that too. The little fox faunus worked hard to get into beacon and when she finally recieved a notice she was in, she was happier than ever!


Eyes fluttered in the darkness. Synapses in the brain began firing, connecting and awakening the unconscious, unaware mind. Azure groaned while she stirred to awake herself. When suddenly, left over adrenaline surged through her body, snapping her from laying down into an upright position with an audible gasp. She rubbed her eyes, feeling grains of dirt and dust in them, and coughed up some of the particles in her lungs. She blinked, looking around in the darkness. Azure turned her body slightly to see what was behind her, and heard pieces of concrete and pebbles scraping beneath her as she shifted. Where ever she was, it wasnt pleasant. The fox drew her legs close to her and readied herself to stand. But as soon as she applied pressure to her ankles, a spike if pain shot through one, and she collapsed back onto the ground. Her ankle had gave in to the pain and weight, and Azure winced. Her muscles tensed when she tried to catch her self from the fall, and she ached all over. She looked down at herself, her clothes were dirty with a few holes and tears here and there, and one of her ankles was swollen, atleast her weapons managed to stay intact and in their holsters. What ever happened she mustve taken a beating. But what did happen? Azure tried to remember, but only recalled fragments: first, she remembered watching the last match of the Vytal Festival, next, there was rumble in the floating arena and a slight change in gravity and the screams of the audience. The next few images were patchy, Azure remembered being thrashed around after the arena had collided into something from the outside. But that was it.

The fox felt a warm sensation on her eyebrow, and when she reached to touch it, felt the familiar stickyness of blood, and it smelled like it too. The smell made her jaw clench and her teeth grind, she never liked that smell of iron. Her eyes wandered around her environment in attempt to piece together where the hell she was. She was boxed in by debris and a wall behind her. In the dark silence, Azure could hear the creaks of metal all around her. When she looked up, all she saw were torn pieces of sharp metal and shrapnel being held up by a single support beam over her head. Her ears flattened, thankful that the beam fell when it did, other wise shed be a dead fox. Clearly the area was unstable, and she had to get out. Once again, the faunus pulled her legs close, preparing to stand. She took her time and rose to her feet with care and caution. But where to go from there, she had no clue. The petite girl looked up at the mount of debris, piled too high to climb safely, and too tightly packed to tear away at. Suddenly, as if on queue, a current of air blew at her knees and ankles, there must be a hole of some sort. Azure slowly lowered herself to her knees and open palms, and sure enough there was a gap big enough for her to squeeze through, though she knew it would be a tight, uncomfortable fit. But it had to be done, the risk is worth the freedom. Slowly and oh-so-carefully she shimmied her small frame under the stacked debris of metal, concrete, and what ever else was there. A scary thought of the whole pile caving in made Azure quicken her pace and at last she was out.

She was free from her confinement but now she had no idea as to where to go. She rose to her feet again, making sure not to hurt her ankle in the process, and looked from left to right in the dark hallway. Being unconscious made her disoriented from her sense of direction. But down the hallway to her right opened up to a bright light, it looked like a way out. Azure was hopeful, and slowly but surely limped her way down the hall. Her hand ran along the wall to her left for support while she hobbled to her exit. The faunus wasnt sure what to expect once she got to the other side, but she had hope she'll find some one to help her. Half way down the hall and the pressure of the atmosphere suddenly changed. Chills ran down her spine and her hairs stood on their ends. She stopped for a moment. The sensation was all too familiar. Azure was sensing an aura, a familiar one too. She had to press on. The end of the hallway was near now, and the fox pushed on with her sprained ankle, biting her lower lip from the annoying pain. She hurried, quickening her limped pace, if someone was still there she need help to find a way out.

Once she reached the end, she realized that the hallway lead her into the arena. It was better than staying in the dark corridor. She stopped at the entrance. There, in the center, was a woman, with red and black hair, cradling something in her arms. Azure looked around the stadium, taking in the large aura she was emitting. It was pink, and flooded the whole area with its presence, enveloping it like a bubble. The aura was so dense and concentrated it overwhelmed the fox's senses, it blinded her from detecting anything else. It was only when her big, round eyes looked around that she noticed the bodies littering the colosseum stands and floor. Azure gasped, her gaze darted from body to body, taking in the horrifying scene. At first, denial hit her, she wondered "is this real" but when she realized this was, in fact, reality, she was torn. Her heart sank down to her stomach, her chest felt like it was going to implode, her body trembled, and a lump formed in her throat, choking her up. The faunus covered her mouth with her right hand to keep her from sobbing out loud. Droplets of tears swelled over dark lashes and quickly turned into streams down her cheeks. Her soft face now darkened with a lower-lip-quivering frown, lips that she otherwise used to smile with. Azure's breathing turned short and choppy from fighting the heart break that was settling into her fragile glass heart. She didnt want to move anymore. She wanted to turn around and run away crying. She didnt want to see any of this. But as much as she wanted to run from her fears and emotions, she had no choice... Once again she was on the move, step by step she made her way closer to the woman. Walking was painful, but no where near as painful as the sight of the dead and injured around her feet. As she passed them, she couldnt help but look at every single one of them. Festival spectating mothers, fathers, and children werent returning home to their families, she could only imagine the devistation of the news. But what really hurt Azure were the bodies of her fellow hunters and huntresses from all over Remnant. She couldnt help but feel piercing guilt. Guilty because she was alive and they werent. They never had a chance to become the heroes they looked up to all their lives...But why was she granted a second chance, and their lives stolen? The feeling was too much, too overbearing and all the fox could do was look away to escape it .

Nearing the woman now, Azure wiped her tears with her sleeve and stopped a few feet in front of her. She lifted her head to get a better look. Being this close she could tell that the woman was a faunus, just by her scent...and what she was holding was a small faunus child. Her arms held the child gently but firmly, clearly not wanting to let go. Droplets dripped to Azure's feet from her cheeks, and she looked down, away from the image of the woman and the child. She couldnt take it anymore. Too many lost lives but seeing this child hurt her the most. Fox ears perked, listening to the the woman's soft, smooth whispers. "Im sorry. Im so sorry," she repeated while she softly caressed the face of the innocent child, limp in her loving arms...

Role on Team:

-Ruby: Innocent/Naive

-Pyrrah: Compassionate/Caring

-Ren: Quiet/Reserved

-Blake: Socially Retracted

Other STUFF :D

Combat Ability:

-Physical Endurance: what she lacks in strength she makes up for in endurance. She can take a heavy (a little more than the average joe) amount of hits before it starts to wear her down. However, the harder or more lethal the attack the harder it becomes to shrug it off.

-CQC: she prefers fighting in close quarters, shes devoted most of her huntress career into the study of auras and fighting up close and personal. Shes studied the anatomy of humans and faunus' alike, so shes pretty knowledgable when it comes to weak spots and pressure points. (She gives pretty good massages because of that >u>)

Theme Song:

(its from the soundtrack yes, but it fits her very well)





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Nickname*: Boney, "That Barbarian".

Color/Relation of Name to Color: Bonnie is derived from "Bone", a shade of white that mimics the color of... well, bones.



Human or Faunus:


Bonnie is a girl in her late teens who happens to be coltish, tall, and taut through years of training and fighting. Naturally, she does possess scarlet red eyes and dark black hair. She does wear it in a long style, but she pulls it into a low ponytail in battle which makes it appear quite short. Like all members of the Ecgtheow family, a red streak of chalk is commonly dusted across the bridge of the nose as per tradition.

Bonnie's sense of style is either quite punk-ish or barbaric at the extreme without any in-between. Her battle attire is constructed of raw iron, leather, and fur that she mined, tanned, and hunted herself in her early years in training school. Even her
casual dress exudes a sort of medieval flair that goes hand in hand with her style.



Bonnie's weapon, Malevolent Ichor, was forged by her own two hands, inspired by the large swords wielded by warriors long before the introduction of firearms. Malevolent Ichor is a large broadsword constructed of thick, high-grade steel fibers woven into a sturdy, unbreakable pattern and forged together to form a massive and sleek blade. However to keep up with the times, the sword does possess a ranged form of combat.

By pulling the handle of the sword back and down, the top blunt end of the sword will extend upwards and reveal a double-barreled, high power light machine gun with an extra handle. The LMG can fire rapidly and cycle between automatic and burst fire.

Ichor's sword form also doubles as a shield due to the sturdy make-up and massive size of the blade. Although the sword is unbreakable, it's not exempt from being melted by extreme heat or something similar.

Color of Aura:
Purple, the colour of nobility, arrogance, and enlightenment.



Bonnie's semblance effectively allows her to manipulate the mass, density, and weight of herself or any object she has touched recently (within the past four hours). For example, she can make herself light enough for someone to pick up and throw with one hand or so heavy that she can't be moved by anything. Bonnie can also partially change the weight of herself or an object she's recently touched, like making her fists heavier while the rest of her body stays the same or lightening the handle of her sword while the blade gets heavier.

She can change the density of her bones, increasing to allow for temporary superhuman strength or decreasing to be able to glide temporarily on a cape like a bird with hollow bones.

The more drastic the change in mass, the more energy it consumes from her.




Confident and straightforward, Bonnie is a smooth-operator that plays by her own rulebook and doesn't take opposition sitting down. She's quite flippant and a lot less serious than one would expect a warrior like her to behave. Even in the heat of battle, you would be hard-pressed to stop her from taunting her adversaries.

Inspiring her reputation as a barbarian sort of huntress, Bonnie loves the thrill of direct conflict, especially when it ends in the drawing of weapons. Some could say that she loves fighting a little too much and that she's less of an adrenaline junkie and more of an unhinged killer. But if you did say that, she'd challenge you. To a fight.

Bonnie does enjoy bad humor as well as off-kilter jokes that most good company would find sickening. As such, she's usually the joker of the group. She does get a little envious whenever someone tries and succeeds in outdoing her comically.

Although she's very good at casually commanding others around to do her bidding and such, Bonnie prefers to be more of a follower than a commander. Whenever she receives an order from one of her teammates, she always follows it with no doubts.

Though the Ecgtheow family is known for being staunchly in favor of Faunus-critical regulations, Bonnie doesn't... really care. She was raised on anti-Faunus doctrines that were heavily restrictive of their rights (mostly through her grandfather's generation), but her own views on them after having had to interact with them heavily in her school days and listening to her father's own opinions are pretty lax. The only reason she would ever purposefully discriminate against someone is if they were considered a weakling, regardless of racial heritage.


- Fighting.

- Beating people up.

- Rambunctiousness.

- Puns.


- Getting beaten up.

- Having nothing to do.

- Strong, silent types.

- Bears.

- The White Fang.


- Not leaving a legacy after she dies.

- The very concept of fear.

- Bears.


- Bonnie is very proficient in close-quarters combat. She hits pretty hard too, even without her semblance.

- Her defensive aura is quite potent.

- She's a very talented swimmer.

- She's very quick to recognize her weaknesses and limitations.

- As a member of the Ecgtheow family, the hunting of Grimm is very natural to her and she is particularly effective at it through a series of maneuvers the clan create to maximize efficiency.


- Very slow and heavy, often targeted in battle.

- Her boisterous ego is troublesome, especially when her pride is on the line.


The Ecgtheow clan is one that dates back centuries on the planet Remnant to the very first days of human life. In their own legends passed down from generation to generation, it is stated that members belonging to the clan were among the first people to begin the duty of hunting Grimm and driving them back to make room for the evolution of society. The legitimacy of the legend is widely debated, but it is taken as fact for all members of the family.

(Assuming the legends were true) Bonnie was born in the Kingdom of Vale, into the fourth generation of the Ecgtheow family, the third child of Schwarz and Blau Ecgtheow. Her parents were both hunters and Beacon alumni, belonging to Teams SPRO and BRWN. The married duo were fierce in the business and fought all kinds of undesirable beings from Grimm to Street Crime with the efficiency that would make the Vale Police Department weep. As she and her siblings were raised by them, the business of hunting was glorified and to die in battle was considered a privilege and an honor.

Growing up, Bonnie's father was her biggest inspiration. He was the one who taught her how to handle herself in a fight, armed and un-armed. Every story, every lesson, and every word he spoke was something that Bonnie took to heart and holds as tenant in her own moral code. While the Ecgtheow family was historically anti-Faunus because of their ignorance, Schwarz Ecgtheow was part of a new generation with different views. He taught Bonnie that the kind of ears one had were irrelevant to their skill and the only people that were to be looked down upon were those who couldn't handle war.

A few months after her thirteenth birthday, her father was called onto a mission alongside Team SPRO. He told his family that it was just a routine mission to eliminate a pack of Ursas patrolling the kingdom's defenses. But there was something fishy in the air, leaving Bonnie to abstain from sleeping that night. Her father didn't return, not that night and not ever. The bodies of Schwarz Ecgtheow and the rest of Team SPRO were found floating down stream beneath wooden debris from the sewer. The culprits behind their deaths were unknown, but it was heavily believed to be the White Fang under new antagonistic leadership. They were never caught.

Bonnie later went on to attend Signal Academy a year beneath her older sister, Jazz. There, Bonnie forged both strong bonds that would assist her in her inevitable future at Beacon Academy and quite literally her weapon, the broadsword LMG Malevolent Ichor. Although she promised her family not to pursue the cold case of her father's untimely demise, that was the fire that lit Bonnie to keep going in her training. She was gonna catch and kill the bastard that trampled her family's dynamic.


- Schwarz Ecgtheow - Father - 3rd Generation Human Huntsman - Deceased, ruled KIA on official huntsman business at 37.


Name: Schwarz Ecgtheow

Age: 37, at death.

Gender: Male.

Species: Human

Semblance: Unknown. Believed to be similar to his daughters' semblances with Weight/Density/Mass.

Aura Colour: Green, when alive.



Personality: Schwarz was a kind man that relished the thrill of the hunt. But unlike his daughter, he didn't do it out of the adrenaline rush or the necessity for violence it allotted. Schwarz did it for the people so that they could sleep in their beds safely at night without worrying about not breathing the coming morning. Although he came from a family rife with anti-Faunus propaganda and even exhibited some of that in his youth, Schwarz stood fairly for the Faunus that he had encountered in his adventures. According to his wife, he was also kind of a joker that couldn't pass up a good Dad Joke once in a while.

- Blau Ecgtheow (nee Hrothgar) - Mother - 2nd Generation Human Huntress - Alive. - 42.


Name: Blau Lazuli Hrothgar-Ecgtheow.

Age: 42.

Gender: Female.

Species: Human.

Semblance: Blau's Semblance is that of Chemical Bodily Reconstruction. Essentially, she can temporarily change her body's molecular makeup and structure to mimic the properties of chemical compounds and solutions. For example, by reworking her molecular structure and changing key compounds to oxygen and hydrogen, Blau can turn her body into water she can move by will to escape. The Semblance is quite useful and versatile, but it has a drawback in that she has to know the very structure and makeup of what she wants to change in. Not only know it, really, but memorize it.



Personality: Blau is known to be a very hot-headed lady that loved to shape the factors of the world. Her old peers and instructors in school thought of her as a brilliant, if not unhinged chemist that would go on to change the tide of battle and hunting forever. As a mother, Blau was never strict with her kids and was actually quite carefree. She loved to teach and often instructed her kids on things from chemistry and physics to the hunting techniques that hailed from their father's great-great-grandpap. She's toned it down in her aging years, but the beast of burden awaits freedom with conflict arising.

- Jasmine "Jazz" Ecgtheow - Older Sister - 4th Generation Human Huntress - Alive - 20.


Name: Jasmine Ecgtheow.

Age: 20.

Gender: Female.

Species: Human.

Semblance: Heavy Acceleration - By pushing out large amounts of aura in a steady stream, Jasmine can create a visible field of white aura that surrounds her. This field can reach a maximum of thirty feet outwards and a minimum of two feet outwards with the most and least amount of aura exhaustion respectively.

Jasmine's semblance effectively distorts the physics of an area and accelerates the drag and resistance of any object that enters the white aura field, ironically decelerating the object's speed to a snail's pace. Bullets, Grimm, and even Humans and Faunus are all affected when they enter this space and are subject to similar speed. Of course, bullets would make a fraction of a foot faster than living objects due to their nature as speedy projectiles.

While it is uncommon, anyone with a speed-based Semblance or one that accelerates the speed of an object can counter Heavy Acceleration so long as that Semblance is active at the same period in time.



Personality: Jasmine is quite the embodiment of a responsible adult and takes after her father in terms of personality. Sweet, insightful, selfless and empathetic, Jasmine is constantly doing what she can to offer good and helpful advice to not only her family, but all Hunters and Huntresses that have joined the fight like herself. Because of Jasmine's selfless kindness, she is usually quite mild and doesn't stand up for herself a lot. Which is, for an Ecgtheow, quite unique and shocking.

However, in a fight, Jasmine is particularly dangerous because of her quiet and mild nature. Unlike the rest of her living relatives, Jasmine prefers to think her way through. Combining her tactical mind with her own abilities creates a whirlwind of pain and carnage most cannot escape. Thus giving her a reputation as one of the most effective and scarily efficient huntresses of the modern age.

- Forrest Ecgtheow - Younger Brother - 4th Generation Human Hunter in Training - Alive. - 12.

Deja Vu:

"Well, I was gonna get worried!" The raven-haired figure taunted the massive, beastly gang, calling attention to her previously unnoticed presence. One hand reached towards her sword's hilt, pulling it from her back and swinging it to her side with a hard swish, and the other dipping into a small leather sack to her side, coating her fingers in chalk and rubbing it across the bridge of her nose and leaving a blood red streak as she wiped her fingers 'cross her face. "...I thought I was gonna have to actually put in some effort." An eerily wicked grin crept across her lips as she crouched into position. She wasn't just motivated to clear the garbage from the streets, she was downright hellbent on it. A fire lit in her very spirit; This barbarian was pissed beyond limitation.

"Get her!" A White Fang member and apparent captain of this sector of the amalgamate squad, antlers protruding from her head almost shrouded by his mask. "Don't let her leave here alive! Make her squirm if you gotta!" The Faunus fired his gun into the air and, in the most literal sense of the phrase, released the hounds on the armoured teen with a butcher's sword.

From his side to hers, a swarm of Grimm, White Fang, and Mobsters charged with their fangs and weapons bared with lethal intent. The girl, unfazed by the swarm incoming to ruin her day, charged forward to the head Beowolf and leapt skyward as light as a feather, the edge of her sword slicing clean through the skull off the wolf as it caught its chin. The peak of her jump, the warrior's air speed dropped and she hung slowly in the air before her descent's arc was finalized. Making herself heavier and heavier, her velocity doubled and soon tripled as she plummeted to the ground with her blade outstretched.

SMASH! She hit the ground and her foes in immediate succession, causing the hardest foundation beneath them to buckled and shatter in all directions as gangsters and Grimm bounced into the air in a display of adrenaline-induced fury. The girl thought tactically and lightened the load of her blade quickly before she started spinning in place with the edge outward; A tornado of thick sludge and carnage from her adversaries. Chunks of all kinds hit the ground, sloppily splattering across the pavement with a wet smack. "You thought it'd be that easy? Coming into my town? My life? The life of everybody that lived here?" The Huntress addressed the White Fang captain and began to slowly stroll towards him, her sword grinding and sparking against the concrete behind her and only stopping to slice in twain whatever fool decided to rush her as she neared. With each step, she whittled the sector's forces to a zero in flashy maneuvers. "You thought you bastards could come in here, wreck up the place, and leave without paying the debt? Uh-uh!" She reared her blade back and....

Swoosh. She threw the massive blade forward effortlessly like a spear, sinking into the White Fang captain's armed hand and trapping him, causing the rifle he held to fall to the ground.
"I've been waiting to get some alone time with your organization, y'know!" She enclosed the captain, her spirit burning like someone lit her soul on fire.

...She'd been waiting for this moment. For years. Her hand tightened around into a fist and increased in density and weighed like a wrecking ball.
"This one's for Beacon; All the classes you made me miss." She spat venomously as she reared her fist back and punched the Faunus's arm with a loud crack. "This is for all the sickening garbage you went along with. ...You probably even suggested some of it." She placed her arm on the captain's shoulder and struck right in his ribcage, multiple cracks and fragments breaking with sounds louder than the rest. "...And this one..." She paused, her crimson eyes looking into the blue behind the Grimm mask adorned on the White Fang's face.

"...This one's for the old man. The Ecgtheows send their regards. Go on an' give them to your boss!" With one last raring of her dense, heavy-handed punch, she threw herself forward and connected with the captain's skull.

Role In Team: Yang (Jokester, Powerhouse Fighter), Qrow (Resident Asshole, Big Sword User), Neopolitan (Possibly Unhinged Battle-Nut).



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Celia "Cotton" Candy


Color/Relation of Name to Color:

Cotton Candy Pink





Human or Faunus:


Type of animal*:





A duel Bladed axe that turns into a machine gun

Color of Aura:



Sour Sucker- Celia has a specific kind of candy in order to activate this. It is a Jawbreaker that the more she goes through it, the more powerful and durable she becomes. The Layers are White, Blue, green, red, and Pink. The Jawbreaker is made up of a sour mixture that sets her off and helps her keep her focus on the battle.




Celia is very flirtatious and outgoing towards others. She finds humans very intriguing and is usually a talkative person. Besides for these. No matter what people say, she will more than likely act upon the first thing that comes to her mind without thinking of the consequences. She does not like being looked down upon. She is also not afraid to show she is a faunus. She is also almost always seen eating a piece of candy.


+ Fish



+Cotton Candy




- Water


-The White Fang


Her only fear is that no one will accept her for what her own kind has done to humanity.



She can lose her cool at times which makes her even more irrational than she already is


Celia was born into the White Fang's numbers. She was raised to fight but never wanted to. The Humans interested her and she wanted to get to know them better. She was then forced to battle against the humans for no reason except for "Peace" between them that their leader decided on. She did not believe it and ran from home. She decided to enroll in beacon after faking her Transcript and is now where she is today.


She left those behind

Deja Vu:

Celia looked around at the burning, ravaged, and destroyed City. "How the heck did this happen..... and why?" she asked herself as she faced the army ahead of her. "Time to deal with this..." She said as she took out her final jawbreaker. "Better make this count she said as she tossed it into her mouth. She shook her head as she felt her blood boil and her senses heighten.

She attacks the Grimm taking most of them down. She then faces the men. She is bettling as she realized a small fact. "Th- they arent attacking each other. WHY?!?!" She thought to herself as she was now getting hit. Her jaw breaker finally hit the final layer and she hit her final strength limit. As it hit, she had gotten struck from behind and the jawbreaker was knocked out of her mouth.

Celia stumbles as she looks behind her. A man in a tuxedo and glasses was there. He had something floating around his hand. "It is like that huh..." she said as she started to run towards the man. She then got hit by him and was knocked into a destroyed wall. She felt her aura break as she hit the wall. She felt the pain as she opened her eyes. The man held her by her neck and lifted her up, causing her to choke. The man revealed an Ice dagger and chuckled as he shoved it into Celia.


Yang: (The tank), Nora: (The fun loving)

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Name: May Whittier

Color/Relation to name: May is a month usually associated with spring, explaining her little flower headpiece, as well as associating with lighter colours such as green and blue. Whittier contains the letters of White, as well as not far from inaccurate pronunciation (try pronouncing Whittier White 10 times fast).

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Aura: White / Red

Deja Vu: A long, extended groan would come from May, faintly opening her eyes to a world of darkness. Feeling something hard pressing all around her body, she moved slightly, feeling something shift around her. Whatever it was, it was heavy, and it continued to push down against her body. Coughing, she finally managed to push whatever was on top of her off of her body, hearing a loud thud as it collides with the ground. Feeling a sharp pain to her eyes, the sudden difference in light from her being trapped under rubble to being freed was a large transition.

Pulling her way through the rubble, she coughed, feeling the rough texture of stone in her mouth. Did she swallow a rock or something? Groggily managing to pull herself out, she stumbled as her feet hit the ground, unused to the feeling of standing up. Having to steady herself, she made eye contact with a young woman on the ground, blood oozing from her body. May's body tensed up at the gruesome sight, feeling hot tears well up in the corner of her eyes. Her hands covering over her mouth in horror, she took a step forward towards the lady, who appeared to be motionless. Short, messy, uneven green hair was laced with bits and pieces of rebar.


Suddenly, the woman seemed to tremble, slowly moving her head towards May. Opening her eyes, emerald eyes seemed to pierce her completely, causing May to stop in her tracks. A relieved, but painful smile came over the woman's face as she sighed. Weakly speaking up, her voice trembling as blood never stopped running down her body.

"Thank dust you're safe."

Closing her eyes, the woman's body was motionless once again. Desperately trying to run towards her corpse, a bright green light from the woman flew from her, blinding May. It grew brighter, and brighter, that it hurt her own eyes. Did she do this? Did
she do this? However, she was unable to reach conclusions with murky, fuzzy thoughts.



[L I K E S]

? Reading
? Tea

? The sky

? Fish

? Cute hair accessories

? Cold weather

? Combat

? Black Coffee

? Awful puns

? The smell of smoke, blood, and sharpie

[D I S L I K E S]

? Placed too crowded

? Unnecessary violence
? Mangos

? Closed Windows

? Chaotic environments

? Arrogance

? Foods that are too sweet

? Wide open space

? Overly innocent people

? Oranges


Shards- May has the ability to create, shape, and manipulate slivers of matter or energy, either by shattering existing objects through this ability, and/or controlling already existing shards. She can also create them out of nothing, and manipulate them for attack and defense. She can otherwise shape and compress these shards, and manipulate and move them under her will, either as a weapon similar to glass, and altering it's hardness, density, and sharpness. These shards usually float around her body and suspend themselves in midair.

While she's in her normal personality, shards appear to be a teal colour. It's used mainly in terms of defense, where there isn't much sharpness she can alter to it. However, while she cannot alter it's sharpness, she is able to manipulate hardness the best, allowing to create a shield. with the density of steel. She can create shields over large areas, but the larger the area, the more it drains her.

While she's in her hostile personality, shards appear to be a blood red, and leave light trails of red wherever they go, as if the shard itself is bleeding. It's used mainly in terms of offense. She can effortlessly alter every part of the shards, though she can alter sharpness the best, creating shards sharper than glass fragments to use as a weapon. (Imagine Touhou or games involving Bullet Hell lmao). However, the longer she uses her ability in general, it drains her even more than in her normal personality.

May's mother was a Huntress, who died during a mission when May was 7. Her father was a Huntsman as well, who wished to one day work as a teacher, and spread knowledge to the next Huntresses and Huntsman of their generation. When May was old enough to walk, her father started to teach her how to fight almost immediately, with basic sword training and martial arts. With their mother gone, her father had to keep the family alive, and they didn't live the richest life there was, but it was cozy with only the two of them in their small household by a swamp in Mistral. Where they lived had a lot of crime and thieves, though it was overall alright.

There was a small, growing academy there that, well, attempted to thrive, called Aureus Academy. While the school was accepting of Faunus, the students were much more discriminator towards it's Faunus peers. Many boycotted the school, and many teachers left their jobs in a boycott. One of the many teachers was May's father, who tried hard to maintain his dream,trying to keep the Faunus in the school through bribes and money, just so the school wouldn't shut down. Many students harassed her father for defending the Faunus, while other's did try to maintain a normal education. It didn't work well, as her father's emotions got into his work, and he desperately tried to keep his job, going as far as paying students to stay so the school wouldn't shut down. It did. It didn't last long, as Haven Academy well overtook it in terms of education, popularity, and overall everything, and Aureus was abandoned quickly, putting everyone who work their in an unemployed status.

Enraged, her father took his anger on the Faunus for losing his dream job, as well as making the cost of living difficult for the both of them, growing poor as he tried to find any form of work to help him alive, and eventually taking the path of one of the many thugs that inhabited the area. A young, confused May didn't know what was happening, as her father also used her to help him commit crimes to keep the both of them alive, as well as his own personal interests in attacking the Faunus. He deliberately depraved her of thoughts, explaining how the Faunus is the reason why they're living the way they are right now, and the reason why she never met her mother. Because Faunus was the main reason for her father losing her job, he used his daughter, who he trained in combat, to tear apart any protests that the Faunus attempted to engage in, going as far as to severely injuring some. Because the neighborhood she was surrounded by was small, and consisted mainly of other lowlifes and thugs, she had led them on to tear apart groups and slaughter other Faunus during her moments of bloodlust.

Her father grew more strict and rough with training and studies, trying to redeem himself of his failure by making May the perfect student, and the perfect tool. It only worked, part-way. While one part of May fully agreed to this, believing that by doing whatever her father said, going as far to hurt not just Faunus, but everyone around her in order to defend herself was what she needed to survive, another part of her believed that all of it was wrong, and there must be another solution to it. This lead to her having a split personality, one existing to defend herself from the cruelties of her father and everyone else in the village, while the other for her personal needs, emotions, and the overall good. She was denied from going to Haven, being the school that took away her father's job, and she was brutally homeschooled by her father, often beat or overworking past a human's limits to meet her father's high expectations.

During a mission her father sent her out on, she never completed it after managing to snap out of her daze through the feared scream of a child, calling for his mother. Realizing what she's done, she refused to continue to tear apart the protest, running home as fast as she could. Coming home and waiting for her father's return with a severe headache, often going back and forth between the door and locking herself in her room, Her father returned shocked, well aware that the protest continued, and grabbed her by her collar and scolded her. Enraged by her actions, he went as far as to swing at her, only to feel a sharp pain in his stomach, before the world went black.


A murder occurred in the one of the many small villages in Mistral. The body of Luceus Whittier hasn't been found, nor his daughter.


Striving to redeem herself and control her personality, moreover destroy it's existance completely, she managed to pass the exam to Beacon with flying colours, even without previously attending a combat school, though with a little combat help with someone she hated so much.

May is a polite and sweet girl, willing to start conversation with anyone, but also openly accepting to the quiet, enjoying reading in her free time. She's optimistic, and wishes to see the best in people, even if they surpass her, or going as far to injure herself for the protection of others. She tends to trust people a little too easily, though she's soft-hearted and kind towards everything and everyone that doesn't pose a threat to her. While not extremely energetic or bubbly, she has the ability to remain calm in the most stressful of situations, maybe try to crack a joke or two during it. Even with her calm and affectionate personality, she's well capable of taking an action seriously, and tries her best to ace her schoolwork.

May's other personality, known as "June", is a complete flip of May's personality. Rude and almost always rushed, she tends to take things fast. June is present mainly in battle, or if anyone poses as a threat to her, openly using violence as a means to solve problems. Loving the thrill of battle, she doesn't care for anything or anyone other than herself, and will go as far as to attack teammates and others to defend herself if necessary. She tends to be spontaneous and deranged, though her ability to fight is phenomenal, going as far as to strategize (to herself) to find any way to harm something... or someone.


Weapon Appearance:


Weapon Abilities: There are foreign characters that appear to be inactive and unpresent at nearly all times. However, in combat, these characters glow. They usually glow the typical shade of light blue (image above), which has the capabilities of a normal sword, staff, and gun. However, Dust can be transferred, and the character's would change both position and colour depending on what Dust is currently used. Each one inflicts a different launch ratio (how far you are being launched after being hit), the damage itself, as well as speed and strength). Note that none of these dusts are effective while she's in gun-mode, leaving her at a distance dis-advantage. It takes about 5 seconds to reload dust, but each dust has a different frequency to be reloaded at when in use.

  • Green Dust: Extremely high launch ratio, lessened damage, slightly increased speed. (Ex. She hits you. It doesn't hurt a lot, kind of like a baseball bat hit against you by some middleschooler. It hurts, but not a lot. However, the launch ratio is high in this state, and would launch you in whatever direction you were hit at with over 20x the force. You're sent flying without tons of pain.) [RELOAD FREQUENCY: MODERATE]
  • Red Dust: No launch ratio, extremely increased damage, decreased speed. (Ex. She hits you. You aren't sent flying back with the force, even with the flat of the blade and her speed. However, you feel like your body just slid down a cheese grater and then you landed in a pool of alcohol. It hurts. A lot. It's an instant, long-lasting pain. [RELOAD FREQUENCY: OFTEN]
  • Blue Dust: Normal launch ratio, normal damage, normal speed. However, she's able to send waves of blue energy. (Ex. She misses you. You jump back. You are 10 feet away from her now, and her blade can't hit you. However, she slashes her blade down, and a blue streak of energy comes straight towards you. You can dodge it, but she can send multiple at once, and fast. ) [RELOAD FREQUENCY: MODERATE]
  • Yellow Dust: Normal launch ratio, extremely lessened damage. However, speed is nearly tripled for her naturally. It doesn't increase her strength in anything but her sword, allowing her to send extremely fast paced-attacks and dodging. (Ex. She hits you. It doesn't hurt, about the equivalent of someone only having a broom as a weapon and having to hit you as hard as they can without the broom breaking. However, she can keep doing it, as well as send punches and kicks your way, which have "normal" damage [usually difficult due to being armed. Hand-to-hand combat is inconvenient]. You try to hit back. She can dodge immediately no matter how close or how far, but she can't seem to inflict a lot of damage on you either.) [RELOAD FREQUENCY: ALMOST NEVER]
  • Light Blue/ Glowing Blue Dust (ice): No launch ratio, lessened damage, normal speed. However, for it to effect, it needs to cut the skin (which is usually difficult). If the skin is cut, a slow working (but temporary) poison goes throughout the opponents body, numbing their senses before paralyzing them. (Ex. She keeps attempting to hit you. She manages to hit you once, and you manage to kick her into the sun, because there wasn't a launch ratio and didn't get blasted back. However, the one time she did hit you, you see a little bit of blood on your arm. You pass it off, but you begin to feel pins-and-needles on your arm. After that, it starts to lose feeling and it becomes difficult to transfer aura there. You lose control of your arm, and eventually the rest of your body is feeling it.) [RELOAD FREQUENCY: ALMOST NEVER]
  • White Dust: Inertia based launch ratio, damage, and speed. Normal attacks are extremely lessened. Extremely high defensive rate for close combat and long ranged shots. Not any defense against explosions and wide-ranged moves. Kind of like an absorbing move. (Ex. You hit her with about 50lbs of pure force. However, she managed to bring her sword out before that, and the opponent clashes against her weapon. With the 50lbs of force that the opponent hit hyer with, she is able to hit back with that same exact launch ratio, damage, and speed that it was supposed to effect her with. Extremely useless in normal combat.)[RELOAD FREQUENCY: MODERATE]
  • "Gravity" Dust: Lessened launch ratio, adjustable damage and speed. She can change the weight of her weapon considerable to either make it lighter with less damage or extremely heavy with extremely lessened speed. Launch ratio always stays the same. Most useful for aerial attacks. (Ex. You launch her up into the air. Her weapon was extremely light, so it was easy to lift with such a massive sword. However, when she comes back down, she comes down faster than she should with a weapon as light as that, and her weapon inflicts severe damage on you if you don't dodge. It seems to weigh 50 times more than it did originally. She cannot change it every single second, however. There must be a 5 second buffer with each weight change, which means a lot in battle. Think about it in close combat. 5 seconds is enough for her to change it to heavy and enough time for you to kick her head. Note she's a normal human being and probably cannot lift a 100lbs sword with one hand and will struggle due to weight balance with two.) [RELOAD FREQUENCY: VERY OFTEN]
  • Orange Dust: Increased launch ratio, increased damage, lessened speed. Seems to be very good for defending at long distances. (Ex. Do you really need an example. Just pretend the sword does a little more damage than the normal sword but slower.) [RELOAD FREQUENCY: MODERATE]


Role on Team: Ren (Studious, Silent but strategic), Jean (Kind of clumsy but compassionate cinnamon roll too pure for this world), Ruby (because what sweetheart isn't Ruby).

Role on Team: Neopolitan (Quick, somewhat sadistic), Mercury (care-free, craves for action and excitement),

May Whittier






? High level patience and ability to stay calm

?Very high defense and force field capabilities

?Intelligent, good at long-range attacks.

?Very high offense and combat capabilities

?Quick adaptation to an environment, survivalist expertise

?Extremely agile and fast

[W E A K N E S S E S]

?Lack of strength, not a strong offense

?Emotions can get in the way of combat

?Tends to overthink situations, over-complicating them

?No sense of teamwork

?Lack of empathy and humanity, underestimating the opponent

?Irrationabiliy, going
too far for the sake of fun, not heeding orders

[F A C T S]

? An absolute god at cooking

? Totally did not take 5 hours to draw

? Seems to really love patting people on the head

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Kerria Luxton



Color/Relation of Name to Color:

Her name is a reference to the Kerria japonica shrub





Human or Faunus:


Type of animal:





"Pleasant seal"

Pleasant seal is a giant sword bigger than Kerria herself, the sword is estimated to be at least 7 foot seven inches long. The weapon itself has four forms the first is the blunt form and as it sounds it does blunt attacks. This is done simply by Kerria not extending the blue blade that is normally covered by the weapons golden cover.

The second form is the slashing form and much like blunt forms name is what it is so is slashing form, now instead of the weapons blade being hidden by the golden cover it exits the cover and forms a cleaver type of weapon.

The third form is the extension form. This form like the other two follows what it name means. The weapons blade instead of being in the cleaver-like state gets moved to the end of the golden cover increasing the weapon by about four more feet ending in a weapon that is eleven foot ten. In this form the weapon seems to be used like a zweihander or a great-sword.

The last form is the gun form and would you guess its what it sounds like. Pleasant seal doubles up as a long ranged chargeable Gauss cannon, The weapon goes into its blunt state however a small handle exits the weapons cogwheel near the handle of the sword. If Kerria spins the handle connected to the cogwheel then the Gauss cannon charges. However the charge is not required but it does more damage if it is charged, the gun can be used in all forms expect the extension form as the sword takes the place of the guns barrel. If amplified by dust the Gauss cannon has several different effects.

Color of Aura:




Using her aura inside her body allows her to force her body to produce adrenaline at a higher and longer rate than a normal body should be capable of. Resulting in higher reflexes, movement, strength and striking.




Kera has 3 main traits to her personality, her lady-like behavior and morals, her impressionable and happy go lucky attitude, and her instinct for adventure and survival. her lady-like behavior stems from her early childhood, being raised to treat people kindly and to trust those she thinks deserves it but the main source of her behavior was wanting to make her mother happy by acting more formal and polite,which also made her father happy knowing that she would be nice to business partners, leading her to study and learn how to act more proper by reading numerous books containing main themes with chivalry or noble and generous main characters, adopting an honorable and courteous personality. However he still enjoys fighting and competition and will use underhanded tactics to win unless there are rules regarding it or if the match is defined as a gentleman's (well lady's but gentleman's sounds better) duel, following all the rules and regulations even if they are unfair or simply too much.

Her easygoing personality was due to her father's influence on her teaching her to making the most of what little time they have and to live and die with a smile on their face. Though her father did teach her the joys of living life he himself admits he has barely seen anything in this world, this later is confirmed to be true as he has a tendency overreact and become distracted when discovering something he deems as amazing for example after discovering gaming consoles for the first time he shut himself in his room for a week and didn't sleep or eat anything until he was forced out.

Her adventurous personality was always something she seemed to have but her father was the one who showed her or at least told her the meaning of being a human and being the type of people they are. The gist of what he told her was that the only thing human beings need to do in life is die yet they chose to survive as if they can stop it or at least delay it long enough to leave something important so they can be remembered in memory and in history, they are something different, they don't want to survive they want to thrive and leave something behind to be remembered until the end of the world and even after that. This became her motto, fueling her to train to become a Huntress in the hopes of becoming "immortal" and also turns her into a person who firmly stands for her morals, always wanting to move forward even when she believe she can no longer walk or always wanting to stay awake even though she becomes more and more tired.

When it comes to the opposite sex or even her own sex, Kera has no experience whats so ever and most who knew her would say that she is scared of getting into a relationship (which is true). Kera personal sees no problem with same sex relationships however she see a problem with the idea of a relationship itself. The last thing people notice about Kerria this being the only thing that makes her out to a be a Faunus is the fact that if she ever sees or hears one being bullied she would always step in no matter how many of them they are. Finally being a Bear Faunus she is known to be able to sleep anywhere where at anytime.






Black Coffee






Having her family brought up


Cocky people




Being picked on since she is a Fanunus

Heights ironically


She is very Slow and sluggish without her semblance on.

Not great with teamwork.

Can't hold her strength back.

Her family.


Kerria was born upon the Luxton family, one of the richest and most well know trade companies world wide (and the richest amount any Fanunus companies ever to exists) meaning that with Kerria being the oldest off spring she was meant to take over the company. Kerria's upbringing was mostly learning, how to have proper manners, how to speak properly etc... Kerria never enjoyed her life as a rich girls first born even though she had nearly everything she could ask for. After five years of being an only child Kerria ended up getting a sister and despite her not being the oldest she had to endure the same boring upbringing Kerria had. One day at age ten Kerria and her sister decided to adventure into the local wilderness, they played hide and sneak and enjoyed their time there until they were attacked. Turned out that a Ursa had made it lair in the wilderness and Kerria ended up hiding in it. The second the Ursa was about to attack it was cut in half. Wondering who saved them Kerria looked around only to feel a tap on the shoulder. It was a hunter. Kerria pestered the hunter about well everything after all she was a big fan of all the fairy tales about hunters and huntresses. She demanded the hunter to come to the Luxton family manor and to train Kerria and for whatever reason the hunter agree. Heading home after the event Kerria told her parents what happened, she also told them her new dream to become a huntress. She informed her parents that a hunter would be coming to train her so they should let him in. The next day the hunter came and Kerria's parents let him in. Kerria and the hunter trained together for the next seven years. One day Kerria asked the hunter why he decided to train Kerria and all the hunter said was "I'm dying" Turned out the hunter had a incurable disease that was slowly killing him and he wanted someone to pass on his teaching later along the line. At age seventeen Kerria's teacher, the hunter that saved her died. At the funeral they were only three other people not including Kerria herself. One was her teachers best friend who was a teacher at beacon, in her teachers will he left Kerria two things number one was his weapon the "Pleasant seal" blade and the other was less of an item and more of a mission wrote in a letter, it was to get into beacon and became the best huntress she could be.

Deja Vu:

It was strange to say the least, out of all her teammates even as the leader she never expected to be picked to go into the final round. While sure physically she was the strongest and most intimidating she would not say she was the most skilled and as fate would give it she got the worst type of person to fight against. The agile type which against the slow and sluggish Kerria mean she would have to use her semblance most of the match. "May the best of us win." Kerria said in her usual gentle voice as she preformed a small curtsy. Her opponent just snickered "Please all you are is a big target you may as well paint a X on your back." Her opponent spoke it was clear he was trying to provoke her but it wasn't going to work.

The call to start the match was given, now another problem Kerria would have is that she is a close range fighter and her opponent was a mid range fighter something she witnessed in the matches she watched. Kerria kept her weapon in the blunt form just for now, as it was the must bulky of all her forms it made blocking easier. Running right to her opponent he swung his weapon which were two-bladed Yo-Yos Kerria blocked one sending it off to the side but parried the other however soon after she felt a sharp pain in her back and was knocked forward three feet to where her opponent was once standing, she completely forgot yo-yo can be altered in mid-air this was going to be a problem. "Like I said giant you might as well paint an X on your back." The boy spoke again he was trying to get under Kerria's nerves but it wouldn't work.

Kerria looked in-front of her but her opponent was gone instead she felt another sharp pain hitting her in the back, spinning around she noticed her opponent was now behind her but how, his semblance maybe no it was something else, it was then she noticed the small mark in the ground her to him it was the blade where she sent the countered Yo-yo. It seemed his weapon was also like a fishing rod in the sense that he can reel it in or in this case reel himself towards the Yo-yo, which meant Kerria now even had to think where the counter.

A smile covered Kerria's face she knew how to beat this guy. Kerria grabbed the cog of her weapon and began revving it up, this charged her Gauss cannon. She also switched from the Blunt form to the Slashing form. Kerria quickly activated her semblance and charged at her foe with speed a lot faster than before he barely had seconds to counter. He sent bot his Yo-yo's out Kerria countered one and dodged the other before deactivation her semblance. She watched where the Yo-yo landed and once again took another hit in the back. "You never learn do you?" He questioned oh but she did learn. Nearly instantly she spun around and activated the dust mechanism in her weapon, her weapon glowed green as that was the dust she used the Air or Wind dust. She shot it next to the point where the Yo-yo landed and it scored a hit knocking her foe off-balance now it was her counter attack time.

Once again Kerria activated her semblance she wasn't going to let this chance slide. She got right up into her foes face and began to swing, with him being right by the edge of the stage this would be the end. "Gam-" She was cut off by the sound of a loud boom and an odd shaking sensation. "What the..." She muttered taking a step back, loud screams of fear escaped the audience and suddenly she was falling.


Nora (Fighting style/crazy-ness), Jaune (clumsy), Yatsuhashi (Protective-ness), Velvet (Quiet,reserved) and at times (mostly after coffee) Bartholomew (Hyper-active and fast speech pattern)


Oh yeah..and she's seven foot tall.

While not confirmed or unconfirmed it is suspected that the White Fang are business partners of the Luxton family and the Luxton family supplies them with money, dust and other things to help keep them going.
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Sevag Schwarz

Nickname*: The Colonel

Color/Relation of Name to Color: Sevag is black eyed one in Croatian.

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Human or Faunus: Human

Appearance: Standing at 6'9, Sevag is an imposing figure who towers above most. His usual attire is formal, and he can be usually found wearing his Atlas Officers Uniform when out of combat, or a set of dark grey combat armor when on the battlefield.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/9ef2bf00b1c2727d2bfb11126686972f.jpg.df88b16928550d698cc4e295169305d2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="111306" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/9ef2bf00b1c2727d2bfb11126686972f.jpg.df88b16928550d698cc4e295169305d2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Ad Victorium. Ad Victorium incorporates the latest in Atlas shock weaponry and crowd suppression technology into a large broadsword. Ad Victorium is a large silver blade with a black handle, which is emblazoned with the Atlas military insignia. In melee it measures to approximately 1.5 meters long. The blade, when deployed with ranged mode, it deploys itself into a rapid fire shotgun, which can unload it's ammo capacity of 10 slugs in seven seconds flat. The problem however with the latter mode, is that it causes severe stress on the weapon, and needs an extended reload before it can be used again. That and the accuracy is appalling past twenty meters.

Color of Aura: Dark Grey.

Semblance: Stone Resolve- Sevag's aura intensifies until he is next to impenetrable. The problem however is this can only be sustained in short bursts, and drains his aura. Nonetheless, it is devastating at blunting an enemies attack.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/download.png.10889309b440befeec70fe45fe96bbe7.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="111364" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/download.png.10889309b440befeec70fe45fe96bbe7.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Sevag is a professional soldier at most, and carries himself with an air of determination, which can often be confused with chauvinism or a superiority complex. This isn't the case, and Ashen is, in his own way, sympathetic to comrades and their problems, even if his robotic language doesn't provide it. While he isn't particularly charismatic outside of the battlefield, Ashen is a livid and animated character when giving orders or when fighting back against the enemy.


  • Fighting
  • Military History

  • Order
  • Cleanliness
  • Victory


  • Chaos
  • Defeat
  • Dirt
  • The White Fang
  • Peacetime


Being unable to keep the citizens of Remnant safe.

Failing in the line of duty.


  • Able to concisely communicate orders.
  • An apt tactician.
  • Willing to put himself in harms way.


  • Hard to relate to.
  • Unquestioning of orders from superiors.
  • Stubborn.

History: Sevag was born in Atlas, the son of a captain in the Atlesean navy and a scientist in the military's research bureau. Due to his father seniority, and mothers research, Sevag was brought up on a military base. This caused Sevag to become enamoured with the military, and at age twelve was inducted into the Atlas Cadet Corps. This began a stellar career for Sevag, who at age thirteen was promoted to the rank of captain, and then to colonel at age fifteen. Although this impressive career wasn't too last. During a White Fang raid on the barracks where the young soldier was based, Huntsmen assisted in the reclamation of the base from White Fang forces. It was at this time that Sevag began to idolize the Huntsmen, and appreciated the independent combat style employed by them. So, at age seventeen, with the blessing of his parents, he resigned his commission as an officer in the Atleasean Cadets and went to Vale, to see more of Remnant, and pursue an education.


Cole Schwarz- Father. Ashen was not around for Sevag as a child due to postings with the Navy needing him across Remnant. This however did not strain their relationship, with Ashen growing proud of his son in pursuing a career as a Huntsman.

Rosa Schwarz (nee Crimson)- Mother. Sevag grew up with Rosa being at least in the same locality as her, and has always been closer to her than his father. He's owed her a debt of gratitude for personally commissioning Ad Victorium for her son.

Deja Vu: "Back to the breach!" Sevag roared, reloading his last clip of ammunition. Beacon was in chaos, everything had gone to hell. Ursa ran through the main avenue, roaring and slashing at the beleagured Huntsmen. Sevag made his shots count, firing several and lodging the thick metal slugs into the beasts brains. In the distance, airships began to anchor themselves on the landing platform.

"Good." Sevag groaned, approaching the landing strip, "Reinforcements, hopefully they'll get us out to Vale." Sevag announced to his fellow Huntsmen. It was all so, chaotic, from Beacon, Vale burned in the distance. It's centerpiece was the Vital arena burning like a large lantern in the cities center. Sevag walked and saw the doors to the airships opening. Sevag lowered Ad Victorium in relief, until he saw the red eyes of the grimm charging at him. "Wait, what is this?!"

Sevag steadied his aura, and when the beowulf attacked, his resilient aura absorbed the damage. He rebounded and decapitated the beast, only to have soldiers of unknown origin charging after the beasts. "Fuck this!" Sevag roared, running into the fray, impaling a soldier on his sword.

Other*: [media]

Phyrra (Tactical), Velvet (reserved) and Juane (Clumsy, in the social sense at least.)



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Name: Ao Cobalt

Color/Relation of Name to Color: blue

Age: seventeen

Gender: male

no slide
no slide
The Wind Dancer
Although Ao's preferred weapon is his fists, as he considers those more reliable then any piece of machinery, in the academy he was instructed to make a weapon he thought most matched his fighting style. And this was the result. A knuckle duster combined with a trench knife and a revolver, the weapon is not like most typical weapons designed by most Hunter's, as it conveniently only stays in one form. The revolver is the not as it seems, as conveniently a dust chamber is included in order to enhance the semblance Ao uses along with it. Such dust colors as red, blue, and yellow are used with the revolver, though without them the revolver has an element of surprise to it that often bewilders any enemy - it only shoots wind. This may be conveniently mixed with the dusts for an explosive attack. As Ao prefers close contact attacks to the long distance this features suggests for use, he often times only uses the blade of the weapon, for attacks combined with his semblance of wind and his already quick feet.
Wind. It's quite simple really in comparison to the many other formidable semblances utilized by other hunter's, but Ao often thinks simpler is better. Though he rarely uses his semblance without the accompanied weapon



+ Music

+ Debates

+ Smiles

+ freedom

+ windy days

+ (in spite of it's uncommonness beside so much new technology) Skateboarding

no slide
no slide
no slide
no slide


- Rules

- Arrogance

- Water

- Feeling inferior

- "authority" figures


His red aura is a direct result of his rather explosive mannerism. Quick to assume the worst of people, trust for Ao is hard to give, and his stubbornness only makes this trust even harder to earn. He's unused to people
not having ulterior motives, and due to it often misjudges others. Passionate, Ao's quick temper can be activated by even the most unsuspecting of statements, and send his fists flying. He's quick to fight for his friends and allies, even if that may mean throwing himself into a less then satisfactory situation. Words of cynicism are usually quick to fly off his tongue and assault those who earn his disrespect, paired with a sarcasm and more bitter then sweet humor. His rather rude facade hides the sensitive soul that lurks underneath his rough surface.

Deja Vu: Leave this blank for now. Once I have accepted your character I will give you a scene to type out and put here. Consider it an "example post". (Note: These scenes are of a possible future and not a guaranteed one, so it should not dictate how you play your character.)


>> Water. Though he's tried to extinguish this fear that sprouted from a traumatizing child-hood experience, due to it Ao is unable to swim or even dip a foot in a pool of water, for fear or drowning.

>> Losing his identity.

no slide
no slide
no slide

>> His small body weight and height doesn't allow much for brute strength, leaving Ao to rely on mostly speed.

>> His quick temper is held in control unless someone were to bad-talk one he cares about; then his actions are ruled by nothing but emotion

>> Quick hands and fast feet make him the ideal thief, a label he took advantage of at one point in his life.

Family History
Ao was born an orphan. His mother perished directly following his birth, and his father had wasted away before it due to a fight with one of the Grim. His older brother practically raised him on the streets, where while he was young and "cute" as his brother put it, he begged for food from the richer citizens of Vale. When he was too old for this to be an option, Ao learned to steal and fight others for the resources which were lacking in numbers on the streets. The street fights were where Ao learned the unfairness of the world, and that the only person worth relying on was himself. His brother's disappearance when he was 13 only futher stalemated this belief. His father's legacy of work was what really inspired Ao to apply for Signal, in hopes of being trained up for becoming a Hunter. After being accepted into the academy where he created his first weapon and eventually graduated, Ao endeavored to attend Beacon.




Yang (battle-agression}

Cardin (persistence in battle)

Weiss (intimidating persona hides true personality)

Pyrrha (competitive as well as stubborn in nature, stubborn in putting others needs before own)


Name: Danube Trojan

Color/Relation to Name:

Danube is a strange shade of blue and purple. He was named this after the small debate his parents had upon his hair, agreeing upon such a color, it came off as quite an alluring name for them, and so it was.

Age: 17

Sex/Gender: Male

Height: Danube stands at an imposing height of 7'0" with his armor on.

Race / Species: Human

Occupation: Beacon student

Hair: Purple, fairly long hair, goes down to his center back.

Eyes: Amethyst



Physical extras: Danube's body is a large, built frame, but is rarely seen, for he constantly wears his set of armor continuously, unless asleep. His helmet is white, which covers his face as wings like that of an eagle upon the sides and back of the helmet.

Strengths: The greatest strength Daniel has is, well, his strength. He is a large foe, one to be reckoned with. Apart from his sheer strength is that of his fair focus in battle. He mainly remains at a calm state, focusing on nothing more than his single target as well as his formation, where he swings and how he blocks, or tries to. His armor is a one-of-a-kind set, as well, metals hidden from popularity due to the rareness of the items used on such armor. Apart from his strength, focus, skill, and apparel, he has no other strengths, his semblance as an exception. The way he’s mastered his own blade handling makes him appear a worthy opponent, swirling and swiping the blade around for the sacred dance of entertainment, or intimidation. He generally uses his own weight as well as the sword’s to attack, a formula of combat based on momentum.

Weaknesses: Although Daniel appears to be a powerful foe, he has his own flaws. Even though he is perfectly comfortable and appears to have little struggle with his weapons, that is simply because he knows his boundaries after four years of practicing with the blade. In other words: He looks good with the blade because he only uses moves he is comfortable with, which is a small amount when it comes to a stressed combat match. Daniel also has, rarely, but still possible, flashbacks and sudden jabs of bad thoughts that lead him off focus, and sometimes onto rage. This rage is a bad thing, there is no such thing as a good anger attack. His emotion gets the best of him and his formation pours out tens of weak points, places he can be faltered at and stopped. His choice of weaponry is also a difficult thing to use, such a mighty blade giving him a burden of weight to carry. Whereas it comes to fighting Grimm, he seems to handle his own, but his main issue in combat is when he fights other humans, or faunus. A major flaw in Danube’s combat is his semblance. During daytime is the strongest it is active, but come the Moon his power is limited to the Moon’s light.

Weaponry: Daniel readies himself with a Kite Shield during battle. The shield itself stands about as tall as Daniel, as it was crafted just for him. The shield itself is about two to four inches thick, steel rimming the entirety of the apparel. Along the center of this metal rim, however, lies a thin line all around the shield of white stone. Dust, actually. The crystals embedded into his weapon. Once activated, with a trigger on the shield’s handle, a beam is launched out, as if a large laser engulfing the shield and shot out through the center of it. The beam itself is quite hard to shoot, the kickback hard for even the likes of Daniel. The aura launched is only a foot in diameter, but it serves as a knockback for even the heaviest of modern foes.



The weapon, however, is different. Once Daniel prepares to switch the shield to the blade formation, the rim of dust becomes a center piece, a thick section of dust running through the middle of the large great-sword he now wields, down to the hilt. This weapon is slightly smaller, but the blade goes about eight inches wide. A heavy blade yes, but still manageable. The blade is fine, sharp, and momentous. A single swing with his weapon and he will stagger without a proper formation. Other than the heaviness of the blade and its precision sharpness, it is just a standard great-sword. He named it Falkreath, a small tradition in his homeland to name his blade. But even though the dust is collected into the center and appearing to be dormant, it still hums with power, sometimes even heard with a mighty swing. The dust can only be used in one manner, to summon a large beam of light from the middle. The beam can travel quite far, but after a while it becomes unstable, as it’s kickback is quite dramatic. Daniel achieves this strange allowance with a trigger that his formed next to the top of the handle of the sword, which is the same way he is capable of shooting the large beam from the shield’s form as well.

Semblance: Daniel’s semblance is, well, light. Mainly men were discovered with this power in his bloodline. This light power can be used in a physical form. In example: A small wolf summoned with enough focus to fight at his side for a small time. Other times it can be used as an aiding, perhaps maybe a small sword or a spear. This semblance is a strange one, yes, but the things created by this light are extremely fragile most of the time, as it takes sole focus on items to strengthen them in a sense.

Color of Aura: White- For Innocence, Youth, Good, Reverence, and Purity

Likes: Friends , honor, singing, peace, and respect.

Dislikes: Monsters, arguments, fights between allies, cheating, riddles, and lying.

Personality: Daniel’s soul is generally kind. You’d never catch him in a bad mood, and whenever he’s acknowledged a smile with grow upon his face, warm and calm. His days go by with friendly chats with his acquaintances or friends, and then sudden, sheer focus on class. The only time he’s seen with a straight face is when he is either meditating, praying, or studying. Other than that, he’ll always have an optimistic, laid-back type of social interaction.

But within the forest, he’s usually a tad bit different. On his own, he seems to act much darker than usual. Sometimes that would be shown during combat, other times the way he sleeps. Due to his past issues he’s been struggling to get over, he has his own moments of regret and reflection, as he is the type to let it all bottle up inside of him. But unless he has a friend alongside him when it comes to fighting Grimm, he sets a more serious tone for what they truly are, and his caution to such creatures is stripped away in a time of melancholy.

But come gone his sudden attacks against his regular attitude, you’ll find a much different person. With an old Russian soul, Danube will continue to announce and emphasize his pride in his family's name. He preaches often about "True Warriors" And how familial bonds are the strongest things a team can have. His attitude revolves mainly around family first, then authority second, then friends third.


Daniel’s parents were well-known hunters, masters of the art. Their service made many victories possible, and even in the kingdoms a statue is found of them amongst a handful of other hunters. His ancestors fought in the Great War, revealing even furthermore revealing historical background. As a child, his life was very secluded. Though near the kingdom of Atlas, he was raised in an isolated village, no more than two or three houses in the coldest of the climate. His parents taught him the many ways of honor, his code, and how the world came to be. It was his dream to become a hunter like his mother and father. Then, upon a Christmas night when he was eleven, his father presented him Falkreath, his shield. With joy and excitement, Daniel was being taught the ways of a Paladin in no time. Even though he needed more training than ever, he felt like he had the power to do some good in the world. But suddenly, upon the age of sixteen, both of his parents went missing for several days, leaving the small boy alone in the small house. Once the notification had arrived, Daniel was shocked: His mother and father both had died within the forest. His life became shrouded in darkness for the longest time. Every night, kneeling before both of their graves, promising to become a hunter just like they had been. And so that was what drove him upon his new legacy to be told. But his twin brother, however, followed a different path once his parents died. He found his strength within the military of Atlas, and from there he disappeared, to this day never seen again by Danube.

Daniel’s Parents: Aithen and Sayuri Trojan were two of the most well-known hunters in the four Kingdoms. Their efforts not only stopped the titans of the darkness to destroy humanity, but gave the light to the beginning huntsman for decades. Their inspiration lead to many of the key factors Huntsman and Huntresses teach about within Beacon as well as Signal. However, their deaths proved no more than shock and horror to these morals, as an unspeakable horror had risen to them all. It is said that an unknown Grimm was the cause of their deaths, a creature never seen before and dared not to go after now. The parents returned upon medical beds with gashes to their necks, chests, and arms, but had passed on with smiles on their faces and hands held with each other. Their free hands? A symbol of their strength, fists clenched and rested upon their chests. This simple symbol became the greeting their family used, to never forget Aithen and Rosiana’s will in this world.

Daniel’s Childhood:

His childhood was built in the forest. A group of hunters, including his parents, who always protected him, but made sure he’d see the true reality of the darker realms. It was at an age of seven where he first witnessed a monster attack on him: An Ursa. The mighty monster continued to chase him down, while his protectors were fighting the others. As he ran, he hid in a corner as a child, crying, trying to imagine something to save him. The only weird thing about this was that it did. As he imagined it, an Angel, suddenly from nowhere, lifted up a giant, blinding sword and struck the Ursa across the chest, causing a mortal blow. After the sudden shock, Daniel witnessed the angel turn around to him. Everything of it was made purely of light. As it knelt down, staring Daniel in the eyes, a snap was heard to his left: His parents. He turned to them, surprised on what occurred, looking back to see nothing now. This was the first time he ever witnessed his semblance.

Daniel’s life was filled with the stories of his father and mother. Both of them told stories of dragons with feathers, wolves that were the size of bears, monsters that even they were afraid of. Daniel felt that after all of these stories, it seemed like no one was doing enough, or what he thought had to be done, to get rid of the monsters. His childhood in the forests became him trying to find small monsters, which of course never happened. So he resorted to speaking with his father of the monsters. From then on, he was told a powerful art of speech. His father’s words always hummed in his head: “Before we destroy the monsters of this world, we must destroy the monsters of ourselves.” This filled Daniel with thoughts of regret to his hatred and sudden hunt for Grimm.

Then it was upon his age of eleven, where Falkreath came to be shown. His own shield and sword, one and the same. His parents thought it was time to give him his own version of protection, after the Ursa moment. Daniel was amazed! Addicted to it was an understatement. He spent hours a day attached to the shield, if not using it then just studying how it looked, how it felt. Daniel’s life revolved around his code, to be a Paladin. What kind of a dream-come-true was that? His father spent most of his days teaching Daniel how to use the blade, but more importantly why he should use it. Sworn to an immense burden of honor, Daniel became a squire at the age of thirteen. Continuing on was his days of forging the shield as he grew, increasing the size, and for once, adding magic to it. Dust, such a strange yet simple ingredient, added to Falkreath to create more than just a weapon, but a cleanser. A cleanser of darkness. However, darkness was all but cleansed in his heart the moment he realized his parents’ passing. He had to live with his Uncle, mourning every day, praying every night that some sort of enlightenment would occur in his life. But such an enlightenment did. The chance to follow his parents’ footsteps, the chance to be a Hunter! Without hesitation his bags were packed, the invitation was accepted and he spent his time in Signal only for a small time as his age was ripe, and his skills already honed. Afterwards? Well, that’s what’s going to happen now, as he sits on a plane that’s shipped to Atlas Academy.
















(To be revealed)




Holds a high, cocky attitude most of the time. To everyone else, he should be considered the highest of royalties as one of the last Trojans to have succeeded 48 years of age, where such an age is the average upon death in battle. He holds his family higher than anything else, and promotes his own personality upon them, to try and corrupt their mindsets with superiority, authority, and royalty. He considers all that can't be useful to him simply a pest, and rather enjoys one-on-one time with those he speaks to.

(Brother is alive, but not going to introduce him yet)

Deja Vu:

The first thing he couldn't remove from his thoughts was the slit throats...

Standing there in the elevator, he stared with panic, horror, intimidated as the elevator doors closed the sight of guards with slit necks. Who would do such a thing? And how quickly? The number of guards present were more than enough to take on a lone person, weren't they? His thoughts soon shifted to the elevator, that crept its way up the single level, though it felt like forever. It was shaking and vibrating at times, making Danube stagger and prepare himself, heartbeat picking up dramatically as he feared the worst would occur. However, the elevator would suddenly stop, and the doors would open.

Just in time for a massive spear to connect with the elevator wall behind him. Staring upon the brute of a man, Danube's eyes stretched and opened greatly, soon leaping forth, diving into a roll as his spun out his sword, spinning to face the warrior with his repositioning. His eyes narrowed on the massive soldier, even for Danube he was intimidating. The brute was silent, yanking its spear out from the elevator as it marched forth towards Danube.

From there it raised its spear mightily, Danube dashing to the side and watching the spear stab into the ground as if it was a hot knife in butter. From there, Danube lifted his sword over his head, swinging downwards and connecting the blade with the soldier's thigh. But... there was no dismemberment, no injury for that matter. His weapon just, bounced off? How?? Sent back from the sudden blow towards him with the spear, Danube was in shock. Even the leather on this soldier's armor was untouchable.

The "Spade" as he'd call him for the meantime, marched forward, holding the spear in both of his hands, soon taking a mighty step backwards and launching the spear towards the center of Danube's stomach. Danube's sword switched formation, the mighty shield pulled from its slimmer shape, proving useless as it was knocked upwards, striking fear into Danube's heart as the spear was drawn back with godly speed, sent straight into Danube's chest. Not only was this warrior tough, but he was strong as well. Danube was sent backwards, so much as a scratch upon his armor. Would this mean their weapons weren't as useful? No, that was senseless. Would he rather use his fists?

Danube formed a mighty spear in his left hand, lifting it above his head as he roared, chucking the spear at the Spade. However, the brute simply lifted his arm, sending the spear in a separate direction with a renewed velocity. Shattering like glass, the pieces of the spear faded. From there, sweat poured down the sides of Danube's face, as he charged forward, roaring mightily as his shield shifted back to his sword, pulling the trigger upon the blade as he spun mightily from the beam of energy launched from the blade, razor-side impacting along the hip of the brute. With that, the giant staggered back, holding onto its spear for support as it dropped to a knee involuntarily. Satisfied, Danube found himself with sword raised high above his head, now swinging down. What was going on!? This was not him!!!

A mighty shout of panic ensued him, using all of his might to turn it to the left, smashing down on the ground next to the Spade, as he soon realized he couldn't pull up. Panting, Danube stared down to the sword, then to the right to see not an ounce of the brute left. Wide eyes replaced once confident ones as Danube staggered upwards, looking around to see this Spade had just, vanished in thin air!

From there, Danube placed the sword upon his back, confused mightily as he stepped into the elevator for some reason. He looked to his hands, which suddenly were covered in blood. Horror ensued afterwards. Was it him? He did not remember bloodying that of the Spade, but the only blood he could remember was... that of.. the guards...

Reaching the top of the Communication Control Tower, his heart (If possible) skipped a beat, staggering forth to see everything.. destroyed. The computers, the commns.. all shattered and destroyed. Marching forth, as if he couldn't have seen it from his previous distance, Danube lifted his gaze up to a mighty symbol, as if it was smiling down to him, literally.

It was whoever made this symbol that killed those guards, he was certain. The Spade was nothing more than confusion to Danube, and he had no idea what he resembled, or his powers. However, Danube had to find this symbol's owner, and stop them before anything grew further from this sudden being of darkness.

Theme Song:

Role On Team:
Pyrrha (Bad-Ass, honoring fighter)
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Name: Dusk Elias Leonfeld

Colour/Relation of Name to Colour: Purple colour of a darkening sky

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Human or Faunus: Faunus

Type of animal: Coyote

Appearance: Standing at a modest 5'3" Dusk's clothing is intended to help him remain inconspicuous with a simple blue zip-up hooded top and a dark grey beanie hat that he uses to cover his Faunus ears


Royal Flush: A set of five throwing knives each named after one of the card making up the Royal Flush Poker hand, the first four each use a specific type of Dust. 'Ten' uses Ice, 'Jack' Earth, 'Queen' Fire and 'King' Wind, the 'Ace' is the exception in that it can be imbued with varied types of Dust from his secondary weapon.

Dealer: A wrist mounted Dust capsule launcher loaded with a variety of powdered Dust types which can be used to strengthen attacks with his knives or incorporated into his Aura using his Semblance.

Color of Aura: Green for inexperienced skills

Semblance: Aura Manipulation: Dusk can exert a unique level of control over his Aura to use it as a telekinetic force and to transfer or extend protection to the Auras of others. His Aura can also be imbued with elemental properties from powdered Dust.



A generally nervous person, Dusk, while not actually cowardly is the type to go out of his way to avoid trouble as much as possible, particularly confrontation with his peers. However if physically backed into a corner he will respond with a desperate violence.

When working in a team Dusk is usually deferrent and willing to follow another's lead preferring to act as support rather than risk antagonising people he relys on to take the front line instead of himself.

Role on Team: Jaune (Here's to the socially awkward)


- Staying safe

- Reading

- Helping out


- Being the center of attention

- Being yelled at

- Hot weather


- Beowolves

- Racists

Skills*: - Stronger than average Aura

- Night vision

- Sense of smell

- Versatile Aura user

- Highly accurate ranged attacker

Weaknesses: - Offensive and supportive Aura use diverts from defense

- Poor melee combat skills

- Lacks confidence in fighting skills

History: Dusk was raised as a rare child of a Faunus & a Human in an isolated village in Vale until an attack by a roaming Beowulf pack killed his mother. Fleeing from the Grimm the boy managed to instinctively use his aura to survivea a few attacks before a huntsman that had been tracking the pack appeared and slew them all.

Intrigued by the child that had used aura defensively without any training the huntsman urged Dusk to enter combat academy to learn how to properly use his skills.

While training Dusk quickly learned to manipulate his aura using his semblance but struggled with weaponry until he began practising with throwing knives physically and eventually honed his control to use them telekinetically. Observing other trainees using dust to augment their skills led Dusk to experiment with dust himself leading to the integration of elemental properties to his aura.

Leaving his out of the way home has exposed Dusk to his first serious experiences of Human racism towards the Faunus. His reaction to the initial incident was one of frank disbelief, after that he took to keeping watch for familiar troublemakers and hiding his ears under a hat. On occasions when he was caught out by bullies his panicked reactions resulted in explosive bursts of his aura.


Mother (Faunus): Dawn Leonfeld (Deceased)

Father (Human): Ceil Leonfeld

Deja Vu: "Now ladies and gentlemen, let final match of the Vytal Festival begin!"

As a thunderous roar went up from the crowd, Dusk bolted out of the restroom with his hands still wet.

"Nonononono! Which way is it?"

The Faunus teen ran up and down the corridors searching for the signs pointing to his seating block while fans from Atlas and Vale vied to be loudest in their support for their academy's best fighters.

Skidding around the corner of a tunnel leading out into the stands Dusk saw an unfamiliar woman leaning against the wall and looking out at the match.

Struck by a sudden sense of foreboding Dusk and slowed to a walk and tried to move more quietly, unfortunately his headlong rush had already been noted by the stranger who turned to look directly at him. Freezing like a deer in the headlights he stared at the vaguely familiar mask while trying to connect it with an actual memory until he struck on a half remembered news story on a string of assassinations and the pieced together sketch of the killer's mask, the same mask that stared back at him now.


Backing away Dusk summoned up his Aura and pulled out his scroll, mentally weighing whether to summon his locker or to call his team. The assassin wordlessly tracked his movement and pulled out a small object with a short antenna attached.

"Wh-What are you doing?"

With her thumb Cheshire flicked up the saftey cover on top of the device revealing a flick switch with her poised and ready to activate it.

"N-no wait!"
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