One of Oblivion
~Follow RPN rules PLEASE. And what I say goes...but I won't be too bossy. I'll mostly work with you guys!
~Plz READ all connected threads' opening posts before trying to make a character sheet. Once you do PM me ( Kishune ) your CS and a post that demonstrates your RPing skills. (Those that been apart of past 'Reboots' do not have to worry about this, but still have to contact me, and make sure you have time for the RP)
~For the required post with CS, It can be a post about your character you're submitting or just something off the top of your head. To make it easy to figure out what to write you can do a Fight Scene, an Interaction, or a Traveling Scene describing the scenery. Just make sure this shows how well you RP.
~Only 7 RPers are going to be accepted at one time, and 8 Characters as well. One drops out I'll accept another RPer or the other current RPers can make a second character if they so wish.
~Please RP with common sense: Meaning don´t power play, metagame, respect the GM as GM, etc...and be civil. Try to be polite, friendly, don´t be a douche OK? ^^
~Romance is encourage but if extreme "Relationship" activity happens within the Thread, then you are violating the Rules! DO NOT DO THIS!!!
~If you need to swear...just don't do it too frequently. But for fighting...GO ALL OUT! R rate those post! xD
~If someone's been inactive for about a week without announcing to someone or @Kishune that they'll be taking a leave of absence, then they will be considered "no longer interested" and will have their characters removed. @Kishune will try to contact those who have been inactive of a few days, to try and figure out if they are still interested. If they haven't responded by the week of total inactivity, they will be dropped. (I...broke this rule in past Reboots so I'm not too strict on this.)
~Killing of NPC's is allowed if you they are just random beings and/or enemies; and if you made them. Killing of Players is only allowed with the RPer's consent, or with @Kishune 's; Only with reason though. This goes for others' NPCs made by another RPer as well.
~Don't even try to resurrect anyone from the dead. THEY ARE DEAD! Unless @Kishune say it's okay, then it's allowed.
~This is a Semi-Lit RP, meaning you have to type at least a paragraph (5 sentences) per-post. And please be a little bit descriptive.
~Don't do one post and Leave...It leads to RP Death. and we don't want that... *sniffs* T^T
~No god modding...PLEASE. You are not the one who made this RP and you do not control everything that happens. I do...I made the RP...and what I say, goes! I AM GOD!!!...sorry got carried away there...^^;
God modding: When a RPer control something in the story that the GM of the RP didn't allow you to.
Which means ask Kishune if you can do anything big, or want to suggest something.
~No Auto-Hitting on RPer's characters without their permission or probable cause.
Auto hit: When a RPer's character hits something automatically without explaining or giving the other person a chance to react to it.
~Include Tags of everyone involved in your posts please. It notifies everyone and tempts them to come back and reply...Tricky move right -snickers- JK
~Have suggestions, questions or what not about the RP, PM me (@Kishune) or post in OOC tagging me and I'll make sure to reply back as soon as possible.
~Most Important RULE is to have FUN!!!
~Plz READ all connected threads' opening posts before trying to make a character sheet. Once you do PM me ( Kishune ) your CS and a post that demonstrates your RPing skills. (Those that been apart of past 'Reboots' do not have to worry about this, but still have to contact me, and make sure you have time for the RP)
~For the required post with CS, It can be a post about your character you're submitting or just something off the top of your head. To make it easy to figure out what to write you can do a Fight Scene, an Interaction, or a Traveling Scene describing the scenery. Just make sure this shows how well you RP.
~Only 7 RPers are going to be accepted at one time, and 8 Characters as well. One drops out I'll accept another RPer or the other current RPers can make a second character if they so wish.
~Please RP with common sense: Meaning don´t power play, metagame, respect the GM as GM, etc...and be civil. Try to be polite, friendly, don´t be a douche OK? ^^
~Romance is encourage but if extreme "Relationship" activity happens within the Thread, then you are violating the Rules! DO NOT DO THIS!!!
~If you need to swear...just don't do it too frequently. But for fighting...GO ALL OUT! R rate those post! xD
~If someone's been inactive for about a week without announcing to someone or @Kishune that they'll be taking a leave of absence, then they will be considered "no longer interested" and will have their characters removed. @Kishune will try to contact those who have been inactive of a few days, to try and figure out if they are still interested. If they haven't responded by the week of total inactivity, they will be dropped. (I...broke this rule in past Reboots so I'm not too strict on this.)
~Killing of NPC's is allowed if you they are just random beings and/or enemies; and if you made them. Killing of Players is only allowed with the RPer's consent, or with @Kishune 's; Only with reason though. This goes for others' NPCs made by another RPer as well.
~Don't even try to resurrect anyone from the dead. THEY ARE DEAD! Unless @Kishune say it's okay, then it's allowed.
~This is a Semi-Lit RP, meaning you have to type at least a paragraph (5 sentences) per-post. And please be a little bit descriptive.
~Don't do one post and Leave...It leads to RP Death. and we don't want that... *sniffs* T^T
~No god modding...PLEASE. You are not the one who made this RP and you do not control everything that happens. I do...I made the RP...and what I say, goes! I AM GOD!!!...sorry got carried away there...^^;
God modding: When a RPer control something in the story that the GM of the RP didn't allow you to.
Which means ask Kishune if you can do anything big, or want to suggest something.
~No Auto-Hitting on RPer's characters without their permission or probable cause.
Auto hit: When a RPer's character hits something automatically without explaining or giving the other person a chance to react to it.
~Include Tags of everyone involved in your posts please. It notifies everyone and tempts them to come back and reply...Tricky move right -snickers- JK
~Have suggestions, questions or what not about the RP, PM me (@Kishune) or post in OOC tagging me and I'll make sure to reply back as soon as possible.
~Most Important RULE is to have FUN!!!
(These are all suggestion and thus you don't really have to follow any of these.)
~Please use a color for your character dialog and italicize for your character's thoughts; a different color too wouldn't be bad either.
~Have something to keep track of HP, MP, Magic, Skills/Spells in your post somewhere, and edit it thoroughly throughout the RP, please.
~Please use a color for your character dialog and italicize for your character's thoughts; a different color too wouldn't be bad either.
~Have something to keep track of HP, MP, Magic, Skills/Spells in your post somewhere, and edit it thoroughly throughout the RP, please.
This was made by a RPer (
) that is apart of this RP and has been edited by me to hold proper info. This coding has been adopted by most the RPers thus far so it basically became the standard to IC post coding here. Again this is a suggestion still. You can edit it as you see fit too
Character Name- Stats
HP: 100%
MP: 100%
AGILITY - Setting
Thoughts: - Inventory
Items: - Magic & Skills
Code:[h][divide=thick]Character Name[/divide][/h][side=right][accordion=bcenter| 100%] {slide=Stats}[IMG] [progress=98%); background-color:red; ] HP: 100% [/progress] [progress=98%); background-color:lightblue; ] MP: 100% [/progress] Race: Class: Affinity: [progress=98%); background-color:#A4C639; ] HEALTH [/progress] [progress=98%); background-color:#63B8FF; ] MANA [/progress] [progress=98%); background-color:red; ] ATTACK [/progress] [progress=98%); background-color:#007FFF; ] DEFENSE [/progress] [progress=98%); background-color:#8A2BE2; ] INTELLIGENCE [/progress] [progress=98%); background-color:#BF94E4; ] KNOWLEDGE [/progress] [progress=98%); background-color:orange; ] AGILITY [/progress]{/slide} {slide=Setting}Where: With: Thoughts: {/slide} {slide=Inventory}Gold: Weapon: Armor: Items: {/slide} {slide=Magic & Skills}Magic: Skills: {/slide}[/accordion][/side]
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