Game Over Man, Game Over!!!!

Thorn Darkblade

I know lots of things. Lots of things...
The hypersleep tubes gave a hiss as they cracked open. One by one, the marines got up, slightly groggy. Sarge was already up, and ready to yell the marines awake. God, his missing eye was creepy. If one stared deeply enough, you could actually see the electronic components moving within it.

"Alright Marines, rise and shine! It's another glorious day in the Corps., so lock ann load, and get ready to earn your daily bread. Just got our orders in from top brass, another one of their so-called 'bug hunts' we keep hearing about, but, I wouldn't get your panties in a know just yet."

The sergeant took a deep swig from his flask of whiskey, and grinned.

"More specifically, we're heading to LV-667. Yeah, that's right, we're going to Hell Plus One. But, last I checked, we're Marines! The best goddamn killing force I've ever laid eyes one!"

He turned on a monitor, the Weyland-Yutani logo flickering on, before the combat briefing details popped up.

"Here's what we know so far. The terraforming and mining facilities lost contact 17 days ago. Communication beacons are still operational though, so the colony is still standing. Rumor says they were studying our own personal chupacrabra, the xenomorph, but, I haven't seen a single report on these things's always the same 'a friend of a friend of my grandma's former baby-daddy' bullshit, so, until I see a goddamn bug, I'm not gonna worry."

A topographical map popped up, showing a jagged, crag and spire covered surface.

"As you can see, it is still a volcanically active planet, with steam vents creating swamps in the lowlands. Lots of native critters, so, my guess is something there got them. Or, maybe someone just forgot to wash their hands. Speaking of which, you'll all be getting your pre-drop inoculations as soon as this briefing is done. I don't want to hear any bitching about needles."

The map zoomed in, giving a detailed blueprint of the colonies.

"Standard Weyland-Yutani air processor here...the air was almost breathable when they came in, the plantlife had been working on that for a while, so, they just gave it a little boost. Colony is standard layout too. Aerial scans show a few buildings that are NOT in these blueprints though, which, as usual, is the boss-man telling us we don't need to know. We're too far to pick up the PDT's of the colonists, but, this is a rescue mission first and foremost. Are there any further questions, Marines?"

A couple more hypersleep tubes cracked open, as a few individuals who have definitely NEVER seen combat before yawned sleepily.

"Oh, yeah, this is also a babysitting mission. We're to allow a few representatives from Weyland-Yutani to survey the damage and recover information. I don't like it either, so make them feel welcome."

So, running a sci-fi horror game. Gonna use World of Darkness rules, standard with 50 extra experience points. Occult will be replaced with Archaelogy, to represent knowledge of the ancient Xenomorph and Hunter ruins, although, honestly, no marine will probably have this without damn good reason.

Any questions or comments so far?
Never saw anything of the Aliens verse, but I'm still probably qualified to play an array of Corporate nincompoops.
Requesting rank: Lance Corporal/Specialist.

Captain Hesperus

P.S. I'm assuming nWoD?
I think he's having us be a combat team and then when we die we just take on another marine. Cause we're gonna die, I personally expect to die within three pages of touch down.
Actually it's just gonna be one character each Reaver. There'll be some Npc's as well, just try not to burn through them too quick. The rule of red shirt applies to them first unless you act stupid
Omg omg omg

So in. I love the Alien series!!

Now which stereotype to play? Spunky urban Marine? Sneaky corporate? Plucky space frieghter pilot?
So, while I have seen all of te Aliens series, and read a decent chunk of the expanded universe, mostly the comics, the base of knowledge you guys really need on the setting is just the first 2 movies. The second one moreso. Very little is know about the xenomorphs except by Weyland-Yutani top brass, and they aren't talking. You grunts have only heard rumors of nasty critters, but these rumors pop up every now and then. There hasn't been native fauna yet the Corps can't handle!
I'll try and dig it up. If it's not here I know where it is and will pass it on in a day or so.
[QUOTE="Thorn Darkblade]nWoD

Will pass on the game then, though I am keenly interested in your premise and will be watching how it unfolds.
Thinkin a Pulse Rifle is the stats of a standard Assault Rifle (WoD, pg 169), except Size can be reduce to 2 with the folding stock, there is 99 in the clip, and a minimum strength of 2 to use properly due to the lightweight build.
Apparently it has explosive ammunition, though. A small charge, but still there. Though obviously waiving that is your prerogative, I just think its cool.
Well, the way I look at it, a tiny explosive charge is pretty much there to do the same thing an M16 flechette round would do...extra damage to fleshy bits.

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