Game Of Hierarchy


New Member

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The Game of Hierarchy is the game the gangs the city plays. Every body is trying to claw their way to the top, everyone wants to rule it all. Their are four gangs each with their respect rankings but one gang tops them all. The Makanell They are made up of the cruel and most blood thirsty. They do not care about anyone but them selves. And they are loyal to none but their leader.

Next in the order of gang ranking is the Hanguli they are smart, made up of the most clever. But they aren't quite mean enough to do what needs to be done to put their gang as the first in order of rankings.

Falling third in the order are the Ganjiku they are sneaky and have a lot of strength yet no brains or true cruelty. Try as they might to fight their way to the top they just keep failing.

And lastly the Junomi composed of the left overs. The ones who don't know which Gang to join o have been kicked out of the gang and is currently looking for a new one. They are comprised as the bitter and angry one who are mad that they have not climbed the hierarchy.

These four gangs rule the streets in their respective territories. But whole will come out on top over all.

((Related Note: They live in different neighborhoods but they attend the same school. If they go to school at all))

Ⓖⓐⓝⓖ Ⓡⓞⓛⓔⓢ

Ⓟresident- Within the Outlaws MC, the President is generally seen as the boss, the leader, the first man. The President is the main asset to the gang, his safety and ruling are the most important things that made, patched members will have to appropriate themselves towards. The President will lead all major attacks, assign all roles throughout the faction to made members, assign tasks to Prospects, settle disputes both within and outside of the gang, cast votes among the gang to resolve any issues that may question the gang's honor and morals, and will serve as a diplomatic representative when confronting other factions. In war, it should be your main priority to defend and assist the President above all other ranking members. The President will also serve as a Treasurer, collecting all earnings from anyone working under the gang (this includes members, prospects, etc.), keeping records of the club's funds and putting them to appropriate use, then redistributing any 'necessities' (drugs, guns, etc.) to the gang at a fair price.

Ⓥice-President- This person is the second in command and the right hand of the chapter President. He presides over club affairs in the absence of the President. As a rule, he is hand picked by the President and is heir apparent to the club's leadership. This role will serve all duties of the President in his absence, as well as assisting the President in his tasks while he is around, discussing certain situations and having an equal impact to the President on decisions. The Vice-President will also serve as a 'Sergeant at Arms', keeping order within 'Church' meetings and administering appropriate punishment towards rule breakers in general.

Ⓒaptain- Much like the term 'Capo' used within the standard Italian-American crime family, the Captain will be responsible for leading his own crew of select members in a separate region within the city. The Captain's rules are very similar to the President's roles, but only to an extent; the Captain will only be responsible for the people working under him, not the gang as a whole. He will be responsible for assigning tasks to any prospects within his area that may wish to establish themselves with the Captain's specific 'crew', the Captain will strategize all attacks involving the crew (not major attacks) to be executed only when a vote has been passed among the crew, or whether a President/Vice-President has commissioned the attack, it all depends on the seriousness of the attack and the consequences.

The Captain will be responsible for setting the standard on earnings, such as, deciding the expected payments he should hope to receive from every crew member. The Captain will collect the earnings, then pay a percentage back to the President/Vice-President in order to properly fund the chapter (this money will then be redistributed among every crew to cover the cost of necessities). The Captain will be a representative of his own crew in Church, he will be expected to properly organise and manage all business within his crew, staying loyal to the President.

Captains are only seen in gangs that are of larger scale, like the Makanell and the Hanguli.

Ⓣhe Enforcer- This role will consist of working under a Captain (if they are assigned to a separate crew in a specific area, otherwise just the President of the single chapter in its entirety). Their main role is simply to defend the boss they're working under, much like a bodyguard, and fulfil any specific tasks the boss may request, generally violent tasks. The Enforcer is generally seen as the 'Elite' member within any crew, picked specifically by a captain to serve a greater duty, there can only be 2 Enforcers within each crew. The Enforcer may be sent out to do any number of tasks, such as hits, kidnappings, arson towards a specific business, home or other building/turf, and many more tasks. They won't be made to go alone, Enforcers have their choice of any number of assistants (keeping within the gang rules), these can be either prospects or made members working under the same boss as the Enforcer.

The Enforcer will lead either himself alone or himself and his assistants through the task, dictating the roles of each person, then strategizing the task's plan. With this role, the Enforcer will be expected to properly execute every task given to him, this is a great responsibility; they will be held responsible for any '****-ups' that may occur within a task, by which they will be punished for with either a fine, or a beating of some sort. If the Enforcer fails to complete 3 tasks in a row, they will lose their position as the Enforcer and will be demoted back to a patched member. The Enforcer will require the Captain to provide all items required for a task, the Enforcer is not responsible for obtaining any of the required items. The Enforcer will earn through working under the Captain and performing tasks properly, based on the Captain's payment scheme. This rank will be required to attend Church, they will be authorized to cast a vote also.

Ⓟatched Member- To put it simply, the patched member is the 'made man' of the gang, he has risen from the ranks of being a mere prospect to a fully fledged member and affiliate to the faction. This role consists of having a greater authority over Prospects and other non-members, by which they can set Prospects on minor tasks (nothing too serious) or request their assistance in basic earning tasks (such as, backup in a drug/gun deal, assisting with a kidnapping, minor tasks). The patched member is responsible for defending whichever turf they may work within, as well as contributing to the tribute system through their earnings, and going to battle through either the Captain's orders (minor attacks and such) or the President/Vice-President's orders (major attack). Patched members can obtain items through their captain or President, for a fair price. This rank will be required to attend Church every weekend, with their earnings, as well as being authorized to cast a vote on decisions.

Ⓟrospect- This rank consists of outsiders, club hopefuls - who must spend at least a week in a probationary status, and must prove during that time that they are worthy of becoming a club member. This rank will be committed to working under the gang, performing any tasks they may be asked to do, from menial labour, earning their single tribute payment, and simply assisting patched members, to fighting for the gang (mainly while on-duty as a bodyguard), defending gang turf (such as the main turf, businesses, etc.) when asked to do so, as well as performing a single major task alone to gain entry within the club's official ranks. This rank will not be granted permission to ride with the rest of the gang on a Freeway bike until they are fully patched, they may only ride as passengers on a member's bike, with a separate car, or to ride alone on a Freeway (at times in which they won't be involved with the gang's matters, when they're not performing tasks for the gang).

This rank will require a unanimous vote on behalf of all patched members to properly join the club as a patched member, to be decided at a church meeting after their week (or so) of initiation. Once accepted at the end of their initiation, the prospect will have to face an initiation ceremony, by which he will be awarded his colours. Prospects do not have any say in what goes in within Outlaw matters, their opinions are void, they do not get to attend Church meetings (thus, not being able to cast a vote in any decisions) and may not request help in any way from patched members, they are merely there to be called upon.

((Related Note: For the most part the roles are first come first serve))


xx No one is God so don't mod.

xxxx No Mary Sue's.

xxxxxx No txt tlk.

xxxxxxxx Semi-Literate Rp. At least 5 healthy sentence. Writers block is understandable, please just notify us.

xxxxxxxxxx I will can start and stop the Rp at any time so people can catch up.

xxxxxxxxxxxx No one is excluded.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Do not assign yourself a gang. Post your profile for then Pm your personality. From there I will decided which gang to put you in. You may send me your preference of gang and position and I will decided if it is right for you then assign a gang and position accordingly.

((Related Note: I will add rules as I see fit))

Profile Code- Copy it and fill in the blanks!

(Insert pic in center, left, or right) The name given to me at birth was (insert name here). I've been alive and kicking for (14-21) years. Im loyal to (gang- I choose this). My position in (gang) is (postion- i choose this). I like to think of myself as (personality). Personally I prefer (girls, boys, both, etc). My status is (relationship status). My very lovely life story is as follows, (bio). I am (height). And I am also (weight). My favorite weapon is (weapon, be realistic. These are street gangs). My favorite drug is (drug). My flaws are (Character flaws. Ex- Forgetfulness, Hot-headed, Clumsiness, No one is perfect including the characters)

((Related Note: I used to RP on Gaia so Im used to making my profiles and post colorful with pics and stuff. If you want to thats fine, if not don't stress over it. If you want to but don't know how please contact me.))

My Character(s):

View attachment 6749

The name given to me at birth was Kwang Minki.

I've been alive and kicking for 16 years.

Im loyal to Makanell.

My position in Makanell is Vice President.

I like to think of myself as Cold, Mean, Heartless, Cruel, A tad bit Self-Centered, and somewhat Clever.

Personally I prefer neither, I'm asexual.

My status is single.

My very lovely life story is as follows, none of your god damned business.

I am 5'9".

And I am also 145 lbs.

My favorite weapon is an old baseball bat, it has sentimental value. But I do have guns too.

My favorite drug is none. I don't do them.

My flaws are Although I'm mean and I'm good at planning attacks I suck at attacks themselves, I lack strength. Im very empathetic which gets me in trouble at times as does my blunt honesty. I dont watch my blindside in a fight. I'm a heavy sleeper so sneaking up on my is easy. And I have a weakness for gummy bears.


❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ - Top Bar is Romance

❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ - Bottom bar is Friendship


Romance Meter:

9 - 10 Hearts: Deeply in Love

7 - 8 Hearts: Blooming Romance

5 - 6 Hearts: Budding Romance

3 - 4 Hearts: Crush

1 - 2 Hearts: Slight Attraction

0 Hearts: Nope, no love here

Friendship Meter:

9 - 10 Hearts: Like Family

7 - 8 Hearts: Best Friends

5 - 6 Hearts: Close Friends

3 - 4 Hearts: Friends

1 - 2 Hearts: Liked Acquaintance

0 Hearts: Strangers

Hatred Meter:

❤ 9 - 10 Hearts: Deep Hatred

❤ 7 - 8 Hearts: Hate

❤ 5 - 6 Hearts: Contempt

❤ 3 - 4 Hearts: Strong Dislike

❤ 1 - 2 Hearts: Disliked Acquaintance

❤ 0 Hearts: Strangers


(Insert name here)

x▹► (Insert statement about the person here)



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