Game Information [Surviing the Shackles]


Dedicated to spinning a tale worth sharing.

Surviving the Shackles

Introduction/Story Teaser

Slaves, ev’ry one of ya! Any Shackles pirate’s worth ten o’ you poxy devils, an’ ev’ry Free Captain commandin’ a sloop’ll keep sailin’ circles around any bloated Chelish frigate you send at us. We’ll go on raidin’ yer sea lanes, stealin’ yer silver coins with Abrogail’s pouty gob stamped on them, an’ we’ll cart it all back home, where we’ll sing an’ drink ’til the sea swallows us all! I’m ready to do my dance with Besmara; no regrets for a life lived free on the waves. The worms’ll be better company than you ugly, dung-eating devil’s slaves anyway!”

—Last words spoken by Free Captain Wilihem Wache, moments before his public hanging in Macini for piracy

It's time to set sail in the pirate-infested waters of the Shackles, where bloated Chelish trading vessels, uncharted islands rife with treasure, and other cutthroat pirates await your motley and burgeoning crew.


Pathfinder Ruleset

The game will be using the Pathfinder rules - which for those who haven't experienced it, are essentially D&D 3.75. Most of the core rules are available online at D20PFsrd. You don't need to be a Pathfinder expert to apply, but a basic understanding of the rules is expected.

Paizo Adventure Path - A little more railroad-y than sandbox-y

This is a pre-written adventure path - this is awesome, because it makes my life as a GM much easier. But it also places some expectations on you, the players. While there is a little sandbox-action later in the AP, the initial "acts" are a little railroad-y. And once we get into the game, you're kind of expected to go with the plot hooks to keep things moving forward.

Non-Good Alignment Characters Welcome

While you don't have to be evil to take part in this AP, it certainly is a nice break from the typical "save the world because we're such noble good guys" adventure.

There are Pirates & Ninjas (& Wizards & Clerics)

You may have guessed this by now, but this is a sea-themed adventure featuring countless pirates. But this is set in Golarion (Paizo's universe), so there are all manner of characters available to you.

A Post A Weekday

I'd like for players to post at least once a day during the week. This will help keep the game moving and help us get through the beginning of the AP, which while important for character building, can get a little tedious if dragged out for too long.

Player Slots & Requirements

I will take up to five players - the strongest submissions will be selected. I base a strong submission on the character concept, backstory and "correct" character crunch.

All characters will use the following guidelines to build their character:

Character Creation

  • Players will start at 1st level. 

  • No alignment restrictions, but you must be able to play well with others - both in-character and out
  • 20-point ability buy 

  • Average gold for your class
  • Max HP for your class 

  • 3 traits - one MUST be a campaign trait. 

  • Core races preferred.
  • All Paizo-created classes are allowed.

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