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Multiple Settings Game Addicts and the Real World [Lore]



Oddity is the mother of creation. Be weird.
(Please remember that this is a massive world and more will be added over time. This is simply the base and everything you need to know to get started with character building. Also, if you find yourself wanting to develop a piece of lore, contact me. I am more than willing to let you do so.)

Tera Maxima is a massive virtual world. So massive in fact that it requires 10 times the amount of servers as the second place largest game in the world. This fantastic world of magic and science is so large that it is said that with all the players up to this point in the game, they have only discovered about 17% of what the game has to offer.

Mistral is the games starting hub. A massive Kingdom in the very center of the map that has shopping districts, trading centers, sci-fi and fantasy homes that players can buy. Even shops that they can run on their own if they so choose. The entire starting area is surrounded by and filled with cherry blossom trees, all of which are continuously in full bloom. A wonderful mix of fantasy, science and modern conveniences.

As the world spreads out from the center it gradually gets more and more wild. Coming down from major city, entering small towns like suburbs, eventually ending up into villages that eventually lead out to the ruined ring. This massive border on the main continent is filled with ruins from sci-fi civilizations, alien warships and burned fantasy castles. The reason this massive ring on the continent exists is unknown, but is assumed to be a major quest point. The lands, floating islands that circles a continent and scramble the skies and as well as the massive space stations that float in the atmosphere far above the main continent can be littered with field bosses. The game regularly creates completely random field bosses. Each one completely unique, the only consistent thing being that they are inspired by the area they spawn. Monsters, aliens, cyborg animals and massive wild mechs are also scattered all throughout the land. Monster hunting is a very popular pastime within Terra Maxima.

On the northern border of the continent, there is a massive mountain range. This is home to some of the best ice and snow events in the world. The Dune Ridge mountains also have caves that can purchase and make their home.

Towards the south, beyond the Ruined Ring is the Black Sand Desert. This is the hottest place in the game and will continuously inflict heat damage to a character that is not equipped to withstand it. There are special creatures that have specially evolved to live here, but they are expensive. This dangerous place holds many secrets and is said to be one of the best places for loot hunting.

To the far west is the Blood Sea, so named for the many NPC pirate crews, bosses and sea monsters that inhabit it. The Gratuna Archipelago spans miles into it and all of the islands that make up this archipelago can sometimes be the only reprieve from the many dangers that the sea can have. Islands are also for sale.

To the east is the Calm Sea. Mostly used for vacations and training with boats. It's just a really beautiful place.

Every floating island has its own theme. There's a fantasy Island, sci-fi, post-apocalyptic and the list goes on and on. To be frank, these islands are where a lot of play happens. Mostly because there is no way for a person to own land on a floating island. This is to make sure that nobody can claim one Island.

In the outer reaches of the atmosphere on the planet is Nebularus, a massive network of civilizations and societies that live within an asteroid belt that circles the entire planet. This is a great place for gathering materials and minerals. It is also been home to several star fleet battles.

Guilty Thorn Guild:

The Guilty Thorn killed is probably the most famous guild in the entire game. Composed exclusively of gaming addicts who choose to spend most of their time in game rather than in reality for one reason or another. Widely considered the most hardcore guild ever created, it's numbers may not be as large as other guilds, but the skill and power of their players is undeniable. When the guild was created, many people thought it might be a good option, but the guilt has very specific rules to ensure that only people who share the philosophy of living in this world can get it.

Rule 1: All guild members must log a minimum of 50 hours a week in game.

Rule 2: Must be max level to apply.

Rule 3: Must have defeated 10 field bosses, 1 event boss or 200 max level players completely on your own to enter. Alternatively, you must show that your cultivation, item crafting, material handling or overall contribution to the society of Terra Maxima has been substantial. In other words, you must provide proof that you are exceptional.

Rule 4: Reality has no place in Terra Maxima. Discuss IRL at your own risk.

Rule 5: This is a home. We are family. You have earned the right to be a member of this family and it did not come cheap. Do not disgrace, betray or attempt to harm the family. The family will aid you if necessary, always come to your aid and defend you.

With these rules, the system they employ and the beliefs they have towards the real world, this guild has earned an infamous reputation. It is by far the most famous guild and by far the most feared. Of course, this does not stop others from attempting to fight them, but rarely does it end well for the other party.

The guild calls several places home, since many of the players are so high level, they can afford to own several different places and operate several different safe houses. However, the main guild Hall is actually an abandoned castle ruin within the Ruined Ring. Situated far to the Northeast of Mistral, it is equidistant from the Blood Sea, to the edge of the Dune Ridge Mountains and Mistral itself.

The heavy infantry core is the guilds main Frontline fighters. These fighters job is to break through enemy line, tanking damage and opening up the enemy line for the more specialized units to enter and do their job. It is not an exaggeration to say that the core is Guilty Thorn Guild's combat backbone.

This unit of misfits fall under the lead of Kasumi. She's by no means anything of a tactician but she knows the basics of if you want something done quick don't send a genius with no combat skill. Send the Battle unit with the strength and diversity to get it done. Rallying behind the "Saintess of Ares" who leads them with the confidence of a regenerating Immortal blessed by the gods, does wonders for morale.

When initially asked about taking up the position Kasumi was a bit confused as to why but hey the guildmaster had thought of her first to lead them. She couldn't let him down! So she took it up even if she didn't fully get it at that moment. That was until she realized how many people she had to lead. She got her hands on a list of around 50 people. A specialized group of hard hitting tanks that serve as the Frontline against attacks or the strike team that crushes opposition with unyielding physical force!

What follows how she got her name "Saintess of Ares" and her unit that follow "The Hounds of War" .

While out in a clear area training her troops they were set upon by a rival guild. They struck with no warning. Force about 300 players strong against Kasumi's 51 including her. It seems that she has quite the ability to lead in the thick of it. She and the unit smashed through the rival guilds unit executing each and every one without losing a single soldier. She found out what guild it was she marched her unit right into their guild of 2000 and burned it to the ground after an hour long fight not a single hound fell in the assault of the opposing guild. Their destroyed guild hall now home to The Solo Rabbit Casino.

Word spread like a open flame upon dry grass, The Saintess and her Hounds don't accept surrender and will hunt you down for trespasses against their master's home.

Written by Absollover77 Absollover77
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The Justice Department

The Justice Department is the most feared division in Guilty Thorn. Also called "Incubō's Hand", this division is the only division with express permission to harm another guild member. They are the law within the guild. Ruthless in the pursuit of truth and merciless in the punishments they dole out. Efficient and cold blooded, if you betray Guilty Thorn, they won't hear of any excuses.

This unit, headed by commander Sargiroth, was born out of betrayal. Just as the guild was rising to power, one of the top players in the guild attempted to destroy the vault which held the guilds most valuable loot, most of its money and a few of the players god tier items. It was a devastating blow, but the future Commander of the justice department and her psionic abilities were able to locate the traitor. Upon the discovery of who it was that had betrayed The Guild, the master was heartbroken. Not only was this Guild of family for him, but it was family for every member. Was not something that was taken lightly.

Years of work, years of painstaking grinding so much real world money. All of this was lost in a matter of a few torturous hours. Once Sargiroth had emerged from the chamber, the trader was back to level one. All of his equipment was too high level for him to equip. Not to mention that he was in a very high level area. It would take him weeks to get back to the starting point so he could regain all his levels. Once that trader was kicked out of the Guild Hall, he's never seen again. Some say that he simply quit Terra Maxima.

After this incident, The Guild Master created the Justice Department to ensure no betrayal could happen again without being punished. Of course, it seemed only right that the most evil person in the guild be put in charge of such a sadistic group. However, this corrupt police force within the guild has done its job very well. This is why the justice department is absolutely terrifying.

Karcen Karcen

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