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Name: Rohya Kirt

Age: 25

Personality: Smart, deceptive he can use his words to convince you to do things. He doesn't want to steal, but that is what he needs to do.

Standing: lowly homeless person

Occupation: Homeless thief

History: His parents died at the age of 15 and he was forced to live on the streets and steal or convince people to give him everything he needs.
Name: Dath Icevein

Age: 17

Personality: Keen and witty. Tries to be invisible and does not like large crowds of people he doesn't know. Is paranoid, but usually seems calm and mellow.

Standing: young poor boy

Occupation: specializes in making homemade weapons. He is a good chemist and sells homemade drugs at night. On occasion he will hire himslf out as an assassin.

History: His parents did not care much for him, so he moved away and took apprenticeship from a mechanic. He also learned chemistry and invents and fixes weapons. He has been making and selling methanphetemines and a strange drug called Shiema (She - EM - ah) since he was 12. He occasionally will hire himself out as a payed assassin to test out a new weapon design.

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