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Futuristic Galactic empire nation building RP?


One Thousand Club
Is anyone here interested in a nation building RP? In which you each control a different civilization and conquer the vast universe?
Sure, though you may not want me in it. I am a fucking pedantic monster when it comes to science fiction, and have a terrible tendency to remove all the fun from Sci-Fi through math.

If you are down with RKKVs, questions about the non-orientability of out particular universe, game theory, and strange matter/grey goo, then count me in.
I think i'll tell you guys the plot

It's the year 2029 A.U.S.M Standard Time and the year 481,000 in Extraterrestrial Federation time. It's been 26 years. Nearly 3 decades since the end of the human/extraterrestrial war which engulfed the entire universe into 25 years of bloody war primarily between the humans and the akraians. Trillions lost their lives and heavy losses on both sides which evidently ended with a momentous human victory. With the war over, new orders had been placed and humanity started it's golden age reigning as the universal superpower along with the Extraterrestrial Federation. With new changes in the universal orders, the old universe is gone as the two sides begins to ease their grips on some factions to be self-governing states and grant a degree of independence as new Empires and alliances are created. Some created from the ashes of once great empires that did not survive the war. Will you be the ones to control the strongest alliance or empire?

The RP itself is going to be a turn-based in building empires and role-playing your characters. Turns will be done when everyone is finished, and it will be up to you to command your government and military to upgrade and enhance your empire's capabilities. You will all start out small but grow with every move, as your empires will forge powerful alliances, fight wars, establish trade and economic ties, engage in diplomacy.

But you will also be involved in the A.U.S.M and Extraterrestrial Senates as well. Reporting on your empire's condition. Requesting for support or establishing ties with the humans and other very powerful aliens who formed the Extraterrestrial Federation. You will form trades with these two super powers of the universe, start economic and diplomatic relations with them as you try to become more independent.

There will be a point/resource based system. Empires will be given a certain amount of resources to start off and eventually later, territories will be given a certain amount of resource points that can then be spent on various things. Resources will vary from metals, crops, gases, etc... And every piece of space will have these resources and capturing them brings that part of space into your empires. But, if another nation(s) discovers it as well, it would mean that you(You all) would have to engage in diplomacy or invade to take the territory. I can't give any nation immunity as that would be unfair to the others.


Species Sheet:



Lifespan(Eternal is allowed):



Faction Sheet:



Type of Government:

Government Capitol:

Number of Colonies:(Can be an estimate, please note the more colonies you list, the higher number of planets you will have to worry about defending.):




Species Sheet:

Name: The Morrow



((In armor/life support.))

Lifespan(Eternal is allowed): 300 years

History: The Morrow are very different life form from humans. The Morrow originated on a volcano planet called Maq'zi which had temperatures, on averages, reaching 7000 degrees Fahrenheit. The Morrow do not breath oxygen, instead, the Morrow breath gaseous Tungsten. During the war, the Morrow shied away from conflict keeping from involvement whenever they could. Morrow are known to be nonaggressive and distant from those of other races. The Morrow carry a strong sense of honor which most believed originated due to the inhospitable climate.

Homeworld: Maq'zi (Mac-Zee)

Faction Sheet:

Name: Maq'ziquian

Leader: Ashtar the Bold

Type of Government: Feudalism

Government Capitol: Matthias, the second planet to the sun, similar to mercury.

Number of Colonies: 14

Morality: High

Religion: Alezatorianism


Maq'ziquian was founded when The Morrow first discovered extraterrestrial life. That life being the humans. Maq'ziquian banded together the kingdom in both the Zim and Norn systems into one kingdom. Since then Maq'ziquian has acted as a bank for other empires thanks to it's large supply of diamonds, silicon, and fossil fuels. Unfortunately, due to it's lack of structure, Maq'ziquian has difficulty maintaining a standing army and relies mainly on militias and it's own customers to do so.

Species Sheet:

Name: Kaa'dri (known as Fleshpiercers or Tyrranids by other species.)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/dinosaur.png.506ce8bccc0c73bb253ba93283a54f81.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="44225" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/dinosaur.png.506ce8bccc0c73bb253ba93283a54f81.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Lifespan(Eternal is allowed): 56 years

History: The Kaa'dri were a primitive tribal people that lived on an earth-like planet. Since there was little water, small groups would huddle around the few lakes and ponds that did exist. That all changed when an unidentified spaceship crashed on their planet. It was intact enough that one individual figured out how to fly it. Her name was Se'a Fut. When she flew the ship, the found contact with Humanity. After this, technology advanced astonishingly quickly until they were almost on par with competing civilizations

Homeworld: Bian Dekuu

An earth-like planet primarily covered in savanna and desert. All the water is in lakes and ponds around the planet. Resources include exotic animals and fur, grain and roots for food, and uranium.

Faction Sheet:

Name: Faa Kanum City-States

Leader: Se'a Fut IV (along with all the city-state leaders)

Type of Government: City-states

Government Capitol: Each city-state is it's own capitol, but the main one where they all meet is Kaa'dri Kudario Nixica (Grand City of the Kaa'dri)

Number of Colonies:(Can be an estimate, please note the more colonies you list, the higher number of planets you will have to worry about defending.): 25

Morality: Medium-low

Religion: There are 3 main ones: Kaa'dri Etiirius (Kaa'dri above all), Betufetia (They have many gods and rituals, similar to greek or egyptian mythology), and Meitor Kudario Se'a (Court of Se'a. They believe that the spaceship crashed here for a reason, and consider Se'a Fut as their version of a messiah).

History: As the many lake-tribes came into contact, they wanted to be unified, but keep their autonomy. Se'a Fut created a government where they had government power, but all city-states had to follow laws set down by the Meitor Kudario Kaa'dri (Court of the Kaa'dri). This worked, and soon all their colonies had new city-states on them. The current amount is about 73,000 city-states on 24 planets. While colonizing their system and nearby systems, they discovered Kaadrite, a mineral found only in that area. It has a blue color, with similar properties to steel. It is now one of their main exports, along with agricultural products and mercenaries. About half of the city-states allow slavery.

Oh, and they are in very remote territory belonging to neither.



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@Fishman Lord

It's still a good idea to know which territory you civilization is located. When the war ended, the AUSM and the Extraterrestrial Federation agreed to split the universe into two. One controls one half and the other controls the other half.

But both countries really have not take n the time to explore all of the universe since it was quick land grab from both sides.
Extraterrestrial federation, but still in a remote area that has not yet been explored very much.

Also, when do you plan on starting the actual roleplay?
Species Sheet:

Name: Phantoms


Lifespan(Eternal is allowed): The race as a whole has an eternal lifespan, as they do not age, being composed of pure matter.

History: The phantoms are an ancient race of aliens, their old empire spanning billions of galaxies, now they are but a shell of their former selves, only their old outworld fortresses remain on their new homeworld, on the planet of Saskar. Not much of this race is known as the generally keep to themselves, refusing contact with all other races due to their strict isolationism, until now that is.

Homeworld: Saskar, the planet of fire. The new Phantom homeworld, lying in the orbit of a blue giant, this planet shows the power of phantom terraforming technology, the planet is lush and vibrant, although converted to a more of a tropical appearance, the heavy rain and humidity helps somewhat keep the planet in check due to the planets star.

Faction Sheet:

Name: Valen Coalition

Leader: Chronos

Type of Government: Monarchy

Government Capitol: Zig'Vitol

Number of Colonies: 128 {These colonies come from star systems very close to them, due to their terraforming technology any number of planets can be colonized, so they inhabit exactly 20 star systems, each having enough planets or planetoids to hold 128 colonies

Morality: The Valen believe they should re-vitalize their old empire, by any means possible, even if the extinction of another race would prove necessary

Religion: N/A

History: The valen, formed by Chronos Vel Dotrami, was a group of phantoms seeking to colonize the galaxy known as the milky way, although their efforts were extremely successful, communication with their mother nation wasn't possible until later stages of colonization, this is when they realized of their peoples downfall, and how they would not let them die in vain.

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