Galactic Chaos [WARNING Reading all of the information Within this RP will take time Do not rush]

Name:Galactic Chaos


Style:Forum chat/Dice Roll

Storyteller:Emilly Grevania


[PLease read everything listed below, i have simpified it into step's for you so once you finish reading a section, click show spoiler to bring up the next section. Thank you for your time]

This RP, was by far, the most epic thing, that I have ever created/helped create, totaling 6 days formulating ideas, rehashing them, producing a concept, and creating an OP. That being said, this is a very canon intensive RP, and is going to have varying degrees of seriousness, and varying levels of depth.

This is also a player responsibility heavy RP, if you are not responsible enough to tell the truth about your rolls, we will boot you immediately, and possibly take away the privilege for everyone else.

You may notice mechanics mixed from different games, this is a standard procedure of mine as to create a new forum RP atmosphere, gameplay wise.

Any celebrities mentioned or referenced here are used in a fictitious manner, and such references are not to be taken seriously.

Also, I feel obliged to acknowledge that there will be mature themes in this RP, slavery, drugs, violence, sex, etcetera. If your parents moderate your internet use, The Dead Frontier Community and Myself are NOT responsible for anything you see here.

You have free reign over your story, so long as it's in keeping with the lore.

The dice roll system is very simple once you get the hang of it. Whenever you interact with your surroundings you roll (Go to and set the maximum to 20 and minimum to 1) and then post your roll at the end of your post along with any modifiers that may take effect such as perception strength etc. Then i will judge the roll and what you are trying to do along with your stat's and the stat's of your enemy and that will decide how effective you are at doing what you were trying to do.

Table Of Contents:

* In The Beginning...

* How To Read The Map: The Basics

* The Races: The Basics

* How to Read The Map: Advanced Techniques

* Currency: The Basics

* Stock Weapons And Their Manufacturers

* Your PDA and You, What Does It Do?

* Sub-Classes: Everything About Them.

* Our Testing: Your Statistics

* Stock Weapon Catalog

* The Inventory: How It Works

* The Inter-Galactic Black Market: I Don't Know Where I Got That Officer.

* Companies: The Basics

* Armour Catalog

* Gamma Quadrant Planet Encyclopedia

* Other Places Of Interest

In The Beginning...

Galaxies are formed and destroyed over the course of time, Many containing legends that are told all throughout the solar systems. Some are destroyed without a trace of their former beings shown. This is the story of our galaxy. The Melkeveien Galaxy.

Click Here For The Galaxy Map

There are 8 Dominant races throughout the galaxy. They are: The Khalans, The Findshaes, The Siwox, The Humans, The Saryuh, The "Vikings", The Dragonesques, and the Peloehi. These races are continuously fighting back and forth for control on planets they deem "Important" for whatever reason. Expansion, resources, trade routes, etc.

Along with these races, some have banded together to form special companies that are warring over the galaxy, just as much as the empires. The companies are: Pearsons' Mining Co., Kingsin Enterprises, Vernetta Enterprises, Fausto & Shonna Human Goods, and Delgato Services. These companies have various goals, and will use any means at their disposal to achieve them.

Then there's you. Among the war, the bullets, the blood shed, the slavery, above all that, you remain. Just an average ass citizen of the galaxy, what are your goals? What do you want to do? It's time for you to start your journey, the galaxy is your oyster
How To Read The Map: The Basics

This map may prove difficult for some to read, so I will explain how to use it, and how useful it can be. Your PDA carries a copy of this map, So long as you are carrying your PDA, wherever you are in the galaxy, you may refer to it at any time.

Click Here For The Galaxy Map

This is our galaxy. If you take a minute to examine it, it is on a grid. With 4 major subsections. These are quadrants. They are as follows, left to right. Gamma, Delta, Alpha, and Beta. They are separated by the red lines going across the grid.

Each quadrant represents a fourth of the galaxy. We are in the Gamma quadrant. (It's advised you download the map so zooming is a bit easier, and a luxury.) If you zoom into the Gamma quadrant, you'll notice that the grid breaks down even further. There are 10 squares across, 10 squares down. These are aptly labeled A-J. Much like the game Battleship, all you have to do to focus on one individual square, is follow it's coordinates.

Try focusing on I-B in the Gamma Quadrant, The X Axis being first, the Y Axis being second. If you did it right, you'll notice that there are two white dots, one is labeled Redslavia, and one is labeled Lauderday. These are mixed-race Independent Planet colonies, but we'll get into that later.

This map will give you an accurate representation of wherever you need to go.
The Races: The Basics

There are 8 dominant races in the galaxy, and they are all fighting for control of planets and territory. I will explain these races in detail. You can refer to this data whenever you like in your PDA.

The Khalans (Kay-lahns): The Khalans are a race of Humanoid Felines. As a tribe, they learned that many of their physical traits made them excellent warriors and hunters, quickly establishing their superiority over other tribes on their home planet. Sometimes they have been known to emit an odd smell that many other races find attractive, good for luring prey. Along the line, they made several advances in drugs, however many Khalans took advantage of these advancements, and created a large array of illegal drugs. This led to their downfall, but over time they recuperated. Eventually they were able to manage space travel. They use a paper currency on all of their planets called "Felinos (Feh-lee-nose)". They control 21 planets in the Gamma Quadrant.

The Findshaes (Fin-shays): The Findshaes started as a race of fish, and end ended up evolving into what humans call "Mermaids and Mermen". Basically Fish people. Many were raised with intellectual values, and many grew up to become tacticians and strategists, coming up with new strategies to defend their home planet. What makes them unique is that they have the ability to absorb DNA of other races and take on their physical traits. They love to adorn themselves with spectacular clothing made from their regions. Their planets are usually covered by oceans and their settlements being underwater, but they do have settlements on the surface where species that can't breath underwater can visit, and trade. They use a coin currency called "Chamorus (Sha-more-oos)". They control 10 planets in the Gamma Quadrant.

The Siwox (Si-woo): Much like "Vampires" of human mythology, these creatures are Leech-Like humanoids that can leech various cells to replace their own, through their own genetic code they can even take cells from other races, and their body modifies them to suit their needs. Most Siwox on their own planet over-agonize over nutrition and keeping nutritious foods in their diet, and exercise. They're appearance strongly resembles that of a human, with some slight differences in posture, bone structure, and clothing choices. Rumours say that the Siwox were once a dead people, but no one knows if it is true are not. They use a paper currency called "Pictas (Pick-ta-s)". They control 12 planets in the Gamma Quadrant.

The Humans (Hyoo-mun-s): The Humans have been known for intellectual advances, more noticeably, weapon technologies. many of the weapons created by human companies are still used today. Just as much intellectual, many have been known to be excellent fighters, and hunters. They started on the planet Earth, much like other planets on the galaxy, it is highly suitable for various forms of life, however Humans blossomed there first. They're widely known for establishing many of the diplomatic connections and trade routes among the galaxy. They use a paper currency called "Dollars". They control 6 planets in the Gamma Quadrant.

The Saryuh (Sa-ree-uh): A race of rodent humanoids. Their limbs have evolved over time that have many uses, including enhanced speed, enhanced strength, and very rarely (If you choose this race, there's a 1/20 chance you will get this ability.) limb regeneration. Across the galaxy they have gained a reputation for being dishonest, sometimes thieves. They're planets generally are covered in light rain forests and light deserts. They came into power mainly through trading, having many commodities on their planets that many species across the galaxy wish to have. They use a paper currency called "Meriones (Mare-ee-own-es) Singular - Merion (Merr-ee-en)". They control 3 planets in the Gamma Quadrant.

The "Vikings (Vi-keen-gs)": Surviving on a planet that has extraordinarily hot temperatures (Anywhere around 1300 Degrees Fahrenheit/ 700 Degrees Celsius) allowed the "Vikings" to increase the amount of metal in their blood stream and over time, genetically evolve to a point where they are 90 percent metal, this is supposedly how they adapted to such harsh temperatures. Because of the strong temperatures of the Vikings' home planet, Ground warfare is nearly impossible to almost all races, though they did develop ships that were able to resist the heat, in order to keep tourism up. Despite their hefty weight, they eventually evolved wings that were strong enough to carry them a good distance from their take off point, but nothing comparable to actual flight. Because of their strong similarities in appearance, social status, job, and wealth are clearly indicated by clothing. Their physical features are often debated, but what is clear is that they are extremely strong, and generally tall. (Ranging anywhere from 7 to 12 feet tall. Some people like photographs of the "Vikings'" home planet due to the odd plant life that grew there. They use a coin currency called Gold Pabs (Whether they're actually gold or not is widely debated, and kept a Viking secret.). They control 6 planets in the Gamma Quadrant.

The Dragonesques: These "beasts" have only been spotted on 2 planets in the Gamma Quadrant. They resemble dragons of Human mythology. They are semi-large, flying beasts with 2 arms, and 2 legs. (Sometimes using their arms as an additional 2 legs.) They are often hunted by experienced hunters, and sometimes sell their scales or turn them into medium armour. Their creation is a mystery, whether it was natural or not. They are the dominant species of 2 planets in the Gamma quadrant. They are known to speak telepathically with one another, and are capable of vocal speech. Most Dragonesques aren't fighting for dominance (Except for a select few), and don't seek to expand their empire. Rumor has it that they can shift their size on command through a process of shrinking their own muscles and bone structures, the smallest dragonesque ever recorded was about the size of a dog. They are known to be docile creatures unless provoked.

The Peloehini (Peh-low-hee-nee): The Peloehi are short, averaging about five feet tall. Their legs make up around 2/3 of their height, their arms aren't exactly stubby but they aren't long and slender either. Their skin can be a light shade of yellow or be a more orangey tint. They have no hair on their bodies as they are cold blooded creatures. Their heads are elongated, Slightly to the back but mostly to the front and sweeping down, the bottoms of their chins are level with their collar bones. They have four jet black eyes, two around the center of their face and another two around the same height but further back on their heads. Their noses are merely small holes covered with flaps of skin a couple centimeters below their eyes. Their ears are small tubes which extend from their neck but are concealed and protected by their extended chin. Their main weak point lies in their general frailness. Their bones are weaker than the average human, their muscles are weaker than the average human, and a lack of predators in their early years of development have caused them to evolve into generally weak and docile beings. The Peloehi reproduce through egg clutches which usually number around thirty eggs. They use a paper currency called Likins (Lee-keen-s). They control 22 planets in the Gamma quadrant.

These are the 6 races fighting for dominance for their empire. Once again, you can review all of this information in your PDA.
How To Read The Map: Advanced Techniques

Hopefully you've been browsing your map a bit more and getting the hang of navigating it successfully. Hopefully you've been noticing the colour coding I've been doing for the majority of this training. You might've noticed the same colours on the galaxy map.

This is an advanced feature programmed into your PDA map showing who primarily dominates and owns a planet. For example. Examine A-G, B-G, and C-G. Notice the pink dots? Those are Khalan dominated planets. Your PDA will, on a weekly basis, update the galaxy map with new information regarding who dominates what planet.

Take a look at I-B. You'll notice that there are white dots. These white dots indicate planets that either have Mixed Races, is an independent planet (Not a part of a race's empire), a disputed planet (A war/battle is going on over a planet.), or is unsettled. Your PDA has a built in Colour Code which you can view at any time. It reads as follows:

White = Mixed Race (Neutral) / Disputed Planet / Independent Empire / Unsettled. (50 Planets fall under this category.)

Pink = Khalan Dominated Planet. (They Control 21 Planets)

Blue = Findshae Dominated Planet. (They Control 10 Planets)

Green = Siwox Dominated Planet. (They Control 12 Planets)

Cyan = Human Dominated Planet. (They Control 6 Planets)

Red = Saryuh Dominated Planet. (They Control 3 Planets)

Yellow = Viking Dominated Planet. (They Control 6 Planets)

Brown = Dragonesque Dominated Planet. (They Control 2 Planets)

Translucent White (Clear-ish) = Peloehi Dominated Planet. (They Control 22 Planets)

Hopefully these colour codes will help you when you need to read the map.

Currency: The Basics

Currency is used throughout the entire galaxy to purchase weapons, armours, ammunition, items, ships, real estate, stocks, or anything else with a price tag. Currency can also be used to bribe people, in certain cases. There is a galactic currency that is accepted everywhere, on every planet, and market.

Those are a paper currency called "Galactic Trader Credits" or "Galactic Credits" or "GCR" for short. Every empire has its own unique currency that can be used there. Every planet, and certain rest stops have exchange booths where you may exchange one planet's currency for Galactic Credits or vice versa. After that, you may exchange your Galactic Credits for another planet's currency.

In Text Form:

Khalan Currency = Felinos (Used on Khalan Planets.) Exchanged at .5 Felinos = 1 Galactic Trader Credit

Findshae Currency = Chamorus (Used on Findshae Planets) Exchanged at 1.75 Chamorus = 1 Galactic Trader Credit.

Siwox Currency = Pictas (Used on Siwox Planets) Exchanged at 1.65 = 1 Galactic Trader Credit

Human Currency = Dollars (Used on Human Planets) Exchanged at 1.90 Dollars = 1 Galactic Trader Credit

Saryuh Currency = Meriones (Used on Saryuh Planets) Exchanged at 3 Meriones = 1 Galactic Trader Credit

Viking Currency = Gold Pabs (Used on Viking Planets) Exchanged at 1.65 Gold Pabs = 1 Galactic Trader Credit

Peloehi Currency = Likins (Used on Peoloehi Planets) Exchanged at .45 Likins = 1 Galactic Trader Credit

You can review this data at any time by checking your PDA.
Stock Weapons And Their Manufacturers

Throughout the galaxy, there are legitimate weapon suppliers that supply armies and more importantly, the general public, including you. You can generally find at least one of their stores on every planet, as well as independent stores that sell their weapons. Here is the list of the major weapon manufacturers, and what weapons they sell.

* Eagle Accuracy & Co., (Assault Rifles, Sniper Rifles, Handguns, Weapon Attachments)

* Stinger & Sons' Knives & Accessories, (Melee weapons, throwables, accessories.)

* N & K Explosives, (Explosive weaponry, Explosive Throwables, explosive components.)

* Vakairniain Close Combat Weapons and Supplies, (SMGs, Pistols, Melee, Weapon Attachments.)

* ArmaLight Silenced Weaponry. (Silenced SMGs, Silenced Rifles, Silenced Handguns, Melee.)

* Asheni Manufacturers and Co. (Experimental Weaponry, Alien Weaponry, Laser weaponry, Plasma Weaponry.)

Weapons for sub-classes, or more "Exotic" weapons could most likely be found on the Galactic Black Market, but that will be covered in another lesson.

There is also the "Weapon Encyclopedia", a new feature that will update whenever a player finds/sees/purchases a new weapon. It will be much like the stock weapon catalog, but with weapons that are not stock.

You can review all of this information on your PDA.
Your PDA And You: What Does It Do?


In these lessons, I have been mentioning your PDA, or your Personal Data Assistant. Just about everybody except for those on extremely rural planets own one, including yourself. If you lose it, you can easily purchase a new one for 150 GCR at a local store, and sync up your data. It serves a multitude of functions as well.

The First, and probably most important function is the email cue. Anywhere in the galaxy you can receive email from anyone. You may check it at any time you like, and respond at any time you like. Of course if you check it in the midst of battle, you're probably fucked, so don't do that.

The second function is reviewing any data that might have been acquired on a place, person, job, company, empire, planet, etc. . It is archived by time. This information could be a password required to hack a computer, to a meeting location, to a map of a certain location, to information regarding a person, their medical records, the list goes on and on.

The third function is reviewing the galaxy map. Not only does this show locations of all major planets, but it also shows who controls them since your last weekly update.

The fourth and final function is reviewing your current inventory. Your current inventory shows everything that you own on your person currently. Details about the inventory will be discussed at a later date.

All of this information may be reviewed in your PDA.
Our Testing: Your Statistics

Everyone is tested on a variety of planes in school when they are young children. The main things that are tested are: Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, and Agility. (Luck cannot be tested, however it will be on your Character sheet.)

Strength modifies how much damage you do in hand to hand combat, melee combat, and how much you can carry at one time. It can also be used in combination with Charisma to intimidate people out of combat. There may be instances where weapons have a minimum strength requirement to use them.

Perception modifies how well your search or spot rolls go, as well as in-combat accuracy with ranged weapons, throwable weapons, etc. Generally it is used to pick out details that normally others wouldn't see.

Endurance modifies how much punishment you can take until you go down. It also modifies how far you can run/sprint in a set time. Just as well, it modifies your resistance to poison.

Charisma modifies any, you guessed it, charismatic tasks you may have with any NPCs. This may range from getting a bribe to work, to getting some information. (Any charismatic [excluding intimidation] action performed on a PC, it is up to the PC in question regarding its success.) It may also modify how well you can haggle.

Intelligence modifies your overall knowledge of customs, sciences, maths, histories, etc in the galaxy. Intelligence is often used to solve puzzles, hack computers, repair objects, speak different languages, etcetera. Intelligence may sometimes be coupled with Charisma when talking to science-ey folk. There may be times where weapons require a minimum intelligence to use.

Agility modifies how fast your reactions and overall movements are. This will also affect your overall dexterity as to how well you sneak, how fast you draw your gun, how fast you reload, etc.

Finally, Luck is used generally when you find loot to determine how much loot there is, or if you feel that you failed the task, you can ask for a luck roll to hopefully pass the task "Luckily". However, there is a risk/reward system that goes with this. If you decide to do a luck roll, and fail even worse then your original roll, then you will fail the task worse. Sometimes resulting in more loss then gain.

You can review this information at any time using your PDA.
Stock Weapons Catalog


ACR 5.56x45mm, 30 Round Magazine, 800 Rounds/minute (Assault Rifle/Silenced Assualt Rifle) 400 Galactic Credits (Silenced Variant = 525 Galactic Credits) 8 Space Index. Base Range of 300 Metres.


AKS74U 5.45x39mm, 30 Round Magazine, 650 Rounds/minute (SMG/Silenced SMG) 300 Galactic Credits (Silenced Variant = 350 Galactic Credits) 6 Space Index. Base Range of 200 Metres


F2000 5.56x45mm, 10 or 30 round magazine 850 rounds/minute (Assault Rifle/Silenced Assault Rifle) 275, 425 Galactic Credits (Respectively, Magazine Size) 6 Space Index. Base Range of 500 Metres.


G36 5.56x45mm, 30 or 100* round magazine, 750 rounds/minute (Assault Rifle/Heavy Machine Gun (*Only if C-Mag Drum Mag Is Installed) 350 Galactic Credits (C-Drum Mag = 750 Galactic Credits) 8 Space Index. Base Range of 800 Metres.


M14 7.62x51mm, 20 Round Magazine, 750 rounds/minute (Sniper Rifle) 400 Galactic Credits 9 Space Index. Base Range of 460 Metres.


MP5A3 9x19mm, 15 or 30 or 32 round magazine, 800 rounds/minute (SMG) 250, 400, 450 Galactic Credits (Respectively, Magazine Size) 4 Space index. Base Range of 200 Metres


MP5SD3 9x19mm, 15 or 30 or 32 round magazine, 700 rounds/minute (Silenced SMG) 250, 500, 525 Galactic Credits (Respectively, Magazine Size) 5 Space Index. Base Range of 200 Metres


Glock 17 9x19mm, 17 round magazine, Semi-Automatic Rate of Fire. (Pistol/Silenced Pistol) 225 Galactic Credits (Silenced Variant = 275 Galactic Credits) 2 Space Index (3 If Silenced) Base Range of 50 Metres.


Beretta M9 9x19mm, 15 round magazine, Semi-Automatic Rate of Fire, (Pistol/Silenced Pistol) 225 Galactic Credits (Silenced Variant = 275 Galactic Credits) 2 Space Index (3 If Silenced). Base Range of 50 metres.


Five-Seven 5.7x28mm, 10 or 20 or 30 round magazine, Semi-Automatic Rate of Fire, (Pistol) 175 , 250 , 325 Galactic Credits (Respectively, Magazine Size) 2 Space Index. Base Range of 50 Metres.


HK MK23 .45 ACP, 10 or 12 round magazine, Semi-Automatic Rate of Fire, (Pistol/Silenced Pistol) 175, 200 Galactic Credits (Silenced Variant = 225, 250 Galactic Credits) (Respectively, Magazine Size) 2 Space Index (3 If Silenced). Base Range of 25 Metres.


Franchi Spas-12 12 gauge, 8 round "Magazine", 4 rounds/second (Shotgun) 350 Galactic Credits 8 Space Index. Base Range of 40 Metres.


Benelli M4 12 gauge, 6 round "Magazine" 5 rounds/second (Shotgun) 400 Galactic Credits 6 Space index. Base Range of 40 Metres.


Mossberg 590 12 gauge, 5 round "Magazine", 1 rounds/second (Shotgun) 175 Galactic Credits 8 Space index. Base Range of 40 Metres.


FN P90 5.7x28mm, 50 round magazine, 900 rounds/minute (SMG/Silenced SMG) 500 Galactic Credits (Silenced Variant = 650 Galactic Credits) 4 Space index (5 if silenced). Base Range of 200 metres.


WA2000 7.56x51mm NATO, 6 round magazine, Semi Automatic Rate of Fire (Sniper Rifle/Silenced Sniper Rifle) 425 Galactic Credits (Silenced Variant = 500 Galactic Credits) 9 Space Index. Base Range of 1000 Metres.


M24 7.62x51mm NATO, 5 or 10 round magazine, 20 Rounds/minute (Sniper Rifle/Silenced Sniper Rifle) 250, 325 Galactic Credits (Silenced Variant = 300, 375 Galactic Credits) (Respectively, Magazine size.) 9 Space Index. Base Range of 800 Metres

Stock Melee Weapons:


Double edged Dagger: (75 Galactic Credits) (Melee) (1 Space Index)

Blade length: 6.220”/158mm

Overall length: 11.380”/289mm

Blade Materiel: Steel

Edge Type: Plain straight edge

Kukri: (150 Galactic Credits) (Melee) (2 Space Index)

Overall Length: 18 inches

Blade Materiel: Damascus Steel

Edge type: Plain or serratted

Machete: (175 Galactic Credits) (Melee) (3 Space Index)

Overall Length: 21 inches

Blade Materiel: Steel (Stained black)

Edge Type: Plain edge or with partailly serrated


Heli Throwing Knives: (75 Galactic Credits) (For a pack of 3) (Throwable) (1 Space Index each)

Overall Length: 11.5 inches

Blade Materiel: Steel

Edge Type: Double Edged

Base Range of: 20 Metres.

Note: This is by no means a complete weapon catalog, there are plenty of unique weapons used by various races and army's that aren't listed here, this is simply a stock list.


30 Rounds of 9x19mm: 55 GCR

30 Rounds of 5.7x28mm: 35 GCR

30 rounds of .45 ACP: 75 GCR

30 rounds of 7.62x51mm: 100 GCR

30 rounds of 7.56x51mm: 95 GCR

30 rounds of 12 gauge: 125 GCR

30 rounds of 5.56x45mm: 100 GCR

30 rounds of 5.45x39mm: 75 GCR

30 rounds of 30-06: 75 GCR

Magazine: Pistol (Any kind) 35 GCR (1 Space Index)

Magazine: SMG (Any kind) 50 GCR (1 Space Index)

Magazine: Assault Rifle (Any Kind) 75 GCR (1 Space Index)

Magazine: Sniper Rifle (Any Kind) 75 GCR (1 Space Index)


Standard Backpack: +5 Space Index (55 GCR)

Cargo Backpack: +10 Space Index (125 GCR)

Satchel: +3 Space Index (75 GCR)

A./S. Rifle/Shotgun/SMG Sling: Removes all of Assault Rifle/Sniper Rifle/Shotgun/SMG Space Index. You can only have 1 of these slings at once. (250 Galactic Credits)

Pistol Holster: Completely removes Space Index for pistols. You may have only 2 of these at once. (125 Galactic Credits)

Knife Holster: Completely removes Space Index for Double Edged knife. You may have only 2 of these at once. (75 Galactic Credits)

Machete/Kukri Holster: Completely removes Space Index for Machete/Kukuri. You may have only 1 of these at once. (125 Galactic Credits)

You may review this information at any time on your PDA.
The Inventory: How It Works

During your travels, you may find objects or purchase objects throughout the galaxy. Your Strength determines how much you can carry in your inventory at any given time, however, you must also have the appropriate space.

Let's say Joe Average Mercenary has a Strength of 5, as measured by our tests. His carry weight model will look something like this: 150 + (Strength x 10) = Total Carry Weight. So, substitute strength with 5, 150 + 50 = 200. He'll be able to carry about 200 pounds without collapsing from exhaustion.

Now, Items have both a weight index, and a "Space Index" the space index is how much space one item takes up in your pack/bag/etcetera. All characters, without any packs of any sort, have a space index of 2.

Let's take Joe Average again. Let's say he's going on a mission, and he has a cargo backpack to take with him. Now, he wants to take his G36 Automatic rifle, which weighs 8 pounds, and takes up 6 space indexes. Because Joe has a pack with a space index of 10, he can carry it. Now let's say he wants to bring along his machete, and his Glock 17. While those weigh very little (1.5 lbs, ~ 2lbs, respectively.) they have a combined space index of 5. Which exceeds Joe's index of 10.

Modifications to Joe's weapons like retractable stocks, slings, holsters, lightening, etc. Can make the space index and the weight index both go down, so Joe can carry more. Alternatively, he can purchase more items, such as satchels, and bigger packs to increase his total space index. Joe however can ONLY hold one "Backpack".

You can review this information any time using the PDA.
The Inter-Galactic Black Market: I Don't Know Where I Got That Officer.

The Inter-Galactic Black Market (Or IG-BM for short.) is a wide spectrum of connections and trades that specify in illegal dealings for cargo such as people, EXTREMELY powerful weapons, drugs, and other various goods that are illicit on some planets, and not others. Many people do business with the IG-BM, and many people ARE the IG-BM. However there are some that really shine.

The first one worth mentioning is Vernetta Industries. In the public's eyes, they manufacture space-ship parts and sell those. But behind closed doors, they hire mercenaries and other people to rob, kill, and steal shipments from various other people, be it another company, a law enforcement agency, or a roaming trader. They are in The Top 10 Vendors' list of the IG-BM, who to this day to supply the galaxy with things they really shouldn't have.

The second one is Fausto & Shonna (F&S) Human Goods. While they don't have a front company, they are more discreet in their dealings. They specializing in kidnapping just about any race for whatever desire, as long as the pay is good, they do it. They've kidnapped races across the galaxy for sex slaves, science experiments, or simply normal slaves that do whatever they are told.

It is unknown where you can meet Intergalactic Black Market vendors. you may just have to wise up to them before they sell you anything. If you ever do meet any of them, and purchase something from them, it would be a good idea not to wave around whatever you purchased in public.

You review this information at any time in your PDA.
Companies: The Basics

These are the companies and their basic descriptions, and what type of jobs they may assign mercenaries.

Pearsons' Mining Co.: A success story that most miners in the galaxy dream of, Ronald J. Pearson and his son David, had started with one miner ship. Eventually, hard work and dedication paid off for the father and son, becoming one of the largest mining companies in the western quadrant. Today, they own a fleet of over 6,500 ships, and mine different materials across various sectors across the galaxy. This company hires the mercs for escorting miners, eliminate competition, or explore mines and planets to ensure their safety.

Kingsin Enterprises: A company with a shady background, they deal in planetary real estate, sometimes for various nations, or intergalatic investment groups. They often hire mercenaries to eliminate competition, seize new land, or create maps of already owned, but unexplored land.

Vernetta Industries: To the public, they manufacture space ship parts and maintain the space stations that are already up. Very few know about their actual business. They play a large part in the galactic black market trade, in the top 10 black market suppliers in the Gamma and Alpha quadrant. They hire mercs to hijack or intercept certain shipments and other space stations of various goods including drugs, weapons, and other illicit items.

F & S (Fausto & Shonna) Human Goods: Only known to the shadier dealers on the galactic black market, this company often enslaves tribals from undeveloped planets and prisoners of war and sells them to "Masters" who need their service. Sometimes they sell for various other reasons, including science experiments, sexual slaves, and others. This company hires mercenaries to enslave the said tribals, and take prisoners, then escort them to a holding facility where they wait transport to a buyer. Other times they'll have the mercs escort a "Shipment" of human cargo to a buyer, and make sure they aren't attacked on the way until they reach the buyer.

Delgato Services: An Assassination firm used by some governments, they employ teams of specialized operations units to get at protected targets. Publicly they are not for hire in the civilian market, but work for the highest paying authority. However private firms exist under other names, usually establishing their presence in newly explored space because of the absence of law enforcement agencies. They are operating under Narrada Incorporated in sector B-I.

You can review all of this information in your PDA.
Armour Catalog

The following is a list and descriptions of the stock armours available for purchase throughout the galaxy.


Kevlar Vest, Cheap, Stops bullets for a short while, low maintenance. (Light) 200 Galactic Credits

Kevlar Pads, Same as kevlar vest, except cover more parts of the body, coupled with the kevlar vest would make for decent Light Armour. (Light) 150 Galactic Credits

Asteikko Vest, A skin tight vest made out of sythetic materials, a bit like latex in appearance, capable of slowing down low caliber bullets and protecting the user from melee weapons to some extent while offering them the highest freedom of movement possible. (Light) 250 Galactic Credits

Muovi Vest, The strongest of the light armour series, at the cost of slower movement compared to its predecessors, it is capable of deflecting the sharpest blade. However, when it comes to bullets, only low caliber bullets are stopped. High caliber bullets on the other hand, tend to shatter the armour a bit. (Light) 300 Galactic Credits

Full Body Muovi Armour, Same as the vest, except covers the entire body. (Light) 500 Galactic Credits

Full Body Asteikko Suit: This version of the Asteikko armor offers full body protection at a higher cost. (Light) 400 Galactic Credits


Reinforced Leather, vest. This leather has been reinforced with aluminum - Iron plating, Granting the wearer higher protection but reducing their mobility. from things such as low--medium caliber bullets, and melee attacks. (Medium) 350 Galactic Credits

Reinforced Leather, Body Suit, same as the vest except for your entire body. (Medium) 550 Galactic Credits

Dragonesque Scale, Vest, Dragonesque scales have been known to be very effective in protecting against melee attacks, and even deflecting most low caliber, and some medium caliber, and even stopping some high caliber bullets. However, they have also been known to be heavier then other forms of armour. (Medium) 425 Galactic Credits (Requires a strength of 6 to wear)

Dragonesque Scale, Body Suit, Same as the vest, except for your entire body. (Medium) 575 Galactic Credits (Requires a strength of 6 to wear)

Rudis Vest: Rudis is an Aluminum - Iron alloy, This vest is a series of exposed metal plates connected with short leather straps. This is the heaviest of all Medium armor. But it also provides the most protection, known to stop almost all melee attacks, almost all low caliber and medium caliber bullets, and a wide variety of high caliber bullets. (Medium) 500 Galactic Credits. (Requires a strength of 6 to wear)

Rudis Body Suit, same as a Rudis vest, except covers the entire body. (Medium) 650 Galactic Credits (Requires a strength of 6 to wear)


Aegis Vest: An almost one piece Titanium - Iron Vest, basically turning you into a walking tank in strength and movement. Capable of blocking any direct melee attack and anything less than specialized armor piercing ammunition. The best way to kill people wearing these bad boys is to aim for the legs, arms, or the head. (Heavy) 750 Galactic Credits (Requires a strength of 7 to wear)

Aegis Vest (Shield Generator): Extremely expensive, the Aegis Vest Shield System generates an electromagnetic field around the user, the field can vaporize small rounds and deflect larger bullets. The system will quickly run out of energy when it sustains multiple hits, when this happens a new energy pack needs to be supplied by a Support unit. (Shield Generator) 3,000 Galactic Credits (Power cells = 100 Galactic Credits a piece)

Aegis Full Body Suit: Same as the Aegis vest, except with full body coverage. All heavy armor Full body suits are equipped with helmets. (Heavy) 1,250 Galactic Credits (Requires a strength of 7 to wear)

Aegis Full Body Suit (Shield Generator): The same as the Aegis Vest Shield Generator, except larger, and much more expensive. This also covers all parts of the body that aren't covered by the vest. (Shield Generator) 4,250 Galactic Credits (Power Cells = 100 Galactic Credits a piece)

Same as the weapon catalogue, these are simply stock armours, and more unique armour may possibly be found out in the Galaxy.

You can review all of this information in your PDA.
Gamma Quadrant Planet Encyclopedia

You can find all planets in the Gamma Quadrant and their X-Y axis location on the map here.

F-B: Belschaft

H-B: Thelxinoe

I-B: Redslavia, Lauderday

J-B: Kereth

E-C: Sertain Occupation

G-C: Katara, Ephesus

H-C: Sagitarr

I-C: Resthia, Terra Nova

J-C: Balador, Melator

D-D: Kaderbian Coalition

E-D: Ragedorge, Koid Quartus

F-D: Rhydin

G-D: Athens, Kimagica

H-D: Jelbalia, Taurus

J-D: Odysseus Corridor, Attica, Lacedaemonia

C-E: Caan-Wa

D-E: Neumann, Raetha

E-E: Liberty-Orip, Ithica, Liberty Coalition

F-E: Tarsonis

H-E: Alpha-Post, Gamma-Post, Ke-Pakistu, New Babylon, Delta Post, Beta Post

I-E: Curridabat

J-E: Muuniick, Distrata

B-F: Daistalia

C-F: Wein Pfain, Tarantis

D-F: Terran

E-F: Koprulu

F-F: Auir, Elgos, Coruscant

H-F: Kashyyyk

I-F: Isaak, Aldaris Prime

J-F: Kelvoth, New Eve, Libot

A-G: Iriquos Omega, Klendathu, Rex Rgis Tractus, Csilla, Cholera, Kamikaze

B-G: Ozymos, Tanith, Ultramar

C-G: Cypra Mundii, Bladen, Saviour, Wulfheim

D-G: Ghargant

E-G: Orion's Star, Nimitz, Rommel

G-G: Mendolos, Tyrrin, Olympus, Indecios, Kalandra,

H-G: Destiny, Relto, Kalandra, Tren'Lar, Ungo, Laurentum

I-G: Loum

J-G: Riah

B-H: Jago, Eilikon, Trago, Solaris

D-H: Tigeria Beta

E-H: Arania, Tigeria Prime

G-H: Harvon Outpost, Arrakis, Belandon,

H-H: Buany-Cetr Secundus, Zeppa

I-H: Mycenae, Tannishar

C-I: Jokudan

D-I: Vreyada, Macedonika, Novacron

E-I: Tarsael, Epsona, Nova Mancunia, Vradas

F-I: Arcturus, Morian, Dante Peak

G-I: Nova, Forest

I-I: Arivia, Salucamii,

J-I: Mak'line, Mhan

B-J: "Home"

C-J: Miranda

D-J: Trade Order Systems, Mayana

E-J: Khassar-Ro

F-J: Antares, Arcos, Hobbes, Ambrosia

G-J: Lawrencia, NG-9982,

I-J: Serenity, Bess, Keflek, Raysia,

J-J: Ka'lesh

You can review this information any time on your PDA

Beta Quadrant Planet Encyclopedia

You can find all planets in the Gamma Quadrant and their X-Y axis location on the map here. (Courtesy of Lilly, Give her a thanks.)

* K-L 'Qura

* K-M Threshold, Infinitus Tractus Cluster

* K-N Neshan, Manferodas, Atlantis

* K-O The Cluster Zalas

* K-P Sistan, Dharmasastra, Semnan, Porusca

* K-Q Kalasparadio, Kerman

* L-K Mechis Foundries

* L-L Justorica

* L-M Hydra Minor

* L-N Principlaity

* L-O Radofe Phorcys

* L-P Krylad, Vlashada, Chou Enlai

* L-Q Earth SSR, MiltonKeynes

* L-R Kandra, Kobol

* L-S Twelve Colonies

* M-K Lemal

* M-L Teknocore

* M-M Vanguard

* M-N Angevos Buckingshire

* M-Q New Caprica

* M-R Niflhiem

* M-S Aethiris

* N-K Omicron Gamma, Outpost, Nitom, Costnel, Shermerek, * Newgrounds.

* N-M Experus Terminus, Solidarity

* N-N Zarrif

* N-O Koryt

* N-P Daemocles

* N-Q Tartarus, Atlantia, Daemonicai Prime, Omicron Theta.

* N-S Gurumu, Wper, Owaya

* O-K Nebuchadnezzar

* O-L Akseira Sector

* O-M Aikwoa Decimus

* O-N Newholm

* O-O Kalanius, Bretonia, Refara, Korana, Terra Romanum, Loriiea

* O-P Sentinel, Serenity Beta

* O-Q Umbra

* P-K Algol, Kraach

* P-L Verlorenen, Hrau Haven.

* P-N Northern Clusterm Qelthis, Taross, North Mack

* P-P Funk4ever, Proxima

* Q-K Phenia, Danorine

* Q-L The Morghoul Vail, Ithil, Gothica, Jericho.

* Q-M Drekamyitha.

* Q-N Nova Kretani

* Q-P New Ordonia

* R-K Brinaira

* R-M Novar, Oceania.

* R-N Atlantis Prime, New Bastion

* S-K Terretheun Rillia, Marggia

* S-L Gazsonika

* S-M Kromulus

You can review this information any time on your PDA
Other Places of Interest

While i'm sure you all are busy people, you do not have to stay in one spot all the time.

You can travel anywhere in the gamma quadrant, any further then that, and you'll have to deal with the border patrol. Typical places of interest are homeworlds, tourist traps, merchant stations, disputed planets, and unsettled planets.

People go to homeworlds for the nostalgia, and feeling of being home once again.

They go to tourist traps to relax, and spend some of those hard earned galactic credits.

Some go to merchant stations to dine, have a drink, shop for new items, weapons, and more.

And finally, you can go to disputed planets simply to sign up for one army, and kill soldiers of another army simply for the hell of it. (Doing this is like training, you gain XP for doing it.)

The only downside is that you have to pay your travel and lodging fees.

Of course, you are not limited to just what is listed here, you can go anywhere you like in the Gamma Quadrant, and explore.

You can review all of this information in your PDA.
OOC Section

So, you've made it this far. Congratulations. Not many people have an attention span for that. So, I just need to say a few more things about rules, and dice roll, and things of that nature. So, without further adieu, let's get on that.

Table Of Contents:

* Rules

* Rolling For Actions

* Rules

* Armour, And: What if You Get Hit?

* Other Rolls

* Leveling Up

* Character Application

* Dead Fucker File

* Weapon Encyclopedia

* Creature Encyclopedia

* Change Log

* Accepted Applications


1. There will be NO GODMODDING of any kind in this RP. First time you're caught, warning. Second time, Character deletion. 3rd time permanent boot from the RP.

2. Nearly all actions are to be attempted, not performed immediately.

3. Grammar and spelling are very important to me, and are quite a boner kill in the RP. That being said, if you don't adhere to a semi-strict grammar policy, I will warn you the first time, then temporarily boot you from the RP the second time.

4. If there is an OOC argument, post about it on the OOC thread, and the GMs will get on it immediately.

5. Keep OOC lines in the In-Character thread limited to 1-2 lines. If you have a question, ask in the OOC thread. We monitor both threads equally.

6. Super awesome god characters are not allowed. Despite these species having various bonuses, they also have their drawbacks, and you should be sure to acknowledged these in your application.

7. If you plan on trying to control the environment, keep with the lore, and keep it believable. If you do not follow the lore/keep it believable, you will be revoked of this privilege, if you violate this rule again after the fact, you will be booted, then banned from the RP.

8. Never assume you know what any of the GMs will say. Wait for confirmation.

9. When performing a roll, make sure you make it clear as to what modifiers are on your final result as to prevent confusion.

10. This is not a "Jump in at any time you like." RP. An application must be submitted, then reviewed before you may post in the IC thread.

11. The GMs have the right to deny any application they see fit, if you complain, that's your own problem.

12. Do NOT lie about any of your rolls. If we find out you do, we will immediately permanently ban you from the RP.

14. Players MUST keep track of their inventory, it is not the GMs' responsibility to do so, and if you forget about it, you WILL NOT get it back, and you will go back to your original setup in your application.

15. If you feel as if your post has been missed or ignored, please quote it IC and bring it up in the OOC. Posts that have not been quoted will more than likely be missed or purposely ignored for the sake of enforcing this rule, this is to make sorting through posts easier for GMs. We've got a lot of shit to do you know.

16. Changing or making up things about your character's life that were not present on the bio is strictly prohibited. I.E. Trying to say what your brother's status is in the galaxy, even though you never mentioned it in your Bio.

17. Arguing with the GMs, while it may be allowed, will get you no where. The GMs have the final say on everything, unless substantially proven otherwise.

18. You will follow all of these rules, or else you will suffer disqualification from the RP.

19. Sex is taboo. If it gets to the point where you are RPing EVERYTHING take it to a PM, we don't need to read it publicly. Assume the point to start PMing is when the pants come off.

20. If you agree to these rules, write "I agree to the rules" at the end of your application. By agreeing to the rules, you agree that if you disobey the rules, your character is subject to deletion, and you're subject to being banned from the RP.
Rolling For Actions

Certain actions must be attempted and rolled for. This is to prevent godmodding, and allow more flexibility for cooler characters. This is how rolling works. You are going to use to spin a number, 1-20. And your success/failure will vary based on these different numbers. Once you finish telling a GM your final number after a roll, and anything else, we will decide based on the situation whether you succeeded or not.

Certain actions might be more difficult, or easier then others. And the number needed might be higher, or lower. These tasks can vary.

It's advisable to write this down on a word document, and call that your "PDA" where you can review all of this stuff.
Armour, And: What If You Get Hit?

Armour is fairly simple. Different Armours stop different percentages of damage roughly, should you get hit.

Kevlar: 15% of bullet damage. 0% of melee damage.

Asteikko: 25% of Bullet damage. 10% of melee damage.

Muovi: 40% of Bullet damage. 20% of Melee Damage

Reinforced Leather: 30% of Bullet damage. 30% of Melee Damage.

Dragonesque Scale: 50% of Bullet damage. 45% of Melee Damage.

Rudis: 65% of Bullet damage. 55% of Melee Damage.

Aegis: 85% of Bullet Damage. 80% of Melee Damage.

If you are attacked, the NPC will have a base accuracy. You will roll a D20 + Agility for a final number. If this number is above their total accuracy, then they will miss. If it is lower, they will hit you. If they hit a body part covered in armour, that damage is absorbed. If not, then normal damage is dealt.
Other Rolls

Most other rolls will depend on what type of skill you are attempting to do. For example, Charismatic tasks would be a D20 + Charisma. Or Trying to speak another language, D20 + Intelligence, Sneaking D20 + Agility. Etc, etc. If you are unsure what statistic a skill uses, ask in the chat room, or on the OOC thread.
Leveling Up

Every time you take on a mission, job, or just continuously interct with people and things in the galaxy, and you stick it through to the end (Regardless of whether or not you succeeded or failed.) the GMs keep track of it (It's reccomended you keep a log of what you've done, just in case.). Depending on your current level, you have to do a certain amount of things to level up. Of course, if it turns out to be bigger then first thought, whether planned or not, you will receive bonus progress towards your next level.

Of course this is a two way street. Jobs that are insanely easy yield half progress, or possibly only a quarter progress.

Now, I know you're very curious. "What do we get when we level up?!". Good question. Every time you level up, you will be contacted via PM, and rewarded a certain amount of Perk Points or PP. In this PM, you will be rewarded your Perk Points, as well as getting a list of Perks to choose from. Of course, there are certain requirements before you can take on a perk. Here they are.

A: You must have enough Perk Points to purchase the perk.

B: You must be the sufficient level to purchase the perk. (I.E. You can't purchase a level 4 perk when you're level two.)

C: If you are taking a Class Perk, you must be the correct class to take it. (I.E. You will not be able to take an assault perk as a rogue.) Because of this, you will not be able to see different class perks.

Note: You might ask why we'd show you a perk you can't buy, and it's because we want to show you what's to come so you can plan your Perk Point spending wisely.

As long as these three parameters are fulfilled, you can take on the perk. Perks' effects can range very far, such as giving bonuses to your rolls, or getting discounts in stores.

Along with General Perks (Which can be taken by anybody.), there are also Class Perks, and Sub-Class perks. Class Perks are pretty straight forward, they specifically target what your class does, and their effects enhance what it does, again the effects can vary.

Sub-Class Perks, on the other hand, focus SPECIFICALLY on what your sub-class does, and enhances it. They can be taken by any Sub-Class as long as they are the same Normal Class. (I.E. A Smuggler can take an Assassin's perk since they are both Rogues.) Obviously, you won't be able to pick sub-class perks until you pick a sub-class at level 5.

Better perks cost more points, so keep that in mind. On a mission, there might be secondary objectives. If you fulfill these objectives (AND you succeed the mission.), you will receive bonus perk points at the end of the mission.
Character Application

And finally! The revered application!

Moral Alignment:

Name: (Your Character's Name.)

Age: (Your character's age, nothing lower then 18 if you please.)

Gender: (Male, or Female? Red Pill, or Blue Pill?)

Total Galactic Trader Credits: (How much money do you have? This will primarily be based on your character's occupation, and keep it realistic.)

Race: (Pick a race.)

Appearance: (What does your character look like? Must look like, or a variation of the physical description of the race. I.E. Humans look like humans.)

Bio: (What was your character's life like? Minimum 3-4 paragraphs.)

Character's Occupation: (Think outside of the box. You don't have to be a bandit/outlaw/hitman/cop. You can be whatever it is you want your character to be, and try to keep with the lore.)

What made your character want to seek adventure?: (Why?)

Statistics: 5 Free Points (You may take points from one category and assign them to another if you wish, we will check your math, and if it doesn't add up, we will point out the error, and the application will be automatically denied until you fix it.)

Strength: < 5 >

Perception: < 5 >

Endurance: < 5 >

Charisma: < 5 >

Intelligence: < 5 >

Agility: < 5 >

Luck: < 5 >
The Wolf stands in awe. Speechless. The quality of your post surpasses even my own tendencies towards organization, definitions and general perfectionism.

I can't even comprehend the complexion of this... You call this an RPG? This is a goddamn world in its own right, girl! O.o
[QUOTE="Emilly Grevania]Really O_O . . . OMG thank You! :P (yes i just licked you, but it's okay cause i'm a girl)


My mind has been blown, both by her and this RP...
Thank you both. That s what i was striving for really. I wanted to create an open worl, or Universe if you want to be more specific, in which, you don't have to be bound by the morale codes or graphical bonds of a genre. Within the walls of this RP someone can Create there own virtua RP. Meaning while some of us could be fighting in a galactic war between multiple races or factions, another few could be surviving a Xenomorph infested ship and awaiting rescue. And vise versa. it is it's own universe with a trandestent culture that would allow for maximum possibilities, and you don't even have to be a fighter, you could be a galactic merchant working yoru way up to create you own trader fleet. It was meant to be an RP where you would never have to interact with any other RP'r and at the same time could interact with anyone. :P My mind was on overdrive the last few day's I was making this before i even joined, and was simpy searching for a RP site. and now i'm rambling!

Quick to the bitch-mobile !:cool:
This RP has been approved and will be set to awaiting players, once you feel you have enough players we will get you settled in with your own forums and the such.

Seriously though nice work.
OMG! Thank you! Okay so If anybody has any question's don't hesitate to ask, I have all the stuff written down in more detail, or scribbly notes really, at my work desk and i can explain and give details if you need them about certain functions of this RP. And once again, thank you. . . i know i say thank you to much . . . :P (and i licked you)
[QUOTE="Emilly Grevania]OMG! Thank you! Okay so If anybody has any question's don't hesitate to ask, I have all the stuff written down in more detail, or scribbly notes really, at my work desk and i can explain and give details if you need them about certain functions of this RP. And once again, thank you. . . i know i say thank you to much . . . :P (and i licked you)

I recommend you post some of your content in spoiler tags so it is easier to navigate through and it would look less intimidating.
[QUOTE="Emilly Grevania]OMG! Thank you! Okay so If anybody has any question's don't hesitate to ask, I have all the stuff written down in more detail, or scribbly notes really, at my work desk and i can explain and give details if you need them about certain functions of this RP. And once again, thank you. . . i know i say thank you to much . . . :P (and i licked you)

Gaunt blushes and quivers at Emily's lick, falling backwards with a red face. "Am I in heaven?"
I'm going to try as hard as i can not to sound stupid, but how do i insert a spoiler tag . . . >_> i'm good at writing not the technicle aspect's of this thing . . .
Thank you i have split it up into section's now ^__^ i set it up to go step by step . . . so read carefully and don't skip anything! LoL


There's so much!

I'm going to have to wait to the weekend to read this...

There's so much!
Did some editing, Navigation through the chapter's is now easier, and has less lag for slower computer's ^__^ ps.( didn't do it, my girlfriend Jenna did, thank her!)
[QUOTE="Emilly Grevania]Did some editing, Navigation through the chapter's is now easier, and has less lag for slower computer's ^__^ ps.( didn't do it, my girlfriend Jenna did, thank her!)

You can actually label spoilers by doing

[spoiler=nameofspoiler]textgoeshere[/spoiler] by the way.
I know but i alreay had Label's already in there and figured I wouldn't waste my time . . . UNless you think i should? -_- great back to work, you know this is alot of work for when a girl first wakes up in the mornin! LoL Joking I'll just get Jenna to do it! xD "Oh jennaaaaa!"
[QUOTE="Emilly Grevania]I know but i alreay had Label's already in there and figured I wouldn't waste my time . . . UNless you think i should? -_- great back to work, you know this is alot of work for when a girl first wakes up in the mornin! LoL Joking I'll just get Jenna to do it! xD "Oh jennaaaaa!"

Oh I don't think you should do anything. I just thought I did not explain that part earlier so I decided I would in case you did not know. It's perfectly fine the way it is :) !
Looks Interesting. I'll join, but I have some thinking to do...

But you mentioned that people can do what they want, as long as it's within reason and Doesnt break the lore. So what is the lore exactly? Do you have a pre-written story to be followed by the main characters? or...?

Also, you have a black market, with an extensive amount of clients, but nobody to enforce laws against this market... I presume someone might make a faction to fill this void, or you'll write one in, but as of now it doesnt exist.

[QUOTE="Emilly Grevania] If your parents moderate your internet use, The Dead Frontier Community and Myself are NOT responsible for anything you see here.

What is the "Dead Frontier Community" ?
O.o -.- O.o

Ha ha ha I found the Typo! Okay so i was writing a post on dead frontier a zombie game site, and i was posting a comment to a little kid in the forum's who had said something like, you guy's are all foul mouthed, what if there were other little kids like me, blah blah blah. So i went to post that, and it sounded really good for the Rp because of the mature nature of content that can and most likely will be discussed within it, and i geuss i retyped it there as well When my mind get's to going sometimes i repeat myself without knowing it. But yeah, basically my mind was multi tasking and i got mind jacked. I will edit that Post Haste! ^__^ thank you for noticing that and reading thoroughly!

Also The black market is just a Group of people with many diffrent connection's who can get ahold of almost anything for a price, there for no the only one who keep the peace and enforce deals is the head honcho's who pay for and procure everything in a sence.

No there is no Previouse Lore[at this Juncture in time] However I am planning on posting a [Past Event's] section later detailing the event's between species ove the last thousand years to help give people a better understanding between Race relations. By Lore i had Basically meant, Don't add Jedi's or new Species or find weapon's that i did not add, that sort of thing, if i wish for there to be new species added, then i shall add them, same goes for guns and everything else.

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