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Fantasy G O D L I K E ( An epic-high Fantasy )


The Worldwalker, The Heretic, The Pyrokene
I strongly insist heading over to the Overview tab first before posting or such. Thanks! :D
"How long before the construction of that Gateway to Thandos is finished?" Avis asked eagerly. Yes, he was definitely eager to discover whatever happened to Thandos, the sphere that used to trap Achaels was now turned into something more... lively. For months, the Achaels have been watching Thandos through a sphere-shaped telescope. They were always curious of whatever is really inside the colorful sphere. And they were about to find out. "It will be a day or two, Avis. Be patient. We'll soon discover whatever is inside that." The Achael engineer replied to Avis. Avis nodded, "Indeed, my friend. We'll see whatever there is to see down there."
"My lord, a message from Treno." Horus let out a sigh as a Treno messenger handed him the envelope, the seal of Treno council markedly visible. "Thank you ." He dismissed the footman with a wave. The Scythe hovered nearby, floating amiably next to the throne in which Horus sat. The messenger gulped visibly as he eyed it, leaving the room at a quick jog, or as close a respectable walk he could to one. Opening the letter Horus began to read. Half way into the final paragraph he folded the paper, taking it and the envelope with him as he headed for the left wing of the palace, the Scythe following amiably.

Outside the throne room, two guards breathed an audible sigh. The last letter from Treno had killed the last set of guards and the noble who came to deliver it. An explosion was heard a minute latter in the courtyard. Outside the pair ran, coming to a stop as they reached balcony. The smouldering ruins of a carriage and the tattered clothes the footman wore indicated a less then pleased Horus, who had already left the courtyard. Striding towards his study, Horus crackled with static. He had a letter to write.
"Something in amiss isn't it?" Sitting in the middle of a labyrinth of books spanning all topics from history, geography, science and even magic, Bartholomew asked no one in particular as he sighed. There was something wrong with the very air around him, something that spoke of treachery, an ill omen riding on the winds. He inhaled, deeply and opened his mind the world, in the way only he could after gaining the artifact. A special omniscience only he possessed saw the world for what it truly was, and in the depths of existence, creation was altered.

"Much better." He snuggled deeper into his chair, the cushion soften through supernatural means dispelling his worry. sometimes, even the simplest of problems could be called the worst. "Maybe I'll do something useful for a change."

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