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Fantasy ₙᵢgₕₜ Cₐfé ₋ ₒC ₛₕₑₑₜ



Chibiko Chumps Go Chomp Chomp!
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Needed For OC:

- Name
- Gender
- Sexuality
- Age (15-19) - I never meant kids as in 7 year olds...
- Personality
- Appearance + Any Faceclaim
- Clothing Aesthetic
- Backstory = Trauma / Angst included
- Weapon Use (Weapon they find in Isekai World)
- Phobias
- Near Death Encounters In RP/In Isekai World
-Special Item On Them
- Anything Extra can be Added

I'd say maximum OC'S are 2, so we can at least have 4 people.
I'm actually deciding whether or not to have 8+ Kids

My OC #1


Name: Osamu Saito
Age: 17
Weapon Found In Isekai World: Double Scythes
Special Item: Ring
Athleisure Style
Appearance: Black to White haired with yellow eyes and a tiny red highlight of waterline on eyes. Silky, silverish-white baggy long unbuttoned jacket/coat with a black tight crop top that stops at stomach. Butterfly, crescent, and leaf tattoos scattered across body. Navy blue to Black baggy denim pants with a belt around hips. Slim fingered and black painted nails with a pointer and thumb ring on both hands. A black mask is always strung across his face. Triple ear piercings + Tongue piercing.

Personality: Psychotic male that would rather stay quiet to not be defined as weird. Very sarcastic and humorful, but has a temper. To those who ask about his past, he has the urge to kill them- but won't OFC if they're 1/8. Manipulative, honest by heart, and protective to those who get close to his inner emotions. Rational with good thoughts if he actually thought about the situation.

My Go-to Phobias: Phobia Of Touch, heights, betrayal. Touch one will be overcome in RP.

Backstory: Abandoned at the age of 6, Osamu escaped those who tried sending him to orphanages and lived amongst the slums of the city named Yohabi. Now and then, he left such alleyways in search of fresh food or to steal money. Once it was acquired, he spent his currency at a local bakery and found himself falling for a young waitress-in-training. He then visited the bakery everyday to see her, and earned a small friendship with her. But one day, all went wrong.

Another week or so, that girl disappeared. It read on the newspapers how she had died from her boyfriend. Enraged by the 2 sets of information, Osamu hunted down that boy. He found him, and sent the boy a letter to meet on the rooftop of that very bakery. Threatening to push the boy off, Osamu clawed at his neck and questioned the boy only for the latter to answer in a wicked way. Osamu froze, realizing the boy didn't care for death, and accidentally let the boy's neck slip from his hands- letting the body fall from the railings. Hands shaking, Osamu took couple steps back, before running blindly. Eyes were dilated and scared, and he hid himself from others for several years.

Overtime, he gained his phobias because of not interacting with people + the death of his crush and her boyfriend.

Near Death Encounters: The first victim of a wolf - slashed right across the chest. No light source to change Night Prowler - bitten on the neck with heavy unknown poison. Falling from a building past the borders - From Osamu's perspective of the 'Past Barrier' lands.

My OC #2


Name: Yoshi Inoue
Age: 16
Weapon found in Isekai World: Longsword - diamond hilted
Special Item: Blind Fold
Traditional Japanese Clothing
Appearance: Black hair with brown hints that is hip length, often tied, and grey eyes. White kimono with red and black designed cranes for print. 2 Frost white with gold engravings on armbands. A White blind fold and white leather boots.

Personality: Yoshi is initially thought to be friendly and laid back, and she tries to establish peace between one another. She enjoys teasing people and can be sadistic. She knows how to make people react the way she wants them to. Fierce and shows flashes of quick thinking and instincts throughout the story. Her temper is well hidden, but would gladly rudely point out several mistakes on a person if they annoy her.

Phobia: Sight - Scared of seeing, will be overcome

Backstory: Yoshi was a widow's daughter, one of a rich one who vowed not to marry again. She was well taken care of and now has perfected manners. But, as a young 13 year old girl, she watched her mother get assassinated with her own eyes from the view of her balcony. Yoshi was driven with mad matter, and nearly stabbed her eyes for seeing such sinful things, but then her well built mind stopped her. In the end, eversince, she wore a blindfold and learned how to travel without sight.

Taking her blindfold off would cause her to scream, feel internal pain, and might force her to inflict wounds on her self the same way her mother was tortured. But now that her blindfold is a special item, what will she do now?...

Near Death Encounters: A zombie nearly choked her to death - first to stumble across one while walking outside before barriers, Fell from a tree and broke a arm only thankfully but was regenerated by a health pill - trying to pick fruit for food storage, caught in a poison ivy bush and wasn't able to get help because only one past barrier - found a charm.

OOC Here !!
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Jumpei didn't look the way the way he was before his idol career. Dyed pink hair that has been cut short was a long, messy white a long time ago and tan skin that he hides with pale makeup. His lilac eyes match both of his hair colour and gives him a gentle and thoughtful look. Though despite the people treating him like a child, he is slightly taller than average, standing at 5"9 feet.

Name: Jumpei Nakabayashi

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Jumpei doesn't really care. You can slap any sexuality on him and Jumpei would be like "okay 👍"

Age: 16

A clueless, delusional and airheaded piece of shit(derogatory).

Jumpei’s thoughts are often separated from reality. He still believes that his family and world is the same as the one he imagines in his head and is often left shocked when it doesn’t get anything from what he plays in his mind. When others do bring it up, he often switches topics, refusing to talk about it.

Jumpei lacks most common sense and doesn’t know how to work out basic things, often needing someone to do all the work and explain to him. He often approaches random ass strangers and talks to them as if they were the bestest of friends. Nine times out of ten Jumpei would often get ignored or waved off and he has no idea why. In addition, Jumpei does not remember anything from lessons or meetings. He brings his manager to meetings to take notes for him but he is dead meat in school. However, Jumpei isn’t the type to tell anything about his past to his peers, even though some may already have heard some parts of it.

As an idol/model/public persona, Jumpei doesn't hide anything other than most of his airheaded nature. He doesn’t hide his clueless part of his personality as much because he’d figured that it was more or less alright to behave that way when filming shows or interviews.

- Clothing Pinterest Board
> Childhood
Jumpei wouldn’t describe his childhood as pleasant. Along with his siblings, he was born in an extremely impoverished family in an unruly part of the city. He was the second youngest out of five, just 2 years younger than Kentaro and 5 years older than Jun’ichi.

His parents left town when Jun’ichi was born, selfishly finding cash for them and neglecting their children to fend for themselves. They were neglectful from the start, in fact. Kichiro and Kiku would tell Jumpei and the rest of the unfortunate disasters they had when with them. Jumpei didn’t hear anything about their parents from Kentaro. He tries to ask him about them every time he has the chance but Kentaro would constantly shrug it off and switch to another topic. Eventually, Jumpei gave up on asking about their parents.

Jumpei hated living out on the streets. Everyday, he would watch people living normal lives. He felt too guilty about stealing from stores and was often picked on by gangs. Jumpei developed social anxiety and often stays close to his siblings and often allows his siblings to do the talking.

Kichiro and Kiku were the head honchos of the siblings, as their the oldest. They were the first to suggest and get jobs to earn money for themselves. That leaves Kentaro as the main caretaker of Jumpei and Jun’ichi. As they grew up, Kentaro was the first line of support for them when they ended up in any trouble.

This was their happy, precious family dynamic and he wouldn’t trade it for anything else. However, the family started falling apart when Kentaro left the country in hopes of becoming someone they could look up to. Kichiro started disappearing periodically. Whenever he did return he would come with bruises and scars. Kiku would disappear too, but only during the day. She would pick up Jumpei and Jun’ichi from Jumpei’s part-time job every day at 6:00pm straight. Jumpei worried for his siblings, his older ones especially. He wonders if Kentaro saw this coming when he left and wanted to fix it as soon as he left.

> New Life
Jumpei had the wish of becoming a role model for his siblings for a while. More gangs have been targeting him and his siblings ever since Kentaro left. He would receive multiple hits from them when his older brothers are gone. At his lowest, he was approached by a talent scouter. They made a tempting offer of becoming one of their many idols in exchange for getting his siblings out of the city. Jumpei didn’t believe it at first thinking that this was all a dream.He told them that he would think about it, shrugging it off as some random encounter he has. The scouter gave him a contract in and instructions to reach out to their agency, which he hesitantly took. The next morning, Jumpei woke up in cold sweat. Fully expecting nothing to be there, he turned his head to the sides of his sleeping place and found the same contract that the talent scouter gave him the other day. Jumpei’s mind went numb as he stared at it. When he heard gang members around, his flight or fight scenes activated and at the last moment, he grabbed the contract, pulled out his phone and called the number given to him.

> Death
It has been five months since he became a magical boy. However, even his new modeling career didn’t help at all. Even after he quit becoming an idol the year before and dragged his siblings away from poverty, the insane pressure from the public, staff and self-pity dragged him into corruption in the five month duration of becoming a public figure.

- Weapon: Crossbow

- Phobias: Automatonophobia, Autophobia, Chrometophobia

- Near Death Encounters In RP/In Isekai World: A zombie tried to drown him

-Special Item On Them: Choker
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Name: Jumpei Nakabayashi

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Jumpei doesn't really care. You can slap any sexuality on him and Jumpei would be like "okay 👍"

Age: 16

A clueless, delusional and airheaded piece of shit(derogatory).

Jumpei’s thoughts are often separated from reality. He still believes that his family and world is the same as the one he imagines in his head and is often left shocked when it doesn’t get anything from what he plays in his mind. When others do bring it up, he often switches topics, refusing to talk about it.

Jumpei lacks most common sense and doesn’t know how to work out basic things, often needing someone to do all the work and explain to him. He often approaches random ass strangers and talks to them as if they were the bestest of friends. Nine times out of ten Jumpei would often get ignored or waved off and he has no idea why. In addition, Jumpei does not remember anything from lessons or meetings. He brings his manager to meetings to take notes for him but he is dead meat in school. However, Jumpei isn’t the type to tell anything about his past to his peers, even though some may already have heard some parts of it.

As an idol/model/public persona, Jumpei doesn't hide anything other than most of his airheaded nature. He doesn’t hide his clueless part of his personality as much because he’d figured that it was more or less alright to behave that way when filming shows or interviews.

- Clothing Pinterest Board
> Childhood
Jumpei wouldn’t describe his childhood as pleasant. Along with his siblings, he was born in an extremely impoverished family in an unruly part of the city. He was the second youngest out of five, just 2 years younger than Kentaro and 5 years older than Jun’ichi.

His parents left town when Jun’ichi was born, selfishly finding cash for them and neglecting their children to fend for themselves. They were neglectful from the start, in fact. Kichiro and Kiku would tell Jumpei and the rest of the unfortunate disasters they had when with them. Jumpei didn’t hear anything about their parents from Kentaro. He tries to ask him about them every time he has the chance but Kentaro would constantly shrug it off and switch to another topic. Eventually, Jumpei gave up on asking about their parents.

Jumpei hated living out on the streets. Everyday, he would watch people living normal lives. He felt too guilty about stealing from stores and was often picked on by gangs. Jumpei developed social anxiety and often stays close to his siblings and often allows his siblings to do the talking.

Kichiro and Kiku were the head honchos of the siblings, as their the oldest. They were the first to suggest and get jobs to earn money for themselves. That leaves Kentaro as the main caretaker of Jumpei and Jun’ichi. As they grew up, Kentaro was the first line of support for them when they ended up in any trouble.

This was their happy, precious family dynamic and he wouldn’t trade it for anything else. However, the family started falling apart when Kentaro left the country in hopes of becoming someone they could look up to. Kichiro started disappearing periodically. Whenever he did return he would come with bruises and scars. Kiku would disappear too, but only during the day. She would pick up Jumpei and Jun’ichi from Jumpei’s part-time job every day at 6:00pm straight. Jumpei worried for his siblings, his older ones especially. He wonders if Kentaro saw this coming when he left and wanted to fix it as soon as he left.

> New Life
Jumpei had the wish of becoming a role model for his siblings for a while. More gangs have been targeting him and his siblings ever since Kentaro left. He would receive multiple hits from them when his older brothers are gone. At his lowest, he was approached by a talent scouter. They made a tempting offer of becoming one of their many idols in exchange for getting his siblings out of the city. Jumpei didn’t believe it at first thinking that this was all a dream.He told them that he would think about it, shrugging it off as some random encounter he has. The scouter gave him a contract in and instructions to reach out to their agency, which he hesitantly took. The next morning, Jumpei woke up in cold sweat. Fully expecting nothing to be there, he turned his head to the sides of his sleeping place and found the same contract that the talent scouter gave him the other day. Jumpei’s mind went numb as he stared at it. When he heard gang members around, his flight or fight scenes activated and at the last moment, he grabbed the contract, pulled out his phone and called the number given to him.

> Death
It has been five months since he became a magical boy. However, even his new modeling career didn’t help at all. Even after he quit becoming an idol the year before and dragged his siblings away from poverty, the insane pressure from the public, staff and self-pity dragged him into corruption in the five month duration of becoming a public figure.

- Weapon: Crossbow

- Phobias: Automatonophobia, Autophobia, Chrometophobia

- Near Death Encounters In RP/In Isekai World: A zombie tried to drown him

-Special Item On Them: Chocker
Accepted if you add a physical description too, despite faceclaim!!

Not me falling for Jumpei...

Special Item spelled Incorrectly; Actually is Choker, not chocker.

Accepted Fully Now - Update !!
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