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Fyuri-ously Looking for Partners [ Many Plots Inside ]


₮ⱧɆ ₥Ɏ₮Ⱨ, ₮ⱧɆ ⱠɆ₲Ɇ₦Đ, ₮ⱧɆ ₣₳฿ⱠɆ
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Searching _

  • Post Frequency: I'd like a couple of posts a day.  I have other RPs going on, but get one post per day or having to wait days for replies... which means I'm left waiting, so I'd like to have something to RP rather than just lurk and wait.
  • Post Length: One paragraph ( about 4 - 5 sentences ) is ideal.  I'm not against one-liners every now and then for quick dialogue and action, but I don't want the entire RP to be this way.
  • Grammar & Spelling: Your grammar doesn't need to be perfect.  Mine isn't perfect so I won't expect it from my partner.  However, if I am unable to understand your post then it will become a problem.
  • Characters & Face Claims: I'm fine with either real or anime face claims.  As far as characters go, I don't need a detailed life history, a general history is fine.
  • Metagaming & God Mode: I'm not against powerful characters, but if they are never injured no matter what is thrown at them, we have a problem.  Powers need to be balanced and reasonable!  Metagaming also should not occur ( using OOC information IC ).
  • Dead Ends: If our characters just don't get along or interest in lost in the RP and we hit a dead end, we can end it.  Just be honest if you are bored or just want to stop.  I'll be honest on this as well.
  • Inactivity: I have had too many 1x1 partners just... vanish.  Some will say they will reply at X time, but then never do.  If after two weeks of nothing- no responses to PMs or RP replies, and no activity on your profile - I'll consider you having dropped or lost interest in the RP and re-open the plot for a new partner.
  • My Inactivity: Sometimes I might appear inactive:

    I'm a bit busy at times and get distracted.
  • I've lost the notification and/or PM.

    Poke me to remind me if I've not replied or you need my attention.

[*]Romantic Pairings: I usually do MxF pairings.

[*]Gender Preference & Doubling: I prefer to RP as a female character.  I'm open to double up though if you also wish to RP with a female character.

[*]Fandoms: I am hesitant about fandom RPs.  I rarely - almost never - do 1x1 fandom RPs anymore.  I will only do OCxOC in fandom settings.


Tags: Modern, Realistic, Romance, MXF, Idols, Real FC Preferred

My Interest: High

Status: Closed

Notes: MC would be Muse A (male).  I'm trying to improve my male characters.

Muse A is an idol; he's a lead singer and has even started acting recently.  Muse B is a fan and manages to win some tickets where she gets to go to a Meet and Greet featuring Muse A!  In her eagerness to meet Muse A, she accidentally injures him and now he is threatening her with a lawsuit unless she basically serves as his personal assistant.  Now Muse B is being dragged into the world of idols and all the drama that goes along with it.

The Last

Tags: Supernatural, Romance

My Interest: Null

Status: Open

Vampires exist, though not in large numbers and they are not like the kind you see in movies.  They do not burst into flames in the sun, nor do they sparkle.  They do have a sun allergy though which makes most of them only really want to go out after dusk.  Their population  is very low, making their existence very rare, so rare that many vampires believe they are the very last of their kind.  Muse A is a vampire that has lived in Seattle for a decade and Muse B is a vampire that just recently appeared in the city.  Eventually their paths cross and they discover they were not the last.

( I know, the plot is weak. 

Legally Bound

Tags: Modern, Romance, Arranged Marriage

My Interest: Low

Status: Open

Muse A is getting married to a man she has never met.  The first time she meets Muse B is at the wedding ceremony which is mostly for publicity.  How did this come to pass?  Muse A's father needs an heir for his business and Muse B wants to merge companies.  After some discussion it was decided that Muse A would marry Muse B to allow him to "inherit" the company and Muse A's father could retire happily; his daughter would remain supported and his company could endure.  Now two strangers are living under the same roof under a contracted marriage.

( Weak, I know! )

Fighting Instincts

Genre: Supernatural, Romance, Werewolves

My Interest: High

Status: Open

As part of a treaty between werewolf packs Muse A gets sent off to Muse B's territory as a sign of goodwill.  Muse A isn't too keen on being the "sacrificial lamb" but knows she has to adapt and adjust to living in her former enemy's pack.

Illicitly Yours

Tags: Romance, Teacher x Student, Arranged Engagement

My Interest: Moderate

Status: Open

Muse A is a high school girl that attends a prestigious boarding school.  She comes from a very affluent family that focuses more on business than on love.  Thus Muse A has found herself in a bit of a predicament.  Muse A and Muse B have been "engaged" since infancy as part of a plan between their two powerful families.  They've never met each, spoken, or written to each other.  Muse A only knows that Muse B is a few years older than her, she doesn't even know his family name due to her parents wanting to avoid her from finding out and investigating her fiancé.

Muse A has just entered her senior year and knows that soon enough she'll be married off to a complete stranger.  She focuses on her studies to distract herself from this impending marriage when she notices one of her teachers constantly staring at her.  As it turns out, her teacher is actually Muse B, her fiancé!  Muse B is working as a teacher to get to know Muse A without the school knowing of their parent's arrangement (as he would have never been allowed the position given the circumstances).

Will love develop or will that come to find they can't stand each other?

Surviving Sacrifice

Tags: Supernatural, Romance, Action, Adventure, Witch x Demon, Magic, Witchcraft

My Interest: Moderate

Status: Open

Muse A was an average university student.  She attended her courses, studied, suffered through exams, worked part-time, and barely had enough money to survive each semester; living the university student dream.  Her sophomore year, a classmate convinced her to pledge to one of the sororities;  Alpha Chi Omega.  There were promises of being able to reside at the sorority house and many other things.  Muse A never considered herself a sorority-type of girl, but decided to go through with the process anyway; it was all part of the experience of being in college.
Rushing was easy and soon enough Muse A had entered into the pledging period.  She probably should have suspected the overly friendly sorority sisters as all the other pledges were legacy members (girls whose mothers were alumni).  However she didn't think anything was strange about the overly friendly sorority sisters.  There was just one last pledge ritual she needed to do to be official accepted.  The pledges were all gathered up, blindfolded, and driven out to the middle of nowhere.  The ritual site made Muse A uneasy as it looked like something from some witchcraft horror movie; an open field surrounded by dark trees with large stones in a circle around  an even large stone slab in the middle.
The other pledges grabbed Muse A by her arms and dragged her over to the center stone without warning.  That was when she noticed the dark stains on the rock and the old medieval looking chains which they used to restrain her arms and legs with.  Muse A tried to laugh it off as some kind of scare tactic, but when the house mother started talking about a sacrifice and the sorority sisters chanted, Muse A knew at that point she was doomed.  Cue a sacrificial ritual complete with a sacred silver dagger and a swift stab in the abdomen and Muse A was sure she was going to die.  
Now when Muse A was starting to feel faint from the blood loss she thought the angry voice she heard was a hallucination.  She didn't even know what was being said, just the tone was obviously furious.  There was screaming and shrieking and blackness as Muse A finally can't remain conscious any longer.  Muse A awakens to find herself still alive, no evidence of the fatal wound, and in some stranger's home.  Muse B appears and seems extremely calm as he explains that she had been intended for a sacrifice to a demon and that the sorority was actually a coven of black witches.  Muse B adds that the reason Muse A was still alive was because Muse A's ancestors has bound him to their bloodline, so he was forced - by contract - to save her.
Now Muse A - having great difficulty believing this story - believes Muse B is crazy and does what she can to get away and avoid him.  This doesn't go over very well since Muse A is now the prime target of the coven from Alpha Chi Omega and their patron demon.  They want revenge for the few that Muse B killed and for the sacrifice to be completed since a sacrifice that survives absorbs the demon's essence.

Summoning Trouble

Tags: Supernatural, Demons, Witches, Witchcraft, Magic, Romance

My Interest: Moderate

Status: Closed

Muse A is a witch, only she doesn't know that, at least not yet.  Her college roommate is into all sorts of new age crap; wiccan books, crystal healing, astrology.  If it's new age, her roommate is into it. Muse A isn't really into that stuff, but one night after drinking way too much, her roommate suggests they try to cast a spell.  Muse A doesn't see what harm it could do and so they set everything up and Muse A goes and casts some random spell.  However, due to being an actual witch, the spell works and summons Muse B; a demon.  Muse B isn't too happy to find out that Muse A is an unskilled witch, but a deal is a deal and Muse B has to help Muse A with a wish and then be paid a "fee" Muse B decides on.  Muse B cannot leave Muse A until the contract is either completed or voided.
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Hello there, I'm interested in the Fighting instincts plot, I'm new here but I'm willing to be very active, just let me know if you need more informations.
Hello there, I'm interested in the Fighting instincts plot, I'm new here but I'm willing to be very active, just let me know if you need more informations.

Welcome to RPNation!  I'll send you a PM regarding the RP (discuss characters, plot, etc) when I get a chance.  :3
@Sandertp Shoot me a PM and we can discuss a bit. :3

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