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FxM: Female Characters Wanted


New Member
As the title states, I'm looking for FxM pairings with me playing the male character. I haven't gotten many chances to play my male characters lately, and when I have, it's always been MxM. It's odd since usually it's my female characters that usually end up not getting used. Anyway, I don't have much concerning requirements at the moment. I love all that romantic gushy stuff, though I generally prefer my partner's character to be more of the pursuer and more open with their feelings than mine. I'm flexible in regards to post length and amount of detail. You get what you give. I'm fine with roleplays taking place in threads or private messages, and I leave it up to my partner to decide.

If interested in playing with me, be warned I can't send private messages yet since I'm a new member. If you can send private messages, please send me one expressing your interest. If you're in the same predicament I am in, post here and we can discuss things on this thread until one of us is able to send private messages.

Pairing Ideas

Note: * marks the role I'll be taking. No * means I don't have a preference.

Club Owner x Bartender

Soldier* x Civilian

Soldier x Soldier

Older Neighbor x Younger Neighbor*

Boarding School Teacher x Boarding School Student*

Student* x Professor x Student* (Polyamory, MxFxM)

Boss x Employee*

Celebrity x Celebrity

Celebrity x Bodyguard*

Celebrity x Manager

Band Member x Band Member

Alcoholic x Spouse

Soldier x Spouse

Amnesiac* x Spouse

Doctor x Nurse

Doctor x Patient*

Photographer x Model*

Villain x Hero

Alien x Human*

Vampire x Werewolf

Harry Potter-

Severus* x Lily

Draco* x Ginny

Harry* x Hermione

Ron* x OC

Luna x OC*

Doctor Who-

The Doctor* x OC

The Doctor* x Missy

Dragon Age-

Anders* x Hawke

Fenris* x Hawke

Isabela x Hawke*

Hawke* x Merrill

Varric* x Hawke

Inquisitor* x Cassandra

Varric* x Inquisitor

Divergent (Movies)-

Jeanine x OC*

Caleb* x OC



Sherlock* x OC

John* x OC

Mycroft* x OC

Greg* x OC
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Would you be interested in a celeb/youtuber x fan kidnapping story?
[QUOTE="Yuuki Kuran]I'd love to rp with you!

Awesome! Is there anything in particular you're wanting to do?
~Waves hands~ Hiiiiii! I love all of your pairings, I'm lovey gushy too so I know you're feeling!

The Alien x Human caught my eye and I would..like to give it a shot? >u<
ClubOwner x Bartender

Soldier* x Civilian

Alcoholic x Spouse

Soldier x Spouse

Harry Potter-

Severus* x Lily

Draco* x Ginny

Harry* x Hermione

Ron* x OC
I'm super interested in Villain x Hero!

Omg I've been wanting to do one of those rps since I was born.

*heavy breathing*
Older neighbor X New Neighbor


Pm me

Would you be interested in doing at Draco x OC rp?! I've been searching so hard for a Draco and I've been role playing for like...ever. I have plots in mind too!!! I love when my partner contributes too ^~^ I'm not overbearing with my characters either, I like the romance to be realistic.
Interested in:

Celebrity x Bodyguard*

Alcoholic x Spouse

Band Member x Band Member

Doctor x Patient*

I like band member x band member the best, though!
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Club Owner x Bartender

Soldier* x Civilian****

Soldier x Soldier

Boss x Employee*

Celebrity x Celebrity

Celebrity x Bodyguard*****

Celebrity x Manager

Band Member x Band Member*****

Alcoholic x Spouse

Soldier x Spouse

Doctor x Patient*

Photographer x Model*****

Villain x Hero

Alien x Human*

Vampire x Werewolf

Harry Potter-

Draco* x Ginny************

Harry* x Hermione

Ron* x OC

Luna x OC*
Hello :3 I am interested in:



●band member×band member

●boarding school teacher×boarding school student (never tried this one but love to give it a try)

●student×teacher×teacher (never tried a love triangle or this pairing either, but would love to give it a try)

Pm me if your interested :3
Greetings! I have skimmed through your post and feel enthralled. If you're still open to role playing with a new partner, I'd be delighted to fill the role.

In the case that you are open, I was interested in these pairings:

Photographer x Model

Villain x Hero

Alien x Human

The Doctor x OC

Sherlock x OC

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