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Multiple Settings FxF, FxNB, and MxF Romance Roleplay Search


Magic Eight Ball
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hello!! I am a roleplayer who has been on this site since '18. Before that, I rp'ed on and off for about 5 years. I am 19 and am bored stiff being at home for the summer. I like RPs where we are responding often to each other. Not necessarily every day if you or I are not in the position to do that, but hopefully a couple of times during the week at least. I'm hoping for this to be a short-term RP until I go back to college in the fall. I just cannot guarantee responses during the semester as I'm often swamped with work. But, if we click... who knows? I wouldn't be against continuing if we really enjoy the story.

I enjoy romance RPs a lot, it's pretty much all I do. I enjoy slow burn, unrequited love that is later reciprocated, pining until the characters can't take it anymore, you name it. Fantasy, action, and angsty themes are a huge bonus for me as well. I don't do it much (and probably not that well) but worldbuilding is a lot of fun too. At the moment of writing this (June '22) I'm really looking for a romance RP that's lowkey and relaxed, probably with an emphasis on slice of life. That being said, things are always subject to change and the right idea will change my mind. If you're intrigued about RPing with me, don't hesitate to PM me a message about what you're in the mood for. Even if it doesn't match what I'm looking for to the letter.

Okay, now on to some things you should know about me:

- I'm ghost friendly and I'm looking for a partner who is as well. Sometimes you don't really click with your partner, I totally get it. If we get pretty far into the roleplay I'd prefer if you said something before leaving, but it's not necessary. I put this here because if we're a couple of replies in and I'm not feeling it, I don't respond. Please be okay with that!
- I'd prefer 18+ partners.
- I do not like one-liners.
Personally, I always try to write at least a paragraph. It depends on my partner and how much is going on, but I'd like to say my minimum is about 250 words. My highest word count so far has been about 2K words? I don't know if I'll ever go over that!
- I would prefer not to roleplay with furry/anthropomorphic characters.
- I roleplay through PMs.
If you're interested in roleplaying with me, don't hesitate to send me a PM here to discuss what plot you're interested in/what you're in the mood for. Forum threads make me nervous haha
- I normally stick to FxF, FxM, and FxNB plots, with me playing the female. I really enjoy FxF so I prefer that, but I'm flexible! I've never been too good at playing male characters, so I just prefer not to. Although, when playing side characters, I will gladly play any gender!!
- OOC chats are fine by me! Definitely not a must for me, though.
- Please be willing to play side characters. Side characters make the roleplay way more enjoyable for me, personally. We don't have to use them 100% of the time, though! If we choose to use them, please pick up some characters of your own so we're both chipping in an equal amount to the story. That being said, I don't want to roleplay doubles, it's just not my style.
- I write in the third person and prefer to find people who do as well.
- PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, do not send me ideas for medical RPs or RPs that surround one of the main characters dying from a terminal illness.
I got a request for it last interest check... and one time was too many. It's a trigger, but even if it wasn't, it's just sooo depressing to RP. No thanks!

Finally, and most importantly, let's have fun! I get along with partners who are willing to go with the flow and pitch their own ideas to the RP.

I don't really RP well-known IPs. It's just always been easier to make up my own characters and stories. Below I've included some plots to get the conversation going. You can pick any of these (either the pairing, prompt, or both), orrrr - and I prefer this, because these prompts are years old at this point - bring your own ideas and we can develop them into something we will both enjoy.

Modern plots

Enemy x Enemy

Muse A's friends force them to go on a road trip with them, promising them that it'll be fun. When Muse A enters the car, however, Muse A is greeted by Muse B, their mortal enemy! They're forced to sit next to each other the whole ride there and have to share the same hotel room too. When will this road trip straight from hell end?

Mafia boss x Mayor's child

Muse A is a crime boss who is frustrated by the recent crime-busting in their city, crimes that have ties to their own illicit operations. The mayor is the source of these changes, making good on his promise to eradicate crime. It's only a matter of time before the mayor's lackeys come sniffing around Muse A's nightclub, which operates as a front for their money laundering. Muse B is the mayor's child who is frustrated with their father. Muse B knows all about the mayor conducting illegal practices of his own. Muse B enters Muse A's nightclub after a messy argument with the mayor, Muse A recognizing them immediately from picture-perfect photo ops they see in the news. Muse A invites them into the secluded VIP area to talk, where Muse B spills all of their concerns to Muse A. Muse A offers protection in exchange for information. Muse B agrees to spy on their father for Muse A with the understanding that, at the opportune moment, Muse A will get rid of the mayor.

Superhero x Friend

Muse A is a superhero who is friends with Muse B, a normal civilian. They go to the same college and see each other rather frequently. Muse B doesn't know of Muse A's secret identity until one night Muse B has fallen victim to a supervillain's antics. When Muse B needs saving, will the superhero's cover be blown?

Stranger x Stranger

Muse A is known by others to be sweet and caring, but it’s nothing more than a facade. They’re a huge player and use other people to get what they want, leaving a string of broken hearts behind them. Insert Muse B, the new kid on the block. Muse B is shy and a hopeless romantic of sorts. They try to see the good in everybody, although sometimes they feel their empathy can get in their way. One day, Muse A throws a party and everybody who’s anybody shows up... including Muse B, who easily found themselves with the popular crowd. Muse A and Muse B bump into each other, Muse B accidentally spilling alcohol all over Muse A in the process.

Childhood friends

Muse A has been accepted into a prestigious higher education academy (whether from lower or upper-socioeconomic status is up to us!). Although Muse B is so happy for their friend, it hurts to not see someone they grew up with every day and to only talk to them through emails and occasional phone calls. Thankfully, it's the approach of summer. Muse A is back in their hometown for the next 3 months and Muse B can't wait for a fun summer with their best friend. However, unbeknownst to Muse B, Muse A is bringing home a classmate who is very obviously crushing on them. How will the two traverse this tumultuous summer - will the two discover their feelings for each other are much more than meets the eye?

Fantasy/Medieval plots

Assassin x Victim

Muse A is an assassin who lives a simple life. They get a lead and kill who they need to kill to get to their next payday. Most of these jobs take a day to a week to complete, tops. But when Muse A is tasked with killing Muse B, the heir to the throne of a distant kingdom, it’s not that easy. Over the course of 6 months, Muse A must conform to the life of being a servant while trying to gather information and find the best time to strike when nobody is looking. What happens when Muse B takes a liking to Muse A and goes out of their way to talk to them, even after Muse A attempts to push them away?

Con Artist x Royalty

Muse A is a con artist who sneaks into a dance to get new information on the royalty of their kingdom and other kingdoms to profit off of. They're an information dealer - they sell relevant information to benefit both the average model citizen and the lawbreakers. The dance was thrown for the sole purpose of allowing Muse B, the young adult heir to the throne, mingle with potential suitors. At first, Muse B is enjoying the party, but nobody is really catching her attention. They pull away from the crowd and accidentally bumps into Muse A, who was trying to lay low, disguised as royalty from a far-off kingdom. They talk and end up dancing, both of them enjoying each other's company. Assuming Muse A is who they say they are, Muse B goes to their parents and announces that they would like to marry Muse B. Will Muse B go along with it for the potential secrets? What happens when Muse B feels themselves falling in love with Muse A?

Siren x Human

Muse A is a siren that is thrown out the sea, thanks to a rather rough tsunami that has ripped up a small, peaceful seaside town. They land in Muse B's apartment's community pool, and thanks to it being the middle of winter, nobody is particularly worried about the debris that made its way in the pool. Muse B the first person to find Muse A in their hurt state, what do they do with their finding?

Thank you for reading, have a great day!!
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Lol I haven't reach my 10th post either!
The question now is wether or not that'll exclude me from being a rp partner? Because I'm am very interested. You want my resume? I've been told it's very convincing
I’m interested as well! I respond pretty quickly with at least two paragraphs and prefer to play the male. OCs are the best! I’ve got ten years of experience and loooove it! Let me know if you’re interested!
Lol I haven't reach my 10th post either!
The question now is wether or not that'll exclude me from being a rp partner? Because I'm am very interested. You want my resume? I've been told it's very convincing

I'd love to roleplay with you when one of us reaches that minimum, haha. Feel free to send your resume in the meantime, I'm very interested!
I’m interested as well! I respond pretty quickly with at least two paragraphs and prefer to play the male. OCs are the best! I’ve got ten years of experience and loooove it! Let me know if you’re interested!

I'd love to roleplay with you! Send me a PM and we can work out the specifics.
I'd love to roleplay with you when one of us reaches that minimum, haha. Feel free to send your resume in the meantime, I'm very interested!

Good gravy! I didn't think the resume line would work! lol
Um... I like TURTLES!
Shit, that's not right! haha But seriously, I started rping about 10 years ago and I started off really strong. Like all day everyday. But then I went through a period of no internet and the beginning of adulthood so I've been out of it for a while. I'm an avid reader though, so I'd like to think it's kept my wits about me. lol My tastes are very eclectic and everything in-between so it's hard to pick just one of your plots! And I think it's a match made in DNA that you prefer to play female characters because my go to is male!
You had me at turtles! It's been a long while since I've roleplayed any of the plots I've listed, so whatever really strikes your fancy I'll be good with (Although, if you ever need a second opinion, I can help with that haha). I have an inkling that our roleplay will be a lot of fun!
You had me at turtles! It's been a long while since I've roleplayed any of the plots I've listed, so whatever really strikes your fancy I'll be good with (Although, if you ever need a second opinion, I can help with that haha). I have an inkling that our roleplay will be a lot of fun!

Fun is my middle name! lol
I'm at 10 posts but there is still the 24 hour mark to wait out! So while we wait I'll let you know which ones immediately catch my eye!
- Assassin x Victim
- Siren x Human
- Enemy x Enemy
- Superhero x Friend

P.S. LOVE your avatar pic!
Bumping the thread almost four years later!! Haha the passage of time makes me sick

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