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FxF AHS: Coven Inspired Partner(s) & Other Ideas


thou mayest
Hi all. I'll get straight to the point.

About Me -

I'm a queer girl living in the Eastern timezone. I am fully literate and fussy about grammar/spelling. While I check the site everyday (and I do have Tapatalk), I also do a variety of extracurricular activities. Namely, I babysit every Tuesday and volunteer every Wednesday, so on those two days every week I'll be home later than normal (I'm usually home at around 4 PM). I am capable of writing paragraphs upon paragraphs, but would prefer not to. If you'd like to know anything more about me, please feel free to ask.

What I'm Looking For -

  • FxF roleplays only. While a roleplay doesn't necessarily have to have romantic undertones, I cannot play a male and I cannot pretend to be attracted to a male (the one and only exception to this is a polyamorous relationship, i.e., a three-way relationship between two females and one male or two males and one female). That said, I do not want a roleplay purely focused on romance, though it's a nice addition. I'm not sensitive to any topics, so the roleplay can go in any direction(s) you'd like.
  • My partner should not be limited to one-liners and only a few lines per post, but should not be looking to be writing novellas either. With school and all, I'd rather do something more low key and lax. I do expect, especially during times of heavy dialogue, for the roleplay to require briefer posts, which is fine, but should not comprise the entire roleplay.
  • My partner should also be in a timezone at least close to mine, so that the roleplay doesn't slow, otherwise I lose interest. I'd say, at max, a three hour difference (so 3 hours behind or ahead of EST).
  • I'd also prefer if my partner were on daily, or close to it, and willing to plot with me and communicate. I can be very understanding and patient with you, I just don't want to end up losing interest. I expect the same treatment from you; please be understanding and patient with me as well.
  • While this is obviously geared towards 1x1 roleplays, I wouldn't mind a small group roleplay (4 people max). As long as there is somehow FxF involved.
  • Realistic OCs only; no anime, no canon characters, etc.
  • I'd prefer the age range to be 16 or 17 at the youngest and maybe 24 or 25 at the oldest. Please do not use any easily recognizable celebrities for your character; this takes away from the experience. If you need help finding a model for your OC, let me know and I'll help you out (assuming you're playing a female). Other than this, I have no restrictions for your characters, as long as they're not generic.
  • Plot. Seriously. I need it. I like elements of danger, action, or adventure to drive my roleplays, though of course, there can be other supporting elements if you'd prefer something else.

Ideas -

  • What I'm really craving here, as shown in the title, is an AHS: Coven inspired roleplay. You do not need to have any knowledge of the show or characters to participate in this. The gist is that our characters would be witches (who can only be female) with a certain number of powers. I do have a list from the show's Wikia of potential powers with explanations, so feel free to ask. The roleplay could be set in a secluded all-girl boarding school in New Orleans, where students and teachers have to be specially invited. This is because the only students and teachers are all witches and what they're learning is how to navigate life with their power(s). We could pick and choose any number of antagonists; the only thing I don't want to do with this (for those who have knowledge of the show) is any plot having to do with the Supreme. Other potential antagonists include witch hunters, a feud with those who practice voodoo, normal humans trying to expose the witches, spirits/ghosts haunting the academy and trying to drive its occupants out, etc. There are tons of things we could do with this. This idea would also involve quite a few NPCs. Also, I suppose they don't necessarily need to be living at the boarding school... they could be young adult roommates at college or something. Point being, they're witches with powers and someone or something doesn't like that.
  • Something based on ghosts. Obviously, I haven't thought this one through enough.
  • Anything else FxF, fantasy or slice of life. I would also consider doing something inspired by other shows/movies/books, but you'd have to suggest and potentially explain one. Could also do something inspired by a song or something.
  • I would also consider, as previously mentioned, a polyamorous relationship (MxMxF or FxFxM) or a small group roleplay (4 people max).
  • Please feel free to suggest any pairings or ideas you're craving or that you have in mind. I tend to be picky about these though, so please don't be disheartened if I reject ideas. Just don't ask me to do MxF or MxM for 1x1 roleplays.

Sorry if this has been tedious to read, but I appreciate any and all responses!

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