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Multiple Settings Fuza's Search Thread ( m x f ) (Many Options; Mainly Fantasy/Sci-fi/Fandom)


Generic NPC Villain
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

Thank you for taking the time to take a look at my search thread.

Me, You, And RP

I generally prefer to play over private messages/conversations/whatever you want to call them. E-mail is also an option.

I adhere to a principle of "write what you're inspired to write." Did I send you a post that's three pages long in Word full of flashbacks, various characters conversing, etc.? I do not expect that back and I'd appreciate if you felt the same way in return. If just two characters are having a back-and-forth conversation, I expect much smaller posts from both of us. I'm honestly happy any way around it so long as I have something to respond to - you can usually write five paragraphs or one, either's fine. That all being said, my own typical range is two to eight paragraphs.

I prefer to play heterosexual male characters as my "main." I'll play all kinds of characters for purposes of story. So (probably obviously) I work best with those who enjoy writing heterosexual or bisexual females.

I typically do enjoy romance, and in most storylines I'll eventually grow bored without some element of it - so many of my ideas and plots are presented with the idea of a potential "pairing."

RP Genres: Original

I love fantasy, sci-fi, and any mix of the two. I'll play modern but I need some kind of element of fantasy to it - if it's something that could happen in our every day world, I flounder with ideas for that.

Elements I tend to like: Reincarnation, military, dynasties, opposing forces, dragons, supernaturals (both of the superpowered/hero variety and vampires/werewolves/etc.), aliens.

I'd love for you to send me your ideas/cravings.

RP Genres: Fandom

Please, OCs only. Canons may be mentioned or make an appearance if truly required, but I'd prefer a differing timeline from the originals or alternate universe altogether.

Harry Potter (a little burnt out on this right now but not completely against), Pokemon (potential plot), Star Wars (potential plot), Animorphs, Dragonriders of Pern (currently have a plot), Jurassic Park/World.

Interested? Please send me a PM.
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