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Multiple Settings fuwa fuwa 愛! :: m/f, original, some anime


hi, I'm Milk! I haven't touched anything even remotely related to RP in a pretty long time, at least a couple years now. used to do it quite a bit, though! was a very fun sorta hobby for me, can't really remember all the terms and stuff used, but I think I would've been considered semi-literate(? again, really don't remember much of this stuff, lol) back when I was actively writing. well, I tried to keep a consistent minimum of 100 or so words whenever possible, anyways. not so sure how well I'd do nowadays, so all I can say is, I'll try to keep up the pace! anyways, copying off of some of the threads I've seen here, I'll make a brief little list below of some stuff about me, and what you might be able to expect from me in general. so, enough of me rambling, lol, here you go!
  • over 18.
  • pretty decent grammar, but mistakes will be made, don't expect you to be perfect, either.
  • semi-literate(?) level writing... maybe. I'll do my best, anyways!
  • patient, don't worry about replying every single day. real life and your overall health is much more important, and should always come first. being patient with me as well would be very much appreciated.
  • no strong preference for PMs or threads, but would greatly prefer to not leave the site at all, please.
  • can play both genders just fine, but I admittedly have a preference for female characters. doubling is something I certainly can try, but have never done before.
  • m/f is what I'm interested in, in terms of romance. no interest whatsoever in anything else, so please don't ask, thank you. this applies to doubling, too.
  • anime art is what I use to portray my characters. don't mean to be pushy at all, but using photographs of real, living people doesn't quite sit well with me, so I'd like to avoid doing that, please.
that's all! If there's something you wanna know that I didn't mention already, just ask. I'll (probably) be able to answer. now, stuff I wanna do... I guess I'll try to do this in a way that doesn't make the thread look too lengthy or messy. some of my original ideas I'm going to list out in the form of pairings, with genres written underneath to give some idea of what I have in mind for that specific pairing, and if you're interested and want more details, you can ask me. anime won't have any genres listed, though, and instead just pairings, as I don't have anything super special in mind for them.
  • original ::
human girl/living doll (a doll of a boy the girl has had since childhood that suddenly turns into a real, living person).
romance, fantasy, slice of life.
human girl/male shinigami.
slice of life, supernatural, drama, romance.
aspiring idol girl/zombie male idol.
comedy, supernatural, romance, slice of life.
childhood friend/childhood friend (nothing particularly unique in mind for this, mostly just good ol' fluffy, innocent Shoujo-esque romance).
slice of life, romance, drama (nothing too terribly heartbreaking! ...probably!), comedy.
ordinary girl/storybook prince (a prince who literally comes out of a storybook the girl reads).
romance, fantasy, slice of life.
will add more, soon! ...probably, lol.
  • anime ::
Darker Than Black (have not watched the 2nd season).
doll/contractor (original characters, no canon).
Persona series (not so much the anime adaptions, but I've played all the games and adore them, 3 and 5 are my favorites).
original character/original character.
original character/Yusuke (...sorry, he's my favorite P5 character! probably not gonna get anyone interested in playing him, but might as well try, lol).
original character/P5 MC (Joker? Akira? Ren? whatever his name is, lol).
Fruits Basket.
normal human/cursed (original characters, no canon. would like to be a little greedy here and mention I'd really like to play the former role in this pairing, haha).
will add more, soon! promise! ...I've just watched too much anime/read too many manga to list, lol.
...and I guess that's pretty much it! can't think of much else to add, so I'm just gonna end it here. If you're interested, go ahead and send a PM, and I'll get back to you as soon as possible!
thank you!
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the aspiring female idol / zombie male idol sounds fun! pm me?

my gosh, totally forgot this thread even existed, lol. thanks a bunch for the interest, but unfortunately I'm not really looking to take on another RP at this time (my fault, should've edited the thread to say this weeks ago, just slipped my mind).
again, though, thank you for your interest! hope you have a great day (or night, afternoon... whatever time it is where you are, lol). ^_^
finally decided to start searching again! likely just going to take on one or two again, though. kinda sad I had to take out the ''merry Christmas'' from OP, too bad it's not Christmas anymore, lol.
added a couple more original pairings, was strangely having trouble thinking of some when I last edited OP at like... 2 AM, haha.
always super weak for ::
childhood friend/childhood friend but i'm also interested in romance, fantasy, slice of life and the shinigami plot.

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