Soviet Panda
Red Panda Commanda.
Ummm... Let's see here. A planet is basically divided evenly enough between two sides of a strikingly human race. Each side is capable of destroying their enemy with a vast barrage of missles, nuclear and other. But it is a mutually assured destruction. The seas are rules by Behemoth class and Goliath class ships of war, making the battle ships of WWII look like small gun boats, and at a stand still because of it. The air is crowded with literal flying fortresses with varying amounts of fully armed fighter squadrons, let alone guns to defend themselves. The only true way to win this war is with the men and women with boots on the ground. But each side realizes this, and so has dug in heavily. Now the frontlines is a maze of trenches, barbed wire, landmines, and roving clouds of nanktes that will tear any soft targets to shreds. Artillery constantly rains down on both sides of no man's land, and occasionally a brave or foolish officer will command a charge, only to be gunned down by the opposing forces defences. Not even the latest in land warfare, the almighty mech walker, stands a chance in that kind of fire. This war will either cause one side to run itself dry, which is unlikely, or never end.
All players will be on one side, which is simply easier. They will be part of the newly formed Hybrid Forces Second Division, which basically means that they will have to be in and out of a mech at some point or another, also called the Boar division, after their mascot, a nearly two hundred pound boar that they found and raised. Well, their commanding officer found and raised it. But, little do they know, they are a key part in the ending of this war.
Side note. It doesn't have to be a boar, just didn't want it to be cliché like Raven or Ghost.
@Yonsisac is a gm and assisting me as well. Feed back such as, well, anything really is welcomed. Just don't be a jackwagon, saying things like this is a terrible idea and it should be done a completely different way. This shouldn't have to be said, but you never know.
All players will be on one side, which is simply easier. They will be part of the newly formed Hybrid Forces Second Division, which basically means that they will have to be in and out of a mech at some point or another, also called the Boar division, after their mascot, a nearly two hundred pound boar that they found and raised. Well, their commanding officer found and raised it. But, little do they know, they are a key part in the ending of this war.
Side note. It doesn't have to be a boar, just didn't want it to be cliché like Raven or Ghost.
@Yonsisac is a gm and assisting me as well. Feed back such as, well, anything really is welcomed. Just don't be a jackwagon, saying things like this is a terrible idea and it should be done a completely different way. This shouldn't have to be said, but you never know.