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Futuristic { Futuristic Super-Power Rp! }


The Wandering Wisp


"After years of development Mankind had nearly everything that they had ever hoped to achieve and more...Whilst Fully intelligent life such as humans were never found alien creatures were discover and planets were colonized...A.I's were developed and became common place whilst human life was extended to a phenomenal 300 years and this was discounting cryogenics. However everything isn't as amazing as it truly seems...Most of the World is ran by a corporate giant going by the name of Prometheus International who's common motto was "Bestowing our knowledge to Humanity"...Using their vast influence over the business market their pretty much the actual Owners of Earth, Local governments being mere puppets on strings. There is something they haven't scratched the surface of though and that was Psionics, Also known to the common populace as doing something with your mind. It was an interesting concept and could possibly give them all sorts of advantages against adversaries, especially those who knew of their true intent so they launched a Scientific experiment and dubbed it Project Athena....That's where you come in Kiddo.."

Ah hello there reader, Hopefully that wasn't an overly boring read!

Like most Rp's I plan on creating/Participating in this will be of Detailed level and require a fair amount of dedication.

The Premise of this Rp will basically focus on a group of people who have selected for a Scientific Project which will bestow upon them Psionic powers, However things quickly go wrong as they learn of the true intent of said project & Corruption within the Company.

I realize the description is incredibly vague and barely anything to go off with but I've noticed how things with long descriptions tend to scare others off. So naturally this will be explained in much much greater detail once I create the actual thread, That is if enough people show interest!

Ah good question, Whilst I plan on making a list once the actual thread is posted the ones I have biggest issues with are Electromagnetic manipulation, { Non-Limited } Particle manipulation, Time manipulation and all that jazz. Their's going to be a power list thing soon. On another note I am currently working on the actual thread and It should be done soon!

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