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Futuristic Fantasy?


New Member
Alrighty folks, i'm still getting the hang of this site. I was

wondering if anything would be interested in a thread

involving the concept of futuristic fantasy? I'm looking

for writers willing to do para-multi para. I have a

character named Aoko Kinoshita. Here's a short

bio. It's fairly bare, but I prefer to develop

my characters over a course of a story. Feel

free to PM me for questions.


!! TW : sexual assault, abuse !!

Full Name:

Aoko Kishimoto

Pronouns: She/Her


- Anxiety

- Psychosis

Gender: Cis Female

Myer's Briggs: INFP

Orientation: Asexual, Panromantic

Age: 19

Alibi: ----

Hair: Coal black, wavy & curly.

Eyes: Serenity blue

Abilties: Floral manipulation & healing.

- Aoko is able to assist in the growth of plants & garden life. As well, she

has vase knowledge of how to heal others. She's able to heal others

from severe injury, however the same cannot be applied to herself.

Height/Weight: 4'8/ 98 lb

Date of Birth: 2/22/1997


[ 2D ] - Sayaka Miki & Kuroko Tetsuya’s cisswap

[ RL ] - TBD

Occupation: Florist

Residence: TBD

Positive Personality Traits: Hardworking, responsible, && self sufficent.

Negative Personality Traits: Pretentious, timid, dishonest, rude && skeptical.

Short Bio: )

As a young child, Aoko suffered through sexual abuse from her Mother Haruka and her boyfriend Takedo. At the age of 11, she was brought into foster care. During her time at foster care, Aoko faced consistent isolation. Thankfully, at the age of 15 Hanako && Mizuki took her in. Due to the stress of schooling, Aoko made haste to get a certification as a florist. She works in a small shop called La'Belle && is working towards improving herslef as a person.
I am interested. I like the idea, of futuristic fantasy. Can you elaborate on it a bit more so I make sure I have the right idea?

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