Future Warfare


Honorable Knight of Astora


Technician Type:




(If you wish to be a Steel Soldier pm me I am only allowing 5 of them)
Name: Issac McCall

Age: Runner Tech

Personality: A hard headed soldier Issac often ignores orders. Issac is most likely to die protecting someone as he has a beyond average protective instinct


Bio: Issac was raised in a pacifist household and raised against war, upon his enlistment his family left and disowned him. Since then Issac rarely allowed anyone near him until he joined the war. The money he earns is often sent off to help abandoned children as he feels obligated to do so. Issac also lost a friend early into his military career and since then he has always been the first casualty in war, he is lucky to even be alive at the moment.
Name: Brandon McCartney

Age: Armored Tech

Personality: Brandon can be a leader when he want to be. He speaks his mind and he doesn't let anything or anyone stand in his way. Brandon is a friendly person and those who have met him have said they would fight by his side any day.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/imagesY8TTLDOY.jpg.e89cb1fc44d4ba28f1dc5944818e90c8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="51197" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/imagesY8TTLDOY.jpg.e89cb1fc44d4ba28f1dc5944818e90c8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: Brandon use to be a quiet kid. Raised in New York, Brandon often seen a lot of things he wasn't suppose to. Brandon was 13 when his mother and father died and it was up to his brother desmond to take care of him. Desmond was in the military and he died when Brandon turned 16. In honor of his brother Brandon joined a Mercenary Unit called iron blade. Brandon has almost gotten killed over 12 times and is still in perfect shape, enemies who hear his full story say that desmond was one of the best military members there was and desmond's spirit lives inside of Brandon while others say its just luck.



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Name: Blitz Zhavanx

Nickname: Techno // Goddess Of Technology

Age: 19

Technician Type: Advanced Tech

Personality: Blitz loves technology more than anything, including others and her own life. It's a strength and a weakness to her own well being. To allies, she'll help anyone she thinks isn't such an asshole half the time (Including on and off the battlefield) or isn't useless in her eyes. To her enemies, she's a technological demon on the battlefield, killing anyone she goes against without mercy. Though she is merciless, if she sees the chance to gain technology or information, she'll do it - even if it means letting her enemies live.

Appearance:: Head: Besides the normal helmet given to the technicians, she has a multi-purpose scope with three different settings; Analyse, Thermal, and Zoom. Analyse allows her to see the condition of a 'Mech Soldier', as she dubbed them. Thermal let's her see the battlefield and easily locate soldiers and technicians by body or mechanical generated heat. Zoom is self explanatory; she can see up to 10x farther away as if using a sniper rifle.

Body: Her entire right arm, with the provided equipment, is mechanical. She lost it during her 3rd mission that she has yet to tell anyone about. She wears what she calls a War-frame; it allows her to store a small Gatling gun around her right arm and a large ammo bag covering her entire back and upper arms, which is covered by steel plating armor. Her left arm hold many hacking programs and devices varying from virus' to code-breakers, from data-bugs to security bypass-programs. Unfortunately, it has minor armor plating. Heavy rounds can easily shred it but the armor was meant for lighter rounds such as .45's and hollow rounds. Her left arm also holds a claw-like device that can be like a claw or a grappling hook; being able to be fired and bring Techno to the location she fires it at.

Her lower legs contain boosters that give her a 2.5x jump boost from the normal human jump. They also have claw-like devices on her feet that go with her left hand, allowing her to slowly climb walls (Ceiling's don't happen). Her entire legs just have armor plating and nothing else, as well as the rest of her body.

Bio: Techno, since being a little girl, always loved technology, even if it was a common thing. She was fascinated by how much it could do and loved to always put it to the test. Her parents thought of this as a good thing and hoped she'd become something great with this gift, what they didn't expect was that her personality at the time lead her to become a technician in the war. Eventually her family warmed up but was never comfortable with it. Enlisting at 17, Techno became one of the best Advanced Technicians in the military, though no ones seems to know if she is the best though some believe that she is. Rumors aside, she's earned a reputation for always returning with a win-win; victory and bringing some sort of technology. Many considered that these were trophies, others say it was the most fascinating thing to her during that mission. Whatever it was, it was always something different that grabbed her attention. On her 3rd mission into enemy territory for a quick repair, shrapnel exploded next to her and she lost her entire right arm. She was brought back by the Steel Soldier she repaired and was given a new, mechanical arm. Though she was in misery for a month in the fact she lost her natural senses, she does appreciate that her most loved thing has given her another chance for the things she loves. Though she was brought back into service as more than capable, her personality changed a bit afterward, being more harsh to her enemies and people she dislikes, but she's also more passionate about saving her allies.

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