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Futuristic Future Legacies West Sign-Up


Junior Member
Here is what I'm thinking for the intro post of the west sign up. Do you guys think this works?

Future Legacies is a large scale strategy game where there are countries ruled by kings, but you can play as people who live inside those kingdom's. Whether it be a general, a shopkeeper, or just a villager trying to make ends meat, you can be whatever you want. You can play up to three characters per kingdom, and must submit an application for your character for each kingdom, at which time the ruler of the kingdom shall decide whether or not you can join they're kingdom. The Kingdom's of the west side are listed below, along with a character card for your character applications.

Character Card:




Title (If Any):

Occupation and Rank In Nation:


Family (If Any):


Allegiance to Internal Faction:





Status((Wealth and political influence)):

Motivations ((Why do you do what you do)):

Aspirations ((What to you wish to achieve)):


Full Name: The Free States of Ferniod

Shortened Name: The FSF

Capital: Drednard

Primary Climate: Northern Temperate, large amounts of snow and rain annually.

Geography Description: Usually tropical. The Free states consist of the many smaller islands on the Far East and western edges of the world. These islands consists of only small amounts of land for growing but have ample fishing. The main island is the one to the most south west of the map, but trade ports owned by the Free states can be found worldwide.

Cultures you can relate too: Dutch and Caribbean islands.

Head of State: The council of Merchants

Head of Government: Guild Master Akuzbar

Form of Government: Mercantile Confederation/Republic

* Legislative Branch: The Council of Merchants

* Judicial Branch: The Council

* Executive Branch: Guild Master Akuzbar

Economic System: Trade

Tax Rate: Merchants 4-6%, Soldiers 10%, Local Inhabitants 25-40%

Population: 13 Million

Major Imports (3): Gold, Exotic/Luxury goods, Mercenaries

Major Exports (3): Various sea products, Captains, Trade goods

Major Crop: Fish

Primary Industry: Trade

Government's Top Priority: Expanding Trade

Religion(s): Salt, God of the Sea. Rakatow, God of Prosperity

Currency: All currencies accepted, The Ferniod Turotua is preferred

Military Structure: Mercenary based land army with a large professional navy and a small air-force

Military Manpower (Keep below 3% in Peace and 15% in war):750,00 total: 50,000 (almost all navy) Peace, 700,000 Available for higher or conscription at any given time

Major Cities: The port cities of Drednard, Gelderlin, and Zeewoll

History: The island of Ferniod had always relied on the sea for its lively hood. As a result Ferniod tended to be the birthplace state of the art ship design and navigation since there official founding three hundreds year ago. While never fighting direct military engagements with any established power, the people of Ferniod spent most of early history as pirate hunters and explorers for other nations. Only recently have mainland merchants moved in and established Ferniod as a central trading hub. Uniting the independent city councils with the promise of gold and profit the merchants set off establishing their rule to almost all nearby islands through economic and military conquest. Now the islands are under the complete control of the merchant guild which has taken over all forms of economic and military control. Recently there has been rumors of a possible resistance of the ex-local authorities to oust the merchants and retake control, but as long as the merchants land based military mercs control the cities the seafaring locals of Ferniods and other island states cannot hope to overthrow them. For now the wealthy profit greatly off trade and labor of their island plantation islands, providing cheap goods for profitable trade. The legacy of the Sea still stands tall with the people of the Freniod Free states and the finest “salted” Navigators and Captains on the high oceans still are available to higher for all nations.



Full Name:

The People's Brigade for Equality

Shortened Name:

People's Brigade



Primary Climate:


Head of State:

Robyn Little

Head of Government:

Representative Council

Form of Government:


Type of Economy: Capitialism

Tax Rate: 10% all

Major Imports (3):




Major Exports (3):




Primary Industry:


Government's Top Priority:



Varies Greatly


Gold Pieces

Population: 12 Million

Military Structure: powerful land and navy, nonexistent air forces

Military Manpower one percent in peace, ten percent in war. War= 1,200,000 Peace= 360,000

History: The People's Republic is for all intensive purposes, a militia. Though they're lack of training and soldier make them vulnerable, their lack of organization or integral systems make them an interesting opponent. The Republic was formed long ago, but was abolished after they no longer held purpose. This happens somewhat often and the newest incarnation is led by a man called Robyn Little. They lack goals of strength and destruction of opponents, but fight instead for a better life. One where tyrants do not rule and families are crushed.

Flag: http://www.flagguys.com/img/h144.jpg


Full Name: The Kingdom of Sondheim

Shortened Name: Sondheim

Capital: Kalder

Culture yours can relate too: Um, a bit of Gondor, Rohan, and Skyrim.

Primary Climate: Temperate

Geography Description: Sondheim rests in the upper half of the western continent, and in an island to the right of it. It is most well known for its beautiful sights. Large mountains, rolling hills, and lush forests, as well as a lake. These are just a sample of the things that you will see here. As well it is known for harsh winters. The people of Sondheim can withstand very cold temperatures due to this.

Head of State: Lord Nomad War-Blade

Head of Government: The Council of Zordon

Form of Government: A Kingdom Diplomacy (Working title.) The people can vote on they're mayors, and almost anything. Exceptions to this rule are Yaers (Govenors), which are appointed by the council, unless the lord and the people find the council to be corrupt, in which case the people will vote on a new council, and on any laws that are in they're final stages of becoming laws, those are also left to the council.

* Legislative Branch: The Zordon Senate (This includes the Lord and the Council)

* Judicial Branch: The Court of Zordon

* Executive Branch: The Zordon Enforcement

Economic System: No Classification (I haven't gone over economics, and my Wikipedia app isn't working. I'll try to classify it later.

Tax Rate: Poor- 0% Middle- 10% Rich- 15%

Population: 50 Million

Major Imports (3): Zaarithiin, a metal that is unbreakable and comes in four colors. Blue, Red, White, and Black. It is very valuable and hard to break, also is what most weapons are made of in Sondheim. Entertainment goods (Such as books, movies, games. The Sondolens are very creative.) Weapons. Most Sondolens are well versed in crafting weapons and make great ones.

Major Exports (3): Fuel. (For the most part we are very self reliant, but we really lack fuel.)

Major Crop: Zaarithiin.

Primary Industry: Diplomacy.

Government's Top Priority: Peace, but also being ready to kick someone's butt if they attack us.

Religion(s): Christianity, though other religions are allowed, this is a very Christian country.

Currency: Urit's

Military Structure: Main focus on land power, with medium focus on air and navy.

Military Manpower (Keep below 3% in Peace and 15% in war):

3% would stand at 1,041,200 Total // 430,000 Active // 611,000 Reserve

Major Cities: Kalder (Capital), Zordon (North capital, old grand capital.) Feran (South Capital) Dooran (West Capital) Valog (East Capital) Jargeth (Island Capital)

History: Sondheim was one of the most recent countries formed. While the other countries in the world were all formed and thriving, the land of Sondheim was divided into fifty warring factions, all wishing for the land. They fought endlessly, and seemed of no consequence to any kingdom. After 150 years of fighting, they had exhausted almost every fuel source they had, plunging then back into the Dark Ages. The war didn't stop there. After they recovered and built kingdom's, in fifty years they began warring again. After three hundred years of war, a man named Ronan War-Blade, from Zordon, decided to put a stop to it. He pulled the fifty tribe leaders together and found those that had similar traits to each other and set then together. When all was said and done they had 6 tribes. After a long debate that lasted a year, the tribes managed to elect a leader among them. The tribes United themselves under Ronan War-Blade, and they implemented the Zordon Concordant. It was a decree, that gave rise to the government of Sondheim. Hence why many things are named after Zordon. This was two hundred years ago. Ronan War-Blade was a Christian, and founded the country on Christian ideals. Though the people of Sondheim at the time were not very Christian at all. It was 100 years later when a missionary named George Hasspebring brought the Bible to Sondheim in a widespread revival. The people of Sondheim opened they're hearts to it, and have been followers ever since. Today, Sondheim stands as one of the chief proprietors for peace in the world, knowing all to well the horrors of war, but remain ever weary of its presence, ready to meet it head on if necessary.

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Character Card:

Name: Delson Willows

Gender: male

Age: 20

Title: Eagle

Occupation and Rank In Nation: A traveling merchant. (Spy for hire)

Nation: Tribal Coalition

Family: none

Allegiance to Internal Faction: natural

Religion: none

Personality: He is slightly apathetic and curious. Most of the time he is happy and playful to catch people off guard. He is smart with a quick eye and quicker aim. He has sticky fingers as a result of his more difficult jobs and can be manipulative. When he's not spying or selling stuff he's out exploring. He loves exploring and is very adventures and brave.

Bio: He grew up exploring the forest of Tribal Coalition as part of the Gunma tribe. By the time he was nine he knew it like the back of his hand. He spent most of his time learning the ways of the forest. Climbing trees and befriending animals. He was a loner a weirdo by the other kids standers so the animals were his only friends. When he was twelve his parents were killed by the Zulu tribe. He lived on his own until he was fifteen then left. Taking only the bare minimum he began to travel from kingdom to kingdom as a traveling merchant using what he learned from his parents who were some of the top traders for their skills in finding rare jewels. At the age of 17 a man offered him money to findbout if his wife was cheating on him. He completed it and found it was easy money. Soon he took it up as a profession using the alias 'Eagle' and became quit good at it until even royalty asked for him.

Weapon: Two poison dipped daggers and a bow and arrow.

Status : civilian

Motivations: To make a living so he can reach his goal.

Aspirations : to find a reason for living.

Name: Nomad War-Blade

Gender: Male

Age: 29

Title (If Any): High King

Occupation and Rank In Nation: King

Nation: Sondheim

Family (If Any): None, but searching for a wife.

Appearance:View attachment 87655

Allegiance to Internal Faction: He is loyal to the end to his people.

Religion: Christianity

Personality: Jon is kind, compassionate, and loyal. He is one of the kindest people you'll meet. For his age, he is quite wise, and doesn't like much the rich lifestyle of a royal.

Bio: Nomad was never much for the life of royalty. He always preferred a normal life. His childhood was that of a normal child, not privileged or deprived, as Sondheim was beginning to grow into what was predicted to be its golden age. However, he was his father's only heir, and had to take the throne when his father died of an unknown disease named Olan. When he did, the people and the Council doubted him greatly. He was only 18 at the time, and prayed for wisdom, and the strength to govern his people. It wasn't long before he found his country under siege by the Alraki, a splinter group of terrorists who tried to destroy the entirety of Sondheim and its people, and build a new country on its ashes. Nomad dedicated his men to stopping them, but they had yet to reveal they're greatest threat. It was a great feared beast in Sondheim, from which the terrorists took they're name. It could destroy entire cities. Nomad demonstrated his unending love for his people that day by nearly sacrificing himself to save a woman and small child. Though he nearly died, his men managed to save the country. From that day, no man has ever questioned his rule, and the country lives in peace.

Weapon: Standard Issue Sondheimian Rifle:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/uploadfromtaptalk1416367100355.jpg.217c1f0c41679ab65bd17757ac915503.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34943" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/uploadfromtaptalk1416367100355.jpg.217c1f0c41679ab65bd17757ac915503.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Standard Issue Sondheimian Pistol:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/uploadfromtaptalk1416367151784.jpg.192ceaf7b63cb20b7222995ed3020f03.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34944" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/uploadfromtaptalk1416367151784.jpg.192ceaf7b63cb20b7222995ed3020f03.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Zaarithiin Sword:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/uploadfromtaptalk1416367187816.jpg.277f7b356793c58879fc564a37152bb4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="34945" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/uploadfromtaptalk1416367187816.jpg.277f7b356793c58879fc564a37152bb4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Status: He is actually not the richest person in the country, as he gives most of his money away, but he has the highest political influence.

Motivations ((Why do you do what you do)): So that my people can live out they're lives in peace, without fear.

Aspirations ((What to you wish to achieve)): To bring peace between my nation and others, and keep my nation safe.


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Do you mean other than the ones that are listed? Yeah, but the sign up thread for those hasn't been made yet.

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[QUOTE="kira blackthorn]Character Card:
Name: Delson Willows

Gender: male

Age: 20

Title: Eagle

Occupation and Rank In Nation: A traveling merchant. (Spy for hire)

Nation: Tribal Coalition

Family: none

Allegiance to Internal Faction: natural

Religion: none

Personality: He is slightly apathetic and curious. Most of the time he is happy and playful to catch people off guard. He is smart with a quick eye and quicker aim. He has sticky fingers as a result of his more difficult jobs and can be manipulative. When he's not spying or selling stuff he's out exploring. He loves exploring and is very adventures and brave.

Bio: He grew up exploring the forest of Tribal Coalition as part of the Gunma tribe. By the time he was nine he knew it like the back of his hand. He spent most of his time learning the ways of the forest. Climbing trees and befriending animals. He was a loner a weirdo by the other kids standers so the animals were his only friends. When he was twelve his parents were killed by the Zulu tribe. He lived on his own until he was fifteen then left. Taking only the bare minimum he began to travel from kingdom to kingdom as a traveling merchant using what he learned from his parents who were some of the top traders for their skills in finding rare jewels. At the age of 17 a man offered him money to findbout if his wife was cheating on him. He completed it and found it was easy money. Soon he took it up as a profession using the alias 'Eagle' and became quit good at it until even royalty asked for him.

Weapon: Two poison dipped daggers and a bow and arrow.

Status : civilian

Motivations: To make a living so he can reach his goal.

Aspirations : to find a reason for living.


Sir, my most sincere apologies, but I have made a blunder. This kingdom is on the east side, and the thread for that should be up in the next day or so. When it is I will let you know and you may sign up for the kingdom there. Terribly sorry once again.

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