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Realistic or Modern Funeral | CS



In need of more roleplays :⁠')
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
List of PCs:
Alpha Team:
- The Team Leader
- The Marksman
- The Grenadier
- The Medic

Bravo Team:
- The Team Leader
- The Tech Guy

List of NPCs:
BRAVO Team Leader
full name:
Albert Koch
Twenty Nine
Albert is what you call a textbook person, he prefers sticking to whatever formal guidelines are present and when forced to abandon them, he will likely question the validity and legality of it. Most times, he is logical and rather straight to the point. His words though tend to be rather sharp and almost insensitive. Though he mostly likely did it as a way to gauge a reaction as he often prefers figuring out what makes the world around him ticks. This cause him to be viewed as untrustworthy, shady and unapproachable which helps him to be left alone to his own devices. Despite his sometime cold and distant demeanor, Albert does care about those he grew to be fond of though he rarely shows it because of his tendency to just keep it to himself.

He is calm at most times and is able to work under pressure relatively easy. Though he doesn't like to speak his mind unless it calls for it. Most times he would rather cooperate and just follow orders. When faced with a need to play diplomacy, this is where Albert is able to use his words against others. He is able to gain and express sympathy while also bringing a sense of authenticity to his words and expressions regardless whether they were truly genuine or not

When faced with an obstacle, Albert would try his best to find a solution even when it may seem impossible, giving up is never an option. He has high willpower and will stand on what he believes in. However, if he was to face betrayal or something to break his beliefs then his cool and calm act will crumble, forcing him to act on his impulse and emotions instead. He becomes volatile and likely to lash out on others. His trust issues that stems from his familial issues can turn him against others.
Albert grew up in a small town somewhere in North Carolina. His family were immigrants from Denmark, hoping to have a clean slate after his father got himself out of the army when they had his sister who was a couple years younger than him. Albert had always been wandering off alone and never really made meaningful connections early on with his life. Due to his father's background, Albert had learned how to aim rifles since he was fourteen. It was more so as a way to control his breathing as he would often have panic attacks that would leave him distressed. Often when he was close to experiencing one, he would direct his focus to whatever was in his hands and started counting in his mind. He eventually managed to calm himself down rather quickly and get himself back together with ease.

Though otherwise, his upbringing was rather normal. He was close with the rest of his family members and he was aiming to be a cop until one day he was left being the only man in the family. He decided to instead enlist himself to the US Army hoping that he would be accepted. At first they didn't accept him because he was thin and looked rather frail. He spent months getting himself in shape and attended medical classes to certify himself in the medic field while also spending some time in the gun range, sharpening his eyesight. Though what made him to be accepted was the training that his father's friend gave him. It was extreme for most part, but he was determined to succeed.

After eventually being accepted into the army at the age of Twenty, Albert found himself switching his role in his squad. Most of the time acting as recon and support before he ended up taking in more responsibility. He was deemed as a formidable sniper and certified medic in case of need (having actual extensive medical knowledge to administer drugs and further medical care) However, due to his loner personality and his tendency to be more comfortable blending in, he was never really given the chance to lead even though he has the capability of doing so. Though that changed when he climbed his ranks as a corporal and managing to rescue and aid a team in need alone. This led him to eventually having more confidence in leading a team which led him to be promoted to be a Sergeant and having his own team of people.

Due to his change of role in his team (from being support/sniper to team leader), Albert spends more of his time becoming a reliable spotter for his sniper but will carry an automatic sniper rifle just in case instead of opting for an assault rifle.
John Koch, father ✝
Emilia Koch, mother
Lea Koch, sister
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