Fullmetal Alchemist


Name: Gabryella Winrut

Age: 15

Gender: Female

State alchemist?: No.

Transmutation circle? No.

Appearance: Tan-skinned, Glasses, Wears Fedora, usually wears black t-shirt under white coat, Black Boots with gray pants; Missing Limb(s): Left Arm;

Bio: Lived in the country most of her life until age 13 when she performed human transmutation with her friend to bring her deceased sister back to life however lost her arm in the process while friend lost eyes. Got assistance from nearby Automail engineers to help her and her friend which she carried. After finding out they couldn't help her friend he left without saying a word and she never heard from him again.


Other: Presently she's been traveling around and learning more and more things about alchemy; She never stays in the same place more than once.; Prefers instant foods on most occasions unless she hs no choice to eat cooked and baked meals.
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Name: Michael Kerin aka the steel alchemist

Age: 30

Gender: Male

State alchemist?: Yes

Transmutation circle? No

Appearance: Michael stands 6 feet tall. his hair is blonde and his eyes are brown, he is fairly muscular and thin. He is, however, missing both his legs and his left arm, which are replaced by rockbell automail. His usual attire is a black top and black jeans with along with a black (with silver highlights) jacket with a tailcoat-like tail and a large open collar.

Bio: Michael never knew his mother, she died during childbirth, so Michael was left in the care of his father, a soldier and renowned alchemist (named the rock binding alchemist because of his experiments with binding rock to organic matter). Due to his fathers endeavours alchemy caught his eye first when he was a young age, his father would also use alchemy in daily tasks so this just added to Michael's fascination. When he became 5 (the minimum age for the study of alchemy) he began studying alchemy with a passion, rarely ever taking breaks, even during school, meals and late into the night, he was known around his village as a bookworm because of this. Then one tragic day, when michael only just turned 10 years old his father died in a massacre in the ishbal conflict, a very iconic moment in his life was the two alchemists who came to tell him of his fathers death as they told him about their jobs, and offered him the chance to come and attempt the trials. Michael was left in the care of his neighbour. From then on he strived to bring his father back in any way he could. he discovered eventually, from some of the few texts left by his father, that human transmutation could 'theoretically' be performed to revive humans, but no one had ever succeeded. He vowed to use this as his tool for the resurrection of his father. After 3 years of intensive study, at the age of only 13 years old (albeit his alchemical knowledge was quite good for his age), he attempted the ultimate taboo, but, of course, he failed, as nothing was worth his fathers soul. Due to this he payed the terrible price. Truth took both his legs and his left arm, it took him a year to save up enough money to get his automail built by the famous rockbell automail, and another year to adapt. But After these awful events he had learnt his lesson, he wasn't going to attempt human transmutation ever again and he was going to become a state alchemist and help his country like his father would have wished. When he turned 17 Michael passed the state alchemist test and at the current time Michael is a very high ranking alchemical official due to his extensive knowledge of all forms of alchemy (including the darker forms). He leads some government research and due to this he does a lot of travel. He hopes to find someone to mentor some day..

Other: Michael tells people he lost his legs and arm in a train crash and his title is due to him having so many automail limbs, as the frames for automail are made out of steel.
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Soul bound armour:

Name: Kass Valen

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Alchemist who bound you: The Government


Bio: Kass had a normal childhood in the city, for the most part, and never had a major interest in alchemy. Her mother was dead long before she could remember, so she picked up most of her skills from her dad, most noticeable of which being the art of swordplay. It was a winter night, when her life took a turn for the worse. She was a hot headed teenager, and she picked a fight with a guy of the same age as herself. She won the fight and killed the guy, but was arrested shortly after. Her trial was quick, and she was sentenced to execution. Instead of being killed, though, the government took her as an experiment, to test the resilience of a young person's soul. They did this by forcefully tearing her soul out and binding it to armor. She survived, but only just, and has been known to have fits of madness since then. She managed to escape the government, and has been in hiding ever since, occasionally picking up a mercenary job.

Other: Besides her skill with a sword, she is naturally agile, and has become adapted to her metal body. The few that have seen and heard her have called her "Shackles", which is due to her not always perfectly muffling her joints, causing them to clack against each other, making the sound of prison restraints.
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Name: Ajax Wellington aka The Walking Stone Alchemist

Age: 22

Gender: Male

State alchemist?: Yes

Transmutation circle?: No


Appearance: Lost his arms and legs along with some minor bone structures in his shoulders, but now has artificial limbs that are almost completely made of a hard black rock automail, a specialty in the town that he is from. He was once a flat 6'0", but with the artificial limbs, he requested to be 6'5", and so his automail was sized to meet the request, his feet got large "heels" to make him taller. His lovely brown hair has turned to a ghastly white from the fright of the human transmutation.

Bio: Growing up, there was always something that seemed off when you talked to Ajax, probably because his brother was cut down right in front of him by some math teacher at his school who just up and lost it one day and killed five students. Ajax tried for the remainder of his life to forget about the loss by throwing himself primarily into alchemy. One day whilst he was merrily reading about the alchemical properties of frostroot, he heard someone men loudly speaking about transmuting humans in a way that would bring them back to life, in the middle of the library where he was. He went up to the men whom he didn't realize were trying to draw in the young alchemist and asked them cautiously about bringing his brother back to life, and the two men agreed to bring Ajax's brother back from the dead. That night, Ajax happily dug up his brother's coffin and dragged it all the way to the home of the two men that he had confronted earlier. When Ajax walked in, smiling hopefully, he saw the two men grinning back at him, very sinisterly. The three of them attempted to bring Ajax's brother back, and (surprise) it didn't turn out well. It ended in Ajax binding the two men to a hollow teddy bear and a leather breastplate. He remembered the excruciating pain of his limbs being torn from him and the "coveted" knowledge that was given to him in exchange. He also remembered laying on the cold, dirt floor of the basement, just as a white haired nub. He was stunned by the evil of the men that tricked him into helping them to get this knowledge that he now possessed. He heard the groaning of the abomination that he had created, but passed out. When he woke up, he woke up to the excruciating pain of his new arm being attached. He raised his head a bit and said lowly, " 6'5"... I want to be 6'5"..." Those helping him obliged and made him his requested height. After his new limbs were attached, he first noticed that he was more of a hulking creature than before, thanks to his new, giant, stone limbs, which were a specialty in the town he was from. As soon as he was able, Ajax leapt completely into his studies and put as much time as he could into alchemy for three years. When he was twenty one, he went out to pass the state alchemist's exam so that he could get funded for research. He passed with flying colors by transmuting a large pile of sand into a twenty foot tall, freestanding structure. Which normally wouldn't be too impressive, but everyone who observed was at least somewhat shocked that he could transmute sand. For the last year, he has been trying get a grant from the state to research general alchemical knowledge, but keeps getting shut down because the government claims that they need him out in the field. Over the last year, he has gained a reputation for being merciless towards those whom he considered evil, and going so far as to rip their hearts out of their chests when they are offering to surrender. He is logical and calculating.

Other: Referred to as the " Walking Stone Alchemist".

With his limbs, he now weighs about four hundred pounds.

He is strong and well built, well, what's left of him is.

His limbs are slow and a bit clunky, but are extremely powerful.

Fairly intelligent and loves to research alchemical properties of items and substances.


Names: Haki Izumi & Sheime (She-me) Izumi

Age: 20 during the day, 17 during the night.

Gender: Both male

Occupation: Travelling Swordsman

Appearance individual:


Appearance separate:

Bio: Haki and Sheime were not one person in the beginning, they were different beings entirely. The two young men were brothers, spending most of their lives training as swordsmen bent on joining the military. Their father Jun Kiri Izumi, a master swordsman and state alchemist, would teach them various arts of combat and push them through rigorous training. Jun Kiri was a combat instructor for the military, training alchemist and the like. His training has killed plenty of men, reaching in the 50's by now. If you survive his training and arts, you walk away with tremendous power. All soldiers who survive his training at placed into an elite squadron, lead by his brother Fiel Izumi. This was their destined place in their father's eyes. They would be trained as elitist and fill the role of swordsman for the state. Near the end of the rigorous exercises, Jun Kiri summoned them into his personal library. The brothers were excited, believing that they had completed the schooling since birth. When they entered the library they were greeted by 3 men and the father. They were asked to stand in the middle of the transmutation circle placed on the floor and close their eyes. Haki felt that something was wrong, and worried for his younger brother's safety, asked his father what this was for. He replied simply with: "We will create the perfect Warrior." When they stood in the middle, the ceremony began, conjoining the brothers into one body. Now the brothers share one body, but not one mind. The transmutation didn't work as planned, bringing them to one body, bringing their skills into one. However, their personalities were not molded together. Haki would be awakened during the day, and during the night Sheime would come to be. Now stood Haki, controlling the body that their father had created, disgusted and confused. With his enhanced abilities he slew the 4 men, including his father, and fled the scene. Now they simply roam the land aimlessly, no goal or ambition besides survival.

Height: 5'10

Personality Haki: He is arrogant and passionate, Haki likes to joke around with those around him. The older brother of Sheime, he has a more responsible nature, and takes his duties seriously. He won't use his swordsman skills without reason, to hide his true power. Haki is an analytic thinker, and tries to keep his body in the highest shape possible, so that his brother doesn't come into harm when he switches. He is calm and level-headed, which is good in tough situations.

Personality Sheime: There's not very much to say about Sheime, he is the younger of the two brothers. He doesn't talk very often and keeps to himself. He doesn't trust others and will become aggressive if you get too close. opposite of his brother, he is not responsible and is very childish, attacking without thinking, and doing actions that could endanger him and his brother.

Likes Haki: Food, weapons, peace, quiet, laying in grassy fields.

Likes Sheime: Books, running, fighting, killing.


Name: Solaris Waldrem aka the Copper Binding Alchemist

Age: 21

Gender: Female

State alchemist?: Yes

Transmutation circle?: Has them tattooed on back of hands


She wears the general attire for military and a red choker around her neck. She is 5'7. Her casual wear consists of a black vest over a long sleeved white shirt and red skinny jeans. She has boots that go to mi-calf and wears bike gloves.

Bio: When she was young, she always looked up to her mother, a well-known state alchemist. She would try to please her mother everyday, by studying alchemy, practicing her gunmanship, and doing well in school. However, a horrible accident caused the severe mutilation and eventual death of her mother. Struck with grief over her mother's passing, she started to do badly in school and eventually dropped out. She joined a group of violent troublemakers and was shunned by most of her hometown. When a state alchemist came to her town, looking for possible future state alchemists, he stumbled upon her using great alchemy and tried to get her to join. At first, she refused, as the military was the cause of her mother's death, but she later reluctantly agreed to join. She passed the tests with flying colors and was later dubbed the Copper Binding Alchemist, as she mainly transmutes copper. Now, she helps pay for her younger brother and father's lives, and serves the military in many ways.

Other: Despite dropping out of school, she is very intelligent for her age. The main thing that she transmutes is a bright copper, but she knows basic alchemy as well. She carries around the typical military pistols and if she runs out of ammo, she transmutes copper bullets. She is very good with a gun and almost never misses her target.

Riley Sevian DeLucio "The Vigilante"





State alchemist:


Transmutation circle:

Yes, but lost his right arm due to other circumstances (Covered in bio). He also has a Transmutation circle on his right hand and left foot, and a transmutation array (I read something about it on the wiki, enhances the destructive part of transmutation apparently. Pretty much what Scar's arm is) on his left hand and right foot. He also has the anti-homunculi transmutation circle

spread all over his body except his head.



5'8'' 127lbs


Riley was taught alchemy from a very young age. His father was a very succesful and powerful state alchemist, who had made the mistake of human transmutation when he was 11. Since Riley's mother died giving birth to him, he made sure that Riley would never ever try human transmutation himself. Riley did a lot of alchemical research on his own though, and had given himself permanent transmutation circle tattoos by the age of 14. His father didn't like this, and thought he was taking too many risks with alchemy, so he took Riley with him to live with his grandparents for a while to calm down.

Unfortunately, the train they got on, had a group of criminal alchemists on it, along with 2 homunculi. Riley's father managed to kill all of the alchemists, but he was unable to best the homunculi. The homunculi killed him, along with almost everyone else on the train. Riley's right arm was cut off, and he was left to bleed to death. Fortunately for Riley though, the rescue squad was quick enough to save him from an early death, and replace his arm with automail. He was taken in and cared for by a close friend to his father, who absolutely forbid him from using alchemy for whatever reason. Riley was convinced that he was only afraid that he'd try to resurrect his father, though, so he disobeyed and continued to practice alchemy in secrecy.

Riley was overcome with a hate for homunculi, and spent the next 5 years of his life looking for any information on them whatsoever. He eventually found out how to kill them, how they worked, and about the special transmutation circle used for extracting the red stone from their body. He tattooed that circle onto his body, and ran away from home to hunt down the homunculi who'd killed his father. It took him 3 years, but he found them, and got his vengeance.

Later, he was offered the chance to become a state alchemist, which he refused. He had heard the tales from his father in his youth. His father was proud to be part of the military, but he wasn't afraid to share the horrible stories that originated from military operations, either. Currently, he's just roaming the world, trying to help out wherever he can, and killing homunculi wherever they are to be found.


He's very athletic and acrobatic, relying on speed to avoid attacks and get within range, and relying on alchemy for destructive power.

He's nicknamed "The Vigilante" since he's taken law into his own hands on several occasions, and he's not known for being an alchemist by most people.
Name: Gus "Odin" Ryul'shun

Age: 26

Gender: Male

State alchemist?: Yes, The "ArchKnight Alchemists" (Chief Knight)

Transmutation circle: No (Eye, part of jaw and skull)

Appearance: http://corbella.deviantart.com/art/Chastener-282152623

Bio: Gus grew up in Central, where he stayed in peace, for his family were from the police. Gus was fascinated with Alchemy at a young age, and learned it to help his parents with their work and get their affection, but his parents shot down what he loved to do. Secretly he continued working on Alchemy with a tutor, who would die years later. When he was 16 he finished a human transmutation, where his tutor stood up, looking like a Necron flayed one, and then melted into red ooze. Gus lost his eye to meet truth, and then got his nick name, "Odin". He entered the military. During the Ishbal war, Gus was at Rush Valley, where he was trying to increase the abilities of auto mail, he was forced to supply the war with complex casings that would help the war by amplifying the power of the Alchemist, which were destroyed afterwards except for Gus's own. Gus now works for the military at Central, working to build better vehicles and do his research.

Other: Gus never directly went into the Ishbal war, but he supplied weaponry.

Gus keeps his membership by learning about facts, so he is allowed random things, for example one year he passed by making artificial nerves that worked, and the next year passed by showing how to extend auto-mail casing while keeping it both functional and tough. (up to 3 times its original length, but it worked poorly at the length for obvious reasons)

Name: Aran Tierney

Age: 18

Gender: Male

State alchemist?: At the moment, no. He currently believes looks on the military with disgust, but can be persuaded.

Transmutation circle? Yes. For most transmutations, he has one drawn on the back of his coat that he can access easily.

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bf8dd9b4c_AngryAnime.jpg.f83f0ee72d8f1401be8655b388be5562.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21691" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/57a8bf8dd9b4c_AngryAnime.jpg.f83f0ee72d8f1401be8655b388be5562.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: Aran was born in the village of Himeba near Semoy, North Area. This village had no definitive roads and very little contact to the rest of Amestris. As a result, the warnings of a sudden Drachma advance didn't reach them in time. In fact, they weren't even aware until their houses started to burn. Aran was woken in the middle of the night to screaming. As he ran down the stairs of his house, he was just in time to see his mother and little brother killed by a falling beam. He was left with his sister, Anna, and his cowardly father, who had already fled the scene. Aran had learned a few techniques of alchemy from an old man in his village. It probably wouldn't even warrant him being called an alchemist, but it was enough to help him escape with his sister. They were only one year apart, but he was the older brother. Eventually, they caught up with fleeing caravans. Yet in the frenzy, Anna and Aran were separated. Aran ended up on a route leading to North City, and eventually to Central. However, Anna ended up on a different route with a crazed family trying to go to Central by taking the roads through the West Area. They had more or less dragged Anna along, and by the time Aran found out Anna was gone, she was nowhere in sight. Now Aran is in a refugee sector put up in Central. His sole concentration is to find an alchemy instructor, yet he is also searching for his sister, hoping she is still alive. He plans to use alchemy to exact vengeance on the people of Drachma, and perhaps to bring his mother back to life (which I hope he will be discouraged from doing).

Other: He currently lives in a badly organized and dirty refugee sector, by himself. Pretty much the only alchemy he knows how to do at the moment is transferring his own brainwaves into a sort of electric energy outside of the body, and a few other basic transmutations. Every time he performs this energy transfer, he usually gets tired and needs to eat something soon after. A few people who know him call him the "Pureblood" Alchemist, as a way of mocking the military.



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Name: Nidelia Sponze

Age: 25

Gender: Female

State alchemist?: Not yet (I want her recruited in the RP and to be given the nickname of Crystal Alchemist)

Transmutation circle? No


She wears a black tank top under a purple poncho, along with black pants and black boots. Her right arm is made of crystal.

Bio: Nidelia grew up in a smaller town on the outskirts. She had a wonderful family and life, she had started studying Alchemy when she was six and was getting really good by age ten.

At age ten though her one and only companion, of five years, died. A calico cat named Noncy. She had loved her very much and it upset her bad when she died. After having read several alchemy books about life transmutation she decided she wanted to bring her cat back.

Strangely enough, she was successful, she was never sure why after she had heard the stories about those who tries to bring loved ones back. Perhaps it was because it was an animal rather than a human. But she still paid a heavy price. She lost her right arm for her cat.

Once she got herself and the cat back to the house she used several crystals she owned, as she had loved collecting them through her childhood, and transmuted them into an arm which she bound to herself using alchemy. To her it seemed logical since crystals were an organic material.

It didn't take her parents long to figure out what she did. Her father completely pushed her away telling her that she shamed him. Her mother merely didn't speak and just let him do so.

So she looked for an Alchemy teacher who would accept her. It was hard... given that she had done the greatest taboo, but she eventually found one. The teacher taught her hand to hand combat and also taught her how to mold her Crystal arm into whatever she needed.

She finished her training when she was twenty-one. Since then she had merely been traveling. Her specialty is using crystals for alchemy. One thing she enjoys doing during her travels, and she makes money doing it, is making crystal decorations for people and selling them to them.

Also, strangely enough, her cat hasn't died or gotten sick since being revived.

Other: She is very flexible and moved quickly despite her crystal arm. She is also good at acrobatics, making it easy for her to do flips.
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Name: Denton Alenton The Theving Alchemist

Age: 23



State alchemist?: No, but will be to pay off debts and crime sentence.

Transmutation: none Had eye removed, but uncle made an automail one that is removable

Bio:was born into a life of crime. He dosent like to talk about it, but soon after he 'left' he became a hit man or thief.
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Name: Adalrich Ekkard, 'The Viper of Ishbal'

Age: 28

Gender: Male

State alchemist: No

Transmutation circle: On the grips of his guns, Armistice and Penance.


Bio: Adalrich was born in southern Amestris to a family of farmers. His younger years were spent happily on the family farm, working the fields for his parents and playing with his siblings. Life was simple, and to Adalrich, it seemed perfect. But that illusion was shattered by the ignition of the Ishbal Civil War. Adalrich was fourteen when the war began, when his brother left, when everything changed. He heard from his brother through a constant stream of letters over the years and became resolved to join him in the fight once he was old enough. To his parents' dismay Adalrich followed though with his plans, and on his seventeenth birthday he joined a regiment of Amestris soldiers bound for the front lines. He marched to Ishbal with a smile, eager to see his brother again, and to serve his country, but war was far worse than he could have imagined.

War had always been romanticized, he knew that now. The glory, the bravery, the thrill of victory, they were all lies. He watched his new found friends die one by one, falling for a cause that none of them understood, fighting in a land where they didn't belong. Those who didn't die were changed forever. Day to day life became a constant struggle to survive, and those who weren't strong enough were cut down. After a year of blood, sand and starvation Adalrich began to question his loyalties. The Ishbalans were fighting for something real, lashing back against a fascist state that murdered a child. What was he fighting for? He didn't know, no one knew. His friends were dying for nothing, spilling their blood for a piece of rock and sand. On that day he realized that he was fighting for the wrong side.

Long weeks later he finally managed to desert his camp, seek out an Ishbalan resistance cell and join their cause. He fought with the Ishbalans for years, eventually building his own raiding party, the Sidewinders. With his small group of volunteers he harried Amestris' convoys and scout camps, preventing them from establishing footholds around Ishbal. His stint with the Sidewinders earned him the nickname The Viper of Ishbal, among both Amestrian and Ishbalan soldiers. He was finally captured after Amestris dispatched alchemists to the front, breaking the back of the resistance and ending the conflict.

He was imprisoned for five years in a POW camp in Amestris, where he met Drego, a blind, withered alchemist and veteran of Aurugo's War. The two became quick friends, bonding over their mutual experiences in opposition to Amestris. Drego spent his final years in prison teaching Adalrich the art of alchemy, hoping that he could use it to escape and carry on his crusade against the nation that took away Drego's life. He struggled at first, and was nearly unable to grasp the fundamental laws that governed alchemy. However, with Drego's help, he managed to become proficient in the art before Drego's passing. The old man died Adalrich's arms, the final casualty of Aurugo's War, and the first in Adalrich's. He used the skills Drego taught him to craft two pistols from the stone of his cell, Armistice and Penance, then orchestrated his escape.

Other: Adalrich sees himself as a freedom fighter, and would rather create allies than kill enemies. He is as much as a political activist as he is a radical revolutionary. That said, he feels a deep resentment towards state alchemists, especially those who took part in the Ishbal Civil War, as well as government officials, who he believes are corrupt totalitarians that must be removed by force.^
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Well, a little bit at first. But I figured that out. My main problem is just getting into the RP. I chose the worst time to join an RP because I'm camping. But Fullmetal Alchemist is what got me into roleplaying text based. I couldn't pass this up. So now I'm just a little lost at what's happening and where people are.
Saul, david van Aken, and nidelia are currently ganging up on me, while I tell them my life's story pretty much. The rest of everyone is doing weird stuff.

Name: Roseaye Van Lohengrin the Tainted Alchemist

Age: 22

Gender: Female

State alchemist?: Ex state alchemist

Transmutation circle?: Nope



Bio: Born to a couple who expressed deep interest in the darker side of alchemy they had been employed by the government during the Ishbal Rebellion to create new and even more devastating ways to use alchemy as a weapon. They had been acquaintances with the Crimson Alchemist and were particularly impressed with his innovative technique of turning humans into bombs and they used this style of rearranging the human body and its components. As a child Roseaye's mother lost her life during a particularly dangerous experiment resulting in a massive explosion that destroyed her house and gravely injured her father. Roseaye's father landed in a hospital where he remains to this day in a vegetative state.(@Saul I fixed it.) Roseaye, tormented by the sudden loss of her parents attempted human alchemy to bring her mother back and after a failed attempt had her right arm and leg taken from her along with a portion of the right half of her torso. Thanks to the money her parents had made from their devious work for the military she had the resources to have all that she lost replaced with automail.

After the loss of her parents Roseaye ventured to Central and invested herself in the military by becoming a State Alchemist, knowing who her parents were and the dark secrets that she could bring to their aid and the twisted way she had lost her parents they gave her the title Tainted Alchemist. However her employment did not last as long as she had hoped the military had gladly employed her parent's work and embraced the creative additions she had made to it along with offering her own, but after a skirmish involving an Ishbal encampment Roseaye's State Alchemist title was revoked and she was dishonorably discharged after it was deemed that her methods were becoming too brutish. Her name is still in connection with the military in the way that the Crimson Alchemist was as an alchemist that went bad. She wanders on the fringe of society continuing the work that her parents started and has recently begun to tamper in animal alchemy, the difference now is that she holds a grudge against the military that she will not easily set aside.

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Alchemist: (In-case you are still accepting)

Name: Joseph Radke

Age: 21

Gender: Male

State alchemist: Yes - "The Electrical Alchemist"

Transmutation circle: Yes, Tattoo's. Two on the bottom of each foot, two on the palms of each hand, and little ones on the ends of his fingers, full conduction for his Alchemy.

Main one - Located on the middle of his chest.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/Bronze_Transmutation_Circle_by_bagstoper.jpg.13e64f55d1fb246911e8422164559d0d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21976" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/Bronze_Transmutation_Circle_by_bagstoper.jpg.13e64f55d1fb246911e8422164559d0d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/Anime-boy-with-white-hair-and-blue-eyes.jpg.887bdc6b1a823ac3c27ccd0638760c5a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21982" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/Anime-boy-with-white-hair-and-blue-eyes.jpg.887bdc6b1a823ac3c27ccd0638760c5a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Joe is always mistaken for being younger than he is because of his looks, as he has a young face. He also dawns pure white hair because of his electrical Alchemy, usually it's stuck straight out as if he's constantly being shocked, giving him that crazy scientist look. Always wearing a long, darker than black jacket that covers almost his entire body with a small hood attached on the back, that if placed on, covers his head casting a shadow over his eyes making it harder to see the very bright blue eyes, flowing with every little bit of energy created from his alchemy. Standing at a fair height of 5'9 he seems perfect to be the Electrical Alchemist with his kooky attitude and how energetic he can be.

Joseph grew up in the perfect ideal family - two loving parents who had two grateful kids, himself and his sister Mary. He and his family all grew up in Dublith where they were undisturbed and lived without harm. No one in Josephs family practiced Alchemy, he was the first which led to a great horror. Constantly visiting library's and Automail shops, curious as to how Electricity could be used with Alchemy. One beautiful summer night when everything was quiet; Joe, only young and fourteen, sneaked out of his room, and into the family dining room to attempt one of his largest alchemical transfers yet, though he hadn't practiced anything quite like this. Before he knew it, his entire house was in flames and his family was dead, along with his dark black hair; what went from a harmless transition into a deathly explosion was horrible. Though he was torn apart, he knew committing the taboo is not something his family would want him to do, so he kept away from it, practiced much harder than before so he did not commit this horrible tragedy ever again. He kept what he had done under wrap from everyone, and somehow maintained his kookiness, and energetic attitude.

Other: He's always pushing his limits, every time he performs Alchemy it gives him a little jolt that he is slowly getting used to, but the larger the transmutation the larger the shock.



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Still accepting?


Name: Thomas "Tommy" Lileese

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Occupation: Automail Mechanic's Assitant/Any job he can pick up in his town


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/upload_2014-7-5_22-15-58.jpeg.6675aa0627e87e4a04dcd99fdc194736.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="22004" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/upload_2014-7-5_22-15-58.jpeg.6675aa0627e87e4a04dcd99fdc194736.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: Tommy was born and raised in Ishbal. His parent's were from Amestris. He and his family lived there for a few years, his father working with the Ishbal to learn alchemy. His mother rarely left the house due to her horrible health, though she was well enough to be around her children. Tommy's sister, Haley, was always curious about alchemy, so she started to work with their dad to learn about it. Tommy preferred to learn about automail, so his father set him up with being an apprentice to a architect, to learn about math and measurements. He also enjoyed listening to his sister explain alchemy to him, but would always argue with her when it came to how the world works around it. He would criticize his sister's alchemy skills, and would give her moral support.

One day, when Tommy was 17, during the Ishbal Revolution, he had been working on his architecture at home, since his father wanted him safe, rather than working with the Ishbal. His parent's were out talking with a few Ishbal refugee's. After they denied them sanctuary, the Ishbal's pulled guns on his parent's. After again being denied, they shot and killed his parent's. Tommy, trying to find his sister, was firghtened after she attempted to use alchemy against them. She, too, was shot, but was taken as a ransom effect rather than shot. They found Tommy, and decided that they would let him live with the guilt of not being able to help his family. They escorted him to the border of Ishbal and Amestris, where he was dumped. Since then, he has moved from city to city, working as an automail mechanic assistant, learning more on how to create automail. He stills bears the guilt for his family's death, and has been working on devising a plan for rescuing his sister, hoping she was still alive after the incident.

Other: Tommy has been training as a sharpshooter, hoping to use these skills to rescue his sister. He always carries a magnum handgun on his person, usually wearing a long trench coat, despite any climate. He prefers to be a neutral on any position rather than make decisions.



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If you're going to Dublith we could get an interaction going on, though running into my character may not be healthy.

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