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Fandom Fullmetal Alchemist


Family Disappointment

Name: Kiara Mustang

Title: The Shadow Alchemist

: Human

Age: 28

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 140 lbs

Rank: General

Significant other: Roy Mustang

Children: None. (However, she did get pregnant at one point but miscarried before Roy knew, as she was stabbed while on the field.)

Personality: To the blind eye, Kiara is a stone-cold leader. She seems arrogant, and high strung at times, as well as a sarcastic, all around jerk that is a stick in the mud. While it is true that she prefers to get her work done before relaxing, and she is very serious about what she does, Kiara is actually a fun-loving, laid back woman with real feelings. She is kind and caring, all while keeping up the pride and confidence she has in herself as a leader. She prefers to think things through, should she have the time, but will do what is right in the long haul. Overall, she is a perfect balance for Roy, completing him, in a way.

Special Talents: She is an alchemist, meaning she can take one thing and make it another, so to speak. Much like her husband, her alchemical abilities are incredibly strong, and get what she wants to do done, and fast. That call her the "SHADOW ALCHEMIST", as she can easily manipulate light and darkness. She also has a very fast and bright mind, easily helping her out of sticky situations. In addition to this, she does not need a transmutation circle to perform alchemy, but the ones on her hand are just in case.

Distinguishing Marks: Kiara has many different marks and brands on her body, but the most obvious ones are the two transmutation circles on the palms of both hands, carved in and scarred over. She also has a large scar on her stomach from where she had been stabbed during her years as a State Alchemist.

Likes: She enjoys spending time with her loved ones, and having conversations with Maes. She also loves pineapple for some reason. She loves curling up with a good book, and sparring with others.

Dislikes: She absolutely hates skirts, which is sad because she must wear one. And PAPERWORK, don't get her started. She also dislikes the color yellow, and overly sweet things. Meaning, she may not like chocolate.


•She secretly loves hearing about Maes' family, since she one day wants kids of her own with Roy.

•Also, her maiden name is Hughes, as Maes was her brother.

•She she also had a tendency to wear Roy's clothing at home, especially shirts that are too big for her.

•When she was a bit younger, she tried human transmutation to bring back Maes after he was killed. However, this failed, and it killed yet another of her unborn children, which she didn't originally know about.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.25714cdd1262895243864469c8a66af9.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131552" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.25714cdd1262895243864469c8a66af9.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Serenity Arukemisto

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Alchemy Specialty: she doesn't think she has a specialty but she prefers to work with metal and stone because she can turn it into weapons she can use.

Personality: She is stubborn, strong willed, determined and very much independent despite her age.

Bio: She was born in the country with two younger siblings but she was the only one to develop any alchemic abilities. She was the only one of her siblings who found science and transmutation fascinating and actually studied to her heart's content. She could never get enough knowledge and everything she read, she remembered, thanks to a photographic memory. She was happy as a child and often praised for her intelligence at such a young age.

Unfortunately, one day, tragedy struck her family. Disease took her father, her mother ran off, leaving her to take care of her two younger siblings, but she was only a child herself, how could she take care of them? She did what she could but one night her siblings tried to bring back their father to help take care of them. When Serenity found out she tried to stop them but they trick her into activating the transmutation and cost her, her left arm. She destroyed it and as a repercussion one of her siblings were being taken and in order to save him she thought quickly and created an empty shell of a body and gave up her right leg to get his soul back without much hassle. Her siblings knew they needed help in order to keep her alive so they took her to an old man who knew how to stop the blood and keep her alive.

After months of recovering she decided to provide for her remaining family the only way she knew how, and that was to become a state alchemist. But she would need both arms and legs. She opted for the replacement with mechanical prosthetics they often come in handy. After a few more months of recovery she discovered she could transmute without a circle, and that would come in quite handy down the road, she waited till she was 12 to go and try to become a state alchemist and left her siblings with a friendly neighbor that they knew through their father. It took her almost a year before she entered the capital and when she turned 13 she applied for a state alchemist position and now she ill hopefully get in at any cost.

Other: Serenity's favorite food is stew, but ironically she absolutely hates milk. She is a bit sensitive about her age and height but her age gets her more than her height since she's a girl and it's normal for girls to be short. She hates to be called and treated as a kid or a child or a little girl. She never regrets her decisions nor what got her here. She has looked up to Edward Elric since she was young and was compared to him by her father and said she could be the next full metal alchemist but she knew that was not going to happen because she was her own person and she would one day get her own title.


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: Evan Leafson

: Human

Age: 15

Height: 4'9

Weight: 90 lbs

Rank: State Alchemist

Personality: Flat out insane. You seriously don't need to know.

Special Talents: Able to do alchemy without a transmutation circle,

Distinguishing Marks: Heterochromia, one eye gray and the other a distinctive red.

Bio: It's complicated... When Evan was a kid, he lived in Ishval as an orphan during the time of the Ishvalan civil war. Day after day he'd see people die, and he was beginning to lose his grip on reality. To counter the stress, he'd study alchemy day and night until he was eventually able to do human transmutation. The death of his orphan mother inspired him to do it, and when he came out on the otherside...

He did not lose anything physically, but the toll he took was mental. No longer was he able to be a normal child, from there on he was insane. Every single day there'd be a new hallucination or two. Fearing for his life, his adoptive father sent him to Resembool to live a peaceful life, but of course that didn't work. Reports of a maniac running around using alchemy with only his hands spread across the country, and eventually Roy Mustang took the boy in (And threw his ass in rehab) and he became the second youngest state alchemist at age 15.
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Name: Thomas Lin

Age: 23

Rank: State Alchemist (Lieutenant 1st Class)


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.0cea14146c58233a0b9d53f1a11a7bbd.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131608" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.0cea14146c58233a0b9d53f1a11a7bbd.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Thomas is entirely disinterested in almost everything, with the only exceptions being fitness and a variety of word puzzles. When either of these things are brought up, Thomas will often become even less quite than he would normally be, as a natural recluse, and make only the most useless and minuscule comments. His few interests cause him to live in utter filth, and he has grown to enjoy disorganization as well. The living could be described as insanitary, but Thomas would respond, "It's just postpones decisions."

Biography: Thomas never had a tragic past. In fact, he lived nearly the opposite. He grew up with a father in the military, and a mother who worked enough to feed them, and make a little extra for luxuries. At the age of six, Thomas was gifted with two twin sisters. He decided when he first met them, that he would make sure nothing ever happened to them. Apart from word puzzles and his own body, the only thing that could make Thomas show a shred of determination would be his sisters. As he grew up, he began dabbling in Alchemy, and mainly used it recreationally, or for a cheap trick to make some money. At 20 he decided to join the military, but was redirected towards the career as a State Alchemist when his skills with alchemy became known. From their, Thomas just nodded his way to where he is. If he is told to do something, he will nod, and do it. Once he is finished with his current puzzle, of course.

Alchemy: Thomas posses a rather unique skill set. He is naturally adept with metal and electricity, not entirely uncommon, but the manner in which those manifested in his usage of alchemy was what makes him such a rare specimen. Simply put, he can make a Railgun out of his arm. Holding out a piece of high magnetic metal, Thomas ionizes the atoms in his arms, into the opposite polarity of whatever metal is in his hand, and it is forced from his hand with the speed and power of a bullet, which taking minimal toll on his body. Of course, if something else where to attract the current, serious physical damage would be caused to all objects and living things within a 200 meter radius of the blast.​



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[QUOTE="The Confusion]

Name: Thomas Lin

Age: 23

Rank: State Alchemist (Lieutenant 1st Class)


View attachment 292670

Personality: Thomas is entirely disinterested in almost everything, with the only exceptions being fitness and a variety of word puzzles. When either of these things are brought up, Thomas will often become even less quite than he would normally be, as a natural recluse, and make only the most useless and minuscule comments. His few interests cause him to live in utter filth, and he has grown to enjoy disorganization as well. The living could be described as insanitary, but Thomas would respond, "It's just postpones decisions."

Biography: Thomas never had a tragic past. In fact, he lived nearly the opposite. He grew up with a father in the military, and a mother who worked enough to feed them, and make a little extra for luxuries. At the age of six, Thomas was gifted with two twin sisters. He decided when he first met them, that he would make sure nothing ever happened to them. Apart from word puzzles and his own body, the only thing that could make Thomas show a shred of determination would be his sisters. As he grew up, he began dabbling in Alchemy, and mainly used it recreationally, or for a cheap trick to make some money. At 20 he decided to join the military, but was redirected towards the career as a State Alchemist when his skills with alchemy became known. From their, Thomas just nodded his way to where he is. If he is told to do something, he will nod, and do it. Once he is finished with his current puzzle, of course.

Alchemy: Thomas posses a rather unique skill set. He is naturally adept with metal and electricity, not entirely uncommon, but the manner in which those manifested in his usage of alchemy was what makes him such a rare specimen. Simply put, he can make a Railgun out of his arm. Holding out a piece of high magnetic metal, Thomas ionizes the atoms in his arms, into the opposite polarity of whatever metal is in his hand, and it is forced from his hand with the speed and power of a bullet, which taking minimal toll on his body. Of course, if something else where to attract the current, serious physical damage would be caused to all objects and living things within a 200 meter radius of the blast.​

Accepted. You may begin role playing

Name: Levi Hart, But goes by his alchemy name, the Red Alchemist, but just Red.

Species: Human

Age: 30

Height: 6'3

Weight: 200

Rank: State Alchemist

Significant other: none

Children: none

Personality: Levi is cold-hearted, and calculated, making his appearance known now after 8 years of hiding. He is sarcastic and sardonic, making conversations easy for him. He is methodical, and cynical, knowing he can strike harder with preparation. He is violent, and sadistic.

Special Talents: Is known for his incredible ability to transfigure fake images, but making them appear real, even though they might hide something deadlier. Which for his final, he made a red rose field, but in reality it was working mines.

Distinguishing Marks: His helmet, ever since his past, he wears it to hide his identity, and is his main source of power to transmute without a circle.

Likes: Revenge, being manipulative, causing fear.

Dislikes: Happiness, hope, Roy Mustang

Extra: Ok I'm gonna write his history, but before I'm hoping that Levi can be the main villain if there isn't already one? Like a terrorist against the government of sorts?

Levi grew up in the big city, knowing the ins and outs of every bit. Learning alchemy from people off the streets. When he was 19, he applied to be a state alchemist, and was taught alongside Roy. They became quick friends, and we're close. But only one alchemist could be chosen, at it was Roy. Roy promised that the next year, he would make it. And he didn't lie, learning a new trick, he made it in the year. Him and Roy worked together, and when he was 23, they went on a recon mission to bust a anarchy group. Levi was shot in the calf, and Roy had to leave him in order to save the whole fleet. By leaving him, he knew Roy would return, they were best friends? But no. For 3 years he was beaten, tortured, drugged into leaking information. With a strong will, nothing came out, and he knew if he didn't say anything, Roy would come. He held onto that until relizing he wouldn't. He broke out on his own, transmuting a bomb. He stole a helmet from the leader, a sleek red helmet. That night he went to the streets he was raised on, and knew he would seek vengeance on Roy.
ReverseWells said:

Name: Levi Hart, But goes by his alchemy name, the Red Alchemist, but just Red.

Species: Human

Age: 30

Height: 6'3

Weight: 200

Rank: State Alchemist

Significant other: none

Children: none

Personality: Levi is cold-hearted, and calculated, making his appearance known now after 8 years of hiding. He is sarcastic and sardonic, making conversations easy for him. He is methodical, and cynical, knowing he can strike harder with preparation. He is violent, and sadistic.

Special Talents: Is known for his incredible ability to transfigure fake images, but making them appear real, even though they might hide something deadlier. Which for his final, he made a red rose field, but in reality it was working mines.

Distinguishing Marks: His helmet, ever since his past, he wears it to hide his identity, and is his main source of power to transmute without a circle.

Likes: Revenge, being manipulative, causing fear.

Dislikes: Happiness, hope, Roy Mustang

Extra: Ok I'm gonna write his history, but before I'm hoping that Levi can be the main villain if there isn't already one? Like a terrorist against the government of sorts?

Levi grew up in the big city, knowing the ins and outs of every bit. Learning alchemy from people off the streets. When he was 19, he applied to be a state alchemist, and was taught alongside Roy. They became quick friends, and we're close. But only one alchemist could be chosen, at it was Roy. Roy promised that the next year, he would make it. And he didn't lie, learning a new trick, he made it in the year. Him and Roy worked together, and when he was 23, they went on a recon mission to bust a anarchy group. Levi was shot in the calf, and Roy had to leave him in order to save the whole fleet. By leaving him, he knew Roy would return, they were best friends? But no. For 3 years he was beaten, tortured, drugged into leaking information. With a strong will, nothing came out, and he knew if he didn't say anything, Roy would come. He held onto that until relizing he wouldn't. He broke out on his own, transmuting a bomb. He stole a helmet from the leader, a sleek red helmet. That night he went to the streets he was raised on, and knew he would seek vengeance on Roy.
You may begin rp'ing
Name: Kris Matsuko



Rank: Former State Alchemist

Personality: Kris is cold and ruthless as hell. She's revengeful, opinionated and temperamental. Though, it would be a little of a stretch to say her heart's entirely made out of ice. She respects nature, but that's the only aspect where her soft side shows. Hurt a rabbit, and she'll nurse it back to health, then kill you. Kris is also extremely cunning. She is a formidable strategist and extremely independent, though some might say she hears voices. She's hyperaware of her surroundings, and senses danger where there isn't at times, causing the girl to be more wary than most. She prefers fighting to negotiating, and can be very brutal in her methods.

Alchemic Talents: Kris has opened the Gate of Truth, and can perform alchemy without a transmutation circle. She is also skilled with ice alchemy.

Bio: Growing up in Rush Valley, Kris was adept in the automail business, and helped her parents in the shop. However, she had always felt that life had something more from here. After witnessing visiting alchemists impress the crowd, she became interested in alchemy and secretly learned what she could from her closest friend, eventually becoming a state alchemist when she was sixteen. The girl never forgot about home, and visited while she could. In a tragic turn of events, her closest friend(revealed to be working with the homunculi) was murdered in cold blood. Kris was determined to get the other girl back, having taken quite an interest towards her. She attempted human transmutation, and miserably failed. She left Central, vowing revenge on her friend's killer, none other than Edward Elric. Now, Kris lives in an apartment in Central, plotting her revenge, occasionally causing trouble on the streets.

Extra: Due to her opening the Gate of Truth, she has lost her right leg, replacing it with an automail one.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/Buttercup___portrait___by_tjota.jpg.206f2cb0bbea3cd1112d57db4bf94087.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="131958" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/Buttercup___portrait___by_tjota.jpg.206f2cb0bbea3cd1112d57db4bf94087.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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  • Jack.Frost.full.1495067.jpg

    : Nathan Tryal

    Title: The Frost Alchemist





    Rank: State Alchemist

    Personality:Nathan is a guy that enjoys fun and everything about it. Though he is a state alchemist, he rarely cares about his work, and uses the alchemy to have fun and enjoy life. He is a good guy and cares about his friends. He can often be seen sleeping in a tree branch during summer. He likes to troll people with his alchemy. Nathan has a strong sense of justice and believes everyone should have a second chance. He doesnt enjoy fighting and so he will often try to defeat his opponent in one strong, big attack. He says alot of jokes and treats everyone the same way. It doesn't matter if they are kings or homeless people. He believes in equality.

    Special Talents: Nathan prefers using alchemy with water and its states. He is rather quick and agile in battles, being smart sometimes too.

    Distinguishing Marks: His pure white hair. He has also pale skin due to a big period of time in the snowy mountains. He has alchemy marks in his hands, feet and wooden staff.


    • Sleeping
    • Having fun
    • Parties
    • Freedom
    • Cold places


    • Working
    • People who give orders
    • Hot places
    • Studying
    • Working

    Extra: Nathan is partner of Daniel. They together perform alot of missions. Nathan is known for his amazing skill at turning water into ice in a blink of an eye. He gets tired pretty quickly and so he prefers quick battles. His weaknesses are: Battles that are too long, anything that goes against water and his strong sense of justice that can affect his decisions.

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JPTheWarrior said:

  • Jack.Frost.full.1495067.jpg

    : Nathan Tryal

    Title: The Frost Alchemist





    Rank: State Alchemist

    Personality:Nathan is a guy that enjoys fun and everything about it. Though he is a state alchemist, he rarely cares about his work, and uses the alchemy to have fun and enjoy life. He is a good guy and cares about his friends. He can often be seen sleeping in a tree branch during summer. He likes to troll people with his alchemy. Nathan has a strong sense of justice and believes everyone should have a second chance. He doesnt enjoy fighting and so he will often try to defeat his opponent in one strong, big attack. He says alot of jokes and treats everyone the same way. It doesn't matter if they are kings or homeless people. He believes in equality.

    Special Talents: Nathan prefers using alchemy with water and its states. He is rather quick and agile in battles, being smart sometimes too.

    Distinguishing Marks: His pure white hair. He has also pale skin due to a big period of time in the snowy mountains. He has alchemy marks in his hands, feet and wooden staff.


    • Sleeping
    • Having fun
    • Parties
    • Freedom
    • Cold places


    • Working
    • People who give orders
    • Hot places
    • Studying
    • Working

    Extra: Nathan is partner of Daniel. They together perform alot of missions. Nathan is known for his amazing skill at turning water into ice in a blink of an eye. He gets tired pretty quickly and so he prefers quick battles. His weaknesses are: Battles that are too long, anything that goes against water and his strong sense of justice that can affect his decisions.

  • {you're accepted but please make Daniel have some respect for his superiors. If he is anything like the character Serenity plays, I will go insane, and Kiara will probably do the same.}
[QUOTE="Brianna Ackerman]{you're accepted but please make Daniel have some respect for his superiors. If he is anything like the character Serenity plays, I will go insane, and Kiara will probably do the same.}

(Alright. Ill change it a bit)
Name: kaden Ralls

Title: The Blood alchemist

Spieces: human

Age: 19


Abilities/skills: Due to the transmutation circles that were burned into his skin, he's able to manipulate the properties of his blood, shaping and hardening it as he pleases. However, this takes a great deal of energy and if he uses this skill too much, he'll eventually render himself immobile.

-basic alchemy

-he is well versed in hand to hand combat but is highly skilled in swordplay

-above average reflexes and awerness

Distinguishing marks: a transmutation circles that covers the whole of his back. He also has small ones that goes down his right arm. The marks were burned into his skin by his father at the age of 10

Personality: Kaden is arrogant and thinks way too highly of himself. He's rude and sarcastic. Kaden lives for a fight. He enjoys killing. Especially those who talk big but are nothing but bark. Kaden is quick to lob off their heads. While he is a bit of an asshole, he does have a soft spot. He will help those who can't help themselves. He acknowledges those with strength as well as those who want to become strong. He gives his respect to those who deserve it, so he does follow orders from his superiors when given.

Bio: Kaden came from a broken home. His mother died giving birth to him which sent his father into a dark state of mind. His mother, when she was alive, was a state alchemist and so was his father. His father, after a few months of grieving, threw himself into his work. However, he began going too far. Disobeying orders. Killing those accused of murder and other crimes. The death of his wife had spiriled him out of control. Eventually he was removed from duty and was sent home in shame. He spent his years in a deep depression that sent him into fits of rage. He'd often act out in aggression towards young Kaden. One day, Kaden defended himself. He'd been practicing alchemy in secret and found that he'd had a talent for hit. He'd almost accidently killed his father. However his father just smiled a grin that brought on chills. A few months had passed after the accident and the young boy woke up one morning to find himself chained to the floor on his knees. He couldn't remember how'd he'd gotten there but once he noticed his father standing behind him, he knew it was his doing.

Kaden felt something hot touch his back. It was painful. Very painful. Unbearably painful. The boy couldn't even let a scream escape his throat. He passed out. When he woke, he saw that the chains were removed, and he had transmutation circles burned into his right arm and a huge one burned into his back. His father stood over him, glaring. "Get up boy." The man had sad. Kaden did as he was told. The man had punched Kaden square in the chin as soon as he stood, causing him to stumble backwards. "Defend yourself!" He yelled as he advanced on the boy. Again, Kaden did as he was told. He fought his father, using everything at his disposal.

In the end, the young boy lay on the floor beaten and battered. His father sat in the corner. Staring at him, pride gleaming in his eyes. Not one time had he seen a tear leave his son's eyes.

Things went on like that for 7 years. Kaden and his father fighting. As kaden became older, he saw that his father was training him. His methods may be harsh, but it worked. Kaden was a well versed fighter. Eventually, the man died when Kaden was 17. He had over worked his body which was suffering from illness. In his final moments he had apologized to Kaden. He had told the boy how proud he was and that he wanted him to be a state alchemist. Even though he hated his father, he would comply with his dying wish. He joined their ranks and started to make a name for himself. He soon found that something inside of him was broken. He couldn't help but love the feeling of taking a life. Only his captain can keep him under control.

Other: kaden uses a black katana made from steel.

(Let me know if I need any changes.)
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WrathSama17 said:
Name: kaden Ralls
Title: The Blood alchemist

Spieces: human

Age: 19


Abilities/skills: Due to the transmutation circles that were burned into his skin, he's able to manipulate the properties of his blood, shaping and hardening it as he pleases. However, this takes a great deal of energy and if he uses this skill too much, he'll eventually render himself immobile.

-basic alchemy

-he is well versed in hand to hand combat but is highly skilled in swordplay

-above average reflexes and awerness

Distinguishing marks: a transmutation circles that covers the whole of his back. He also has small ones that goes down his right arm. The marks were burned into his skin by his parents at the age of 10

Personality: Kaden is arrogant and thinks way too highly of himself. He's rude and sarcastic. Kaden lives for a fight. He enjoys killing. Especially those who talk big but are nothing but bark. Kaden is quick to lob off their heads. While he is a bit of an asshole, he does have a soft spot. He will help those who can't help themselves. He acknowledges those with strength as well as those who want to become strong.

Bio: Kaden came from a broken home. His mother died giving birth to him which sent his father into a dark state of mind. His mother, when she was alive, was a state alchemist and so was his father. His father, after a few months of grieving, threw himself into his work. However, he began going too far. Disobeying orders. Killing those accused of murder and other crimes. The death of his wife had spiriled him out of control. Eventually he was removed from duty and was sent home in shame. He spent his years in a deep depression that sent him into fits of rage. He'd often act out in aggression towards young Kaden. One day, Kaden defended himself. He'd been practicing alchemy in secret and found that he'd had a talent for hit. He'd almost accidently killed his father. However his father just smiled a grin that brought on chills. A few months had passed after the accident and the young boy woke up one morning to find himself chained to the floor on his knees. He couldn't remember how'd he'd gotten there but once he noticed his father standing behind him, he knew it was his doing.

Kaden felt something hot touch his back. It was painful. Very painful. Unbearably painful. The boy couldn't even let a scream escape his throat. He passed out. When he woke, he saw that the chains were removed, and he had transmutation circles burned into his right arm and a huge one burned into his back. His father stood over him, glaring. "Get up boy." The man had sad. Kaden did as he was told. The man had punched Kaden square in the chin as soon as he stood, causing him to stumble backwards. "Defend yourself!" He yelled as he advanced on the boy. Again, Kaden did as he was told. He fought his father, using everything at his disposal.

In the end, the young boy lay on the floor beaten and battered. His father sat in the corner. Staring at him, pride gleaming in his eyes. Not one time had he seen a tear leave his son's eyes.

Things went on like that for 7 years. Kaden and his father fighting. As kaden became older, he saw that his father was training him. His methods may be harsh, but it worked. Kaden was a well versed fighter. Eventually, the man died when Kaden was 17. He had over worked his body which was suffering from illness. In his final moments he had apologized to Kaden. He had told the boy how proud he was and that he wanted him to be a state alchemist. Even though he hated his father, he would comply with his dying wish. He joined their ranks and started to make a name for himself. He soon found that something inside of him was broken. He couldn't help but love the feeling of taking a life. Only his captain can keep him under control.

Other: kaden uses a black katana made from steel.

(Let me know if I need any changes.)
I really like the character, actually. His backstory. Damn that's kinda brutal xD . All I ask is that he has SOME respect for his superiors and comrades. We already have one character that doesn't, and I don't think I could handle more than that without going nuts xD . It's okay to have him sarcastic and rude, just throw a punch of respect in there.
AllTheFangirlThings said:
I really like the character, actually. His backstory. Damn that's kinda brutal xD . All I ask is that he has SOME respect for his superiors and comrades. We already have one character that doesn't, and I don't think I could handle more than that without going nuts xD . It's okay to have him sarcastic and rude, just throw a punch of respect in there.
Alright. Got it
WrathSama17 said:
Alright. Got it
Alright, you're set! You can to when you'd like. Right now, @JPTheWarrior and I are the only active ones, and they're training. You could be brought in by another alchemist maybe and join in. That's just an idea though.
AllTheFangirlThings said:
Alright, you're set! You can to when you'd like. Right now, @JPTheWarrior and I are the only active ones, and they're training. You could be brought in by another alchemist maybe and join in. That's just an idea though.
Okay. I like that idea

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