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Call me Ashe or Kit

New Member
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hi! I'm looking for a partner willing to write for Fullmetal Alchemist, preferably Brotherhood, but '03 and Shamballa are fine too! I'm open to either writing Edward myself or writing a character like myself if you write Edward. I crush on Edward super hardcore, so let me know it you wanna play him as the romantic other half to my self-insert! If you wanted to play him as my platonic half, that's totally cool too!
I'd be ecstatic over both! And then of course, I can play him as either romantic or platonic to your character or OC, depending on what ships you prefer.

I'm not sure how I feel about AUs and things like that, so for questions and details, please feel free to ask me!

I like to roleplay in private servers, so that there are OOC channels and we can write multiple stories at a time if we want to.

I do write a lot of fanfiction and have been told many times that I'm a fairly gifted writer, so if you're looking for that, I am here.

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