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Fantasy FULL

Dawn is a Changeling

Junior Member
The fairies of Summer and Winter are coming to blows. Some say the only solution is separation. The Winter Fairies say that the Summer Fairies have been raiding them by night. The Summer Fairies say the Winter Fairies are killing their crops. Spring and Autumn are trying to keep the peace. Winter and Summer are considering war. Will the Isles survive?

So I'll get through the boring stuff quickly. I don't do written roleplays with GMs. Everyone plays and it can get messy but it's just for fun, it's not a book or anything. I would prefer a small group, 2-4, at most 5. Please refrain from swearing. Still here? Good. Hope you aren't too bored.

So the Isles are a group of four islands at the top of the world that generate magic for everyone else. They also bring the seasons. "Everyone else" is your standard fantasy folk, elves, dwarves, humans, goblins, etc. If they seperate, nobody knows what will happen. War would be even worse. You can play as any season, and if you really want you can be an elf or dwarf or something (though we'll have to work out what that means). The seasons are as follows:

Spring- tend to be innocent, playful, and carefree. Usually look younger than they are. Hair colors pink, yellow, orange, purple, and green. Skin colors green, yellow, and pink. Eye colors green, yellow, or pink. Wings shaped like flower petals or leaves. Often a little bit shorter than everyone else. Powers are making things grow and healing.

Summer- usually loud and boisterous. Tend to be strong, hardworking, and often bite off more than they can chew. Hair colors green or brown, skin colors green or yellow, eye colors green, yellow, or brown. Powers are heat and strength. Wings are usually leaves.

Autumn- Tend to be kind and warm, like to celebrate and laugh. Most enjoy warm meals. Hair colors red, brown, or gold, skin colors red, orange, or yellow (sometimes have gradient arms and leg that start one color and end another, usually accompanied by some sort of pattern on the face). Eye colors brown, gold, red, orange, or yellow. Powers- multiplying food and putting things to sleep. Wings are leaves in their autumn glory.

Winter- often quiet and contemplative. Can be very solemn and serious or might just be daydreaming. Hair colors white or blue. Skin colors also white or blue. Eye colors pale purple or blue. Powers are withering things and creating cold/snow. Wings are snowflakes or frost patterns.

Occasionally fairies will spontaneously change seasons following a huge event in their lives. There isn't a whole lot of interaction between the races, but there's enough that our characters might know each other. Also everyone's character is probably taking a side. It will be easiest if it's the same side (I think Winters argument sounds more rational, though I don't think either are right.)

So we'll be old friends. We'll start with our characters meeting up to discuss what the heck just happened and the news we've been hearing- we'll probably have heard different gossip that may not all be true. Please make up what your character may have heard loosely based on what I said up here. Spring is mostly taking Summers side, Autumn is trying to keep the peace and hear out both sides but does lean toward Winter.Where your from will naturally dictate what side the gossip you've heard is sympathetic to. Your character doesn't have to agree (though Summer and Winter are more likely too). After we start it will be pretty slice of life and things will just progress at whatever rate they progress at, which will probably include some investigating because that's what protagonists do. Though I don't consider myself GM, please let me fill in what clues you find (so you can say that your character found a clue but leave it at that and then I'll describe it to you). Honor code- please don't abuse this. You can look for clue and find or not find something depending on your judgement unless you really start abusing it. And the point of the roleplay isn't to investigate, it's to have fun and explore the world/create the world. I didn't do much world building so that we can have fun filling it in collaboratively. I do reserve the right to override something if I think it's inappropriate to the setting (like a car or any degree of plumbing). If you think something someone added doesn't make sense feel free to contact me- please send a private message- I tend to be very open to ideas and thoughts. For some guidelines on what to include, the fairies have buildings but very little tech and the buildings and tech tend to be magical and themed around the seasons (like the spring fairies have houses that are giant flowers). If you're unsure, just ask, I swear I don't bite... most of the time.

I'm sure this won't happen, but if anyone is really obnoxious then a vote is to be held by everyone else and it must be unanimous. Again, this will be done through private messages. I'm not going to worry about what we'll do if this happens because it probably won't.

Please verify here that you're joining before pursuing any of these links. Once you have, make a character on the character tab. Don't start until I give you the ok in case we're maxed out.
IC tab: Fantasy - The Fairy War

Character tab: Fantasy - The Fairy War Characters Page

OOC Tab: Fantasy - The Fairy War OOC
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Great! Here's the link to the character tab. My character is a spring fairy and a bit of a troublemaker.
I will do it within the next 24 hours, it’s 4:17AM where I’m at & I need to sleep so I can’t make the character right now, sorry !
I'm thinking of playing a character who's a wizard from the outside world with old friends amongst the fairies, who's coming to the land on the minor account of a fairy war being catastrophic for y'know, everyone and everything else
SavannahSmiles: Great!
ThatWhichShouldBe: Can you please explain more? Do you mean from the outside world as in the real world or from a different continent?
Obviously give World first refusal, but if they aren't interested I would be!
Yes but only one open slot. World in a Puddle has first dibs, then Arai, but if neither can join you can.
I'm back online, at least for now. I might have a church thing called FSY next week, I don't know. The last campus I was on (BYU, earlier today) didn't let me use the internet because my connection wasn't secure, so we'll see if the other college does the same thing.
I'd love to play the winter fairy! You might have to give me a few days to come up with a character if that's okay! I happened to miss you're last message which is why I'm responding so late!

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