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Realistic or Modern [FULL] The Game’s Afoot (A Knives Out-based, Family Murder Mystery RP)


Pew Pew Hearts


“There is one guilty party behind it all…”

Leonard Maxwell is dead.

Mr. Maxwell was a reclusive, self-made billionaire who grew his empire from banking and finance. While his strength lied in the predictive algorithms of stocks and trading, his real passion was creating board games. As a child, his obsession with chess grew until it fizzled out with one too many check mates. Instead, allowing his imagination to take hold, he carved his own path, creating stories and characters in game pieces. As such, Illuminarium Games was born. His secretly self-funded company grew and have been providing family fun since 1949. At least, that’s the narrative that the public knew about the man. Clean-cut, patriotic, and without much vice.

But Leonard held many secrets.

His obsessive predilection for perfection meant that before each one of his games were even presented to the boardroom, they were tested for fun. And who better than to provide him with the necessary feedback and criticism to take things to the next level than his own family? Mostly, his children. Five Heirs. Five different titular game series dedicated to the second loves of his life. Games being the first, of course.

There was always a game in their household. A puzzle to solve. A riddle to be completed only to find that it was a small crumb in a long trail of mysteries. And so even in death, it seems fitting that the man wrote his will in parts. Structured like a puzzle, each level of the will reveals a new secret to the large mystery of his own passing. It was no mystery that the man was killed. But by whom?

Well, that’s for the heirs to find out.

Of course, like all great game-makers do, Leonard put an incentive if mere personal affection nor sentimentality did not entice his daring children. No game was completed without a reward. The prize, to no one’s surprise, was the inheritance of his estate and full control of his company.

And so…

Let the games begin!

Hello everyone! This is my first attempt at GMing a group RP so I thought to start out small. I’m essentially looking for just 3-4 other people to write with. The idea came from the movie, Knives Out, where the father was murdered and his family is tasked to solve the crime before his will is revealed. I’d like to play one of the siblings so I’m just looking for the other 4 writers, or 3 if the twins wanted to be played by the same person.

  • Eldest Son (31+ years) - reserved for malks
  • Eldest Daughter (26-30 years) - reserved for Walliver
  • Twin # 1 (20-24 years) - reserved for PatriasLover
  • Twin # 2 (20-24 years) - reserved for tamarapasek

The Youngest (17) and the Butler who will oversee the whole charade will be played by yours truly.

What I’m Looking For

Since this will be a small group, I’m hoping to have long-term players who are invested in the plot and the characters. Most likely, we’ll be discussing family history and what the relationships are between the siblings. Everything about them is left open aside from their ages/birth order so I’m very excited to see what people come up with!

In terms of activity, it will be very relaxed. I think maybe one post per week is do-able. Of course, it might not always be the case, but that’s the beauty of a small group, we can hopefully all communicate when we need more time. I’m looking to open an OOC thread if people are interested. We can even make a discord group, if everyone has an account. But discord isn’t mandatory, it’s only one option.

Because I do care about the quality of writing, I’m hoping that each post is at least 2-3 paragraphs minimum. More is definitely encouraged. But there’s no set word count. I’m also looking more for semi-lit to adv. lit levels. So that’s at least 3-5 sentences per paragraph.

And finally…

If you are interested, please comment/message me:

(1) What sibling you’d like to play &

(2) What kind of board game did their dad/Leonard make about your character?

  • This can be anything - A Strategy Game like Risk, Something fun like Candyland, etc. It is what you imagine it to be. I think Leonard would have taken inspiration from his children’s personalities.
  • The reason I’d like to have this as a GM is because each level of their dad’s will is based on one of the games. That means that each round, that sibling has a slight advantage from the rest. I’m planning to make it a five-part campaign of sorts, if we can all stick with each other.
  • Also, this is something I’d like to work with everyone! We can always brainstorm this as a group too. I just think it makes the RP more engaging instead of me just being strictly a GM that controls ALL the plot points. Collaboration is fun, wouldn’t you agree?

Thanks for reading! Hopefully, I’ve gotten enough of your interest to start this! ^_^
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this has such a nostalgic vibe for some reason - it reminds me of those vintage mystery movies or books! but aah, i'm definitively interested. :ghost: it's a really cool idea omg. is it okay to just pm or will there be an ooc thread first? this might be a dumb question but i wanted to make sure fgbdjghf.

this has such a nostalgic vibe for some reason - it reminds me of those vintage mystery movies or books! but aah, i'm definitively interested. :ghost: it's a really cool idea omg. is it okay to just pm or will there be an ooc thread first? this might be a dumb question but i wanted to make sure fgbdjghf.

Thank you so much! I’m definitely a lover of mysteries so I’m hoping to play out some of my fave tropes and stuffs here. <3
And yeah, definitely you can just PM or even reply just like this. I was going to make an OOC once we have maybe one more person. But I’m so excited to have you on board!
pls, the way i immediately went like 👀 when i read through the plot. it's such a fun idea omg, i'm already excited!!if that's okay i'll reply here just in case somebody appears with a similar idea as me it's not awkward. :'')

i'm eyeing the eldest son just because i love playing stoic, no-nonsense and strict oldest siblings that desperately try to keep their siblings out of trouble, but just end up like this. maybe he could have been overly critical/harsh with them growing up and felt a lot of pressure on himself too, since he's the oldest? i was thinking a character that might not have always been the best brother and has some faults he'd have to face through the plot !!

as for the board game, i do have an idea of the eldest son really hating fun and anything to do with it, instead prefering very boring education - but being very passionate about one specific topic. so maybe it could have been a trivia board game related to that? i'm not 100% sure yet, but maybe a board game related to art or nature questions. ^^ omg this is kinda vague i know, but i'll def try to think of something concrete!

pls, the way i immediately went like 👀 when i read through the plot. it's such a fun idea omg, i'm already excited!!if that's okay i'll reply here just in case somebody appears with a similar idea as me it's not awkward. :'')

i'm eyeing the eldest son just because i love playing stoic, no-nonsense and strict oldest siblings that desperately try to keep their siblings out of trouble, but just end up like this. maybe he could have been overly critical/harsh with them growing up and felt a lot of pressure on himself too, since he's the oldest? i was thinking a character that might not have always been the best brother and has some faults he'd have to face through the plot !!

as for the board game, i do have an idea of the eldest son really hating fun and anything to do with it, instead prefering very boring education - but being very passionate about one specific topic. so maybe it could have been a trivia board game related to that? i'm not 100% sure yet, but maybe a board game related to art or nature questions. ^^ omg this is kinda vague i know, but i'll def try to think of something concrete!


Ahh!! I’m so in love with your character idea so far!! I hope it’s okay that I reserved a spot for you. <3

Honestly, I plan on making the youngest a loose canon so I think a strict, over-bearing brother is what she needs. She’s kinda a lost child, definitely figuring out her identity, worried about upholding her family’s reputation, but oops! She also just chopped off her long hair because she’s having a Molly Ringwald moment.

As for the board game, I think a trivia game is so fitting! I mean, not all trivia games are boring. What were his/their interests? Maybe it’s a trivia game about his/their favourite childhood heroes or villains or their favourite stories or even hobbies!

I mean, I think the eldest son would’ve probably been the closest father figure that the siblings had. I’m thinking that their dad was really busy chasing his dreams so he thanks his son for keeping the siblings in check.

My head canon between the youngest and oldest so far:

Super interested! I’d like to reserve the oldest daughter if that’s alright, and for her board game I’d think strategy since she’s always been interested in war and combat?
Super interested! I’d like to reserve the oldest daughter if that’s alright, and for her board game I’d think strategy since she’s always been interested in war and combat?

You most definitely can! I’m really excited to read more about her! :)

I’ll be linking an OOC and a CS sheet so we can all start plotting. I’m just busy with a few things atm, but by tonight or tomorrow morning, you guys will have it.

Thank you so much for your patience! ☺️
i'd like to yoink one of the twins, please... I'm thinking a game that's kinda like life meets seven wonders, its mostly life but you get the freedom to move off the path, and boost or attack others based on the cards life deals you... or socialist monopoly. that's fun too
i'd like to yoink one of the twins, please... I'm thinking a game that's kinda like life meets seven wonders, its mostly life but you get the freedom to move off the path, and boost or attack others based on the cards life deals you... or socialist monopoly. that's fun too

Wow! That’s so unique! I think a socialist monopoly sounds so interesting! 👍

I will reserve a twin spot for you. 😄
Wow! That’s so unique! I think a socialist monopoly sounds so interesting! 👍

I will reserve a twin spot for you. 😄
well, the trivia one is taken, so I'm thinking a comrade who's had a ton of grudges with their dad, mostly over "you do realise that the pieces for your games are made in sweatshops by children" and "you pay your workers minimum wage" and 'why the hell are you using amazon! the're a bunch of capitalist pigs!" and then the life re-mix was probably some sort of "you think you have control but its all up to chance" though in reality if everyone works together to boost each other, than everyone winds up happy and healthy.
well, the trivia one is taken, so I'm thinking a comrade who's had a ton of grudges with their dad, mostly over "you do realise that the pieces for your games are made in sweatshops by children" and "you pay your workers minimum wage" and 'why the hell are you using amazon! the're a bunch of capitalist pigs!" and then the life re-mix was probably some sort of "you think you have control but its all up to chance" though in reality if everyone works together to boost each other, than everyone winds up happy and healthy.

Haha. Yeah, I think it’s great to have a child who was aware of the implications for their father’s business. I can already tell that they might clash with their dad’s views. But I love the diversity of perspectives! It just makes this group all the more interesting! 👍

Ahh!! I’m so in love with your character idea so far!! I hope it’s okay that I reserved a spot for you. <3

Honestly, I plan on making the youngest a loose canon so I think a strict, over-bearing brother is what she needs. She’s kinda a lost child, definitely figuring out her identity, worried about upholding her family’s reputation, but oops! She also just chopped off her long hair because she’s having a Molly Ringwald moment.

As for the board game, I think a trivia game is so fitting! I mean, not all trivia games are boring. What were his/their interests? Maybe it’s a trivia game about his/their favourite childhood heroes or villains or their favourite stories or even hobbies!

I mean, I think the eldest son would’ve probably been the closest father figure that the siblings had. I’m thinking that their dad was really busy chasing his dreams so he thanks his son for keeping the siblings in check.

My head canon between the youngest and oldest so far:



and also omg, i can already imagine the dynamic. 👀i was hoping there would be a more, idk if chaotic is the right word but a sibling that maybe he could have a complicated relationship with! since she's more of a loose canon, maybe he always used to worry over and scold her or something? also pls not the molly ringwald era. :'')imagine she got a crazy haircut at one point and he acted like she just joined a gang jgfjhg.

and yeah!! i think maybe art trivia, though more obscure/in-depth than just 'who painted the mona lisa?' i was thinking art in general like also singing and etc, but i think paintings, drawings, sculptures and stuff like that would be easier to handle. 0:

and omg,, i was kinda hoping he was like parent figure, it would def explain some of his bad traits fjgjdg. i can imagine him trying to keep hell from breaking loose and it just never working. 🥲 BUT PLS I LOVE THAT, THE MEME.... pls head canon, they were like that vine of that baby up on that mattress. 😭 this one. he's just the one yelling 'stop putting them up there' and the youngest is straight up vibing.

but yes, ooc works fine w me!! lemme just drop in rq!

I'd like to reserve the last twin pls!
ooohhh... what were you thinking that they'd be like? also once you get the ok, we should probably pm, cause twins usually have a close, or at least very interesting dynamic and i'd love to figure ours out :)
Ooooh maybe an excitable business type? I'm thinking they looked up to their father the most in terms of what they managed to create, only in contrast to the twin they're very sheltered and sees no real issue with the business. For games I can imagine something similar to monopoly. Idk if this makes sense but maybe about a princess managing/growing her kingdom? Like a war game too, only very glittery and pink and instead of using combat it's negotiation or rolling a dice
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Ooooh maybe an excitable geeky businesswoman? I'm thinking they looked up to their father the most in terms of what they managed to create, only in contrast to the twin they're very sheltered and sees no real issue with the business. For games I can imagine something similar to monopoly. Idk if this makes sense but maybe about a princess managing/growing her kingdom? Like a war game too, only very glittery and pink and instead of using combat it's negotiation or rolling a dice
and then we have a lovley enby marxist who is very done with everyone's bs. they will be donating their share, they arent sure why they even agreed to play this game... and they are hella pissed with their twin...

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