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Fandom Full Metal Alchemist


Heir of the Shadows
Well I don't know a whole lot about FMA so you would have to ask among each other. I will say that you can either be an Alchemist(state or not, make sure to specify), a Soul bound Armour, or a Chimera.

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-Keep swearing to a minimum

-Keep romantic things to a minimum

-At least 1 paragraph Bio please
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Aran felt the erie breeze of the night raking through his clothes as he stood in a line. He had been in the newly erected reffugee sector of Central. It wasn't large or noteworthy, just a few slums crammed together in an attempt to make shelter. The little bit of land was a gift that the military had gracefully offered. Yet the entire organization of the sector was sub-par.

Over the past few days, Aran had been unable to locate his sister. But that didn't necessarily mean she hadn't made it. The line he had been waiting in for a day was an informational desk set up by the military. Being horribly understaffed by unmotivated desk workers, the info didn't move very quickly. As Aran finally reached the end of the line, he started to ask for their refugee records when a sign was slammed in his face. It said that the service was closed for the night.

"Dammit! Open back up you heartless warts!" he yelled. Yet there was no more response. The line began to dissipate with the angry grumblings of other refugees. Aran pulled a blanket out of his backpack and leaned against the front of the info stand. He would just have to wait all night. That's what he'd go through to make sure his sister was safe.

Curling up in the blanket and pulling his hood up, he attempted to make a rain barrier as best he could. Though it wasn't raining yet, he could smell it in the air.
Kerena had just arrived in Central when she heard about the refugees. And by heard she means she was trying to pickpocket someone when two loudly complaining soldiers walked past her and tried to capture her. They didn't expect a stone fist to smack them out of the way while Kerena ran off. She was now prowling around with her jacket pulled a bit tighter around her. She was trying to find the camp.

Man, it is cold in Central! Then again that might just be because she'd never been this far North in a long while. She shuddered as she walked, glancing around every once in a while. She forgot about finding a place to sleep. Maybe she can crash at that camp for the night...

'Heyyyy! There it is!' she thought, shuffling faster into the make-shift camp. It wasn't difficult to sneak in. It didn't even look like most of the guards were awake, while most of the refugees weren't even asleep. The cry of a random child startled her as she snuck past some guards- who luckily were distracted by the sound. She continued to creep along in search of a hiding place to rest, and soon found herself approaching an info station of some sort. "Damn, this place wasn't organized very well...."
Aran heard footsteps coming towards him. Opening his eyes slightly, he observed the newcomer. She obviously wasn't a refugee because her feet didn't shuffle and she wasn't softly sniffling to herself. Since she was by herself, Aran concluded that she was part of the military. Or at least she was an alchemist, because otherwise the perverted men of the area would have jumped her a long time ago. If she was military, she could help him. If she was just an alchemist, perhaps she could teach him some more.

With this information, Aran decided to speak up, "What are you snooping about this late at night for?"
Kerena looked over at the man with a raised eyebrow, her hand falling towards her knife. "Well, I was just trying to find a place to sleep without some creepy guard keepin' an eye on me." Good excuse, now go on Kerena... "What are you doing still awake?" Yes good woman. She stood a little straighter, despite the chills that crept down her spine.
"You're not a refugee," responded Aran matter of factly, "Can't you just rent a hotel? As for me, it's foolish to really fall asleep here. You'd find yourself completely naked and with absolutely nothing to call your own. You can put your knife away too, I'm not going to do anything to you. If I had a place of my own, I'd let you stay. But, as you can see, I'm camping out on the street."

She mentioned not wanting to get caught by guards. That must mean she's not military. Observed Aran, a little relieved.
She rolled her eyes. "Observant, are we? I'm just trying to find a place to rest my head and avoid most of the thugs on the street." And any wanted posters. "If you'll let me, I could sleep here by your side and if any, let's say, foolish thieves try to take either of our possessions, I will teach them a lesson. In return, if any guards question my presence, cover for me and say I am your cousin, who managed to find you on our way here."

Nice. Go make a deal with a stranger even though you'll end up not sleeping from distrust. Right. Good.
Aran scooted over a bit. "No problem with me. As long as you don't try to steal anything," he responded as he pulled off his hood, trying to look less creepy. "So... cousin. I'll need to know your name. I'm Aran Tierney."
"My name is Kerena von Brandt. So, coz, do you think you could tell me a bit about how on Earth this camp was started?" She sat next to him, stretching her arms out in front of her- gently flashing him her special gloves.
Yup, she's an alchemist alright. I wonder if she'll notice the huge transmutation circle on the back of my coat. "Well, as you probably know, the military is always in some sort of conflict. Recently somebody in Drachma got pissed off. So they've been invading a few cities in the north. I lived in..."

Aran paused for a second, thinking about his family. He was trying to put up a hard front, but he didn't know how much longer he could hold it if she kept asking him questions like this. "Anyways... um, it looks like you're an alchemist huh?"
She nods. "Yeah, been studying since I was a kid. Not with the State, though. Never with them," she muttered the last part bitterly, before continuing, "I've always been in the East, actually, I used to live just inside Ishval, so I grew up in the war. I'm no stranger to these camps, if you're wondering how I snuck in. These guards are full of themselves." She rubbed her palms together, feeling the gloves' friction heat her hands. She took a deep breath, glancing at him. "Lemme guess, your first time away from home?"
Aran shook his head, "No, it's not that. I used to travel all the time. But hey, do you think you could teach me some alchemy? I know some really simple and obscure stuff. But other than that, I haven't gotten a chance to train because of all the trouble the military causes."

It looked like she was going to keep asking those questions. If Aran wasn't careful, she would bring him to tears.
She laughed, pulling her research notebook out of her small bag. "Try giving this a read. Traveling around sure has it's perks. This thing has basics on all kinds of Alchemy I've found, and none of it is coded because the coding is total bullshit." She gave him a cheeky grin, holding it towards him. "Of course, I don't recommend hurting this book, because then I'd have to kill you!" She said in a cheery tone, the same grin on her face.

It was a bluff, of course, but she does value her notes.
"I promise I'll take care of it. But thanks! I've needed something like this to read." Almost immediately, Aran started reading the book. He was specifically centering on the offensive skills and anything he could find on human transmutation. Yet, this being a beginner book, there was virtually nothing on human transmutation.
"Anything specific you'd like to know? I haven't really written down anything advanced that I've read up on, cause I still need a new notebook for that, but I'm sure I'll remember something or another on a topic." She shrugged, glancing over his shoulder while he read. A habit she had picked up when she still had her older siblings.
Aran hesitated for a moment, not sure if he wanted to reveal that to her. Then he finally nodded. If she was going to teach him some stuff, he had to open up a little.

"Uh, yeah. Do you know if they can transmute h-humans?" He shuddered at the thought. It seemed wrong, but somehow he felt he had to try.
She looked at him like he had just grown two heads. "Human Transmutation? That's what you wanna know about?"

Is this kid CRAZY?! Then again, he probably doesn't know that much about Alchemy...

"Look, it's not the best thing to go digging around in. I know, I did a lot of research on it myself. But it's... it's not something that comes without a price. I've met someone who was driven insane by it." It's the truth, the poor lady was hiding in an Ishvalan slum while the refugees tried to help her. She just kept screaming about 'the Truth' and her children, those who she had tried to bring back. Even Kerena had prayed for her.

"Are you sure you want to know about it? No one has succeeded..."

She wouldn't deny him answers.
That put Aran a little on edge. He didn't like the prospect of having no answers. "Oh come on, somebody must have succeeded. I don't care, I'll do whatever it takes! You could never understand."
"Why do you want to learn so badly?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. Ok, so maybe she'd deny him if he didn't have a good reason. "And I'm not joking, no one in the history of Alchemy has successfully transmuted a human being. There have been cases of blood seals, but all of them either were rejected by the bodies they were put in, or they went insane themselves and began terrorizing the places they were made."
"Grr! That can't be! I have to save my mother and my brother... and possibly my sister! They didn't deserve to die!" tears began to come to his eyes as he said this, "Dammit! I have to know if my sister's okay!"
She nods, understanding a bit better. "At least you can find out if she's okay," she muttered, before coughing a little and saying, "If your family is already dead, then I'm sorry, but there is no way to get them back. All you can do is move on." She gave him a grim smile, shrugging and playing with her gloves. Don't think about them, Kerena. You don't need to join the waterworks...
"Damn them! They'll pay!" he yelled, slamming his fist into the ground. "But wait, you know a way to find my sister? I've got to find her Kerena. She's the only family I have left. Please help me."
rolls over in his bed his arm dangling off the bed his eyes slowly opening and taking in his surrondings. Thats right Kaylec is in the corner and Luna is in the other bed. He sits up in the bed rubbing his eyes and looks over at Kaylec. "Yo Kaylec get up!"
From The sound of The shouts. Luna eyes flutter open. She slowly rubs her eyes and glances at the other bed, IN that bed was Sebastian who was busy throwing lamps, and vases at Kaylec. "Oh Bast, Calm down, we have all the time in the world!" She then glances at Hallow who was sleeping at her feet. "Hallow!" She nudges Hallow, who wakes up mewing. She slips her Left glove on. and looks over to Kaylec who was now standing up, clanking his armour.

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